Trump Signs Executive Order Reestablishing National Space Council: ‘We’re Going to Lead Again’

Good news, but the focus should be on encouraging free market exploitation of space with NASA's bloated carcass reduced to consulting and theoretical research.
Oh I loved that line you wrote, bahahah right on the money too. the part after 8 yrs.
I wonder if that also means that NASA will no longer be used as a muslim outreach center?



Muslim faggot Barack Hussein Obama hated America, and did not want to see us succeeding in space. It's good to see our nation is now led by a man.
Trump Signs Executive Order Reestablishing National Space Council: 'We're Going to Lead Again'

Hooray for Trump!!!

After eight years of retreat from space under the Muslim America-hating faggot Obama, we now have a real President who realizes that America should lead!!!

PLEASE! I don't know if I can take all this winning! I'll just grit my teeth and keep hanging on for the next Big Trump Victory!

BTW, I understand that Trump Enterprises is coming out with 2 new products: a new Butt-hurt Creme with soothing Aloe Vera and a new Pussy-Rubbing Minty Herbal Wash! Both made in China at very low wages in sweatshops! Right where the Chinese belong------ working for Trump!

Oh! Another win. I can't take it. I think I'll take a couple of Trump Aspirin.
Liberals hate the space program because they are faggots who don't want American to win and do great things.
Undoing Ears's legacy bit by bit
And that right there is what has the snowflakes in their epic meltdown.

It doesn't get any better than that. I couldn't give a shit less how bad they whine and bitch and cry. They're only showing their true colors and America is getting a real good look at just what kind of pathetic filth they are.

If it weren't for Democrats, we'd have a permanent space base on the Moon by now and would be well on the way to Mars and the asteroids. Democrats hate the human race and don't want us to succeed. That's why they support abortion and homosexuality, because they hate the human race and want to see us die out.

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