Trump should not concede

You record is based on your ideology, not facts, and I don't waste my time on ideology, whether Left or Right.
Just because you keep saying Trump will lose doesn't mean you understand how courts work.
I want to know the how the court thinks.
Spend a week or so visiting different news sites and then we can talk.
Your , "Trump is a doody head" is boring.

And yes, I don't waste time with RWers either.

And your youtube conspiracy theorist who called the president-elect 'Chicom Biden' wasn't motivated by ideology? Are you sure about that?

My analysis was based on the law, the court rulings, and the arguments being made by Trump's attorneys. For example, how they refused to argue fraud in any of their legal arguments.

If it was just luck, then you should have me go pick out some lottery ticket numbers for you. As I've been right on every issue I've discussed related to the election since about November 7th.

Not just right, but right in the exact order of the cases, even able to tell you WHY the Supreme Court would reject Texas' petition.

Its not luck, Independent. I'm simply better at reading the facts and the legal landscape than either you, or the youtube conspiracy theorist that you mindlessly aped for weeks.
Actually they kept going into court and admitting their "case" wasn't about fraud in the first place. That was all just for public consumption. So that the "court of public opinion" would stand by.
That's because "fraud" has a higher standard of proof. Which would have precluded even more of the affidavits they tried to introduce as evidence.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

dude if he does not seek another term and biden gets in,america will never be america again and wil be a commie dictatership forver,what trump NEEDS to do is follow the advise of that general and declare martial law to have another election again but one thats fair. find people like us to monitor the votes and everything.
View attachment 428321
three farts in a row from the trolls.

funny how you stupid fucks think YOU all three are the smart ones and the rest of the world are all idiots,better get off the crack your smoking.unlike you trolls,i post facts and back it up like these two videos below that the whole world loves him.

sorry the truth hurts that it is not the world that is stupid, it is you three trolls.:itsok::itsok::itsok:

Did you miss the massive celebrations in the streets worldwide the day Biden was announced the winner? You probably did because American conservatives live in a different reality than the rest of the human race. Most of the world abhors Trump.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
I think he should not concede either. There is massive evidence of Fraud. They just have to get to the right judge and give the man his day in court.

I have never seen a president denied his basic rights as an American citizen like this one has.

The Attorney General says otherwise:

"Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

There's a reason why Trump's legal team never ONCE made the legal argument in court that fraud had occured. Not once.

You've been played.

So how much fraud is ok?

So how much lying about the existence of fraud is OK?
Actually they kept going into court and admitting their "case" wasn't about fraud in the first place. That was all just for public consumption. So that the "court of public opinion" would stand by.
That's because "fraud" has a higher standard of proof. Which would have precluded even more of the affidavits they tried to introduce as evidence.

Yup. Rule 9b is what sent Trump and his attorneys running from every making the fraud claim in court. The judges asked Trump's team repeatedly if they were arguing fraud.....and they fastidiously and consistently said they were not.

There's a reason why the 'evidence' they presented at press conferences with pudding running down their faces was so very different from their legal arguments in court.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

dude if he does not seek another term and biden gets in,america will never be america again and wil be a commie dictatership forver,what trump NEEDS to do is follow the advise of that general and declare martial law to have another election again but one thats fair. find people like us to monitor the votes and everything.
View attachment 428321
three farts in a row from the trolls.

funny how you stupid fucks think YOU all three are the smart ones and the rest of the world are all idiots,better get off the crack your smoking.unlike you trolls,i post facts and back it up like these two videos below that the whole world loves him.

sorry the truth hurts that it is not the world that is stupid, it is you three trolls.:itsok::itsok::itsok:

Did you miss the massive celebrations in the streets worldwide the day Biden was announced the winner? You probably did because American conservatives live in a different reality than the rest of the human race. Most of the world abhors Trump.

Yeah, the reaction to Biden's victory among Americans has been rather festive:

My analysis was based on the law, the court rulings, and the arguments being made by Trump's attorneys. For example, how they refused to argue fraud in any of their legal arguments.

Not just right, but right in the exact order of the cases, even able to tell you WHY the Supreme Court would reject Texas' petition.

