Trump Supporter Found Guilty Of Breaking 'Ancient' KKK Law For Sharing A Meme In 2016 That Did NOT Deny Anyone Their Vote


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In 2016 a Trump supporter shared a humorous meme about Hillary Clinton.

Wirh no other serious crime to worry about, Garland and his DOJ resurrected an old Anti-KKK law dealing with Voter Suppression to use to go after this individual in an attempt to convict him and send him to jail.

Sound like a SNL skit?! Yup...but its not.

The DOJ argued that the humorous meme DENIED PEOPLE THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE. Despite not being able to show 1 single case as evidence that this occurred the DOJ is putting tbe man in jail.

Talk about the biggest case of ELECTION DENIAL evuh - it seems Hillary and Democrats are trying to, in large part, blane this man - a Trump supporter - and his sharing of a humorous meme in 2016 for Hillary's loss.
-- While the DOJ cometely ignores tve fact that Hillary committed the 2nd largest criminal poitical scandal in US history - 'Russian Collusion' (2nd only to Obama's/Biden's failed coup attempt against Trump) - against Trump,an attempt to do exactly what Hillary actually did in 2016: Perpetrate Fraud to Affect / Deny People's Vote.

Trump is famous for, among many things, for warning Americans, "They're not after ME - they're after US."

'33-year-old Trump supporter named Douglass Mackey discovered the truth of that adage in the worst possible way on Friday, the first day of America as a Leftist banana republic in which foes of the regime are targeted solely for their opposition to that regime.

Mackey was convicted of election interference and faces up to ten years in prison, all because of a meme he tweeted during the 2016 election. Yes, you read that right: a meme.

The humorous meme joked about how Hilary voters couLd vote via TEXT MESSAGE.

SO...Democrats / the DOJ's argument / charge was that thousands, maybe even millions, of people, must have been bamboozled by the 107th most important influencer of the then-upcoming Presidential Election to send in a text and think they had voted ... even though, again, the DOJ could not produce 1 'victim', 1 Democrat stupid enough to believe because of this meme they could - and did - vote for Hillary via a text message.

"The Justice Department was unable to provide evidence that anyone was deceived by the meme.Not even a single person."

So they had no actual evidence other than an exercise of his 1st Amendnent right - his Tweeted meme.


"What’s more, at least one memester on the other side did exactly the same thing, and was never arrested or tried and faces no prison time. On Nov. 8, 2016, which was election day, Kristina Wong tweeted a video of a Trump supporter with the caption: “Hey Trump Supporters! Skip poll lines at #Election2016 and TEXT in your vote! Text votes are legit."

Hmmm, a HILLARY supporter doing the SAME EXACT THING yet ignored by the DOJ.


Will the last true, free American out please bring tbe flag?!

In 2016 a Trump supporter shared a humorous meme about Hillary Clinton.

Wirh no other serious crime to worry about, Garland and his DOJ resurrected an old Anti-KKK law dealing with Voter Suppression to use to go after this individual in an attempt to convict him and send him to jail.

Your problem is that you're gullible. You are far too trusting of your, ahem, sources. Had you been a little more curious, you would have understood that the case you're referring to is a bit more complicated than just sharing a meme.

The complaint alleges that in 2016, Mackey established an audience on Twitter with approximately 58,000 followers. A February 2016 analysis by the MIT Media Lab ranked Mackey as the 107th most important influencer of the then-upcoming Election, ranking his account above outlets and individuals such as NBC News (#114), Stephen Colbert (#119) and Newt Gingrich (#141).

As alleged in the complaint, between September 2016 and November 2016, in the lead up to the Nov. 8, 2016, U.S. Presidential Election, Mackey conspired with others to use social media platforms, including Twitter, to disseminate fraudulent messages designed to encourage supporters of one of the presidential candidates (the “Candidate”) to “vote” via text message or social media, a legally invalid method of voting.

For example, on Nov. 1, 2016, Mackey allegedly tweeted an image that featured an African American woman standing in front of an “African Americans for [the Candidate]” sign. The image included the following text: “Avoid the Line. Vote from Home. Text ‘[Candidate’s first name]’ to 59925[.] Vote for [the Candidate] and be a part of history.” The fine print at the bottom of the image stated: “Must be 18 or older to vote. One vote per person. Must be a legal citizen of the United States. Voting by text not available in Guam, Puerto Rico, Alaska or Hawaii. Paid for by [Candidate] for President 2016.”

Douglass Mackey, also known as “Ricky Vaughn,” was convicted today by a federal jury in Brooklyn of the charge of Conspiracy Against Rights stemming from his scheme to deprive individuals of their constitutional right to vote. The verdict followed a one-week trial before United States District Judge Ann M. Donnelly. When sentenced, Mackey faces a maximum of 10 years in prison.

