Trump sinks further on Rasmussen

Where is the mood up?
Where is business up?
The Rump is universally hated
Everywhere but Libtardville. You should wander off and check out reality sometime.

If after ONLY 50 days of the orange clown this is what we have, 2018 will be a blood bath.....LOL

yes, it will. dems will lose more congressional seats, more governerships, and more state houses.

You morons still don't understand why you lost last November.
2018 might well give republicans their 60 votes.

After they lose the House? lol

You've already forgotten they lost House and Senate seats in 2016. Trump had no coattails.
Held on to the majority so you are confused.
Where is the mood up?
Where is business up?
The Rump is universally hated
Everywhere but Libtardville. You should wander off and check out reality sometime.

If after ONLY 50 days of the orange clown this is what we have, 2018 will be a blood bath.....LOL

yes, it will. dems will lose more congressional seats, more governerships, and more state houses.

You morons still don't understand why you lost last November.
2018 might well give republicans their 60 votes.

After they lose the House? lol

You've already forgotten they lost House and Senate seats in 2016. Trump had no coattails.
There is no democrat with coattails. Trump has done phenomenally well even with democrat obstruction .

Democrats will get another correction in 2018. No doubt about it.
Everywhere but Libtardville. You should wander off and check out reality sometime.

If after ONLY 50 days of the orange clown this is what we have, 2018 will be a blood bath.....LOL

yes, it will. dems will lose more congressional seats, more governerships, and more state houses.

You morons still don't understand why you lost last November.
2018 might well give republicans their 60 votes.

After they lose the House? lol

You've already forgotten they lost House and Senate seats in 2016. Trump had no coattails.
There is no democrat with coattails. Trump has done phenomenally well even with democrat obstruction .

Democrats will get another correction in 2018. No doubt about it.

he has done well no doubt .. his list of failures is running like a well oiled machine.
If after ONLY 50 days of the orange clown this is what we have, 2018 will be a blood bath.....LOL

yes, it will. dems will lose more congressional seats, more governerships, and more state houses.

You morons still don't understand why you lost last November.
2018 might well give republicans their 60 votes.

After they lose the House? lol

You've already forgotten they lost House and Senate seats in 2016. Trump had no coattails.
There is no democrat with coattails. Trump has done phenomenally well even with democrat obstruction .

Democrats will get another correction in 2018. No doubt about it.

he has done well no doubt .. his list of failures is running like a well oiled machine.
Then it would be easy to post them.
yes, it will. dems will lose more congressional seats, more governerships, and more state houses.

You morons still don't understand why you lost last November.
2018 might well give republicans their 60 votes.

After they lose the House? lol

You've already forgotten they lost House and Senate seats in 2016. Trump had no coattails.
There is no democrat with coattails. Trump has done phenomenally well even with democrat obstruction .

Democrats will get another correction in 2018. No doubt about it.

he has done well no doubt .. his list of failures is running like a well oiled machine.
Then it would be easy to post them.

you want me to start with botched EO's ?

maybe the Muslim ban
how about the war in his own party over health care
or the FBI dismissing his bullshit tweets
appointing Russian connected dipshits who got fired
Congress investigating KGB Trump
etc etc

nah, forget about those, never happened to blind eyes
you want me to start with botched EO's ?

maybe the Muslim ban
how about the war in his own party over health care
or the FBI dismissing his bullshit tweets
appointing Russian connected dipshits who got fired
Congress investigating KGB Trump
etc etc

nah, forget about those, never happened to blind eyes

If after only 50 days this orange moron has fucked up so damn badly, what "fun results"will November 2018 bring to our congress?
you want me to start with botched EO's ?

maybe the Muslim ban
how about the war in his own party over health care
or the FBI dismissing his bullshit tweets
appointing Russian connected dipshits who got fired
Congress investigating KGB Trump
etc etc

nah, forget about those, never happened to blind eyes

If after only 50 days this orange moron has fucked up so damn badly, what "fun results"will November 2018 bring to our congress?
Bring it on
The ONE poll that the Trump cult has clung to for the last two months is finally forsaking them:

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

I have what may be a little insight about one of the reasons for Trump's popularity with the right.

It's related to what was identified a few years ago as people who became addicted to high risk extreme sports like sky diving and cliff jumping. They all said it was a rush. In essence, they had become adrenaline junkies.

