Trump supporters are "uneducated"

Let me guess, you support Trump? Because if you do, your post just reinforces the fact that the uneducated support Trump.
I support Trump over cankles. I would support a homeless crackhead over cankles. However, I don't necessarily support trump. He is a fuckin clown. I support his idea. And I damn sure support his economic policies and anti-establishment/anti PC rhetoric.
LOL. Seriously? A rich guy supports trump?? Stop the presses.
Wasn't my point, asswipe.

Sure it was. You pointed to a single person who happens to be rich and think that somehow disproves the notion that Trump is supported by the uneducated.

Thanks for the laugh Turnip.
My point was that Carl is fuckin smart as a whip, obviously.
Why don't you try to think, dumbfuck? Just fuckin try it? Just fuckin once?
the vast majority of trump supporters are under educated, angry and ignorant.

Dude, I hate to point out an inconvenient reality but asking the average Bernie Sanders supporter how we'd pay for all of his give a ways will almost certainly get you a vacant stare and a shrug of the shoulders in return. So who's REALLY under educated, angry and unemployed blue collar worker...or an over educated, stoned and unemployed college student?
In terms of demographics, Trump’s supporters are a bit older, less educated and earn less than the average Republican. Slightly over half are women. About half are between 45 and 64 years of age, with another 34 percent over 65 years old and less than 2 percent younger than 30. One half of his voters have a high school education or less, compared to 19 percent with a college or post-graduate degree. Slightly over a third of his supporters earn less than $50,000 per year, while 11 percent earn over $100,000 per year. Definitely not country club Republicans, but not terribly unusual either.

So, let us see:

I am old (77 years of sage), white, immigrant, male, earned high school education as an adult student, learned computer programming, worked 37 years at a private company that gave me good salary for that time and a comfortable pension, and retired knowing that the company I worked for and I owe each other nothing and no union contaminated my life thru the years I worked for that company. And let me add that thru those years several times I worked PROUDLY as a scab during strikes that almost brought the company to its knees.

Don't bitch about discrimination, racism, sexism, political incorrectness, policy brutality and whose lives matter. I experienced all except for police brutality, because I never invoked it by unlawful behavior.

I educated myself. The last six years of my life I spent on an L1-B working visa in the United States producing more than my fellow native Americans or highly regarded immigrants with an H2-B visa.

Perception of success is for fools. Actual success is for those who achieve against all odds.

Winners vote for Trump. Losers vote for Clinton.
you can't be white and be a native American,,
and you bitch every chance you get .
you need to work on your humility skills.

"Native" is a word describing a person in/in the land/country they were born. Race, color, ethnicity makes no never mind.

"Native American" is a term high jacked by incompetent nincompoops to describe themselves instead of the honest term "EARLIER IMMIGRANTS".

I don't bitch every chance I get, because I am not a liberal.

I am humble enough to realize when I make a mistake - again - because I am not a liberal. a
Trump is part of that corruption. The paying part. Is that really much better?

He has talked about how it is going to cost him..He is not hiding behind big corrupted Koch brothers..I wish those Koch brothers would just wither away they are so old.
He has talked about things that will hurt himself, but he wants it change.


Bernie and Hillary are more likely to work for campaign finance reform. Trump is one of the people who gets invited to Koch Bros. events.

No the Koch brother's hate Trump...

The Koch brothers are refusing to join the Trump bandwagon, blocking his access to influential tools in their political armory, Politico reported.

According to the report, the Kochs have denied the real estate mogul access to their state-of-the-art data and analytics services. He has also been excluded from their annual grassroots summit next month in Columbus, Ohio, run by Americans for Prosperity (AFP), as well as the annual summer soiree of mega-donors and operatives in Orange County, California, which will be attended by a number of Trump's rivals.

Breaking News at Koch Bros. Cut Trump Out of Invites, Campaign Armory
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

Koch Bros. Cut Trump Out of Invites, Campaign Armory

They do now. Duh.


I hate how these negative stories come out to brain wash the dumb asses not paying attention...

View attachment 65589


I support Trump over cankles. I would support a homeless crackhead over cankles. However, I don't necessarily support trump. He is a fuckin clown. I support his idea. And I damn sure support his economic policies and anti-establishment/anti PC rhetoric.
Wasn't my point, asswipe.

