Trump slams Oscars for giving best picture award to a foreign movie

President Trump went off last night on the Oscars for giving its top prize to a foreign movie.
Trump Slams Oscars For Giving Best Picture Award to a Foreign Movie

Leftist scum don't get it and can't understand it all.

Oh we get it. Trump is a nationalistic maroon. Seems to think that because the Oscars are held in Hollywood, it makes it American (ie..white).
I thought the film's distributor summed it up succinctly.
Distributor Of "Parasite" Has Perfect Response To Trump's Rant About The Film - News & Guts Media

That's it, dummass. Putting your own country first is "maroon."

That's the difference in America. The Oscars ARE an American conception by an American institution (The Academy) even if, yes, they are an international ceremony recognizing work the world over. Some people (liberals) want to give that away (be inclusive) while other people (conservatives) want to keep that exclusive. Grow up and realize that neither is more or less valid than the other-- -- -- you can't have one ideology without the other. It isn't the end of the world.
President Trump went off last night on the Oscars for giving its top prize to a foreign movie.
Trump Slams Oscars For Giving Best Picture Award to a Foreign Movie
Leftist scum don't get it and can't understand it all.
Well, it is pretty ignorant to object to giving them Best Picture without having seen it.
IT WAS A JOKE. He didn't "slam" anything. It was just a passing remark. I cannot believe how people make a mountain out of every little comment Trump makes.
What makes you think it was a joke?
Cause I heard him say it. I've listened to this guy talk for 100 hours. That is just his style. Trump is in business for America now. America is the product he is promoting and selling. All-America all the time. He was saying an American award ceremony should pick an American film. Who can say if he really means it or that is just the CEO in him. I think he really means it, at least to a point. It was just another case of Trump putting out his simple message to rally-goers which they came to hear that since it wasn't an American movie, it couldn't be the best. That's Trump, pro-America right down to his shoe laces.

Yet when he was selling his cheap crap at Macys it was made in China you idiot
Who even heard of that movie before the Oscars. My son goes to school for that industry and he could not believe it won. You could of made a fortune betting it in Vegas. I watched it to see why it won so many awards and it was the worst movie I have ever watched. I liked the martial art movies where the voices where off cue. That movie Parasite sucked.

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"...And the winner of an Oscar for being the best faker is ...."

Since when a dude or gal who fakes to be someone else in a movie deserves a "reward"?

What is wrong with you, people? Lol.

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