Trump sinks further on Rasmussen

God you people are idiots.

The 2016 national polls are looking less wrong after final election tallies

Hillary won the election just as the polls said she did. 3 million more votes is winning in every other country in the world. The only reason she isn't the President is because slave rapers wanted the electoral college.

I am not an American, but I take offense to someone calling the Founding Fathers slave rapers.

Those who owned slaves simply took advantage of the prevailing economic conditions at the time.

If those had not been sold by fellow black people, they would not have ever became slaves on an American plantation. If those same slaves had had any brains, they would have built ships, learn navigation and sailed to Europe a captured and sold into slavery white folks who deserved just such fate.

Those who are still bitching about the popular vote and cry that Hillary should be president, here is a piece of advice from someone who has not even got a dog in the hunt:

Presidential election is for the Electoral College.

Run your campaign accordingly. and stop bitching if you did not, and lost.

I love when slavery gets justified. Slave owners raped their slaves. More did than didn't.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars
Propaganda can have an effect, if you are loud enough and vile enough.


Oh yes, rightwing victimology. boo hoo. You people are the worst crybabies on earth.

Are you old enough to remember how you lefties claimed that Reagan was a reckless cowboy that would start a nuclear war?

The Left are foul liars.

Once again, EVERY fucking RWnut on this forum has to lie about what I've ever believed.

Your claim of independent thought is hard to credit as you constantly parrot the left's lies.

Just the other day, I had a lefty tell me that America supported Joseph FUcking Stalin. Can you believe the shit you lefties spew?

Then list my lies.

Dismissing my valid point about the Left's constant propaganda as "rightwing victimology" is one.

Tracing Trump's numbers, and not leading in the OP, with a discussion about the effect of the Left's vile lies, crushes any claim to credibility you might have had.

Shockingly I agree. Indeed, I don't think they go far enough.

If the GOP thinks they can stonewall, or slowwalk, and just enjoy having power, they are going to lead the Party and the Nation over a cliff.

This is the turning point.

If they can deliver, they can make Trump's election numbers the new normal for the GOP.

If they fuck their base, AND the new voters Trump drew in, this will be the effective end of the GOP as a national party.

God you people are idiots.

The 2016 national polls are looking less wrong after final election tallies

Hillary won the election just as the polls said she did. 3 million more votes is winning in every other country in the world. The only reason she isn't the President is because slave rapers wanted the electoral college.

I am not an American, but I take offense to someone calling the Founding Fathers slave rapers.

Those who owned slaves simply took advantage of the prevailing economic conditions at the time.

If those had not been sold by fellow black people, they would not have ever became slaves on an American plantation. If those same slaves had had any brains, they would have built ships, learn navigation and sailed to Europe a captured and sold into slavery white folks who deserved just such fate.

Those who are still bitching about the popular vote and cry that Hillary should be president, here is a piece of advice from someone who has not even got a dog in the hunt:

Presidential election is for the Electoral College.

Run your campaign accordingly. and stop bitching if you did not, and lost.

I love when slavery gets justified. Slave owners raped their slaves. More did than didn't.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars

I am sick and tired of all the bitching and complaining about slavery.

The European feudal serfs were far worse off than American slaves ever were, and for far longer.

Slavery in the United States, ended at the cost of 600,000 American lives. Appreciate that and learn to live with it.

Yet, slavery still flourishes in hell holes like Sudan, Saudi Arabia and in any and all the black Muslim countries of the world.
the Electoral college is the constitutional way we elect presidents. If you don't like it, tough shit.

Yes.....but Trump does NOT have a popular mandate.......He lost the popular vote no matter how much his fragile ego wants to spin it....MORE Americans voted AGAINST him. "if you don't like it.....tough shit..." LOL

Doesn't matter. Clinton never got more than 44% of the PV and you claim he had a mandate.

If we didn't have the EC, Trump would have campaigned in Cal and NY instead of MIch and Wisc. There is no way anyone can predict what the PV would have been.

But rant on, its all you lefties have left.
You won the election? popular mandate.....But not by antiquated, anti-democracy methods......

the Electoral college is the constitutional way we elect presidents. If you don't like it, tough shit.

So was the 3/5ths way we once counted blacks.

then get the congress to pass a bill to do away with it and then get 38 states to ratify it. Until then the EC is what we use to elect presidents.

Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

The American people rejected: Hillary, the Obama legacy, democrats, and liberalism in general. You fools had your chance and you blew it with the Kenyan messiah.
I am sick and tired of all the bitching and complaining about slavery.

The European feudal serfs were far worse off than American slaves ever were, and for far longer.

The feudal serfs had to toil under the whip in 100+ degree weather, and had their families broken up, and their spouses and children sold to the highest bidders?
Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

Didn't the democrats GAIN 11 seats in congress in 2016? If it was a relay race the democrats won that leg, and made up ground. But continue to think your shrinking lead means you'll always be ahead.
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You won the election? popular mandate.....But not by antiquated, anti-democracy methods......

the Electoral college is the constitutional way we elect presidents. If you don't like it, tough shit.

So was the 3/5ths way we once counted blacks.

then get the congress to pass a bill to do away with it and then get 38 states to ratify it. Until then the EC is what we use to elect presidents.

Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

The American people rejected: Hillary, the Obama legacy, democrats, and liberalism in general. You fools had your chance and you blew it with the Kenyan messiah.

