Trump sinks further on Rasmussen

Mrs. Clinton's campaign was misdirected, with blind and fruitless ambitions as final goal. Her managers were those who would manage a baseball team to record most hits, strike outs and walks, never mind about runs.

I would say give Mr. Trump a chance..

Think about it. Clinton's 'long game' was to get the most number of americans behind her. Trumps 'short game' was to get a minority support of EC heavy states.

Those who are still bitching about the popular vote and cry that Hillary should be president, here is a piece of advice from someone who has not even got a dog in the hunt:

Presidential election is for the Electoral College.

Run your campaign accordingly. and stop bitching if you did not, and lost.

You understand the US better than many of these Moon Bats.

That is something these Moon Bats have a hard time understanding.

Trump did not run a campaign to win the popular vote because it was not needed. The rules are for the EC and he conducted his campaign accordingly.

Trump spent time in the swing states instead of the states with the mega popular votes like New York and California.

He ran (with the advice of Kellyanne Conway) a much smarter campaign than Crooked Hillary. That is his background as a businessman. He kept the eye on the prize and went for the bottom line.

Crooked Hillary was just as incompetent in her campaigning as she was in her job as Secretary of State and Senator. She is a two time loser. These Moon Bats were idiots choosing her as their candidate.

I worked in our company's head office in Akron,Ohio, commuting from Hamilton, Ontario, weekly, invited by top brass to do so, for a software I developed.

I never had better workmates, or superiors than the Americans I worked with from 1997 to 2003.

So, I learned about America from 1776 to 9/11 2001, when my heart broke as much as that of my American colleagues.

Mrs. Clinton's campaign was misdirected, with blind and fruitless ambitions as final goal. Her managers were those who would manage a baseball team to record most hits, strike outs and walks, never mind about runs.

I would say give Mr. Trump a chance.

General Eisenhower was not a traditional politician either. Yet, he gave America the Interstate Highway system.

Think about that.
Like republicans gave Obama a chance?
The ONE poll that the Trump cult has clung to for the last two months is finally forsaking them:

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

The only poll that matters is the one come election time, faggot.
How do you think it happened that liberals lost so badly? They were convinced they had won to the point where they could not accept the loss. Now they are doing it again.

Lost so badly?

Goddam that's funny.
Mrs. Clinton's campaign was misdirected, with blind and fruitless ambitions as final goal. Her managers were those who would manage a baseball team to record most hits, strike outs and walks, never mind about runs.

I would say give Mr. Trump a chance..

Think about it. Clinton's 'long game' was to get the most number of americans behind her. Trumps 'short game' was to get a minority support of EC heavy states.

That was hardly Trump's 'strategy'. Trump was going around claiming he was going to win states like NY.
The ONE poll that the Trump cult has clung to for the last two months is finally forsaking them:

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

Propaganda can have an effect, if you are loud enough and vile enough.


Oh yes, rightwing victimology. boo hoo. You people are the worst crybabies on earth.

Are you old enough to remember how you lefties claimed that Reagan was a reckless cowboy that would start a nuclear war?

The Left are foul liars.
The ONE poll that the Trump cult has clung to for the last two months is finally forsaking them:

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

Propaganda can have an effect, if you are loud enough and vile enough.


Oh yes, rightwing victimology. boo hoo. You people are the worst crybabies on earth.

Are you old enough to remember how you lefties claimed that Reagan was a reckless cowboy that would start a nuclear war?

The Left are foul liars.
You hero Rump lies to you every day of your pathetic lives, and you aren't bright enough to know better
The ONE poll that the Trump cult has clung to for the last two months is finally forsaking them:

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

The only poll that matters is the one come election time, faggot.

Gee you didn't think that when you were ranting on and on about Obama's low approval rating a couple years ago:

What will you ignorant libs say when Obama vetoes everything?

post 98

You're phonier than Trump, fucktard.
The ONE poll that the Trump cult has clung to for the last two months is finally forsaking them:

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

Propaganda can have an effect, if you are loud enough and vile enough.


Oh yes, rightwing victimology. boo hoo. You people are the worst crybabies on earth.

Are you old enough to remember how you lefties claimed that Reagan was a reckless cowboy that would start a nuclear war?

The Left are foul liars.

