Trump Supporters - Don't his comments about women bother you?

Do Trump's comments about women bother you even if they don't change your mind?

  • I don't support Trump and nothing he said about women either way would change that

  • I still support Trump, but yes, they bother me

  • I support Trump, and no, they don't bother me

Results are only viewable after voting.
It's pretty predictable....start a thread about Drumpf and his comments about women and all the Alt-Right Drumpfsters who thrive on misogyny come running.

IN a two horse race, everything is relative.

Trump has a bad mouth. That's still MILES better than Hillary's repeated enabling of actual sex predators... and attacks on the female victims.

If Hillary's campaign thinks they will win in this issue, they had a song written for them by Judas Priest...
Drumpf IS a sexual predator. So....that means you pick a sexual predator over the spouse of one. Very telling.
so far nothing has been proven concerning Donald and his touching women.
But, you know that
I think a lot of women believe that a lot of men indulge in locker room talk, we just usually don't get to hear it. I feel pretty sure that Bill Clinton has/does, for example. I don't take it that seriously, as men seem to like to brag. It would of course be better if he didn't do it, but (and I know you covered it Kaz), his words aren't as worrying as Hillarys corrupt deeds. I expect a fair number of Trump voters wish he didn't say that stuff, or that they had a more polished candidate to vote for, but it isn't the end of the world.
His daughter seems to have turned out great, and many of his female employees say great things about him

Thanks Tilly what guys say in private is a lot of stupid ass shit ...that's why they always call me the quiet one, I would rather tune it out and hear the sound of silence then Bullshit in IRL

But believe it or not when it gets to much I cuss the dumb asses out x 10...

And when I do they shut the fuck up for a long while
It is quite amusing to see some of the democrat voting men on here claim to be disgusted by Trumps locker room talk, whilst they attack Melania in the most misogynistic and sexist manner - using foul language whilst they are at it.
I know they talk like that in private because I do it with them (yes as a woman - who happens to identify male) it /is/ just something that happens in private. It just so happens that a scrap of it was caught by a mic. I've been caught saying stuff in a meeting with CEOs without realizing the speaker phone wasn't muted. Its called an "faux pa" that used to be a 'hahaha' thing, now it's the end of the world. Its like Liberals don't have a foundation so every micro-agression is the end of the world, it's a disaster to be over-reacted to because ya'll are so desperate for attention and a "false" justice to make yourselves feel better. Self-justification on a scale that even the narcissistic Trump couldn't come close. It's just ridiculous. Faux outrage, hypocrisy, and the worst part, the apathy when it comes to anyone else - which is yet again hypocrisy in itself.

You'll praise the shit out of a rapper who talks about rape, murder, and grabbing everything that wiggles on a thousand women, but you'll destroy anyone who puts on a very similar macho show for a regular joe. Freedom is only allowed when you twits feel like it, there is no foundation to the belief because you don't actually believe it.

Same rapper, praising the shit out of the gang gun culture, but you'll destroy the man who wants a hand gun for self defense of his family - Freedom is only allowed when you twits fell like it, there is no foundation to the belief because you don't actually believe in it.

I could go on, but those two alone -- the first and second amendments -- are enough to say loud and clear that you do not respect the constitution of the country you live in - and you're too arrogant to leave and go to a country that has a constitution (or lack there of) that you /can/ respect.

Libs are the selfish, egotistical, people they claim to hate...
Without the contrast to Hillary they can't defend it. That's why every response is a deflection to her or the person responding to the thread

B'loney. You all are DESPERATE for any distraction from hiLIARy's Gross Corruption.

See Kaz?

Yep. I see that in a parallel thread where I ask about the skank bitch liar Hilllary, you'd say you don't care how many woman she sexually abused on behalf of her predator husband, you don't care

Why won't you follow your own no contest rule in the OP? It's like you asked for people to do something you're incapable of doing. I bet you respond with something I or Hillary is incapable of doing lol.

