Trump sinks further on Rasmussen

The difficulty entailed in changing a policy has absolutely nothing to do with the merits of a policy. Just because it would be extremely difficult to get rid of the electoral college that does not prove that it's a good policy.

a good policy is one that works. the EC kept Hillary out of the whitehouse, therefore it worked and is a good policy.

It got us the Iraq War too, remember?

the electoral college got us the Iraq war? What are you smoking this morning?

What exactly do you think the idiot Gore would have done after 9/11? Would he just have sent some carbon credits to the Taliban and Saddam and asked them to play nice?

Gore would have never invaded Iraq. It took a systematic series of Republicans lies to get us into Iraq.

I am not a proponent of the stupid Iraq "war". But you have no way of knowing what that idiot Gore would have done and neither do I.

There were no lies, there was bad intel that was bought into by both parties. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. It is highly likely that a similar scenario would have occurred under Gore.

Your partisan bullshit makes you look like a fool.

A Birther is accusing me of partisan bullshit.

Goddam that's funny.
What did he lie about? give us a list.
If this was debatable or a list was not easily available I would provide one of them. However, since simply typing "list of trump lies" will get you to numerous lists it is easy to see that you are stupid or brainwashed beyond help. Let's just use one of the first provable lies he told when he became President. He lied about the attendance at his inauguration. That was an early one. The latest is the exposure that while he promised to not take a paycheck and to donate profits from his hotels received by entities doing business with the US government, it looks like he lied about both promises. It appears that you want a list of all the compiled lies made in between those.
a good policy is one that works. the EC kept Hillary out of the whitehouse, therefore it worked and is a good policy.

It got us the Iraq War too, remember?

the electoral college got us the Iraq war? What are you smoking this morning?

What exactly do you think the idiot Gore would have done after 9/11? Would he just have sent some carbon credits to the Taliban and Saddam and asked them to play nice?

Gore would have never invaded Iraq. It took a systematic series of Republicans lies to get us into Iraq.

I am not a proponent of the stupid Iraq "war". But you have no way of knowing what that idiot Gore would have done and neither do I.

There were no lies, there was bad intel that was bought into by both parties. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. It is highly likely that a similar scenario would have occurred under Gore.

Your partisan bullshit makes you look like a fool.

A Birther is accusing me of partisan bullshit.

Goddam that's funny.

the birther movement was started by Hillary Clinton. Speaking of partisan bullshit.
Monday Update:

Trump has fallen another point on Rasmussen. The rout continues.

and Hillary Clinton's favorability rating is the lowest its been in 30 years. What's your point?

Americans are fed up with politics, that's the message of these polls, if there is one.
What did he lie about? give us a list.
If this was debatable or a list was not easily available I would provide one of them. However, since simply typing "list of trump lies" will get you to numerous lists it is easy to see that you are stupid or brainwashed beyond help. Let's just use one of the first provable lies he told when he became President. He lied about the attendance at his inauguration. That was an early one. The latest is the exposure that while he promised to not take a paycheck and to donate profits from his hotels received by entities doing business with the US government, it looks like he lied about both promises. It appears that you want a list of all the compiled lies made in between those.

add these to the list:

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never has sex with that woman..,.."
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"if you like your doctor, you can keep him"
Monday Update:

Trump has fallen another point on Rasmussen. The rout continues.

Congrats to the media I guess. I mean when you get to manipulate the public's perception of someone it's amazing he's not lower. He'd when the election by more if he ran today, by the way.
Monday Update:

Trump has fallen another point on Rasmussen. The rout continues.

Congrats to the media I guess. I mean when you get to manipulate the public's perception of someone it's amazing he's not lower. He'd when the election by more if he ran today, by the way.

There's no conservative media? Who told you to say that?
Monday Update:

Trump has fallen another point on Rasmussen. The rout continues.

Congrats to the media I guess. I mean when you get to manipulate the public's perception of someone it's amazing he's not lower. He'd when the election by more if he ran today, by the way.

It's really funny how practically every day around here, somewhere, some RW'er is crowing about how nobody watches CNN or MSNBC,

because everyone is watching Foxnews, and also practically every day around here, some RW'er is complaining about the liberal media picking on poor Donald.