Well, as talk radio really started to take off in the aftermath of Bill Clinton's election in late 1992, almost overnight talk radio changed from being supportive of so-called conservative principles into a medium that trafficked into what could best be described as an auditory fix of daily outrage about this, or that, or the other. Of course, some of the stories were legitimate. But by and large, most of the stories were either exaggerations or downright nonsense. But it didn't matter because as anyone who remembers seeing or hearing something that is genuinely outrageous (like seeing a parent lose his or her temper in public and then repeatedly strike a small child), outrage is something that can draw you in and consume both your mind and your emotions at the same time. So, it was quite effective in helping to increase ratings, sell products, and make radio hosts rich, famous, and influential.

Before long, people calling into the radio shows were getting into the act. And just as naturally, politicians jumped on the bandwagon too. However, it's not as if politicians hadn't trafficked in outrage (often faux outrage, to be perfectly honest) in the past; both democrats and republicans did it regularly. But it was usually done in a dispassionate way which was meant to project an aura of an intellectual policy disagreement as opposed to an emotional one. Now, the emotional aspect was amplified into an anger that was frequently irrational if not manufactured. And do you know what? The conservative base simply loved it. They ate it up. The behavior seemed to break new ground while also overturning longstanding public decorum when Rep. Joe Wilson yelled, "You lie" to president Obama during a speech to a joint session of Congress in 2009. In the past, such a breach of Congressional decorum might have resulted in an unofficial public shaming. Those days were apparently long over because Walsh received kudos from the base and contributions to his reelection campaign poured in. In fact, the conservative base loved their emotional outrage fix so much that they eventually turned on their own representatives in a way that seemed eerily similar to what happened during the French revolution when the revolutionaries like Robespierre found themselves walking to the guillotine much like the royalty he'd previously sent there himself.

Having said all that, presidential elections seemed to be above the fray. That's not to say that misleading ads and hardball political games weren't employed by both sides; they certainly were. But as a general rule, the contests maintained a certain level of civility which had disappeared from many other parts of society. All by himself, Trump changed that, virtually overnight. As a TV showman, he had a flair for the dramatic, to be sure. But it was Trump's complete lack of scruples for respectful public behavior and his seeming inability to feel a sense of shame for bounding over the lines of common decency which seemed to capture the hearts of the conservative base. After years of feeding off the outrage of talk radio, perhaps that's not surprising. However, it IS ironic considering that the conservative base has always touting their high standards regarding morality and good behavior.
Got anything else Moon Bats?

2008 called, it wants it's right wing catch phrase back.

Rasmussen missed it big time in 2016 because the Libtard shits have no idea who to poll. They poll a Moon Bat base so they get Moon Bat results.

These polling agencies get a great flow of money from the Liberal press so they give the customers what they want. That is why they are wrong most of the time.

Trump is doing a much better job than that asshole Obama did and thank god that the filthy ass corrupt dishonest incompetent piece of shit Crooked Hillary is not President. We would be really fucked as a country. Trump gives us hope that we can get back on the right track. Real hope and change, not that destructive socialistic shit that Obama was selling to you stupid Moon Bats as change.

Learn to live with it Moon Bat. I know how you pink pussy hat wearing piss ants don't want this country to ever be great again but we are on that path now so just go run and hide in your safe place since you are so afraid.
The ONE poll that the Trump cult has clung to for the last two months is finally forsaking them:

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

Lyndon Johnson, during the Vietnam War, famously said, "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost middle America".........

If Trump were smarter, he'd say, "If I've lost Rasmussen, I've lost my delusional base...."

If you were smarter you would know that polls are nothing but a snap shot of a moment in time.

It may be sunny one moment and the, in the next moment a cloud hides the sun.

BTW Cronkite was a jerk, a liar, a piece of shit and a phony.

We've all seen that polls are useless, lets just wait until congressional elections appear...that is the litmus test of whether this clown in cheat is polling well.

trump by far is the most erratic and most corrupt piece of shit to have ever been elevated to POTUS in my lifetime which extends back to FDR. He has far, far exceeded LBJ's and Nixon's poor reps in less than 2 months already! His non-statesmanship behavior and conduct is wearing his thinning veil of support down. He will be either impeached or run out under Amendment XXV before the 2018 congressional elections, your prognostication notwithstanding.

The Nation can start making America great again by shit canning trump and his crooked crew!

If all that you say there is true, America should have started to do what you suggest, with Obama, who declared his treasonous intentions by vowing to fundamentally change America.

Obama intended to make America into a Kenya. Or Sudan. Or Yemen.

Trump wants to - and WILL - make America great again, after the savage ravage of Obama.
I have what may be a little insight about one of the reasons for Trump's popularity with the right.