The question is to Trump supporters, slut

And the rules are everyone but yourself:2up:
I think a lot of women believe that a lot of men indulge in locker room talk, we just usually don't get to hear it. I feel pretty sure that Bill Clinton has/does, for example. I don't take it that seriously, as men seem to like to brag. It would of course be better if he didn't do it, but (and I know you covered it Kaz), his words aren't as worrying as Hillarys corrupt deeds. I expect a fair number of Trump voters wish he didn't say that stuff, or that they had a more polished candidate to vote for, but it isn't the end of the world.
His daughter seems to have turned out great, and many of his female employees say great things about him

Thanks Tilly what guys say in private is a lot of stupid ass shit ...that's why they always call me the quiet one, I would rather tune it out and hear the sound of silence then Bullshit in IRL

But believe it or not when it gets to much I cuss the dumb asses out x 10...

And when I do they shut the fuck up for a long while

Btw tilly 99 % of the guys don't mean it they respect their wife's and girlfriends they are just letting off steam..

This is what's so confusing to me and law inforcement how do you separate the 99 % of guys from the one percent of guys that are actually serious...

No one out bullshitted me yet.. But I am afraid of the one guy tilly that can ...

That's what I am scared of most...

B'loney. You all are DESPERATE for any distraction from hiLIARy's Gross Corruption.

See Kaz?

Yep. I see that in a parallel thread where I ask about the skank bitch liar Hilllary, you'd say you don't care how many woman she sexually abused on behalf of her predator husband, you don't care

Why won't you follow your own no contest rule in the OP? It's like you asked for people to do something you're incapable of doing. I bet you respond with something I or Hillary is incapable of doing lol.

The question is to Trump supporters, slut

And the rules are everyone but yourself:2up:

As a Clinton Supporter, you should totally dig that.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

I have grandson & a grand daughter. A President has always been looked upon as a icon of honor, respect and dignity, to all races, to all religions, and to both genders, until the Tea Party extreme and Reich wing Evangelicals invaded the Republican party in 2009/2010. They certainly are responsible for nominating man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, completely stuffed with misogyny, bigotry and ignorance. The most incompetent, unqualified DANGEROUS candidate in this nation's history, Donald Trump.

The real issue is most of us are raising girls & boys. Certainly we don't want our sons and grandson's growing up making comments like that about women, much less sexually assaulting them. We don't want our daughters and grand daughters, living an watching a President who continually degrades them with offensive sexist remarks that can scar them for the rest of their lives, with self esteem issues that instills in their brains that they're not worth much, making an entire gender (women) under achievers.

THIS IS THE REAL ISSUE WITH TRUMP. It's not just girls, it's boys too. It's hard enough to raise good kids in this country, that have good decent character--without installing a sexual vile foul mouthed predator in the Oval Office, that they'll be forced to listen too for the next 4 years.

Furthermore any woman that supports Trump today--has serious self-esteem issues of herself, as we have seen in some of these pictures coming out of Trump rallies. These women can be very cady and are jealous of Hillary Clinton. Because they don't deserve anything themselves, she doesn't either. Then you have the mid to elderly Evangelical woman that were raised in church that believe that if even her husband is a child serial killer, she is supposed to stand by him, no matter what, and underneath his thumb for the rest of her life. These women wouldn't vote for any woman, even if she was a Republican. These are the women who would vote for Trump.

But the GOOD news is--Trump has an unfavorable rating with the largest voting block in this country (women) at 73%, and half of Women in the Republican party won't cast a vote for him, and this was PRIOR to the audio tape coming out. So I imagine it's worse now.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

They were warned about Trump on many occasions and they ignored it all.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

So BURN THIS BARN DOWN TO THE GROUND by voting for Hillary Clinton.


Yet that you support someone who attacks the women assaulted by her sexual predator husband shows what a standard women are not for you

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS--his name is not on any ballot in this country. Furthermore, Bill Clinton never attacked an entire gender with vile, offensive comments, Trump is a repeat offender well known for doing that.
I think a lot of women believe that a lot of men indulge in locker room talk, we just usually don't get to hear it. I feel pretty sure that Bill Clinton has/does, for example. I don't take it that seriously, as men seem to like to brag. It would of course be better if he didn't do it, but (and I know you covered it Kaz), his words aren't as worrying as Hillarys corrupt deeds. I expect a fair number of Trump voters wish he didn't say that stuff, or that they had a more polished candidate to vote for, but it isn't the end of the world.
His daughter seems to have turned out great, and many of his female employees say great things about him

Thanks Tilly what guys say in private is a lot of stupid ass shit ...that's why they always call me the quiet one, I would rather tune it out and hear the sound of silence then Bullshit in IRL

But believe it or not when it gets to much I cuss the dumb asses out x 10...

