trump suggest he would use FBI to go after political opponents in second term using FBI

Trump is in fact vindictive and vengeful – to claim otherwise is dishonest and a lie.
It’s one of countless reasons why Trump is unfit to be president, and why Trump Cult members support Trump, because they’re just as vindictive and vengeful.

Oh really? And you think Biden isn't vengeful? Hillary wasn't vengeful? Obumma wasn't vengeful?
  • Must be why Biden sent the FBI after school mothers.
  • Must be why Hillary created a fake russian dossier on Trump.
  • Must be why Obumma had the DOJ spy on legitimate journalists like James Rosen and tried to destroy their lives.
  • Must be why they are still trying to hunt down anyone remotely connected to Trump or J6 and put them in jail for life just for questioning an election that had everything to question about it.
  • Must be why during Covid-19, pro-vaxxers wanted to literally destroy the lives of anyone who had legitimate medical reasons or concerns about taking a vaccine that kills people, masks designed to stop dust while suppressing the use of legitimate alternate treatments now proven effective.
Oh really? And you think Biden isn't vengeful? Hillary wasn't vengeful? Obumma wasn't vengeful?
  • Must be why Biden sent the FBI after school mothers.
  • Must be why Hillary created a fake russian dossier on Trump.
  • Must be why Obumma had the DOJ spy on legitimate journalists like James Rosen and tried to destroy their lives.
  • Must be why they are still trying to hunt down anyone remotely connected to Trump or J6 and put them in jail for life just for questioning an election that had everything to question about it.
  • Must be why during Covid-19, pro-vaxxers wanted to literally destroy the lives of anyone who had legitimate medical reasons or concerns about taking a vaccine that kills people, masks designed to stop dust while suppressing the use of legitimate alternate treatments now proven effective.
You are so sad and delusional. Everything you write is false.
Oh really? And you think Biden isn't vengeful? Hillary wasn't vengeful? Obumma wasn't vengeful?
  • Must be why Biden sent the FBI after school mothers.
  • Must be why Hillary created a fake russian dossier on Trump.
  • Must be why Obumma had the DOJ spy on legitimate journalists like James Rosen and tried to destroy their lives.
  • Must be why they are still trying to hunt down anyone remotely connected to Trump or J6 and put them in jail for life just for questioning an election that had everything to question about it.
  • Must be why during Covid-19, pro-vaxxers wanted to literally destroy the lives of anyone who had legitimate medical reasons or concerns about taking a vaccine that kills people, masks designed to stop dust while suppressing the use of legitimate alternate treatments now proven effective.
But the thing is, your guys make up stuff just to equivocate. It's a lame attempt to justify the Trumpybears fascist rhetoric to the herd.

When did Biden suggest that he was going to use the FBI against school mothers?

The Hillary Campaign paid for opposition research. She didn't create a thing.

Journalist are often times investigated to determine the source of government The DOJ under Trump did the same. The Capitol riot was not just questioning the election. It was a wild, riotous affair. Remember all the brutal blunt force attacks on Capitol Police? Those are crimes and always will be.
But the thing is, your guys make up stuff just to equivocate.
"Us" guys? Name one thing I made up? You can't.

It's a lame attempt to justify the Trumpybears fascist rhetoric to the herd.
What fascist rhetoric? How can Trump be a fascist when he controls nothing? Have you listened to some of the things Biden said in his speech with the red walls and Marines standing behind him?

When did Biden suggest that he was going to use the FBI against school mothers?
When he SENT the FBI after school mothers. Like he sent them after multiple news outlets telling them to dial back criticism of Biden in their coverage and worked with social media in oppressing public criticism of Joe Biden.

The Hillary Campaign paid for opposition research.
Fake opposition research full of lies. At least you admit she was behind it.

Journalist are often times investigated to determine the source of government
Bullshit. Obumma tried to have Rosen's life destroyed.

"Us" guys? Name one thing I made up? You can't.
Hahaha. You're too stupid to make up the lies that are fed to the Herd by Faux Not News and the Rabid right echo chamber. You obviously believe them all.
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Hahaha. You're too stupid to make up the lies that are fed to the Herd by Faux Not News and the Rabid right echo chamber. You obviously believe them all.

HaHa, your deflection and total non-answer shows that you are full of it.
When you say “everyone knows this”, what you’re saying is that you have no argument and you just believe it because you want to.

You guys have no idea what fascism is and isn’t other than it’s “bad” so it has to apply to the people you hate.
Yes everyone knows this your refusal to accept it is your delusion.
Both of Trump’s impeachments were just as lawful and warranted as the indictments, likewise based on facts and the evidence of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing: Trump’s conspiring with a foreign nation to interfere with a presidential election and Trump’s treasonous attack on America’s democracy in a failed coup to disenfranchise the American people and oppose the will of the voters.

Trump is a criminal and an enemy of democracy and the American people – in fact unfit to be president or to hold any public office.
Horseshit they weren't lawful they were purely political
There is no standing for the bullshit trials Trump is having to go through. The appeals court will overturn the rulings. Biden is a true racist conman criminal and a threat to the Republic

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