Trump sinks further on Rasmussen

All we know is Trump is accomplishing more than Obama even with a corrupt Media and all the corrupt Dems and Repugs in the House and Senate.

Trump repealed Obamacare 'on day one' like he promised? Trump said it would be one of his first acts as president. Yet Obamacare is still there. And Trump has played golf nine times at last count.

presidents cannot repeal laws, only congress can do that.
Yep. I agree Trump is much better than Obama. Especially at golf.

Obama's approval rating is currently at 60%, Trumps is between 40% and 45%, so your opinion of their comparison smacks in the face of the american people.

approval polls conducted by the same pollsters who said Hillary had a 90% chance of winning and that Trump had no path to 270 electoral votes.

Its bullshit, but buy into it if it makes you feel good.
trump by far is the most erratic and most corrupt piece of shit to have ever been elevated to POTUS in my lifetime which extends back to FDR. He has far, far exceeded LBJ's and Nixon's poor reps in less than 2 months already! His non-statesmanship behavior and conduct is wearing his thinning veil of support down. He will be either impeached or run out under Amendment XXV before the 2018 congressional elections, your prognostication notwithstanding.

The Nation can start making America great again by shit canning trump and his crooked crew!
We started making America great again by shit canning maggots like you. Only full blooded retards believe polling at this point. The mood is up, business is up, America is feeling it and we pee on filth like you now. You're done.
Where is the mood up?
Where is business up?
The Rump is universally hated

everywhere except the ghettos and the far left wing academics and Hollywood. Real America is optimistic, jobs are being created, the market is up, consumer confidence is high. .

The unemployment was low, confidence is high, economy was booming even way before the elections...... That Trump and his followers are all in denial and refused to accept then continued trashing Obama......... Suddenly Trump is now taking all the these credits. Get real dude.
Unemployment rate was fake and fictional under Obama........ Now it's real numbers. That's sickening...... Don't you think?
All we know is Trump is accomplishing more than Obama even with a corrupt Media and all the corrupt Dems and Repugs in the House and Senate.

Trump repealed Obamacare 'on day one' like he promised? Trump said it would be one of his first acts as president. Yet Obamacare is still there. And Trump has played golf nine times at last count.

A lot of that stuff promised was un-doable and rational people knew it! It's the slow and Ill-informed supporters that don't mind being lied to and have their hopes and dreams dashed! Republicans own it all and have gotten absolutely nothing done! Executive Orders can't be called legislation! Any chimp can sign a piece of paper; still waiting for intelligent thought to come out of the White House! I think we'll be waiting a while; wake me when winter's over! :disbelief::ack-1:
Update: Trump down to 44% on Rasmussen. And to think it took the 'no WMD's in Iraq' plus Katrina to get GW Bush that low.

I have a feeling Trump and his surrogates will be pining for these numbers in a couple months! It's looking more and more likely there was collusion with the Russians with many of Trump associates closely linked to criminal enterprises! Woolsey quit in Jan. a few months after being in a "foreign" meeting with Flynn dealing with the kidnapping of someone living here in the States who facilitated an "overthrow" back in Turkey! This is blowing up faster than Watergate or Iran/Contra! The only question is who will talk first; Manifort, Stone, Flynn, or Page? :blowup:

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