Trump sinks further on Rasmussen

This is my last comment on any thread anyone posts on polls.

No one can base a presidency on a poll or someone's interpretation of a poll.

Sampling size is too small. Demographics are never shown.

The full data sets are never posted.

1,000 people surveyed does not equal 300 Million. And even time of day and weather affects polling as does whether the polling primarily took place in an urban or rural environment or a particular state.

You may as well throw chicken bones on an animal hide or read tea leaves.

The polls are being paid for by The DNC and they publish selective results and craft what are called leading questions to try to push the surveyee towards a desired result.

It's a waste of everyone's time to comment on polling. It's a fool's game and a poll is nothing but a tool for Trolls to troll a forum and should simply be ignored and the same goes for unsubstantiated accusations and the unsupported opinions of biased people with agendas.

Please Bitch Slap Me if I respond to any Poll Based threads in the future and bitch slap yourself if you do the same.

Well said and 100% accurate. popular mandate.....But not by antiquated, anti-democracy methods......

the Electoral college is the constitutional way we elect presidents. If you don't like it, tough shit.

So was the 3/5ths way we once counted blacks.

then get the congress to pass a bill to do away with it and then get 38 states to ratify it. Until then the EC is what we use to elect presidents.

Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

The American people rejected: Hillary, the Obama legacy, democrats, and liberalism in general. You fools had your chance and you blew it with the Kenyan messiah.

The difficulty entailed in changing a policy has absolutely nothing to do with the merits of a policy. Just because it would be extremely difficult to get rid of the electoral college that does not prove that it's a good policy.

would it be a good policy to let LA, NYC, and Houston elect our presidents and disenfranchise the rest of the country?

You don't like the EC because it worked against your terrible candidate this time, next time it might be reversed, and you would be singing the praises of the electoral college.

Yes, if that's the places where the most people are. Democracy is government of the People, by the People, for the People.

No legitimate reason to give rural people disproportionate power.
This is my last comment on any thread anyone posts on polls.

No one can base a presidency on a poll or someone's interpretation of a poll.

Sampling size is too small. Demographics are never shown.

The full data sets are never posted.

1,000 people surveyed does not equal 300 Million. And even time of day and weather affects polling as does whether the polling primarily took place in an urban or rural environment or a particular state.

You may as well throw chicken bones on an animal hide or read tea leaves.

The polls are being paid for by The DNC and they publish selective results and craft what are called leading questions to try to push the surveyee towards a desired result.

It's a waste of everyone's time to comment on polling. It's a fool's game and a poll is nothing but a tool for Trolls to troll a forum and should simply be ignored and the same goes for unsubstantiated accusations and the unsupported opinions of biased people with agendas.

Please Bitch Slap Me if I respond to any Poll Based threads in the future and bitch slap yourself if you do the same.

So your argument is that no one has any idea of how the American people are viewing Trump's actions as president.
So your argument is that no one has any idea of how the American people are viewing Trump's actions as president.

Even if you can't use a miscalibrated altimeter to tell how far you're from the ground, you can still use it to measure how far you've descended or climbed. Rasmussen can't tell us what Trumps job approval rate is, but we know he dropped 11 points..
About two years ago democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history. Since Hussein was elected, the DNC lost about 2,000 elections and most of the state governors and a couple of months ago the senate majority and the Presidency. Democrats relied on polling data for a couple of years up until 9PM on election night and today President Trump is running circles around the DNC and the liberal media. Meanwhile the left worries about Rasmussen polling data and pretends that somehow, some way they can reverse the election last November. As long as the tired radical left keeps pandering to their stupid angry base they will sink further into oblivion.
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Are you old enough to remember how you lefties claimed that Reagan was a reckless cowboy that would start a nuclear war?

The Left are foul liars.

Once again, EVERY fucking RWnut on this forum has to lie about what I've ever believed.

Your claim of independent thought is hard to credit as you constantly parrot the left's lies.

Just the other day, I had a lefty tell me that America supported Joseph FUcking Stalin. Can you believe the shit you lefties spew?

Then list my lies.

Dismissing my valid point about the Left's constant propaganda as "rightwing victimology" is one.

Tracing Trump's numbers, and not leading in the OP, with a discussion about the effect of the Left's vile lies, crushes any claim to credibility you might have had.

So you do or do not think that Trump has been a victim of liberal propaganda?

I have already been very clear about that.

YOu ask the question not to get an answer you already have, but to put some spin on it.