Sure it was. You pointed to a single person who happens to be rich and think that somehow disproves the notion that Trump is supported by the uneducated.

Thanks for the laugh Turnip.
My point was that Carl is fuckin smart as a whip, obviously.
Why don't you try to think, dumbfuck? Just fuckin try it? Just fuckin once?
the vast majority of trump supporters are under educated, angry and ignorant.

It's the same people who said that Evangelical's would never vote for Trump.
They are wrong about the supporters being angry and ignorant and they were wrong about the Evangelical's who voted for him.
really? evangelicals are a prime example of ignorance and anger, pretentiousness and gullibility.
an example

Maybe they are or maybe they're not - that is people's opinions on Evangelicals.

It had nothing to do with what I said about them being wrong on their predictions.
"Voters who haven’t gone beyond high school were Trump’s best group by education; he won 45 percent of their votes. His support fell as education increased, to 21 percent among voters with a post-graduate education – still highly competitive even in that group."

New Hampshire Primary Exit Poll Analysis: How They Won

I rest my case.
2016 Election Center - Presidential Primaries and Caucuses – 2016 Election Center -
34% of cankles supporters haven't gone beyond high school
64% of bernies.
NH exit polls
So I guess we can say that about every fuckin candidate running, right?

So, your argument is that some candidates supporters are just as uneducated as Trump's?

Say, TN, just how much education did you obtain in order to make that argument?
Some, all
It is stupid to get a college education in this economy.
For the win! LOL
He has talked about how it is going to cost him..He is not hiding behind big corrupted Koch brothers..I wish those Koch brothers would just wither away they are so old.
He has talked about things that will hurt himself, but he wants it change.


Bernie and Hillary are more likely to work for campaign finance reform. Trump is one of the people who gets invited to Koch Bros. events.

No the Koch brother's hate Trump...

The Koch brothers are refusing to join the Trump bandwagon, blocking his access to influential tools in their political armory, Politico reported.

According to the report, the Kochs have denied the real estate mogul access to their state-of-the-art data and analytics services. He has also been excluded from their annual grassroots summit next month in Columbus, Ohio, run by Americans for Prosperity (AFP), as well as the annual summer soiree of mega-donors and operatives in Orange County, California, which will be attended by a number of Trump's rivals.

Breaking News at Koch Bros. Cut Trump Out of Invites, Campaign Armory
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

Koch Bros. Cut Trump Out of Invites, Campaign Armory

They do now. Duh.


I hate how these negative stories come out to brain wash the dumb asses not paying attention...

View attachment 65589



The Koch brothers have their hands in the media, and I am sure they are behind this big push of stories ..."The Uneducated Support Trump"...Some jack ass started it on the news coverage last night and it is all over the place today..It is a untrue news slam..

Sure it was. You pointed to a single person who happens to be rich and think that somehow disproves the notion that Trump is supported by the uneducated.

Thanks for the laugh Turnip.
My point was that Carl is fuckin smart as a whip, obviously.
Why don't you try to think, dumbfuck? Just fuckin try it? Just fuckin once?
the vast majority of trump supporters are under educated, angry and ignorant.

It's the same people who said that Evangelical's would never vote for Trump.
They are wrong about the supporters being angry and ignorant and they were wrong about the Evangelical's who voted for him.
really? evangelicals are a prime example of ignorance and anger, pretentiousness and gullibility.
an example

Maybe they are or maybe they're not - that is people's opinions on Evangelicals.

It had nothing to do with what I said about them being wrong on their predictions.
it has everything to do with the subject of this thread.
My point was that Carl is fuckin smart as a whip, obviously.
Why don't you try to think, dumbfuck? Just fuckin try it? Just fuckin once?
the vast majority of trump supporters are under educated, angry and ignorant.

It's the same people who said that Evangelical's would never vote for Trump.
They are wrong about the supporters being angry and ignorant and they were wrong about the Evangelical's who voted for him.
really? evangelicals are a prime example of ignorance and anger, pretentiousness and gullibility.
an example

Maybe they are or maybe they're not - that is people's opinions on Evangelicals.

It had nothing to do with what I said about them being wrong on their predictions.
it has everything to do with the subject of this thread.

You are mixing the two subjects together.
Not all Trump supporters are Evangelicals.
Bernie and Hillary are more likely to work for campaign finance reform. Trump is one of the people who gets invited to Koch Bros. events.