Everybody who sees one of those TV lawyers on fox news thinks they know what they're talking about. Many of the legal theories are made up just to defend Trump. And if a democrat was in office, they would argue the opposite.
If I were the libs, Id do this again in 2024. It worked great this time and no one stopped them.

You mean win the election?

Yeah, I'd do that again too.

No, they can just manufacture hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes just like they pulled off and no one will stop them. Id do it again if I were them.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

dude if he does not seek another term and biden gets in,america will never be america again and wil be a commie dictatership forver,what trump NEEDS to do is follow the advise of that general and declare martial law to have another election again but one thats fair. find people like us to monitor the votes and everything.
Hahah, you guys are nuts!!!
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
He should never concede. "In fact I think he should put out the call as Washington did prior to the 1st Revolutionary War. That makes me proud to think of that. Thousands of Patriots heeding Washington's call coming to Valley Forge during one of the harshest winters in history to preserve a coutry in the making against the British and their traitorous Whig political supporters in the American colonies. We have basically the same problem now with his faux election. I, as many others have NO desire to live under liberal rule. NONE WHATSOEVER!!!!
My analysis was based on the law, the court rulings, and the arguments being made by Trump's attorneys. For example, how they refused to argue fraud in any of their legal arguments.

Not just right, but right in the exact order of the cases, even able to tell you WHY the Supreme Court would reject Texas' petition.

Everybody who sees one of those TV lawyers on fox news thinks they know what they're talking about. Many of the legal theories are made up just to defend Trump. And if a democrat was in office, they would argue the opposite.

I don't claim to be an expert. I claim to have a passing understanding of the law and the ability to understand most of what's going on in the rulings that I read.

I'll let my record stand for me on whether or not I'm right in that claim.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

no one wants pussygrabber to concede and pretend he is somewhat normal, the guy is the gift that keeps on giving, what are comedians, all over the world, going to do without his craziness and buffoonery?

I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
He should never concede. "In fact I think he should put out the call as Washington did prior to the 1st Revolutionary War. That makes me proud to think of that. Thousands of Patriots heeding Washington's call coming to Valley Forge during one of the harshest winters in history to preserve a coutry in the making against the British and their traitorous Whig political supporters in the American colonies. We have basically the same problem now with his faux election. I, as many others have NO desire to live under liberal rule. NONE WHATSOEVER!!!!

So another call for military dictatorship.

I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

dude if he does not seek another term and biden gets in,america will never be america again and wil be a commie dictatership forver,what trump NEEDS to do is follow the advise of that general and declare martial law to have another election again but one thats fair. find people like us to monitor the votes and everything.
Hahah, you guys are nuts!!!

Seriously. Its like listening to a hormonal teen after they've been told they can't go the concert they want to see.

Its an argument that should come with a side of running mascara.
Yup. Rule 9b is what sent Trump and his attorneys running from every making the fraud claim in court. The judges asked Trump's team repeatedly if they were arguing fraud.....and they fastidiously and consistently said they were not.
Rule 9B of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure requires fraud to be pled with particularity. This creates a heightened pleading requirement, an additional burden on plaintiffs and the United States when filing a False Claims Act case

Thanks for the exact reference. I just saw Giuliani sweating when the judge asked him what standard he said should apply.
The longer Trump keeps this up, the more money he will get the suckers to send him.

And when he walks out of washington, I can bet he'll start a Trump TV network, where his supporters pay $5 a month.

50 million core supporters times $60 a year is a $3 billion dollar payday a year.

All hile trump sites in his 34’ X 20’prison cell at San Quentin

San Quentin Prison.jpg

He can become King of the west wing as
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I'll let my record stand for me on whether or not I'm right in that claim.

Before the case was dismissed, I posted on the Texas case thread, how many of the people there arguing
the court wouldn't just take the case, but rule in Trumps favor, would admit they were wrong.
Al while trump sites in his 34’ X 20’prison cell at San Quentin

View attachment 428354

He can become King of the west wing as

I have a feeling that if Trump is convicted of a federal crime (presumming Pence doesn't pardon him) that Biden might commute his sentence.

If Trump is convicted of state crimes, he's on his own. I think they'd create a Spandau Prison just for him.

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