Trump SOTU Speech predictions

Pogo Predicts: At some point Stormy Daniels will jump up and scream "YOU LIE!" and James Fields will come driving through the floor in his Dodge Challenger. Rump will mutter something about how there were "very fine people" driving the care, and then shout, "hey I like people who weren't run over, okay?"
No Democrat stood and yelled, "You LIE" and Trump stayed on message and didn't seem to deviate from the speech written for him. I suspect his keepers were please and I noticed the Democrats were civilized.

In re the Democratic Response, Rep. Joseph Kennedy spoke many fewer words and said more about the America we knew, and the America we want (most of us) before the America we got last January.

Rep. Kennedy inspired, Donald Trump did not. Of course that was my bias before the speeches began, and I'm very happy that my bias was spot on.
He will brag about unemployment #s . Even though he said those same #s were lies when he was candidate Trump .

Obama's increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel to improve. Trump has been doing a great job. Obama was a disaster.

Thank god we have a real President giving the speech instead of a worthless incompetent affirmative action Kenyan. Thank god it is not Crooked Hillary.

Ignorance ^^^ on steroids. How did Obama do all of that, when as POTUS he inherited a Great Recession which began in 2007, and the month he took office jobs were disappearing like an ice cube on a hot summers day?

How many businesses failed, when consumers who lost jobs stopped eating out, going to movies, malls and moving. Each of these activities meant more people employed lost their jobs?

How many stores were vacant during the last two years of the Bush II term in office and the first year of Obama's? How many who worked retail were terminated?

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