Trump slides in Polls, even among Trump supporters

Aside from several issues, his temperament, which has shown no signs of changing or improving since his win.
his temperament? Like give me an example. you're just writing words right now.

You voted for Hitlery and you think she deserved to be in there. Someone who calls americans deplorable, racist, homophobic and bigots. With no evidence to suggest any of that is true. Then her crimes against her own country. See it's this kind of thing that I wrestle with with folks like you.
You stand on a soap box and shout he doesn't deserve to be there. Well yeah he does he did everything necessary to win. He got the votes. Now if you challenge the vote, a recount was done.
And dude, it goes on and on with all you libturds. You bunch of fks are never satisfied when you lose.
Well, the name-calling tells me that I'm most likely wasting my time.

Either way, I find it very difficult to believe that you don't know precisely what I'm talking about when I refer to his temperament.

He won, he's in, I'm hoping for the best.
so why are you rambling about his temperament? He isn't in yet.

And the folks he picked for his cabinet, you think he was going to win and then go ask Hitlery who he should put in? Come on man! grow the fk up.
I'm "rambling about his temperament" because you asked me to get specific.

If you don't want specifics, don't ask for them.
you said he didn't deserve to be there you stupid fk.
You asked for my opinion, I provided it, you got upset.

Don't ask for my opinion then.
Trump slides in poll, even among Trump voters

And this was before the Golden Shower revelations. Comrade Trump is in big trouble!

Even after the revelation in November that the polls are wrong you still posted this.

I want my President - whoever it is - to have high popularity numbers because that most likely means he's doing well and the country is improving.

75%, 80%, 90%, 99%, yay.

Seems to me that celebrating lousy numbers in that area is a sign that the person doesn't want the country doing well, and/or that the person is putting party over country.

The GOP is humping Putin's leg cause they helped Trumpinstein win the presidency, and you are talking about "party over country" You have to be kidding!
Country is doing fine, assclown is simply being recognized for what he is. Stop the back-bending rationalizations.
About 2/3s of the nation believes we're on the wrong track for over 6 years. RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

US Right Direction Wrong Track - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

Never ending political campaign by blowhards will do that to public psyche.

We have real problems, as we always have, but we are also doing better than we were yesterday, as we usually are.
I want my President - whoever it is - to have high popularity numbers because that most likely means he's doing well and the country is improving.

75%, 80%, 90%, 99%, yay.

Seems to me that celebrating lousy numbers in that area is a sign that the person doesn't want the country doing well, and/or that the person is putting party over country.

The GOP is humping Putin's leg cause they helped Trumpinstein win the presidency, and you are talking about "party over country" You have to be kidding!
What does your conspiracy theory have to do with my point, precisely?
Until Stump calls Putin what he is, a Thug and a Murderer, he will be Putin's b*tch. Oh wait, he can't call Putin a Thug or a Murderer, cause the dossier information will then be released and all the news agencies will confirm:

-the Golden Shower
-the correspondence between Moscow and the Stump campaign during the election
-the Billions of dollars Stump owes to Russian Oligarchs
-the plans that Stump has to place Tillerson in charge of our foreign policy so Russia can reclaim the old Soviet states.
Until Stump calls Putin what he is, a Thug and a Murderer, he will be Putin's b*tch. Oh wait, he can't call Putin a Thug or a Murderer, cause the dossier information will then be released and all the news agencies will confirm:

-the Golden Shower
-the correspondence between Moscow and the Stump campaign during the election
-the Billions of dollars Stump owes to Russian Oligarchs
-the plans that Stump has to place Tillerson in charge of our foreign policy so Russia can reclaim the old Soviet states.

Why is the bar set higher for Trump than for Obama?

G20 Ends Abruptly as Obama Calls Putin a Jackass
I want my President - whoever it is - to have high popularity numbers because that most likely means he's doing well and the country is improving.

75%, 80%, 90%, 99%, yay.

Seems to me that celebrating lousy numbers in that area is a sign that the person doesn't want the country doing well, and/or that the person is putting party over country.

The GOP is humping Putin's leg cause they helped Trumpinstein win the presidency, and you are talking about "party over country" You have to be kidding!
What does your conspiracy theory have to do with my point, precisely?

It is NOT as conspiracy. Russia aided and assisted Trump to win the WH. Intelligence agencies agree. Rather than go after Russia and slam them with both barrels, the Repubs are on the fence, since they would rather have a Putin loving president. As long as they have a majority they are willing to overlook Russia espionage.