Which is it, children?
Monday Update:

Trump has fallen another point on Rasmussen. The rout continues.

Congrats to the media I guess. I mean when you get to manipulate the public's perception of someone it's amazing he's not lower. He'd when the election by more if he ran today, by the way.

It's really funny how practically every day around here, somewhere, some RW'er is crowing about how nobody watches CNN or MSNBC,

because everyone is watching Foxnews, and also practically every day around here, some RW'er is complaining about the liberal media picking on poor Donald.

Which is it, children?

Those are cable networks. The majority still obtain news from networks and major news publishers, even if online. They are casual observers and assume what they read is accurate. They are unaware of how corrupt so much of the media is and don't have the time nor the ambition to research and fact check what the reality is. Who can blame them? They are casual enough that they think the mainstream media is honest and it's too labor intensive, since the media wont do their job, to know otherwise.
. He lied about the attendance at his inauguration. That was an early one. The latest is the exposure that while he promised to not take a paycheck and to donate profits from his hotels received by entities doing business with the US government, it looks like he lied about both promises. It appears that you want a list of all the compiled lies made in between those.

Trump also promised not to expand his business, Trump Enterprises into any additional foreign countries, to avoid a conflict of interest with decisions he would make as president. Well Trump Enterprises just expanded into China, getting trademarks for a vast number of new enterprises, from real estate to massage parlors.
add these to the list:

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never has sex with that woman..,.."
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"if you like your doctor, you can keep him"

It took 20 years, and three presidents / candidates to come up with four items. Trump can do that many in a single tweet storm.
They are unaware of how corrupt so much of the media is and don't have the time nor the ambition to research and fact check what the reality is. .

It must have costs the networks a fortune, including fox news btw, to photoshop the enormous Trump inaugural crowd out of the bleachers flanking the parade route. They made the bleachers look empty, without any mistakes, like forgetting to erase shadows, or filling in the background. They must have gotten industrial light and magic to work overtime to make the inaugural route, the national mall, and hundreds of pictures and videos look like the crowds were sparce.
They are unaware of how corrupt so much of the media is and don't have the time nor the ambition to research and fact check what the reality is. .

It must have costs the networks a fortune, including fox news btw, to photoshop the enormous Trump inaugural crowd out of the bleachers flanking the parade route. They made the bleachers look empty, without any mistakes, like forgetting to erase shadows, or filling in the background. They must have gotten industrial light and magic to work overtime to make the inaugural route, the national mall, and hundreds of pictures and videos look like the crowds were sparce.

Huh? People actually had to travel to Trumps inaugural. It wasn't like all the libs in Washington could just leave on their 30 hour lunch break and hang out at Obama's inaugural. Not not sure what that has to do with anything though.
Huh? People actually had to travel to Trumps inaugural. It wasn't like all the libs in Washington could just leave on their 30 hour lunch break and hang out at Obama's inaugural. Not not sure what that has to do with anything though.

The crowd for the Womens day on Saturday was twice what they were from the inauguration on friday. And all of those people had to come in from out of town.
Huh? People actually had to travel to Trumps inaugural. It wasn't like all the libs in Washington could just leave on their 30 hour lunch break and hang out at Obama's inaugural. Not not sure what that has to do with anything though.

The crowd for the Womens day on Saturday was twice what they were from the inauguration on friday. And all of those people had to come in from out of town.

Not sure about that, but they had nothing better to do and got paid. All we know is Trump is accomplishing more than Obama even with a corrupt Media and all the corrupt Dems and Repugs in the House and Senate.
All we know is Trump is accomplishing more than Obama even with a corrupt Media and all the corrupt Dems and Repugs in the House and Senate.

Trump repealed Obamacare 'on day one' like he promised? Trump said it would be one of his first acts as president. Yet Obamacare is still there. And Trump has played golf nine times at last count.
All we know is Trump is accomplishing more than Obama even with a corrupt Media and all the corrupt Dems and Repugs in the House and Senate.

Trump repealed Obamacare 'on day one' like he promised? Trump said it would be one of his first acts as president. Yet Obamacare is still there. And Trump has played golf nine times at last count.

Yep. I agree Trump is much better than Obama. Especially at golf.

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