Trump Signed Legal Documents He Knew Included False Voter Fraud Numbers, Judge Says

The highest approval rating Trump ever received was 49 percent.

That's the lowest high since such ratings have been tracked. All the way back to 1937.

Yet the snowflakes can't see how the sore loser lost. :auiqs.jpg:
Have you not been reading the thread???? The Prog Dupes all say the absentee ballots went to Biden

"Prog dupes" say that??

Can you quote them saying that?

Or do you mean you're a "prog dupe" since you said that?
Trump signed court document that knowingly included false voter fraud stats

According to Carter, Trump and his attorneys alleged in a Dec. 4 filing in Georgia state court that Fulton County had improperly counted more than 10,000 votes of dead people, felons and unregistered voters. They then moved that proceeding to federal court and discussed whether to use the same statistics in that filing. In private correspondence, Trump’s lawyers noted that the then-president had resisted signing documents containing “specific numbers.” On Dec. 31, Eastman emailed other Trump lawyers that the numbers filed in state court were not accurate.

“Although the President signed a verification for [the state court filing] back on Dec. 1, he has since been made aware that some of the allegations (and evidence proffered by the experts) has been inaccurate,” Eastman wrote in an email to colleagues. “For him to sign a new verification with that knowledge (and incorporation by reference) would not be accurate.”

However, Trump and his lawyers opted to file the federal complaint using the same numbers that Eastman conceded were inaccurate.

“President Trump, moreover, signed a verification swearing under oath that the incorporated, inaccurate numbers ‘are true and correct’ or ‘believed to be true and correct’ to the best of his knowledge and belief,” added Carter, an appointee of President Bill Clinton. “The emails show that President Trump knew that the specific numbers of voter fraud were wrong but continued to tout those numbers, both in court and to the public. The Court finds that these emails are sufficiently related to and in furtherance of a conspiracy to defraud the United States.”

A conspiracy to defraud the US much like the conspiracy Trump entered in to with Mike Cohen when he told Cohen to pay hush money to Daniels. Thereby trying to conceal an adulterous affair from the voters.

Now what? I imagine Eastman will appeal if that option is open to him. Because these e-mails have to be very damning to Trump........and Eastman. Otherwise they wouldn't be fighting so hard to keep the 1/6 committee from seeing them.
What exactly is the crime here, assuming this is true? He lied about thinking the election was stolen? Ok, then what happens? He goes to prison for lying? I dont believe lying is a crime, un less its under oath, and even then it rarely results in actual time in jail.

Im not understanding the significance of this, but im willing to listen to anyone who can explain it.
Maybe. The thing is he put this into a lawsuit and you’re not allowed to plainly lie to the courts.

“According to the judge, Eastman said in one of the email exchanges that Trump was aware that the number of voter fraud cases his team was alleging in a federal lawsuit challenging the election results in Georgia was "inaccurate." But, the judge said, Trump signed off on the suit, "swearing under oath" that the numbers were correct, anyway.”

The judge’s latest decision could also provide legal fodder for ongoing criminal investigations being conducted by the Justice Department and by prosecutors in Fulton County, Georgia into the efforts by Trump and his allies to overturn the election. It’s unclear whether those investigators already have the emails at issue, but if they don’t, Carter’s latest ruling has put some on the public record and could ease access to others.

I don't know why knowingly providing false information in a court filing, signed by Don, would not constitute perjury.
Retard, you asked, "why is Trump a traitor?"

Who's "they?"


What do ya mean whose they?
The insurrectionist of course,.
Are ya stupid or something?
Wait... Are you claiming that the only way to commit fraud in elections is by going in with "guns blazing?"

That's interesting. Does it always work that way or just when the fraud is committed by Trump?

There's been no mention of fraud Fukup.
Maybe. The thing is he put this into a lawsuit and you’re not allowed to plainly lie to the courts.

“According to the judge, Eastman said in one of the email exchanges that Trump was aware that the number of voter fraud cases his team was alleging in a federal lawsuit challenging the election results in Georgia was "inaccurate." But, the judge said, Trump signed off on the suit, "swearing under oath" that the numbers were correct, anyway.”

I dont know enough about the specifics of this thing he that signed and i have little faith that the media is 100% truthful when it comes to Trump, so i will wait for more information.

Regardless, this means NOTHING. It wont stop him from being president and it wont stop people from voting for him.
All that waste of keystrokes because you can't defend the orange POS. Go figure.

Defend him from what?
Retarded left wing accusations?
Considering nothing has come about as far Trump being prosecuted for anything I'm pretty sure he doesnt need me to defend him.
He attempted a coup to overthrow our democracy. Have you been in a coma?

There was no coup and everyone knows that.
The voters dont give a shit about Jan 6 and you'll see that reflected in the midterms.
The American people see it for what it is,another lame attempt to "Get Trump" at all costs.
I dont know enough about the specifics of this thing he that signed and i have little faith that the media is 100% truthful when it comes to Trump, so i will wait for more information.

Regardless, this means NOTHING. It wont stop him from being president and it wont stop people from voting for him.
You’re not going to “wait for more information”. You’re going to ignore it just like conservative media is going to ignore it.

That’s why it won’t stop people from voting for him. Ignorance.
You’re not going to “wait for more information”. You’re going to ignore it just like conservative media is going to ignore it.

That’s why it won’t stop people from voting for him. Ignorance.
You can bet your ass im ignoring left wing media. Im not a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

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