Stump will be walking back sanctions when he becomes president and the GOP will let him cause

Until Stump calls Putin what he is, a Thug and a Murderer, he will be Putin's b*tch. Oh wait, he can't call Putin a Thug or a Murderer, cause the dossier information will then be released and all the news agencies will confirm:

-the Golden Shower
-the correspondence between Moscow and the Stump campaign during the election
-the Billions of dollars Stump owes to Russian Oligarchs
-the plans that Stump has to place Tillerson in charge of our foreign policy so Russia can reclaim the old Soviet states.

Why is the bar set higher for Trump than for Obama?

G20 Ends Abruptly as Obama Calls Putin a Jackass

Obama was humping Putin's leg?
Trump slides in poll, even among Trump voters

And this was before the Golden Shower revelations. Comrade Trump is in big trouble!

All I can say is :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


This is TEXTBOOK psychotic behavior from liberals. Doesn't matter than the Trump golden showers report turned out to be completely made up. NOPE, that's not what's important.

Just double down on it and keep insisting it's true.

Doesn't matter most people laugh at you, the equally unhinged left will cling to it.

And then they called the right, "bitter clingers?"

I want my President - whoever it is - to have high popularity numbers because that most likely means he's doing well and the country is improving.

75%, 80%, 90%, 99%, yay.

Seems to me that celebrating lousy numbers in that area is a sign that the person doesn't want the country doing well, and/or that the person is putting party over country.

The GOP is humping Putin's leg cause they helped Trumpinstein win the presidency, and you are talking about "party over country" You have to be kidding!
What does your conspiracy theory have to do with my point, precisely?

It is NOT as conspiracy. Russia aided and assisted Trump to win the WH. Intelligence agencies agree. Rather than go after Russia and slam them with both barrels, the Repubs are on the fence, since they would rather have a Putin loving president. As long as they have a majority they are willing to overlook Russia espionage.


Stump will be walking back sanctions when he becomes president and the GOP will let him cause


Does your tin foil hat fit right? :lmao:

Until Stump calls Putin what he is, a Thug and a Murderer, he will be Putin's b*tch. Oh wait, he can't call Putin a Thug or a Murderer, cause the dossier information will then be released and all the news agencies will confirm:

-the Golden Shower
-the correspondence between Moscow and the Stump campaign during the election
-the Billions of dollars Stump owes to Russian Oligarchs
-the plans that Stump has to place Tillerson in charge of our foreign policy so Russia can reclaim the old Soviet states.

Why is the bar set higher for Trump than for Obama?

G20 Ends Abruptly as Obama Calls Putin a Jackass

Obama was humping Putin's leg?

No, and obviously his attitude and policy towards Russia made a lot more sense than ridiculous Trump positioning, but he wasn't calling him a Thug and a Murderer either.
I want my President - whoever it is - to have high popularity numbers because that most likely means he's doing well and the country is improving.

75%, 80%, 90%, 99%, yay.

Seems to me that celebrating lousy numbers in that area is a sign that the person doesn't want the country doing well, and/or that the person is putting party over country.

The GOP is humping Putin's leg cause they helped Trumpinstein win the presidency, and you are talking about "party over country" You have to be kidding!
What does your conspiracy theory have to do with my point, precisely?

It is NOT as conspiracy. Russia aided and assisted Trump to win the WH. Intelligence agencies agree. Rather than go after Russia and slam them with both barrels, the Repubs are on the fence, since they would rather have a Putin loving president. As long as they have a majority they are willing to overlook Russia espionage.


Stump will be walking back sanctions when he becomes president and the GOP will let him cause

You didn't answer my question, so I'll ask it in a different way.

Would you, or would you not, like to see Trump and the country do so well that he ends up with high approvals?

Yes or no?
Until Stump calls Putin what he is, a Thug and a Murderer, he will be Putin's b*tch. Oh wait, he can't call Putin a Thug or a Murderer, cause the dossier information will then be released and all the news agencies will confirm:

-the Golden Shower
-the correspondence between Moscow and the Stump campaign during the election
-the Billions of dollars Stump owes to Russian Oligarchs
-the plans that Stump has to place Tillerson in charge of our foreign policy so Russia can reclaim the old Soviet states.

Why is the bar set higher for Trump than for Obama?

G20 Ends Abruptly as Obama Calls Putin a Jackass
Because the Left never expected as much out of Obama?

Meathead, can you please share with us what you consider the best method of gauging public opinion?

I would say the suicide rate.

And to be honest I haven't seen a tangible increase.

I see, so if I don't like Trump...I have to suicide to register on your popular opinion meter.

Hey with the level of drama and hysteria you liberals have created one would expect it.

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