Trump SOTU Speech predictions

He will brag about unemployment #s . Even though he said those same #s were lies when he was candidate Trump .

Obama's increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel to improve. Trump has been doing a great job. Obama was a disaster.

Thank god we have a real President giving the speech instead of a worthless incompetent affirmative action Kenyan. Thank god it is not Crooked Hillary.

Well he did achieve success being the first entrepreneur who turned president, big guy.
Wow. I have no doubt that your dumb, inbred bitchass believes that.

Your generalizing is getting old and played out already, sport. Trump's approval just went up to 3 more points!
Still under 40%. Pretty embarrassing.

Oh, and here: 8 U.S. Presidents Who Started as Entrepreneurs
California doesn't define polls, sport.
Lol uh... do you think that's an intelligent comment? :lmao:
I get that feeling he's going to be low key. Odd, and I hope I'm wrong. I prefer when he calls it as he sees it and puts the heat on people to work harder and succeed for the American people. Many in the government are saying that without question they have accomplished more under Trump than in the past, by a long shot.

This commitment to winning needs to be shouted out. I get the feeling this will be more like his speech in Davos than his inauguration speech, which was about as combative as any speech you will hear.

Let's see if I'm right. Outside of calling out North Korea, I think he will be passive and presidential, unfortunately.
Talk about the economy brother, I like it. Milton Friedman, Rand Paul and people like myself are glad to see a president with the hand out of the workers pocket. His efforts to improve the economy and free up the marketplace are unmatched in modern times.

Damn, even Cruz smiled when Trump talked about getting rid of the individual mandate.

Get 'er done trump!

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