Much like your thought masters in the media.

Your semantic games are noted and rejected.

Any drop in poll numbers has to be primarily attributed to the vile propaganda of the vile lefty media.
Once again, EVERY fucking RWnut on this forum has to lie about what I've ever believed.

Your claim of independent thought is hard to credit as you constantly parrot the left's lies.

Just the other day, I had a lefty tell me that America supported Joseph FUcking Stalin. Can you believe the shit you lefties spew?

Then list my lies.

Dismissing my valid point about the Left's constant propaganda as "rightwing victimology" is one.

Tracing Trump's numbers, and not leading in the OP, with a discussion about the effect of the Left's vile lies, crushes any claim to credibility you might have had.

So you do or do not think that Trump has been a victim of liberal propaganda?

I have already been very clear about that.

YOu ask the question not to get an answer you already have, but to put some spin on it.

Much like your thought masters in the media.

Your semantic games are noted and rejected.

Any drop in poll numbers has to be primarily attributed to the vile propaganda of the vile lefty media.

You've given two different answers to the same question.
Once again, EVERY fucking RWnut on this forum has to lie about what I've ever believed.

Your claim of independent thought is hard to credit as you constantly parrot the left's lies.

Just the other day, I had a lefty tell me that America supported Joseph FUcking Stalin. Can you believe the shit you lefties spew?

Then list my lies.

Dismissing my valid point about the Left's constant propaganda as "rightwing victimology" is one.

Tracing Trump's numbers, and not leading in the OP, with a discussion about the effect of the Left's vile lies, crushes any claim to credibility you might have had.

So you do or do not think that Trump has been a victim of liberal propaganda?

I have already been very clear about that.

YOu ask the question not to get an answer you already have, but to put some spin on it.

Much like your thought masters in the media.

Your semantic games are noted and rejected.

Any drop in poll numbers has to be primarily attributed to the vile propaganda of the vile lefty media.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Your claim of independent thought is hard to credit as you constantly parrot the left's lies.

Just the other day, I had a lefty tell me that America supported Joseph FUcking Stalin. Can you believe the shit you lefties spew?

Then list my lies.

Dismissing my valid point about the Left's constant propaganda as "rightwing victimology" is one.

Tracing Trump's numbers, and not leading in the OP, with a discussion about the effect of the Left's vile lies, crushes any claim to credibility you might have had.

So you do or do not think that Trump has been a victim of liberal propaganda?

I have already been very clear about that.

YOu ask the question not to get an answer you already have, but to put some spin on it.

Much like your thought masters in the media.

Your semantic games are noted and rejected.

Any drop in poll numbers has to be primarily attributed to the vile propaganda of the vile lefty media.

You've given two different answers to the same question.

You are now just playing games to obscure the point, that Trump's drop in the polls has to be primarily attributed to the vile propaganda of the vile lefty media.
Your claim of independent thought is hard to credit as you constantly parrot the left's lies.

Just the other day, I had a lefty tell me that America supported Joseph FUcking Stalin. Can you believe the shit you lefties spew?

Then list my lies.

Dismissing my valid point about the Left's constant propaganda as "rightwing victimology" is one.

Tracing Trump's numbers, and not leading in the OP, with a discussion about the effect of the Left's vile lies, crushes any claim to credibility you might have had.

So you do or do not think that Trump has been a victim of liberal propaganda?

I have already been very clear about that.

YOu ask the question not to get an answer you already have, but to put some spin on it.

Much like your thought masters in the media.

Your semantic games are noted and rejected.

Any drop in poll numbers has to be primarily attributed to the vile propaganda of the vile lefty media.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Brilliant comeback. I hope you didn't strain something with all that thinking.
the Electoral college is the constitutional way we elect presidents. If you don't like it, tough shit.

So was the 3/5ths way we once counted blacks.

then get the congress to pass a bill to do away with it and then get 38 states to ratify it. Until then the EC is what we use to elect presidents.

Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

The American people rejected: Hillary, the Obama legacy, democrats, and liberalism in general. You fools had your chance and you blew it with the Kenyan messiah.

The difficulty entailed in changing a policy has absolutely nothing to do with the merits of a policy. Just because it would be extremely difficult to get rid of the electoral college that does not prove that it's a good policy.

would it be a good policy to let LA, NYC, and Houston elect our presidents and disenfranchise the rest of the country?

You don't like the EC because it worked against your terrible candidate this time, next time it might be reversed, and you would be singing the praises of the electoral college.

