Trump sinks further on Rasmussen

Morons like 12braincells don't realize that they've ALSO LOST.....they're just too dumb to realize it....... yet.

They're raving over Trump while at the same time not 1 in 10 of them supports one of Trump's top 3 initiatives,

the new healthcare bill.
Gee I guess this means Trump won't be elected President.

No, it means the GOP won't hold the House in 2018 if this keeps up.
Whatever gets you through the day never mind the fact these are the same polls that were predicting a Hillary win Democrats taking back the Senate and making big gains in House only a few months ago.
Chug a beer every time a liberal says "Russia".

Not too shabby. Trump is doing well in the polls. He's certainly more popular than democrats.

Trump Approval Rating Gets Big Bounce Thanks to Millennials and Minorities

’Disaster’ poll shows Democrats less popular than Trump, GOP or media

The Democrat rabid hysteria is starting to hurt.

Here's what crazycatlady posted from, big surprise, FOXNEWS:

Headline: Trump Approval Rating Gets Big Bounce Thanks to Millennials and Minorities

Text of article:

According to a polling report by Quinnipiac University, Trump’s approval rating has enjoyed a slight bounce from 38 percent on Feb. 22 to 41 percent on Tuesday. Meanwhile, his disapproval rating dropped from 55 percent to 52 percent over the same period.
Not too shabby. Trump is doing well in the polls. He's certainly more popular than democrats.

Trump Approval Rating Gets Big Bounce Thanks to Millennials and Minorities

’Disaster’ poll shows Democrats less popular than Trump, GOP or media

The Democrat rabid hysteria is starting to hurt.
i wonder what Trumps approval would be if u just polled the 55 states he won? California and New York are irrellevent to poll being 65% of the people who live there are just plain dumb,,,they just vote for anyone who has a "D" next to their names.
Yeah and they had shitbitch up by about eight points. so fukin whut mofo? you stupid asses never learn that YOU ARE HATED by everyone but stupid indoctrinated liberal shit. YOU LOST your little rapist group that was raping America and Trump is working day and night to heal Her. TRUMP won, America WON you thieving racist vomit spitting liberals LOSTTTTT. Spit your vomit and venom all you want, you are just Jokes. LOOOOSSSSEEERRRSS you ain't shit and never will be LOOOOOOSSSEEERSS And you are all so FFFFFFFUUUUUUNNNNNNAAAAAAHHHH to all who see.
It's always good to hear from the teens and young adults. When you get a few more years under your belt you'll surly see a few things differently. The hormones won't be racing so much with maturity and your teen angst will have mellowed!:up:
i wonder what Trumps approval would be if u just polled the 55 states he won? California and New York are irrellevent to poll being 65% of the people who live there are just plain dumb,,,they just vote for anyone who has a "D" next to their names.

True.....I forgot that Reagan and Pataki were democrats....LOL

That's so's almost like Trump is doing things that Russians like.

The State of Trump's State Department

I've heard of "Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon" but this is absurd: "TWO Degrees to Vladimir Putin"


Isn't that chart the greatest? Good work by a Freshman Congressman using all publicly available documents. Well done!
Rasmussen was one of these stupid polls that said Crooked Hillary was going to win by an EC landslide. They poll more Moon Bats than is representative of the general population so their credibility is pretty well shot.

Got anything else Moon Bats?
We've all seen that polls are useless,

No, polls are only useless when...One, they fraudulently keep on polling the same folks instead of random sampling,,,,,and Two, when those folks polled LIE to the pollsters.

No, gnat. the problem with the pollsters is that they are paid to produce a result that the people paying them want. Then they use a tiny (statistically insignificant) sample and tell rubes like you that it means something.

a sample of 1000 out of a population of 330,000,000 means absolutely nothing.
The polls said that Hillary would be president--------------end of story.

The Liberal press has been underestimating the appeal of Trump to Heartland America from day one. There is absolutely no indication that the Liberal press has any indication of learning from their mistakes.

That's so's almost like Trump is doing things that Russians like.

The State of Trump's State Department

I've heard of "Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon" but this is absurd: "TWO Degrees to Vladimir Putin"


Question..........Of Trump and Putin's love affair, who can we label as Juliet and who is Romeo?

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