The evidence was presented to a jury of his peers, who heard the arguments for and against his guilt and determined he broke the law.
Your problem is that you're gullible. You are far too trusting of your, ahem, sources. Had you been a little more curious, you would have understood that the case you're referring to is a bit more complicated than just sharing a meme.

The evidence was presented to a jury of his peers, who heard the arguments for and against his guilt and determined he broke the law.

Nothing you just posted counters anything I said.

The DOJ could not produce 1 victim.

A Hillary supporter did the sane exact thing and was not targeted ny the DOJ.

He did not fac a jury of his 'peers' - he faced a jury comprised of ignorant, partisan anti-Trump assholes ... like Trump will face in NY.
The DOJ could not produce 1 victim.

Not necessary to prove the crime.

A Hillary supporter did the sane exact thing and was not targeted ny the DOJ.

The posts are different in nature. Mackey's post targeted African Americans and encouraged them to vote by text, and then gave them specific (and fraudulent) instructions on how to purportedly vote by text. Wong's tweet included a video in which she's got Trump signs turned backwards and speaks in a faux country twang voice. I doubt anyone who saw the tweet took her seriously, and even if they did, she didn't give them instructions on how to vote by text.

He did not fac a jury of his 'peers' - he faced a jury comprised of ignorant, partisan anti-Trump assholes ... like Trump will face in NY.

Yeah, go ahead and cry now. CRYYYYYYYY! Ha! Ha!

Not necessary to prove the crime.

Yeah, Democrats always say this when they have no evidence or witnesses.

Evidently the DOJ did need that to prosecute the Hillary supporter for the same crime, and since they had none they did not persue the case against her.
Yeah, Democrats always say this when they have no evidence or witnesses.

They had enough evidence for a jury to convict him. What does that tell you?

Evidently the DOJ did need that to prosecute the Hillary supporter for the same crime, and since they had none they did not persue the case against her.

No, she wasn't prosecuted because she's a comedian and she was making a joke. She didn't include specific information that would have led her followers to believe that they could actually vote by text - key difference here.
They had enough evidence for a jury to convict him. What does that tell you?

Ignorant, biased, Trump-hating jury hand-picked by some clown like Alvin Bragg.

A Hillary supporter did the exact same thing and was ignored by the DOJ proven to be targeting Conservatives...

What does that tell you?

Just kidfing - I don't give a damn about your liberal, 2-tiered justice system-supporting opinion.

The defense can help screen jurors before trial.
True, but that doesn't detract from what I said.

Usually in a trial the prosrcution and defense has a finite number of jury member challenges to eliminate ones they make think will be harmful to their case.

Like in DC, if I am leading the defense, if I am looking at 20 liberal, Trump-hating jurors it doesn't matter which 4 - 5 I want to throw out.
True, but that doesn't detract from what I said.

Well, the conviction by a jury kinda does. Sorry. :eusa_boohoo:

Like in DC, if I am leading the defense, if I am looking at 20 liberal, Trump-hating jurors it doesn't matter which 4 - 5 I want to throw out.

But here's the thing: Donald Trump wasn't on trial in this case. It was a Trump supporter. Most people understand that a felony conviction has serious consequences and they aren't so sociopathic that they want to ruin the next 5-10 years of some sucker's life just because they wear a red MAGA hat. I can't fucking stand Trump and his supporters annoy me, but I'm not sending someone to jail if I think they didn't break the law. Conversely, I'm not protecting a Hillary or Biden supporter if I think they broke the law. Justice is justice, and a majority of people are capable of being fair.
Your problem is that you're gullible. You are far too trusting of your, ahem, sources. Had you been a little more curious, you would have understood that the case you're referring to is a bit more complicated than just sharing a meme.

The evidence was presented to a jury of his peers, who heard the arguments for and against his guilt and determined he broke the law.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Juries get it wrong all the time. Look at the jury of mostly Blacks letting OJ get away with murder as an example.

Especially juries in Democrat shitholes like Brooklyn NY. There was no "jury of his peers". It was a jury of Moon Bats shitheads from one of the most Libtard areas of America. Ghetto scum.

This was a blatant violation of the Constitutional right of free speech by an administration that is infamous for hating the Bill of Rights.

He didn't do a damn thing to deprive anybody of the right to vote. What he did was ridicule that piece of shit Crooked Hillary and the stupidity of the goddamn Negroes that voted for her and he is a political prisoner. Just one of many this administration has locked up for political opposition.

Democrats are the scum of this country. They have turned this country into a banana republic.
Your problem is that you're gullible. You are far too trusting of your, ahem, sources. Had you been a little more curious, you would have understood that the case you're referring to is a bit more complicated than just sharing a meme.

