Trump sinks further on Rasmussen

The ONE poll that the Trump cult has clung to for the last two months is finally forsaking them:

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

That's because even stupid people can recognize crazy. Just takes 'em a little longer than the rest of us.

Yet, the REAL stupid people still can not come to terms with the results of the election last November. No news there, though. Same bastards bitched in 2000 as well.
Not too shabby. Trump is doing well in the polls. He's certainly more popular than democrats.

Trump Approval Rating Gets Big Bounce Thanks to Millennials and Minorities

’Disaster’ poll shows Democrats less popular than Trump, GOP or media

The Democrat rabid hysteria is starting to hurt.
i wonder what Trumps approval would be if u just polled the 55 states he won? California and New York are irrellevent to poll being 65% of the people who live there are just plain dumb,,,they just vote for anyone who has a "D" next to their names.


People of New York (with respect to the normal people of rural areas) and the people of California are the REAL stupid rubes, not the honest hard working people of the heartland.
i wonder what Trumps approval would be if u just polled the 55 states he won? California and New York are irrellevent to poll being 65% of the people who live there are just plain dumb,,,they just vote for anyone who has a "D" next to their names.

True.....I forgot that Reagan and Pataki were democrats....LOL

They may have been, until they saw the light, matured and got their brains in working order.

No normal person could ever stay liberal/Democrat on his/her own free will.
If a Republican can't poll well on Rassmussen....where can he?

I wouldn't be surprised if some place like Breitbart suddenly came up with a new polling organization to give Trump and his cult something to cite.
I wouldn't be surprised if you hacks never get over the fact that HE WON & HE IS YOUR PRESIDENT

God you people are idiots.

The 2016 national polls are looking less wrong after final election tallies

Hillary won the election just as the polls said she did. 3 million more votes is winning in every other country in the world. The only reason she isn't the President is because slave rapers wanted the electoral college.

I am not an American, but I take offense to someone calling the Founding Fathers slave rapers.

Those who owned slaves simply took advantage of the prevailing economic conditions at the time.

If those had not been sold by fellow black people, they would not have ever became slaves on an American plantation. If those same slaves had had any brains, they would have built ships, learn navigation and sailed to Europe a captured and sold into slavery white folks who deserved just such fate.

Those who are still bitching about the popular vote and cry that Hillary should be president, here is a piece of advice from someone who has not even got a dog in the hunt:

Presidential election is for the Electoral College.

Run your campaign accordingly. and stop bitching if you did not, and lost.
the Electoral college is the constitutional way we elect presidents. If you don't like it, tough shit.

Yes.....but Trump does NOT have a popular mandate.......He lost the popular vote no matter how much his fragile ego wants to spin it....MORE Americans voted AGAINST him. "if you don't like it.....tough shit..." LOL

Who says I don't like it. Trump won. I'm happy that this country dodged the Hillary bullet.

Those who are still bitching about the popular vote and cry that Hillary should be president, here is a piece of advice from someone who has not even got a dog in the hunt:

Presidential election is for the Electoral College.

Run your campaign accordingly. and stop bitching if you did not, and lost.

You understand the US better than many of these Moon Bats.

That is something these Moon Bats have a hard time understanding.

Trump did not run a campaign to win the popular vote because it was not needed. The rules are for the EC and he conducted his campaign accordingly.

Trump spent time in the swing states instead of the states with the mega popular votes like New York and California.

He ran (with the advice of Kellyanne Conway) a much smarter campaign than Crooked Hillary. That is his background as a businessman. He kept the eye on the prize and went for the bottom line.

Crooked Hillary was just as incompetent in her campaigning as she was in her job as Secretary of State and Senator. She is a two time loser. These Moon Bats were idiots choosing her as their candidate.
We are hated so much that we won the election by 3 million votes

How did you win the election? Trump is president. What did this so called "we" won, a second place trophy?
The PEOPLE voted, and they did not want Trump- always remember that
Yes, the PEOPLE voted and they DID wanted Trump - how can you not remember that? It was an overwhelming 288 Trump to Clinton's 215. Why is it so hard for you to accept that?
Yes, the PEOPLE voted and they DID wanted Trump - how can you not remember that? It was an overwhelming 288 Trump to Clinton's 215. Why is it so hard for you to accept that?

Moron, Trump won the electoral college vote....but NOT the popular vote by millions......Yes, you morons won (actually lost, but too dumb to yet realize it) but there is NO mandate that Trump can claim and that, together with his constant fuck ups, will make him one of the worst clowns to even pollute the WH......

Hell, not even Melania wants to be seen around him with his other lap dogs.
Yes, the PEOPLE voted and they DID wanted Trump - how can you not remember that? It was an overwhelming 288 Trump to Clinton's 215. Why is it so hard for you to accept that?

