Trump slams very unpatriotic and fake journalist


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
President Trump slammed mainstream reporters at The New York Times and The Washington Post Sunday as ‘Very unpatriotic’ after reports were published focused on criticizing the machinery of Trump’s administration.

Trump Slams ‘Very Unpatriotic’ And ‘Fake’ Journalists

It's so nice to have a President who fights like hell to keep this Nation free from globalist. It is not going to be easy stripping away the decades of enslavement we've been slammed into without even realizing much of it until the UN steps in telling us how or what we should do as if they are our President, Judges, or leaders.
President Trump slammed mainstream reporters at The New York Times and The Washington Post Sunday as ‘Very unpatriotic’ after reports were published focused on criticizing the machinery of Trump’s administration.

Trump Slams ‘Very Unpatriotic’ And ‘Fake’ Journalists

It's so nice to have a President who fights like hell to keep this Nation free from globalist. It is not going to be easy stripping away the decades of enslavement we've been slammed into without even realizing much of it until the UN steps in telling us how or what we should do as if they are our President, Judges, or leaders.
Bow down to Trump and slob on his knob, or else you’re not a patriot! :mad:
Only journalists that shower Trump with praise are patriots.
This is the same type of sycophancy that happened during the Bush years -- if anyone said anything critical of Bush, there were labeled unpatriotic, traitors, terrorists, etc ---

Now that Bush is out of office and it is pretty much agreed that his presidency was a failure -- these same folks pretend this level of sycophancy never happened...
someone needs to explain the 1st amendment to trump and the trumptards...?

shocker! :uhoh3:

hint: it's NOT about saying dirty words or sending hateful messages to your neighbors!
someone needs to explain the 1st amendment to trump and the trumptards...?

hint: it's NOT about saying dirty words or sending hateful messages to your neighbors!

It’s about pointing out that the press is an enemy of the people.
Arguably, the First Amendment is the most important to the maintenance of a democratic government. It states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The first part of that statement reflects the framers’ experience with the long history of religious strife in Europe. They realized that religious discord can be explosive and cause tremendous disruption in politics. It would be doubly so if one religious sect were favored over all others. So, they ensured that federal government cannot interfere in the citizens’ practice of their religion.

The freedoms of speech, press, assembly and the right to petition the government and seek redress of grievances proclaim that citizens have the right to call the government to account. Freedom of speech and press allows citizens to communicate their ideas verbally and in writing, while freedom of assembly lets them publicly express a common interest. The right to petition allows citizens to point out to the government where it did not follow the law, to seek changes, as well as damages for such missteps.

Of course, there are limits to these freedoms. One may not force the tenets of his or her religion on those who do not observe those beliefs. Harmful speech, such as yelling “fire” in a crowded room, is not protected, nor is a written lie that causes harm. As well, gatherings must be peaceful. Destruction of the property of others is not protected by the First Amendment.

U.S. Institutions - Why is the First Amendment Important?
“Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.”—Thomas Jefferson (1786)

Jefferson understood that a vibrant and free press is critical to sustaining the rule of law. Along with free speech, a free press is indispensable for people to be informed and to participate in a democracy. On these points, lawyers and journalists are united.

The transparency that journalism brings to events makes government work better, decreases the risk of corruption and ultimately makes our nation safer. Lawyers often use information uncovered by journalists to prosecute wrongdoing, to hold officials accountable, and to rectify injustices.

Of course, the media robustly protects its First Amendment freedoms on its own. It is a strong institution that has served our country since its inception. But changing technology and an evolution in the way people consume news has brought challenges. Among them, fabricated news stories shared on social media sites and a tendency of readers to only consider news stories that adhere to their political ideology.

The erosion of trust in any institution, whether it be the media or the legal profession, weakens the foundation of our democratic system.

A free press is necessary for a strong democracy
someone needs to explain the 1st amendment to trump and the trumptards...?

hint: it's NOT about saying dirty words or sending hateful messages to your neighbors!

It’s about pointing out that the press is an enemy of the people.
Trump has every right to tell lies such as that, and We the People have every right to politically break the knees of his cronies this fall in the elections.
President Trump slammed mainstream reporters at The New York Times and The Washington Post Sunday as ‘Very unpatriotic’ after reports were published focused on criticizing the machinery of Trump’s administration.

Trump Slams ‘Very Unpatriotic’ And ‘Fake’ Journalists

It's so nice to have a President who fights like hell to keep this Nation free from globalist. It is not going to be easy stripping away the decades of enslavement we've been slammed into without even realizing much of it until the UN steps in telling us how or what we should do as if they are our President, Judges, or leaders.

Maybe if crybaby Trump does not want bad press that he should quit doing & saying bad things.

Trump is the biggest whiny lying fuck I have ever seen., I realize this works on his feeble minded base but he is an embarrassment to this country.
Bow to Orange Jesus, scum journalists!

The alt right is opposed to market determinism, when such as Twitter does not go its or Trump's way.
the ALT RT confederate nazi's reserve all their free speech outrage for their "right" to gather wearing swastikas and traitor flags.
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