The evidence was presented to a jury of his peers, who heard the arguments for and against his guilt and determined he broke the law.
Pathetic and total denial of what takes place every day on TV
and in the Mainstream media.The concerted efforts to steer
Politcs in one direction and one only.
Hollywood had been playing this game for Decades.
Then SNL got into the act the last 12 or so years.
Now late night Network TV is abuzz with Hosts purposedly
fomenting Hate on just one segment of Society.Conservatives.
Most specifically MAGA proponents.Any and all humor is
appropriated to specifically target Conservatives.One reason
decent comics like Jay Leno decided to retire early from late
night TV.It became futile.No longer funny but just mean.
Greats like Johnny Carson went to great lengths to not
make his Late Night TV about Politics.
Juries get it wrong all the time.

Sure, sometimes they do, but the reasons vary. In my admittedly limited anecdotal experience, when wrongful convictions happen, it's probably because they self-snitched when they didn't have to and probably because they had a shitty defense. In some cases they even confess to crimes they know they didn't commit, assuming they're fucked no matter what they do and hope for a lenient sentence. But these are the exceptions and not the norm, and you'd have to give me some evidence that the jury was tainted or that there was prosecutorial misconduct before I'd entertain the idea that the jury got it wrong in this case.

Look at the jury of mostly Blacks letting OJ get away with murder as an example.

Sure, and that's the result of a rich asshole basically buying justice for himself -- that's not what we're talking about here, though.

Especially juries in Democrat shitholes like Brooklyn NY. There was no "jury of his peers". It was a jury of Moon Bats shitheads from one of the most Libtard areas of America. Ghetto scum.

For one thing, Brooklyn isn't as "ghetto" as you think it is. Manhattanites have been moving their and jacking up rents and home prices, so let's get that shit out of the way. As far the rest, it's just unsubstantiated crybaby horseshit.

This was a blatant violation of the Constitutional right of free speech by an administration that is infamous for hating the Bill of Rights.

This case will almost certainly be appealed. It's possible that the appellate court and perhaps even the SCOTUS would agree, but I'm guessing odds are against the case being overturned. We'll see I reckon.

He didn't do a damn thing to deprive anybody of the right to vote.

This is the only part of the outcome that gives me a little bit of pause. I'm curious to know exactly what the likely impact of this was in terms of actual voting. But I don't think it's necessary to prove that someone didn't vote, only that there was an effort to deprive someone of their right to vote (by fraudulent means). Criminal intent was established, apparently.

What he did was ridicule that piece of shit Crooked Hillary and the stupidity of the goddamn Negroes that voted for her

Yeah, I guess that's your bottom line, then. It's okay to defraud someone if they fall for a scam. Let's not prosecute identity theft if you're too dumb to check your credit report or bank account on a daily basis. Let's not prosecute muggings or armed robbery if victims are too stupid to leave the safety of their own home. Blame victims or intended victims, especially if they're black. Sheesh!

and he is a political prisoner.

He is not.

Just one of many this administration has locked up for political opposition.

Nope. Locked up for criminal activity. Nothing more, nothing less.

Democrats are the scum of this country. They have turned this country into a banana republic.

I feel the same about Republicans, who live in their own little fact-free world.
Pathetic and total denial of what takes place every day on TV
and in the Mainstream media.The concerted efforts to steer
Politcs in one direction and one only.
Hollywood had been playing this game for Decades.
Then SNL got into the act the last 12 or so years.
Now late night Network TV is abuzz with Hosts purposedly
fomenting Hate on just one segment of Society.Conservatives.
Most specifically MAGA proponents.Any and all humor is
appropriated to specifically target Conservatives.One reason
decent comics like Jay Leno decided to retire early from late
night TV.It became futile.No longer funny but just mean.
Greats like Johnny Carson went to great lengths to not
make his Late Night TV about Politics.

Johnny Carson did political jokes all the time. He just didn't make it the centerpiece of his show.
The Leftest assholes punishing people based on so-called conspiracy against rights charges is fucking RICH

I also contend that anyone who was stupid enough to fall for a meme like that is someone that shouldn’t be trusted with the right to vote anyway.

Then you have this issue of selective punishment.

If you belong to the correct party, nothing will happen to you if you riot, loot, steal, deceive voters, etc as a Democratic voter that did the same thing has had no charges leveled against her while the media and Democrats parrot their latest line that nobody is above the law. . Mackey's prosecution was politically motivated in that a woman who was a Biden supporter did the same thing on YouTube and wasn't prosecuted. So much for "equal protection under the law".

Democrat fraudulent ballet harvesting and stealing elections are OK though. Memes are not.

Good thing Rush Limbaugh is not around now. The Biden administration would have him locked up.

Nope. Locked up for criminal activity. Nothing more, nothing less.
The problem is that the Leftest filth believe that any opposition to their agenda to turn this country into a Socialist shithole is criminal activity.

For instance, the people that protested a stolen election got locked up but the scumbags that actually stole the election didn't.

In this case there was a Trump supporter that got arrested for this law against free speech but a woman who did the same thing for Biden didn't.

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