Moron, Trump won the electoral college vote....but NOT the popular vote by millions......Yes, you morons won (actually lost, but too dumb to yet realize it) but there is NO mandate that Trump can claim and that, together with his constant fuck ups, will make him one of the worst clowns to even pollute the WH......

Hell, not even Melania wants to be seen around him with his other lap dogs.

What's with the personal attacks , insults and your childish name calling? Have I ever addressed you or anyone here in that manner? I can easily understand why the left is very unpopular these days.
We've all seen that polls are useless, lets just wait until congressional elections appear...that is the litmus test of whether this clown in cheat is polling well.

trump by far is the most erratic and most corrupt piece of shit to have ever been elevated to POTUS in my lifetime which extends back to FDR. He has far, far exceeded LBJ's and Nixon's poor reps in less than 2 months already! His non-statesmanship behavior and conduct is wearing his thinning veil of support down. He will be either impeached or run out under Amendment XXV before the 2018 congressional elections, your prognostication notwithstanding.

The Nation can start making America great again by shit canning trump and his crooked crew!

If all that you say there is true, America should have started to do what you suggest, with Obama, who declared his treasonous intentions by vowing to fundamentally change America.

Obama intended to make America into a Kenya. Or Sudan. Or Yemen.

Trump wants to - and WILL - make America great again, after the savage ravage of Obama.
If all that you say there is true...
All that I wrote in the post to which you replied is true to any rational and objective mind! You folks who have been mesmerized by trump's horseshit need to pull the blinders off of the other end. Accepting obvious falsehoods and marching with the band does not display any form of critical thinking.
...with Obama, who declared his treasonous intentions by vowing to fundamentally change America.
Get a news paper or watch TV or listen to the radio. Obama is no longer in office. But your outrageous claims of treasonous intent may take many years to be finally accepted as stupid and spiteful propaganda spiced with bbigotry . But then you aren't going to accept that so you just go ahead and list, with citations from the US Code, the Titles, Chapters and Sections that Obama proved his 'treasonous intentions' by violating those statutes. Should be a piece of cake for you being a fucking self professed expert and all on the topic.
Obama intended to make America into a Kenya. Or Sudan. Or Yemen.
HOLY're channeling Orly Taitz! Yeah, OH Hell Yeah that's really, really credible horseshit!
Yes, the PEOPLE voted and they DID wanted Trump - how can you not remember that? It was an overwhelming 288 Trump to Clinton's 215. Why is it so hard for you to accept that?

Moron, Trump won the electoral college vote....but NOT the popular vote by millions......Yes, you morons won (actually lost, but too dumb to yet realize it) but there is NO mandate that Trump can claim and that, together with his constant fuck ups, will make him one of the worst clowns to even pollute the WH......

Hell, not even Melania wants to be seen around him with his other lap dogs.

What's with the personal attacks , insults and your childish name calling? Have I ever addressed you or anyone here in that manner? I can easily understand why the left is very unpopular these days.
Jake hadn't slept a wink since November 8th
At what point does the left come to grips with the FACT these polls have no meaning. Even if they did it's a compliment to Trump, because he's the opposite the socialized country they seek. The worse he polls the better his performance.

Trump needs the support of the congress, and congress needs the support of the people to stay in power.

Those who are still bitching about the popular vote and cry that Hillary should be president, here is a piece of advice from someone who has not even got a dog in the hunt:

Presidential election is for the Electoral College.

Run your campaign accordingly. and stop bitching if you did not, and lost.

You understand the US better than many of these Moon Bats.

That is something these Moon Bats have a hard time understanding.

Trump did not run a campaign to win the popular vote because it was not needed. The rules are for the EC and he conducted his campaign accordingly.

Trump spent time in the swing states instead of the states with the mega popular votes like New York and California.

He ran (with the advice of Kellyanne Conway) a much smarter campaign than Crooked Hillary. That is his background as a businessman. He kept the eye on the prize and went for the bottom line.

Crooked Hillary was just as incompetent in her campaigning as she was in her job as Secretary of State and Senator. She is a two time loser. These Moon Bats were idiots choosing her as their candidate.

I worked in our company's head office in Akron,Ohio, commuting from Hamilton, Ontario, weekly, invited by top brass to do so, for a software I developed.

I never had better workmates, or superiors than the Americans I worked with from 1997 to 2003.

So, I learned about America from 1776 to 9/11 2001, when my heart broke as much as that of my American colleagues.

Mrs. Clinton's campaign was misdirected, with blind and fruitless ambitions as final goal. Her managers were those who would manage a baseball team to record most hits, strike outs and walks, never mind about runs.

I would say give Mr. Trump a chance.

General Eisenhower was not a traditional politician either. Yet, he gave America the Interstate Highway system.

Think about that.

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