Yes, if that's the places where the most people are. Democracy is government of the People, by the People, for the People.

No legitimate reason to give rural people disproportionate power.

the reason that the founders set up the electoral college was to give every American a say in presidential elections. A pure popular vote disenfranchises everyone who does not live in a major population center.

They recognized that the wants and needs of americans differed based on where they lived and the EC was created to give a proportional say to all locations.

But, again, if you don't like it get congress to pass a bill to eliminate it and then get 38 states to ratify it. Until then, deal with it and deal with the loss of your terrible candidate and her failed ideology.
Then list my lies.

Dismissing my valid point about the Left's constant propaganda as "rightwing victimology" is one.

Tracing Trump's numbers, and not leading in the OP, with a discussion about the effect of the Left's vile lies, crushes any claim to credibility you might have had.

So you do or do not think that Trump has been a victim of liberal propaganda?

I have already been very clear about that.

YOu ask the question not to get an answer you already have, but to put some spin on it.

Much like your thought masters in the media.

Your semantic games are noted and rejected.

Any drop in poll numbers has to be primarily attributed to the vile propaganda of the vile lefty media.

You've given two different answers to the same question.

You are now just playing games to obscure the point, that Trump's drop in the polls has to be primarily attributed to the vile propaganda of the vile lefty media.

there is another factor. Many of the pollsters share the agenda of the vile lefty media. Those same pollsters said that Hillary had a 90% chance of winning and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied and they continue to lie.

Today's polls are not intended to report on public opinion but to influence it.
You won the election? popular mandate.....But not by antiquated, anti-democracy methods......

the Electoral college is the constitutional way we elect presidents. If you don't like it, tough shit.

So was the 3/5ths way we once counted blacks.

then get the congress to pass a bill to do away with it and then get 38 states to ratify it. Until then the EC is what we use to elect presidents.

Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

The American people rejected: Hillary, the Obama legacy, democrats, and liberalism in general. You fools had your chance and you blew it with the Kenyan messiah.

The difficulty entailed in changing a policy has absolutely nothing to do with the merits of a policy. Just because it would be extremely difficult to get rid of the electoral college that does not prove that it's a good policy.

a good policy is one that works. the EC kept Hillary out of the whitehouse, therefore it worked and is a good policy.
Then list my lies.

Dismissing my valid point about the Left's constant propaganda as "rightwing victimology" is one.

Tracing Trump's numbers, and not leading in the OP, with a discussion about the effect of the Left's vile lies, crushes any claim to credibility you might have had.

So you do or do not think that Trump has been a victim of liberal propaganda?

I have already been very clear about that.

YOu ask the question not to get an answer you already have, but to put some spin on it.

Much like your thought masters in the media.

Your semantic games are noted and rejected.

Any drop in poll numbers has to be primarily attributed to the vile propaganda of the vile lefty media.

You've given two different answers to the same question.

You are now just playing games to obscure the point, that Trump's drop in the polls has to be primarily attributed to the vile propaganda of the vile lefty media.
Trump's drop in the polls is due to his being confirmed as a vile pathological liar. It was put up with during the campaign as "politics as usual". Now that he is President people see it differently. In addition, he has flip-flopped on key issues and people are realizing his promises are being broken and his programs will never develop.
Dismissing my valid point about the Left's constant propaganda as "rightwing victimology" is one.

Tracing Trump's numbers, and not leading in the OP, with a discussion about the effect of the Left's vile lies, crushes any claim to credibility you might have had.

So you do or do not think that Trump has been a victim of liberal propaganda?

I have already been very clear about that.

YOu ask the question not to get an answer you already have, but to put some spin on it.

Much like your thought masters in the media.

Your semantic games are noted and rejected.

Any drop in poll numbers has to be primarily attributed to the vile propaganda of the vile lefty media.

You've given two different answers to the same question.

You are now just playing games to obscure the point, that Trump's drop in the polls has to be primarily attributed to the vile propaganda of the vile lefty media.
Trump's drop in the polls is due to his being confirmed as a vile pathological liar. It was put up with during the campaign as "politics as usual". Now that he is President people see it differently. In addition, he has flip-flopped on key issues and people are realizing his promises are being broken and his programs will never develop.

What did he lie about? give us a list.

His policies are already producing jobs and reducing illegal entry into our country. The obamacare disaster will soon be nothing but a bad memory and Obama's failed 8 years will go down in history as the worst ever. The insane sanctuary cities are being defunded and Obama's idiotic EOs are being cancelled.