And when I do they shut the fuck up for a long while

Btw tilly 99 % of the guys don't mean it they respect their wife's and girlfriends they are just letting off steam..

This is what's so confusing to me and law inforcement how do you separate the 99 % of guys from the one percent of guys that are actually serious...

No one out bullshitted me yet.. But I am afraid of the one guy tilly that can ...

That's what I am scared of most...


This audio is not a single incident--LOL Donald Trump was a frequent flyer on Howard Stern's radio program, and Stern stated he loved to talk about Sex all of the time, and in fact stated on radio that it would be O.K. with him, if a male called his daughter a piece of ass.
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk -

Then of course in his book, Trump states: "That my personal Vietnam was sleeping around with married women and trying to avoid STD'S.
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

Do you people live in a closet? Oh that's right you live in a Reich wing media bubble, I forgot that.

First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

I have grandson & a grand daughter. A President has always been looked upon as a icon of honor, respect and dignity, to all races, to all religions, and to both genders, until the Tea Party extreme and Reich wing Evangelicals invaded the Republican party in 2009/2010. They certainly are responsible for nominating man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, completely stuffed with misogyny, bigotry and ignorance. The most incompetent, unqualified DANGEROUS candidate in this nation's history, Donald Trump.

The real issue is most of us are raising girls & boys. Certainly we don't want our sons and grandson's growing up making comments like that about women, much less sexually assaulting them. We don't want our daughters and grand daughters, living an watching a President who continually degrades them with offensive sexist remarks that can scar them for the rest of their lives, with self esteem issues that instills in their brains that they're not worth much, making an entire gender (women) under achievers.

THIS IS THE REAL ISSUE WITH TRUMP. It's not just girls, it's boys too. It's hard enough to raise good kids in this country, that have good decent character--without installing a sexual vile foul mouthed predator in the Oval Office, that they'll be forced to listen too for the next 4 years.

Furthermore any woman that supports Trump today--has serious self-esteem issues of herself, as we have seen in some of these pictures coming out of Trump rallies. These women can be very cady and are jealous of Hillary Clinton. Because they don't deserve anything themselves, she doesn't either. Then you have the mid to elderly Evangelical woman that were raised in church that believe that if even her husband is a child serial killer, she is supposed to stand by him, no matter what, and underneath his thumb for the rest of her life. These women wouldn't vote for any woman, even if she was a Republican. These are the women who would vote for Trump.

But the GOOD news is--Trump has an unfavorable rating with the largest voting block in this country (women) at 73%, and half of Women in the Republican party won't cast a vote for him, and this was PRIOR to the audio tape coming out. So I imagine it's worse now.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

They were warned about Trump on many occasions and they ignored it all.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

So BURN THIS BARN DOWN TO THE GROUND by voting for Hillary Clinton.


Yet that you support someone who attacks the women assaulted by her sexual predator husband shows what a standard women are not for you

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS--his name is not on any ballot in this country. Furthermore, Bill Clinton never attacked an entire gender with vile, offensive comments, Trump is a repeat offender well known for doing that.

Wtf? So in your world Oreo bill gets to go back to the white house as a cleaning lady
God Damn moron its open season again on 18 year old interns that are wearing POTUS knee pads you sick fucker...
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

I would have liked to seen another option on your survey. For many of us, voting for the orange clown is not done in support of him, but rather as a rejection of the most vile and despicable person to ever be a major party nominee. The orange clown is a horrible canidate, the pantsuit bulldyke makes him look like Abe Lincoln.

Actually I covered that option: "I still support Trump, but yes, they bother me"

Slightly different Kazman, I don't support him. He is the only viable alternative to the bulldyke.