Once again, EVERY fucking RWnut on this forum has to lie about what I've ever believed.
Yeah and that "republican leaning" Rasmussen poll had Hillary winning right up until the end. I guess the presumed bias is they didn't have Hillary winning by double digits like the other polls ?
The ONE poll that the Trump cult has clung to for the last two months is finally forsaking them:

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

Propaganda can have an effect, if you are loud enough and vile enough.


Oh yes, rightwing victimology. boo hoo. You people are the worst crybabies on earth.

Are you old enough to remember how you lefties claimed that Reagan was a reckless cowboy that would start a nuclear war?

The Left are foul liars.
You hero Rump lies to you every day of your pathetic lives, and you aren't bright enough to know better

Aw, did I strike a nerve?
Mrs. Clinton's campaign was misdirected, with blind and fruitless ambitions as final goal. Her managers were those who would manage a baseball team to record most hits, strike outs and walks, never mind about runs.

I would say give Mr. Trump a chance..

Think about it. Clinton's 'long game' was to get the most number of americans behind her. Trumps 'short game' was to get a minority support of EC heavy states.

That was hardly Trump's 'strategy'. Trump was going around claiming he was going to win states like NY.

Screw New York, It was always and always will be a lost cause.

He got the states that counted. That is why he is President and Clinton is not.
The ONE poll that the Trump cult has clung to for the last two months is finally forsaking them:

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

Propaganda can have an effect, if you are loud enough and vile enough.


Oh yes, rightwing victimology. boo hoo. You people are the worst crybabies on earth.

Are you old enough to remember how you lefties claimed that Reagan was a reckless cowboy that would start a nuclear war?

The Left are foul liars.

Once again, EVERY fucking RWnut on this forum has to lie about what I've ever believed.

Your claim of independent thought is hard to credit as you constantly parrot the left's lies.

Just the other day, I had a lefty tell me that America supported Joseph FUcking Stalin. Can you believe the shit you lefties spew?
Yeah and that "republican leaning" Rasmussen poll had Hillary winning right up until the end. I guess the presumed bias is they didn't have Hillary winning by double digits like the other polls ?

Rasmussen ADMITS their approval poll methodology adds about 4 points to a president's approval number.

You can read it right here:

Mystery Pollster: Rasmussen Update: A Lesson in Measurement Error

Rasmussen offered this explanation:

When comparing Job Approval ratings between different polling firms, it's important to focus on trends rather than absolute numbers. One reason for this is that different firms ask Job Approval questions in different ways. At Rasmussen Reports, we ask if people Strongly Approve, Somewhat Approve, Somewhat Disapprove, or Strongly Disapprove of the way the President is performing his job. This approach, in the current political environment, yields results about 3-4 points higher than if we simply ask if people if they approve or disapprove (we have tested this by asking the question both ways on the same night). Presumably, this is because some people who are a bit uncomfortable saying they "Approve" are willing to say they "Somewhat Approve." It's worth noting that, with our approach, virtually nobody offers a "Not Sure" response when asked about the President.
The ONE poll that the Trump cult has clung to for the last two months is finally forsaking them:

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

Propaganda can have an effect, if you are loud enough and vile enough.


Oh yes, rightwing victimology. boo hoo. You people are the worst crybabies on earth.

Are you old enough to remember how you lefties claimed that Reagan was a reckless cowboy that would start a nuclear war?

The Left are foul liars.

Once again, EVERY fucking RWnut on this forum has to lie about what I've ever believed.

Your claim of independent thought is hard to credit as you constantly parrot the left's lies.

Just the other day, I had a lefty tell me that America supported Joseph FUcking Stalin. Can you believe the shit you lefties spew?

Then list my lies.
Mrs. Clinton's campaign was misdirected, with blind and fruitless ambitions as final goal. Her managers were those who would manage a baseball team to record most hits, strike outs and walks, never mind about runs.

I would say give Mr. Trump a chance..

Think about it. Clinton's 'long game' was to get the most number of americans behind her. Trumps 'short game' was to get a minority support of EC heavy states.

That was hardly Trump's 'strategy'. Trump was going around claiming he was going to win states like NY.

Screw New York, It was always and always will be a lost cause.

He got the states that counted. That is why he is President and Clinton is not.
Never forget, who the people wanted- it wasn't Rump and after these few weeks we know why

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