Trump solves infection increase

And any increases in death will be fake news.
As long as the Dems want to protest, any upticks are their responsibility.
ya, we know nothing is ever trumps responsibility.
And in your view nothing is Dems fault...
How can trumps idiocy be anyone elses fault but his own ? Who made him say this shit ?
He's just saying what everyone's thinking.
And any increases in death will be fake news.
As long as the Dems want to protest, any upticks are their responsibility.
ya, we know nothing is ever trumps responsibility.
And in your view nothing is Dems fault...
How can trumps idiocy be anyone elses fault but his own ? Who made him say this shit ?
Trump is the manifestation of right wing victimhood. As such, he is the perpetual victim, which justifies his childish responses to challenges.
And any increases in death will be fake news.
As long as the Dems want to protest, any upticks are their responsibility.
ya, we know nothing is ever trumps responsibility.
And in your view nothing is Dems fault...
How can trumps idiocy be anyone elses fault but his own ? Who made him say this shit ?
Let’s see what he actually said. As usual those against him only report a sound bite rather than the whole-

And I think we’re going to be finishing up. I think we’re going to, Mike has some very good numbers to tell you about having to do with the cases. Again, our testing is so far advanced. It’s so much bigger and better than any other country that we’re going to have more cases. We’re always going to have more cases. And as I said this morning, that’s probably the downside of having good testing is you find a lot of cases that other countries who don’t even test don’t have. If you don’t test, you don’t have any cases. If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any. But we do. We’re at a level that Mike is going to talk about that’s so high, but we will show more cases when other countries have far more cases than we do. They just don’t talk about it.

Donald Trump: (05:10)
But the testing on the other hand is very good because we find out where it’s going, how it’s going, who it’s going to, and we take care of it. So with that, I’ll just say that we are fighting for American seniors.
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And any increases in death will be fake news.
As long as the Dems want to protest, any upticks are their responsibility.
ya, we know nothing is ever trumps responsibility.
And in your view nothing is Dems fault...
How can trumps idiocy be anyone elses fault but his own ? Who made him say this shit ?
Trump is the manifestation of right wing victimhood. As such, he is the perpetual victim, which justifies his childish responses to challenges.
I think you're guilty of projection again.
Democrats are perpetual victims.....and they use violence and intimidation to get what they want.
And any increases in death will be fake news.
As long as the Dems want to protest, any upticks are their responsibility.
ya, we know nothing is ever trumps responsibility.
And in your view nothing is Dems fault...
How can trumps idiocy be anyone elses fault but his own ? Who made him say this shit ?
Trump is the manifestation of right wing victimhood. As such, he is the perpetual victim, which justifies his childish responses to challenges.
I think you're guilty of projection again.
Democrats are perpetual victims.....and they use violence and intimidation to get what they want.
It's both, of course, but your affliction has you trapped in a binary thinking pattern.
And any increases in death will be fake news.
As long as the Dems want to protest, any upticks are their responsibility.
ya, we know nothing is ever trumps responsibility.
Clearly none of this is.
did trump start this shit? no but he certainly would like to maintqain the status quo. as far as the dems being responsible for mistakes. most of them voted for the iraq war and the patriot act. Do not like their veiws on gun control or zero tolorence in schools. Zero tolerence means zero logic. No plenty of blame to go around to every one. Trumps just causes more than his share.
And any increases in death will be fake news.
As long as the Dems want to protest, any upticks are their responsibility.
ya, we know nothing is ever trumps responsibility.
And in your view nothing is Dems fault...
you asume to much!
All one has to do is see what you are saying. The media knows you won’t go to actual factual sources. You’ll fall for their twisted take rather than check for yourselves.
Does he sometimes make remarks there is no need for? Yeah, but most are twisted by media so it is taken out of context.

Stop testing !!!


My pearls are at maximum clutchness. :th_smileysw2wqa:

I am not sure how you folks in the beans for breakfast world are counting your numbers, but one of the problems we have here in Merica Damn It is that there is no reliable information for how many people have active infections and how many people are free and clear. The result is that our numbers always appear to be going up up and up. Even in terms of "new cases" we have no idea how many are old cases diagnosed by antibody tests and how many are people freshly victimized in the Walmarts bloomers section.

Stop testing !!!


My pearls are at maximum clutchness. :th_smileysw2wqa:

I am not sure how you folks in the beans for breakfast world are counting your numbers, but one of the problems we have here in Merica Damn It is that there is no reliable information for how many people have active infections and how many people are free and clear. The result is that our numbers always appear to be going up up and up. Even in terms of "new cases" we have no idea how many are old cases diagnosed by antibody tests and how many are people freshly victimized in the Walmarts bloomers section.
Of course, your rotten health system has no such means.
And any increases in death will be fake news.
As long as the Dems want to protest, any upticks are their responsibility.
ya, we know nothing is ever trumps responsibility.
And in your view nothing is Dems fault...
you asume to much!
All one has to do is see what you are saying. The media knows you won’t go to actual factual sources. You’ll fall for their twisted take rather than check for yourselves.
Does he sometimes make remarks there is no need for? Yeah, but most are twisted by media so it is taken out of context.
trumps an idiot plain and simple. plenty of video of making stupid remarks the media does not need to sensationalize this idot what so ever. I look forward to the day the republican party has some ting better to offer.

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