No the Koch brother's hate Trump...

The Koch brothers are refusing to join the Trump bandwagon, blocking his access to influential tools in their political armory, Politico reported.

According to the report, the Kochs have denied the real estate mogul access to their state-of-the-art data and analytics services. He has also been excluded from their annual grassroots summit next month in Columbus, Ohio, run by Americans for Prosperity (AFP), as well as the annual summer soiree of mega-donors and operatives in Orange County, California, which will be attended by a number of Trump's rivals.

Breaking News at Koch Bros. Cut Trump Out of Invites, Campaign Armory
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

Koch Bros. Cut Trump Out of Invites, Campaign Armory

They do now. Duh.


I hate how these negative stories come out to brain wash the dumb asses not paying attention...

View attachment 65589



The Koch brothers have their hands in the media, and I am sure they are behind this big push of stories ..."The Uneducated Support Trump"...Some jack ass started it on the news coverage last night and it is all over the place today..It is a untrue news slam..


Yeah....but that has nothing to do with what I wrote.
It is stupid to get a college education in this economy.
For the win! LOL
strike three .....
this, like all economies will change, a college education will if done right help you adapt to those changes.
astthe vast majority of trump supporters are under educated, angry and ignorant.

It's the same people who said that Evangelical's would never vote for Trump.
They are wrong about the supporters being angry and ignorant and they were wrong about the Evangelical's who voted for him.
really? evangelicals are a prime example of ignorance and anger, pretentiousness and gullibility.
an example

Maybe they are or maybe they're not - that is people's opinions on Evangelicals.

It had nothing to do with what I said about them being wrong on their predictions.
it has everything to do with the subject of this thread.

You are mixing the two subjects together.
Not all Trump supporters are Evangelicals.
I'm mixing nothing ,
I never said they were
Uneducated does not equal stupid.

Only those who are both uneducated and stupid claim that they do.

Or the well and highly educated who are liberal.

Pardon the redundancy.
Let me guess, you support Trump? Because if you do, your post just reinforces the fact that the uneducated support Trump.
I support Trump over cankles. I would support a homeless crackhead over cankles. However, I don't necessarily support trump. He is a fuckin clown. I support his idea. And I damn sure support his economic policies and anti-establishment/anti PC rhetoric.
LOL. Seriously? A rich guy supports trump?? Stop the presses.
Wasn't my point, asswipe.

Sure it was. You pointed to a single person who happens to be rich and think that somehow disproves the notion that Trump is supported by the uneducated.

Thanks for the laugh Turnip.
My point was that Carl is fuckin smart as a whip, obviously.
Why don't you try to think, dumbfuck? Just fuckin try it? Just fuckin once?
the vast majority of trump supporters are under educated, angry and ignorant.

Dude, I hate to point out an inconvenient reality but asking the average Bernie Sanders supporter how we'd pay for all of his give a ways will almost certainly get you a vacant stare and a shrug of the shoulders in return. So who's REALLY under educated, angry and unemployed blue collar worker...or an over educated, stoned and unemployed college student?
where did I say any thing about sanders ? .....oh that's right I didn't !
but now that you mention him he's not my choice for practical reasons .
most Bernie supporter are dreamers .
No the Koch brother's hate Trump...

The Koch brothers are refusing to join the Trump bandwagon, blocking his access to influential tools in their political armory, Politico reported.

According to the report, the Kochs have denied the real estate mogul access to their state-of-the-art data and analytics services. He has also been excluded from their annual grassroots summit next month in Columbus, Ohio, run by Americans for Prosperity (AFP), as well as the annual summer soiree of mega-donors and operatives in Orange County, California, which will be attended by a number of Trump's rivals.

Breaking News at Koch Bros. Cut Trump Out of Invites, Campaign Armory
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

Koch Bros. Cut Trump Out of Invites, Campaign Armory

They do now. Duh.


I hate how these negative stories come out to brain wash the dumb asses not paying attention...

View attachment 65589



The Koch brothers have their hands in the media, and I am sure they are behind this big push of stories ..."The Uneducated Support Trump"...Some jack ass started it on the news coverage last night and it is all over the place today..It is a untrue news slam..


Yeah....but that has nothing to do with what I wrote.

I am too tired to play tennis today...but we were talking about Trump and the Koch brothers weren't we?

I said that the Koch brothers are probably behind these uneducated stories coming out today...