Fair enough, but "support" him just meant you will vote for him. There's only so much granularity I can get to. That you will vote for him but you don't support him is too granular. That's what I meant, you're going to vote for him

I get that, but I would have rather selected "voting for" than "supporting". "Support" connotes more enthusiasm, "voting for" is a choice.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

I have grandson & a grand daughter. A President has always been looked upon as a icon of honor, respect and dignity, to all races, to all religions, and to both genders, until the Tea Party extreme and Reich wing Evangelicals invaded the Republican party in 2009/2010. They certainly are responsible for nominating man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, completely stuffed with misogyny, bigotry and ignorance. The most incompetent, unqualified DANGEROUS candidate in this nation's history, Donald Trump.

The real issue is most of us are raising girls & boys. Certainly we don't want our sons and grandson's growing up making comments like that about women, much less sexually assaulting them. We don't want our daughters and grand daughters, living an watching a President who continually degrades them with offensive sexist remarks that can scar them for the rest of their lives, with self esteem issues that instills in their brains that they're not worth much, making an entire gender (women) under achievers.

THIS IS THE REAL ISSUE WITH TRUMP. It's not just girls, it's boys too. It's hard enough to raise good kids in this country, that have good decent character--without installing a sexual vile foul mouthed predator in the Oval Office, that they'll be forced to listen too for the next 4 years.

Furthermore any woman that supports Trump today--has serious self-esteem issues of herself, as we have seen in some of these pictures coming out of Trump rallies. These women can be very cady and are jealous of Hillary Clinton. Because they don't deserve anything themselves, she doesn't either. Then you have the mid to elderly Evangelical woman that were raised in church that believe that if even her husband is a child serial killer, she is supposed to stand by him, no matter what, and underneath his thumb for the rest of her life. These women wouldn't vote for any woman, even if she was a Republican. These are the women who would vote for Trump.

But the GOOD news is--Trump has an unfavorable rating with the largest voting block in this country (women) at 73%, and half of Women in the Republican party won't cast a vote for him, and this was PRIOR to the audio tape coming out. So I imagine it's worse now.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

They were warned about Trump on many occasions and they ignored it all.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

So BURN THIS BARN DOWN TO THE GROUND by voting for Hillary Clinton.


Yet that you support someone who attacks the women assaulted by her sexual predator husband shows what a standard women are not for you

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS--his name is not on any ballot in this country. Furthermore, Bill Clinton never attacked an entire gender with vile, offensive comments, Trump is a repeat offender well known for doing that.

Wtf? So in your world Oreo bill gets to go back to the white house as a cleaning lady
God Damn moron its open season again on 18 year old interns that are wearing POTUS knee pads you sick fucker...

Again you're comparing apples to oranges.

1. Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS. Trump is.
2. Bill Clinton never has been on record for making vile offensive comments about women.
Trump is a frequent flyer on vile, foul mouthed, offensive comments regarding women, including public radio where he knew people were listening.

This Clinton/Trump comparison isn't working for you.
Well, apparently there are a whole lot of us. I mean almost all of law enforcement and the military support Trump and not Hillary. Even the Secret Service hate her.

Again, looking at WHY they support him is telling.

You have the hard core deplorables, racists and misogynists. And yes, we find a lot of those in the military and law enforcement, unfortunately.

Then you have the people who KNOW Trump is a bad idea, but just can't bring themselves to vote for Hillary. and this is the problem, they've put partisanship above the good of the country. and yes, it's sad we have that type in the military and law enforcement.

Finally, you have the fools who think that once Trump is in office, they can control him. These people need to look up a guy named "Franz von Papen" to see how well that sort of thinking works out. (Spoiler alert, not well)
Last edited:
Absolutely they disgust me. But the shrilary will not think twice about letting you die for her personal gain. Sooooo, in the balance beam of the election, nasty words vs documented failure to protect her Ambassador, and his staff,

again, I didn't see you guys get this upset when this happened...


and her selling the US interests out in the uranium deal,

Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can't veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself "never intervened" in committee matters.

and going all the way back to when bill was POTUS and they sold the Chinese the entire production line for the ALCM for less than a quarter of what the employee's were willing to pay for it.

And now we are going into pure paranoia... this one doesn't even come up on Google.

The clintonistas have a long history of selling out the People of the USA.

So, um, you aren't bothered by Trump and his ties to Russia, or that Putin is openly helping the guy?