The failed racist vile left wing ideology is being rejected by the American people and replaced with constitutional business-favorable, job producing policies.

The failure of liberalism is being acknowledged around the world.

Trump has done more for this country in 50 days than Obama and Bush did in 16 years. popular mandate.....But not by antiquated, anti-democracy methods......

the Electoral college is the constitutional way we elect presidents. If you don't like it, tough shit.

So was the 3/5ths way we once counted blacks.

then get the congress to pass a bill to do away with it and then get 38 states to ratify it. Until then the EC is what we use to elect presidents.

Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

The American people rejected: Hillary, the Obama legacy, democrats, and liberalism in general. You fools had your chance and you blew it with the Kenyan messiah.

The difficulty entailed in changing a policy has absolutely nothing to do with the merits of a policy. Just because it would be extremely difficult to get rid of the electoral college that does not prove that it's a good policy.

a good policy is one that works. the EC kept Hillary out of the whitehouse, therefore it worked and is a good policy.

It got us the Iraq War too, remember?
the Electoral college is the constitutional way we elect presidents. If you don't like it, tough shit.

So was the 3/5ths way we once counted blacks.

then get the congress to pass a bill to do away with it and then get 38 states to ratify it. Until then the EC is what we use to elect presidents.

Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

The American people rejected: Hillary, the Obama legacy, democrats, and liberalism in general. You fools had your chance and you blew it with the Kenyan messiah.

The difficulty entailed in changing a policy has absolutely nothing to do with the merits of a policy. Just because it would be extremely difficult to get rid of the electoral college that does not prove that it's a good policy.

a good policy is one that works. the EC kept Hillary out of the whitehouse, therefore it worked and is a good policy.

It got us the Iraq War too, remember?

the electoral college got us the Iraq war? What are you smoking this morning?

What exactly do you think the idiot Gore would have done after 9/11? Would he just have sent some carbon credits to the Taliban and Saddam and asked them to play nice?

the reason that the founders set up the electoral college was to give every American a say in presidential elections. A pure popular vote disenfranchises everyone who does not live in a major population center.


1. no that's not why the electoral was set up.

2. You claim an electoral college is needed to give every American a say in a presidential election.

Are you thus saying that electing Senators and Governors by popular vote does NOT give every voter in any given state a say in those elections?
So was the 3/5ths way we once counted blacks.

then get the congress to pass a bill to do away with it and then get 38 states to ratify it. Until then the EC is what we use to elect presidents.

Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

The American people rejected: Hillary, the Obama legacy, democrats, and liberalism in general. You fools had your chance and you blew it with the Kenyan messiah.

The difficulty entailed in changing a policy has absolutely nothing to do with the merits of a policy. Just because it would be extremely difficult to get rid of the electoral college that does not prove that it's a good policy.

a good policy is one that works. the EC kept Hillary out of the whitehouse, therefore it worked and is a good policy.

It got us the Iraq War too, remember?

the electoral college got us the Iraq war? What are you smoking this morning?

What exactly do you think the idiot Gore would have done after 9/11? Would he just have sent some carbon credits to the Taliban and Saddam and asked them to play nice?

Gore would have never invaded Iraq. It took a systematic series of Republicans lies to get us into Iraq.
then get the congress to pass a bill to do away with it and then get 38 states to ratify it. Until then the EC is what we use to elect presidents.

Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

The American people rejected: Hillary, the Obama legacy, democrats, and liberalism in general. You fools had your chance and you blew it with the Kenyan messiah.

The difficulty entailed in changing a policy has absolutely nothing to do with the merits of a policy. Just because it would be extremely difficult to get rid of the electoral college that does not prove that it's a good policy.

a good policy is one that works. the EC kept Hillary out of the whitehouse, therefore it worked and is a good policy.

It got us the Iraq War too, remember?

the electoral college got us the Iraq war? What are you smoking this morning?

What exactly do you think the idiot Gore would have done after 9/11? Would he just have sent some carbon credits to the Taliban and Saddam and asked them to play nice?

Gore would have never invaded Iraq. It took a systematic series of Republicans lies to get us into Iraq.

I am not a proponent of the stupid Iraq "war". But you have no way of knowing what that idiot Gore would have done and neither do I.

There were no lies, there was bad intel that was bought into by both parties. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. It is highly likely that a similar scenario would have occurred under Gore.

Your partisan bullshit makes you look like a fool.

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