Uneducated does not equal stupid.

Only those who are both uneducated and stupid claim that they do.

Or the well and highly educated who are liberal.

Pardon the redundancy.
that is also a false assumption .
no one but you equated un educated with stupid .
the rub lies in the fact that most stupid people are uneducated and some educated people have zero smarts.
Let me guess, you support Trump? Because if you do, your post just reinforces the fact that the uneducated support Trump.
I support Trump over cankles. I would support a homeless crackhead over cankles. However, I don't necessarily support trump. He is a fuckin clown. I support his idea. And I damn sure support his economic policies and anti-establishment/anti PC rhetoric.
LOL. Seriously? A rich guy supports trump?? Stop the presses.
Wasn't my point, asswipe.

Sure it was. You pointed to a single person who happens to be rich and think that somehow disproves the notion that Trump is supported by the uneducated.

Thanks for the laugh Turnip.

Well...ummm I am well off, my husband is an attorney who was the Mayor, and I have my masters in addiction house is multi millions, I live in the most desired place in the world..And I support Trump, my friends support Trump ...why because of the Big Corruption in Government..You have you be Uneducated to not see that..

so you're a pretentious conspicuous consumer ?
here's a line from a song that is appropriate " you can be stupid and be a million fuckin' aire"

I was making a point of your false just don't get it that educated people are aware of the corruption going on...Big money running our country and fucking us over..
I have my own doesn't buy health or happiness...but I want to help the generations after me.
Educated , wealthy would rather have Trump in more so than icky Cruz..or Robot Rubio


really I'm educated and aware ?
Let me guess, you support Trump? Because if you do, your post just reinforces the fact that the uneducated support Trump.
I support Trump over cankles. I would support a homeless crackhead over cankles. However, I don't necessarily support trump. He is a fuckin clown. I support his idea. And I damn sure support his economic policies and anti-establishment/anti PC rhetoric.
LOL. Seriously? A rich guy supports trump?? Stop the presses.
Wasn't my point, asswipe.

Sure it was. You pointed to a single person who happens to be rich and think that somehow disproves the notion that Trump is supported by the uneducated.

Thanks for the laugh Turnip.
My point was that Carl is fuckin smart as a whip, obviously.
Why don't you try to think, dumbfuck? Just fuckin try it? Just fuckin once?
the vast majority of trump supporters are under educated, angry and ignorant.
Donet yuo fucking call me under edecated!! I went to skool in the fith grade yuo fuck!!! Dam rite i,m angree!! We need this contry back frum the bad peple!!!!
In terms of demographics, Trump’s supporters are a bit older, less educated and earn less than the average Republican. Slightly over half are women. About half are between 45 and 64 years of age, with another 34 percent over 65 years old and less than 2 percent younger than 30. One half of his voters have a high school education or less, compared to 19 percent with a college or post-graduate degree. Slightly over a third of his supporters earn less than $50,000 per year, while 11 percent earn over $100,000 per year. Definitely not country club Republicans, but not terribly unusual either.

So, let us see:

I am old (77 years of sage), white, immigrant, male, earned high school education as an adult student, learned computer programming, worked 37 years at a private company that gave me good salary for that time and a comfortable pension, and retired knowing that the company I worked for and I owe each other nothing and no union contaminated my life thru the years I worked for that company. And let me add that thru those years several times I worked PROUDLY as a scab during strikes that almost brought the company to its knees.

Don't bitch about discrimination, racism, sexism, political incorrectness, policy brutality and whose lives matter. I experienced all except for police brutality, because I never invoked it by unlawful behavior.

I educated myself. The last six years of my life I spent on an L1-B working visa in the United States producing more than my fellow native Americans or highly regarded immigrants with an H2-B visa.

Perception of success is for fools. Actual success is for those who achieve against all odds.

Winners vote for Trump. Losers vote for Clinton.
you can't be white and be a native American,,
and you bitch every chance you get .
you need to work on your humility skills.

"Native" is a word describing a person in/in the land/country they were born. Race, color, ethnicity makes no never mind.

"Native American" is a term high jacked by incompetent nincompoops to describe themselves instead of the honest term "EARLIER IMMIGRANTS".

I don't bitch every chance I get, because I am not a liberal.

I am humble enough to realize when I make a mistake - again - because I am not a liberal. a
thanks for proving my point.

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