It's related to what was identified a few years ago as people who became addicted to high risk extreme sports like sky diving and cliff jumping. They all said it was a rush. In essence, they had become adrenaline junkies.

Well, as talk radio really started to take off in the aftermath of Bill Clinton's election in late 1992, almost overnight talk radio changed from being supportive of so-called conservative principles into a medium that trafficked into what could best be described as an auditory fix of daily outrage about this, or that, or the other. Of course, some of the stories were legitimate. But by and large, most of the stories were either exaggerations or downright nonsense. But it didn't matter because as anyone who remembers seeing or hearing something that is genuinely outrageous (like seeing a parent lose his or her temper in public and then repeatedly strike a small child), outrage is something that can draw you in and consume both your mind and your emotions at the same time. So, it was quite effective in helping to increase ratings, sell products, and make radio hosts rich, famous, and influential.

Before long, people calling into the radio shows were getting into the act. And just as naturally, politicians jumped on the bandwagon too. However, it's not as if politicians hadn't trafficked in outrage (often faux outrage, to be perfectly honest) in the past; both democrats and republicans did it regularly. But it was usually done in a dispassionate way which was meant to project an aura of an intellectual policy disagreement as opposed to an emotional one. Now, the emotional aspect was amplified into an anger that was frequently irrational if not manufactured. And do you know what? The conservative base simply loved it. They ate it up. The behavior seemed to break new ground while also overturning longstanding public decorum when Rep. Joe Wilson yelled, "You lie" to president Obama during a speech to a joint session of Congress in 2009. In the past, such a breach of Congressional decorum might have resulted in an unofficial public shaming. Those days were apparently long over because Walsh received kudos from the base and contributions to his reelection campaign poured in. In fact, the conservative base loved their emotional outrage fix so much that they eventually turned on their own representatives in a way that seemed eerily similar to what happened during the French revolution when the revolutionaries like Robespierre found themselves walking to the guillotine much like the royalty he'd previously sent there himself.

Having said all that, presidential elections seemed to be above the fray. That's not to say that misleading ads and hardball political games weren't employed by both sides; they certainly were. But as a general rule, the contests maintained a certain level of civility which had disappeared from many other parts of society. All by himself, Trump changed that, virtually overnight. As a TV showman, he had a flair for the dramatic, to be sure. But it was Trump's complete lack of scruples for respectful public behavior and his seeming inability to feel a sense of shame for bounding over the lines of common decency which seemed to capture the hearts of the conservative base. After years of feeding off the outrage of talk radio, perhaps that's not surprising. However, it IS ironic considering that the conservative base has always touting their high standards regarding morality and good behavior.

Excellent post. I've had similar thoughts myself but you articulated it much better than I ever could. By the way, Ryan Holiday writes about this phenomenon in his book, "Trust Me, I'm Lying" and calls it outrage porn. It doesn't just affect politics, it's a major part of social media in general and clickbait headlines all across the interwebs.

You're really tapping into a turning point there with your thoughts on conservative talk radio in the 90's. In my opinion, prominent, angry right wing blowhards are more responsible than anything as they've been exploiting this psychological kink for decades now. It wasn't millenials that voted for Trump. Guys like Rush Limbaugh, Savage and other assorted angry clowns are just as much responsible for the current state of conservatism in this country as much as anything as well as the election of Donald Trump.

I've always found it weird that most of the things conservatives are told to hate about "the left" or "liberalism" in general are made up or non-existent. THAT'S skillful manipulation. Some of these guys had to have read some of the dark classics of propaganda and PR by guys like Edward Bernays, I'm convinced. They're masters of propaganda.
Yeah and they had shitbitch up by about eight points. so fukin whut mofo? you stupid asses never learn that YOU ARE HATED by everyone but stupid indoctrinated liberal shit. YOU LOST your little rapist group that was raping America and Trump is working day and night to heal Her. TRUMP won, America WON you thieving racist vomit spitting liberals LOSTTTTT. Spit your vomit and venom all you want, you are just Jokes. LOOOOSSSSEEERRRSS you ain't shit and never will be LOOOOOOSSSEEERSS And you are all so FFFFFFFUUUUUUNNNNNNAAAAAAHHHH to all who see.

No need to be vulgar. You can't match the liberal, anyway.
Morons like 12braincells don't realize that they've ALSO LOST.....they're just too dumb to realize it....... yet.

They're raving over Trump while at the same time not 1 in 10 of them supports one of Trump's top 3 initiatives,

the new healthcare bill.

Extend medicare from birth to death. Pay about 5-10 % more taxes. Everybody is covered.

Rest of the civilized world does it that way.

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