The difficulty entailed in changing a policy has absolutely nothing to do with the merits of a policy. Just because it would be extremely difficult to get rid of the electoral college that does not prove that it's a good policy.
the Electoral college is the constitutional way we elect presidents. If you don't like it, tough shit.

Yes.....but Trump does NOT have a popular mandate.......He lost the popular vote no matter how much his fragile ego wants to spin it....MORE Americans voted AGAINST him. "if you don't like it.....tough shit..." LOL

Doesn't matter. Clinton never got more than 44% of the PV and you claim he had a mandate.

If we didn't have the EC, Trump would have campaigned in Cal and NY instead of MIch and Wisc. There is no way anyone can predict what the PV would have been.

But rant on, its all you lefties have left.

So you admit that Obama had a mandate.
Oh yes, rightwing victimology. boo hoo. You people are the worst crybabies on earth.

Are you old enough to remember how you lefties claimed that Reagan was a reckless cowboy that would start a nuclear war?

The Left are foul liars.

Once again, EVERY fucking RWnut on this forum has to lie about what I've ever believed.

Your claim of independent thought is hard to credit as you constantly parrot the left's lies.

Just the other day, I had a lefty tell me that America supported Joseph FUcking Stalin. Can you believe the shit you lefties spew?

Then list my lies.

Dismissing my valid point about the Left's constant propaganda as "rightwing victimology" is one.

Tracing Trump's numbers, and not leading in the OP, with a discussion about the effect of the Left's vile lies, crushes any claim to credibility you might have had.

So you do or do not think that Trump has been a victim of liberal propaganda?
Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

Didn't the democrats GAIN 11 seats in congress in 2016? If it was a relay race the democrats won that leg, and made up ground. But continue to think your shrinking lead means you'll always be ahead.
A relay race? That's like saying you won the first leg when the other guy is standing on the podium.
I am sick and tired of all the bitching and complaining about slavery.

The European feudal serfs were far worse off than American slaves ever were, and for far longer.

The feudal serfs had to toil under the whip in 100+ degree weather, and had their families broken up, and their spouses and children sold to the highest bidders?

Yes, and YES and YES.

They also had to toil in sub zero temperatures and had to do it for a thousand years or more.

Africans sold into slavery by fellow Africans are lucky to be Americans.
This is my last comment on any thread anyone posts on polls.

No one can base a presidency on a poll or someone's interpretation of a poll.

Sampling size is too small. Demographics are never shown.

The full data sets are never posted.

1,000 people surveyed does not equal 300 Million. And even time of day and weather affects polling as does whether the polling primarily took place in an urban or rural environment or a particular state.

You may as well throw chicken bones on an animal hide or read tea leaves.

The polls are being paid for by The DNC and they publish selective results and craft what are called leading questions to try to push the surveyee towards a desired result.

It's a waste of everyone's time to comment on polling. It's a fool's game and a poll is nothing but a tool for Trolls to troll a forum and should simply be ignored and the same goes for unsubstantiated accusations and the unsupported opinions of biased people with agendas.

Please Bitch Slap Me if I respond to any Poll Based threads in the future and bitch slap yourself if you do the same.
I am sick and tired of all the bitching and complaining about slavery.

The European feudal serfs were far worse off than American slaves ever were, and for far longer.

The feudal serfs had to toil under the whip in 100+ degree weather, and had their families broken up, and their spouses and children sold to the highest bidders?

Yes, and YES and YES.

They also had to toil in sub zero temperatures and had to do it for a thousand years or more.

Africans sold into slavery by fellow Africans are lucky to be Americans.

And their descendants have absolutely nothing to complain about
The ONE poll that the Trump cult has clung to for the last two months is finally forsaking them:

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports[emoji769]

Lol carbear, wasn't he hovering around that 2 months before he won the Presidency? And now you you think we are worried 3 years and 7 months before we have to get him re-elected!

Keep grasping at straws rookie. We are more interested at the moment at fixing Obysmals mess than what polls say. Come back in August of 2020 with the same thing, then maybe we will pay attention. Right now, it is full speed ahead, and to hell with you, and hooray for us----)

Sent from my iPhone using
You won the election? popular mandate.....But not by antiquated, anti-democracy methods......

the Electoral college is the constitutional way we elect presidents. If you don't like it, tough shit.

So was the 3/5ths way we once counted blacks.

then get the congress to pass a bill to do away with it and then get 38 states to ratify it. Until then the EC is what we use to elect presidents.

Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

The American people rejected: Hillary, the Obama legacy, democrats, and liberalism in general. You fools had your chance and you blew it with the Kenyan messiah.

The difficulty entailed in changing a policy has absolutely nothing to do with the merits of a policy. Just because it would be extremely difficult to get rid of the electoral college that does not prove that it's a good policy.

would it be a good policy to let LA, NYC, and Houston elect our presidents and disenfranchise the rest of the country?

You don't like the EC because it worked against your terrible candidate this time, next time it might be reversed, and you would be singing the praises of the electoral college.
Face it, you ran a terrible candidate and she lost. You also lost both houses of congress, most governors, and most state legislatures.

Didn't the democrats GAIN 11 seats in congress in 2016? If it was a relay race the democrats won that leg, and made up ground. But continue to think your shrinking lead means you'll always be ahead.

live in your fantasy world if it makes you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel good. This country rejected liberalism just like the UK rejected the EU and France will elect LePen. The world is tired of the failures and lies of liberalism. It failed, time to move back to reality.

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