Who is selling out the country again?
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

WHICH misogynistic things has he stated?

Is him being automatically attracted to beautiful women as every man, somehow misogynistic?

You need to be a bit more careful about your use of words. He called particular women idiots, that's not misogynistic, any more than me calling you clueless is a misandrist statement. Of course, the natural inclination for men to go full white knight is what we are witnessing here. "Said something bad about a particular woman -> therefore made statements regarding all of them". Ironically, this function is entirely and purely designed so that we could grab some more pussy.
Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS--his name is not on any ballot in this country. Furthermore, Bill Clinton never attacked an entire gender with vile, offensive comments, Trump is a repeat offender well known for doing that.
Yes, we've all heard the braindead talking point over and over. The point isn't that Bill is running for office, the that has been stated over and over is the left didn't give a shit what he did, let alone said. You leftists have no defense to it so you just chant the party line.

If you have evidence of actual offenses then post them up, are you waiting for Christmas?
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

I have grandson & a grand daughter. A President has always been looked upon as a icon of honor, respect and dignity, to all races, to all religions, and to both genders, until the Tea Party extreme and Reich wing Evangelicals invaded the Republican party in 2009/2010. They certainly are responsible for nominating man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, completely stuffed with misogyny, bigotry and ignorance. The most incompetent, unqualified DANGEROUS candidate in this nation's history, Donald Trump.

The real issue is most of us are raising girls & boys. Certainly we don't want our sons and grandson's growing up making comments like that about women, much less sexually assaulting them. We don't want our daughters and grand daughters, living an watching a President who continually degrades them with offensive sexist remarks that can scar them for the rest of their lives, with self esteem issues that instills in their brains that they're not worth much, making an entire gender (women) under achievers.

THIS IS THE REAL ISSUE WITH TRUMP. It's not just girls, it's boys too. It's hard enough to raise good kids in this country, that have good decent character--without installing a sexual vile foul mouthed predator in the Oval Office, that they'll be forced to listen too for the next 4 years.

Furthermore any woman that supports Trump today--has serious self-esteem issues of herself, as we have seen in some of these pictures coming out of Trump rallies. These women can be very cady and are jealous of Hillary Clinton. Because they don't deserve anything themselves, she doesn't either. Then you have the mid to elderly Evangelical woman that were raised in church that believe that if even her husband is a child serial killer, she is supposed to stand by him, no matter what, and underneath his thumb for the rest of her life. These women wouldn't vote for any woman, even if she was a Republican. These are the women who would vote for Trump.

But the GOOD news is--Trump has an unfavorable rating with the largest voting block in this country (women) at 73%, and half of Women in the Republican party won't cast a vote for him, and this was PRIOR to the audio tape coming out. So I imagine it's worse now.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

They were warned about Trump on many occasions and they ignored it all.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

So BURN THIS BARN DOWN TO THE GROUND by voting for Hillary Clinton.


Yet that you support someone who attacks the women assaulted by her sexual predator husband shows what a standard women are not for you

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS--his name is not on any ballot in this country. Furthermore, Bill Clinton never attacked an entire gender with vile, offensive comments, Trump is a repeat offender well known for doing that.

Wtf? So in your world Oreo bill gets to go back to the white house as a cleaning lady
God Damn moron its open season again on 18 year old interns that are wearing POTUS knee pads you sick fucker...

Again you're comparing apples to oranges.

1. Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS. Trump is.
2. Bill Clinton never has been on record for making vile offensive comments about women.
Trump is a frequent flyer on vile, foul mouthed, offensive comments regarding women, including public radio where he knew people were listening.

This Clinton/Trump comparison isn't working for you.

Pardon me for butting in, but Hillary Clinton spearheaded efforts to intimidate and silence several of her husband's victims and old flames. Ask Juanita Broaddrick, for example. Too late to ask Kathleen Willey's cat though. It's dead, thanks to the frightener the Clintons hired to scare Willey away from testifying.

Besides, Billary's a package deal. As they said themselves, when you buy one you get the other for free.

