Trump Support Among Blacks and Hispanics jumps to 24% and 29%......

Trump will get at least 20% of the black vote, and 25% of the legally registered hispanic vote, and could get up to 30% of the black vote and 35 of the hispanic vote. If indies and GOP voters would have crossed over and voted in the Democrat primary and voted in Buttplugg it would already be over by a 20%-30% margin already. Black and latino voters, along with white women with children, voted in Prop 8 in California, they don't fall for the fake Pity Party for faggots, and the more intelligent blacks, while still racist, realize nobody is going to vote for reparations if it appears to be due to extortion and waves of hate crimes against working and middle class whites, who will be the ones who have to pay for it all, and Mexican latinos who have to compete with criminal illegal aliens for jobs and have their wages driven down by them are especially hit by the Covid pandemic now are not enthusiastic about throwing the borders open to Guatemalans and other Central and South Americans and their gangsters either.
You just made my case on why the House of Reps will flip into republican hands...

Some seats will flip, but I'm afraid the gerrymandering is almost airtight in places like NYC, LA and the Bay Area, Baltimore, Chicago Land, etc. It would be nice if 5%-10% of them flipped, though, for sure, but I wouldn't hope for much more than that, unfortunately. I think we'll see 3 more Senate seats net go for Trump Republicans. Just my opinion, of course, since there is no accurate media reporting any more.
The gerrymandering was based on race and who they vote for... The race issue is now split in about five different directions... Its any ones guess how it will fall this time around..
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Trump wins California..

Not likely, all the Trump voters are fleeing to Texas where the jobs are. They do stand to lose some Congressional seats, especially if Trump holds the line against counting criminal illegal aliens towards their seats; they could lose several on top of what they're losing to out migration. They should lose at least 12 seats, but Red Chinese Asians keep moving in and having anchor babies so that may offset the Americans leaving California in droves back to the U.S.
trump is at 8 percent in the black community. He has been at 8 percent from the beginning. He will be at 8 percent the day of the election.
trump is at 8 percent in the black community. He has been at 8 percent from the beginning. He will be at 8 percent the day of the election.
Not as of today.... Your hoping for something that isnt true anymore.. Several polls have Trump getting 35% of the black vote... if True it would be the end of the DNC as a party.
Not as of today.... Your hoping for something that isnt true anymore.. Several polls have Trump getting 35% of the black vote...

No such poll has shown any such thing
Would you like to try again?

Not as of today.... Your hoping for something that isnt true anymore.. Several polls have Trump getting 35% of the black vote...

No such poll has shown any such thing
Would you like to try again?

That says approval. Where does it say 36% of the vote? That is also from 2018. Would YOU like to try again?
Not as of today.... Your hoping for something that isnt true anymore.. Several polls have Trump getting 35% of the black vote...

No such poll has shown any such thing
Would you like to try again?

That says approval. Where does it say 36% of the vote? That is also from 2018. Would YOU like to try again?
Read the article.... Approval is part of voting too....
Polls done today, post the Republican Convention, show massive increase in support from the Black and Hispanic populations.

Battle ground states are all within the margin of error...

It appears Trump got a 8 point bounce from the RNC convention in early polling ....

Democrats worst fears are being realized with TRUMP gaining massive ground among people of color... If the polls are correct the election is over for Joe Biden and Democrats.

Your link doesn't link to a poll.
It links to RCP. Are you talking about Republican pollster Trafalgar? Or inaccurate Rasmussen?
I can find approval ratings of 25% to 40% among blacks for Trump all day long. Why fight it?
No, you can't. All this fake poll nonsense is based on one Republican poll and is being supported in this thread by old outlier polls from years ago and photos from things like staged White House events.
Do you morons actually believe a racist scum bag like Trump can attack Harris the way he does and have black support? You're idiots and suckers.
Polls done today, post the Republican Convention, show massive increase in support from the Black and Hispanic populations.

Battle ground states are all within the margin of error...

It appears Trump got a 8 point bounce from the RNC convention in early polling ....

Democrats worst fears are being realized with TRUMP gaining massive ground among people of color... If the polls are correct the election is over for Joe Biden and Democrats.

Keep rioting dumbasses lol
It isn't even close to being if I were you guys go into this thinking the democrats are as strong and dirty as they always are and fight for every vote.......the democrats are not going to give up power easily, and they will do whatever they have to to win...hence the mail in vote scam..........

Also, if they think it will give them an advantage, they will increase the race riots.....

This isn't over until Trump is re-elected and has replaced ginsburg and breyer on the Supreme Court....
I can find approval ratings of 25% to 40% among blacks for Trump all day long. Why fight it?
No, you can't. All this fake poll nonsense is based on one Republican poll and is being supported in this thread by old outlier polls from years ago and photos from things like staged White House events.
Do you morons actually believe a racist scum bag like Trump can attack Harris the way he does and have black support? You're idiots and suckers.

Trump isn't a racist...obama is the actual racist....

Black Americans can't stand moron..
Nearly 2.5 hours and no leftist refuting the poll?

Here let me fill in for them:

It SNOT a real poll!

dRumph is a NAZI!

dRumph is going to kill us all!

He will put black people back in chains!

dRumph hates Gayiea, and pulls the wings off little butterflies without sedation!.

ORANGE MAN BAD! ! ! ! ! ! ! HE IS A RAYSSSISSS! ! ! ! ! !

Does that about cover i t?

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