trump suggest he would use FBI to go after political opponents in second term using FBI

Cancer needs to be cut out
You shit on those rights to corrupt this country now you whine
I don’t need your approval on how i exercise my rights. You’d understand that except you have some fascist tendencies.

You are the cancer. Not me.
BS, the videos go on and on and we can watch it live with all of these crimes that the Orange Clown committed in public. He thinks he can get away with it.... Try checking a news outlet every year or two....
But nobody ever posts the ones that confirm the stuff people make up about him do they.
But nobody ever posts the ones that confirm the stuff people make up about him do they.
Just Google what you think he did not say and there it will be on video, Super Duper. You Get nothing on the GOP propaganda machine,,,
Just Google what you think he did not say and there it will be on video, Super Duper. You Get nothing on the GOP propaganda machine,,,
I used to do that and came up with bupkiss. And I rather think those doing the accusing should be the ones to post the evidence. That's just me.
Runaway troll I asked you a few questions and you ran away
Both of Trump’s impeachments were just as lawful and warranted as the indictments, likewise based on facts and the evidence of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing: Trump’s conspiring with a foreign nation to interfere with a presidential election and Trump’s treasonous attack on America’s democracy in a failed coup to disenfranchise the American people and oppose the will of the voters.

Trump is a criminal and an enemy of democracy and the American people – in fact unfit to be president or to hold any public office.
The only skill you guys have is motivated reasoning, where you make shit up to support what you already wanted to believe.
That coming from a Russia Russia Russia true beliver is pathetically ironic.
Trump is a classic fascist: illiberal, anti-democratic, authoritarian – that you don’t like this fact is irrelevant and doesn’t change that fact.
Fascists are leftists brownshirt, everyone knows this.
That you don't admit this fact is your backwards thinking stupidity.
Where will you move after Trump wins goosestepper??
Trump is a classic fascist: illiberal, anti-democratic, authoritarian – that you don’t like this fact is irrelevant and doesn’t change that fact.
Poor Mrs. Jones.....Poopeypants is a disaster and Trump increasing his lead every day.
Maybe you can move somewhere commie, commie.
Fascists are leftists brownshirt, everyone knows this.
That you don't admit this fact is your backwards thinking stupidity.
Where will you move after Trump wins goosestepper??
When you say “everyone knows this”, what you’re saying is that you have no argument and you just believe it because you want to.

You guys have no idea what fascism is and isn’t other than it’s “bad” so it has to apply to the people you hate.
Trump is in fact vindictive and vengeful – to claim otherwise is dishonest and a lie.

It’s one of countless reasons why Trump is unfit to be president, and why Trump Cult members support Trump, because they’re just as vindictive and vengeful.
Only one cult goosestepper.
And Trump is going to be president.
Bye bye Mrs Jones.....
Both of Trump’s impeachments were just as lawful and warranted as the indictments, likewise based on facts and the evidence of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing: Trump’s conspiring with a foreign nation to interfere with a presidential election and Trump’s treasonous attack on America’s democracy in a failed coup to disenfranchise the American people and oppose the will of the voters.

Trump is a criminal and an enemy of democracy and the American people – in fact unfit to be president or to hold any public office.
Aren't your birth control pills a different size than your Backwards pills? You keep getting them mixed up Mrs Jones. Your getting everything backwards makes you sound dumber than jimboliar, hard as that may be.

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