What you have in Hillary Clinton is someone who will do anything to get power, and the only reason she wants power is for it's own sake. She doesn't give a damn about doing some good. As Christopher Hitchens said on the subject (paraphrase): people are usually being facetious when they say, "I wouldn't put anything past this or that person," but there's no facetiousness involved in saying that about the Clintons. There's nothing they wouldn't do if they thought they could get away with it. Nothing.

And a significant part of what they get away with is smearing anyone they perceive as an obstacle, and they use every dishonest tool in the propaganda shed to do it. Anyone with a half-open eye and a few firing synapses knows this. Whether it's staging violence at Trump rallies in order to decry him as a violent candidate, paying people to make up some unflattering story, or sending off Sidney Blumenthal to stir up a birth certificate controversy about Obama, they'll stoop to anything. And, again, no one with an intellectually honest bone in their body would deny that the Clintons abuse power heinously when they have agencies like the IRS and the ATF at their disposal.

I'm far more disturbed by all of that than I am about Donald Trump saying a few dufus things. No, what he said doesn't bother me much. Everyone knows a guy or two who's said crass things about women. Even women say crass things about women. Just ask Hillary, who called it a "bimbo eruption" whenever a cluster bomb of her husband's victims threatened to explode into their political sphere.

For all her faults, I don't think those words make Hillary Clinton a misogynist. Just like I don't think what Trump said makes him a misogynist. And the sad thing is, many of you already know this. You're perfectly aware that the "Trump the Misogynist" line of attack is a bunch of convoluted crap. And you don't care.
Again you're comparing apples to oranges.

1. Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS. Trump is.
2. Bill Clinton never has been on record for making vile offensive comments about women.
Trump is a frequent flyer on vile, foul mouthed, offensive comments regarding women, including public radio where he knew people were listening.

This Clinton/Trump comparison isn't working for you.
Your excuses aren't working.

Bombshell Report Details EVERY Clinton Sex Assault Victim - The Political Insider
For 41 years, Hillary Clinton has worked tirelessly to discredit and destroy women like that. Since 1982, she has been hiring private detectives to look into their lives and find anything that could embarrass them. Hillary once told private detective Ivan Duda to give her the name and addresses of all of Bill’s girlfriends, so she could “get rid of all these bitches he’s seeing.”

More than once, Hillary knew about Bill’s rapes as he was committing them:

This is the same woman who was allegedly fully aware of Bill’s 1978 alleged rape of campaign volunteer Juanita Broaddrick in real time. As we reveal in The Clintons’ War on Women, according to former Clinton insider Larry Nichols, Hillary came running into the Clinton HQ and said, “You won’t believe what the motherf___r [Bill] just did. He tried to rape some bitch!” That blockbuster quote is just one of many things in the book that the MSM has carefully tried to keep out of your eyesight.

Read more: Bombshell Report Details EVERY Clinton Sex Assault Victim - The Political Insider
Absolutely they disgust me. But the shrilary will not think twice about letting you die for her personal gain. Sooooo, in the balance beam of the election, nasty words vs documented failure to protect her Ambassador, and his staff,

again, I didn't see you guys get this upset when this happened...


and her selling the US interests out in the uranium deal,

Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can't veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself "never intervened" in committee matters.

and going all the way back to when bill was POTUS and they sold the Chinese the entire production line for the ALCM for less than a quarter of what the employee's were willing to pay for it.

And now we are going into pure paranoia... this one doesn't even come up on Google.

The clintonistas have a long history of selling out the People of the USA.

So, um, you aren't bothered by Trump and his ties to Russia, or that Putin is openly helping the guy?

Who is selling out the country again?

Deflect, deflect!

Can these people even do anything else?
Lawsuit dropped....

Woman who accused Trump of raping her at 13 drops lawsuit

Saturday 5 November 2016 06.26 EDT

A woman who had accused Donald Trump of raping her when she was a 13-year-old dropped her lawsuit against the Republican nominee on Friday.

One of the accuser’s attorneys, Thomas Meagher, filed a one-page voluntary dismissal in district court in New York late Friday. Neither he nor a second attorney listed immediately responded to questions about the document.

The woman, who had filed suit earlier this year under the pseudonym Jane Doe, had alleged that Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein had raped her in 1994, when she was a 13-year-old aspiring model.

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