Trump supporters, do you disagree with any of the news outlets being “fake news” according to Trump?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Like okay, you hate CNN. Whatever. Call it fake news if you want. What I find so childish though, is that you automatically side with Trump on ANY criticism of him being fake news. You’re basically saying that the only “real news” is bullshit like Fox News or InfoWars.

Remember when the National Review was a conservative news source? Now it’s fake news and Trumpsfers pretend it always has been because they can’t think for themselves.
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Shouldn't you be upset with the D Party, for stealing the nomination and giving it to the ONE AND ONLY person who would lose to Trump?

Bernie should be POTUS, but the D party screwed America AGAIN.
Any news outlet not reporting favorably with regard Trump is fake news for the Trumplodytes...
Shouldn't you be upset with the D Party, for stealing the nomination and giving it to the ONE AND ONLY person who would lose to Trump?

Bernie should be POTUS, but the D party screwed America AGAIN.
The DNC didn’t alter any votes. Don’t be dumb about this. Yes, they conspired with Hillary to undermine Bernie, but chances are she still would have won.

Oh, and try to be on topic, will you? Apples and oranges.
Fake news is not the problem it's easy to spot even easier to disprove someone reporting fire is cold you know is fake and can disprove it in a heartbeat. The real problem is biased and slanted news that is often poorly sourced and badly researched but has just enought truth in it to make people think it might be true you add that with a population that is more and more willing to accept any story without question as long as it supports their agenda and you have a nation headed for real trouble. It doesn't matter if it's people who reject any negative story about Trump or those who accept them without question it's a dangerous mindset.
Bill Gates should be ashamed of himself for MSLSD with Larry O, the racial MadCow, morning Ho & Smo

Shut it down. Even Al Sharptounge had a slot? Do you want your "good name" tied up with that crew?
Like okay, you hate CNN. Whatever. Call it fake news if you want. What I find so childish though, is that you automatically side with Trump on ANY criticism of him being fake news. You’re basically saying that the only “real news” is bullshit like Fox News or InfoWars.

Remember when the National Review was a conservative news source? Now it’s fake news and Trumpsfers pretend it always has been because they can’t think for themselves.

Fox News isn't all conservative. They have a large pussy, liberal contingent. Led by Shep Smith and Chris Wallace.
Late night and weekends are strewn with cnn wannabes. And let's not forget Juan Williams and Geraldo.
I guess that's why they call it fair and balanced.
Oh, and the WH reporters are assholes too.
Remember when CBS used forged documents to try to swing a presidential election for democrats? They doubled down recently but it happened so fast that you wouldn't notice that a CBS executive reminded her twitter readers that she had no sympathy for the Vegas shooting victims and characterized them as nothing but sleaze bag republicans. The CBS exec was fired and the story was quickly buried but it's ghost remains in the age of information to remind us of the conventional thinking that exists throughout the MSM.
Like okay, you hate CNN. Whatever. Call it fake news if you want. What I find so childish though, is that you automatically side with Trump on ANY criticism of him being fake news. You’re basically saying that the only “real news” is bullshit like Fox News or InfoWars.

Remember when the National Review was a conservative news source? Now it’s fake news and Trumpsfers pretend it always has been because they can’t think for themselves.

The fake news card is just that. A card.
Remember when CBS used forged documents to try to swing a presidential election for democrats? They doubled down recently but it happened so fast that you wouldn't notice that a CBS executive reminded her twitter readers that she had no sympathy for the Vegas shooting victims and characterized them as nothing but sleaze bag republicans. The CBS exec was fired and the story was quickly buried but it's ghost remains in the age of information to remind us of the conventional thinking that exists throughout the MSM.
Why can’t you people just address the OP if you insist on bringing up some unrelated story about CBS?
Remember when CBS used forged documents to try to swing a presidential election for democrats? They doubled down recently but it happened so fast that you wouldn't notice that a CBS executive reminded her twitter readers that she had no sympathy for the Vegas shooting victims and characterized them as nothing but sleaze bag republicans. The CBS exec was fired and the story was quickly buried but it's ghost remains in the age of information to remind us of the conventional thinking that exists throughout the MSM.
Why can’t you people just address the OP if you insist on bringing up some unrelated story about CBS?

It's not unrelated. It is a perfect example of Fake News.
Fake news is not the problem it's easy to spot even easier to disprove someone reporting fire is cold you know is fake and can disprove it in a heartbeat. The real problem is biased and slanted news that is often poorly sourced and badly researched but has just enought truth in it to make people think it might be true you add that with a population that is more and more willing to accept any story without question as long as it supports their agenda and you have a nation headed for real trouble. It doesn't matter if it's people who reject any negative story about Trump or those who accept them without question it's a dangerous mindset.
You should be ashamed of yourself. Publicly humiliating the op like that. Logic & reason has no place in a Billy thread.
Remember when CBS used forged documents to try to swing a presidential election for democrats? They doubled down recently but it happened so fast that you wouldn't notice that a CBS executive reminded her twitter readers that she had no sympathy for the Vegas shooting victims and characterized them as nothing but sleaze bag republicans. The CBS exec was fired and the story was quickly buried but it's ghost remains in the age of information to remind us of the conventional thinking that exists throughout the MSM.
Why can’t you people just address the OP if you insist on bringing up some unrelated story about CBS?
Blackhawk addressed your op and bitch slapped you.
I notice you quoted everyone but him.

Get lost trollboi
Like okay, you hate CNN. Whatever. Call it fake news if you want. What I find so childish though, is that you automatically side with Trump on ANY criticism of him being fake news. You’re basically saying that the only “real news” is bullshit like Fox News or InfoWars.

Remember when the National Review was a conservative news source? Now it’s fake news and Trumpsfers pretend it always has been because they can’t think for themselves.

You stupid fucking leftist shill. I was angry about the bias of the news outlets well before Trump even won the nomination. I even did a study on it and how much they're full of shit.
Like okay, you hate CNN. Whatever. Call it fake news if you want. What I find so childish though, is that you automatically side with Trump on ANY criticism of him being fake news. You’re basically saying that the only “real news” is bullshit like Fox News or InfoWars.

Remember when the National Review was a conservative news source? Now it’s fake news and Trumpsfers pretend it always has been because they can’t think for themselves.

You stupid fucking leftist shill. I was angry about the bias of the news outlets well before Trump even won the nomination. I even did a study on it and how much they're full of shit.
Lol you still make no indication that Trump’s idea of fake news is actual fake news.
Like okay, you hate CNN. Whatever. Call it fake news if you want. What I find so childish though, is that you automatically side with Trump on ANY criticism of him being fake news. You’re basically saying that the only “real news” is bullshit like Fox News or InfoWars.

Remember when the National Review was a conservative news source? Now it’s fake news and Trumpsfers pretend it always has been because they can’t think for themselves.

You stupid fucking leftist shill. I was angry about the bias of the news outlets well before Trump even won the nomination. I even did a study on it and how much they're full of shit.
Lol you still make no indication that Trump’s idea of fake news is actual fake news.

You silly leftist shill. I made a case for it before he said it. GFY. Almost a year before.

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