Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?​


Two more questions. Should the US Attorney General be held accountable for using the power of his position to attack political opponants of the administration he serves?

Should his boss be held accountable?

Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?​


Two more questions. Should the US Attorney General be held accountable for using the power of his position to attack political opponants of the administration he serves?

barr did that. fortunately, his red line was the insurrection.

anyhoo - not only did a fed judge sign off on it, which means there was great cause for concern, most likely on a national security level....

but ....

Donald Trump nominated the FBI director who led the Mar-a-Lago search: 'He will make us all proud'​

Kayla Gallagher
24 hours ago
Donald Trump nominated the FBI director who led the Mar-a-Lago search: 'He will make us all proud'

Should his boss be held accountable?


yer deflection is denied.
Seems like a simple question from a simpleton. What "law" are you referring to? Do you think that government agencies should have unlimited powers of search and seizure in order to find out IF a crime was committed?
I love the equivocation. Precisely the opposite of my clear and unambiguous rule.

Good stuff!
Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

If it is a law that is evenly enforced.
Of course she should. Just prove it in a court of law. You guys have a real problem with that.

Prove her guilty under the law, then nail her.

My interpretation of the rule of law is not conditional. I'm not like you. Thank goodness.
We have a problem with the FBI and the DOJ which only arrests and indicts Republicans and not Democrats.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

What's conditional is the way you turn a blind eye to the biased treatment dished out by these government agencies.
It's clear that they just assume everyone's take on the rule of law is as conditional as theirs.

The fact that we don't care who broke the law appears to be very complicated for them.
What's clear is that Prog douchebags like you are perfectly happy with the two-tier system of justice where the FBI and DOJ only prosecutes Republicans
Yes, of course. If I break the law, tough shit for me.

Not everyone is a blatant hypocrite like Trumpsters. True story!
Progs are the blatant hypocrites. They even brag about being hypocrites.
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We have a problem with the FBI and the DOJ which only arrests and indicts Republicans and not Democrats.

why hasn't mark meadows been indicted yet?

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

What's conditional is the way you turn a blind eye to the biased treatment dished out by these government agencies.

why hasn't mark meadows been indicted yet?
If Obama committed indictable offences, or whatever the term is, for which he is culpable, of course he should. Don't you believe in the rule of law?
What about HIllary, McCabe, Strzok, Comey and Hunter Biden?

Don't you believe in the rule of law?
contempt of congress for refusing to honor a subpoena

& voter fraud for being registered in more than one state.
First explain why Eric Holder wasn't arrested for contempt of Congress. None of you scumbag progs gave a damn about that.

Registering in more than one state is not a crime. Only voting in more than one state is.
You sound like me 25 years ago...naive. If you are new to politics, you might believe that everyone is an angel who isn't looking out for their own interests.

He didn't set the standard, he is just one of many. The difference is that the political crooks before him enacted policies that have harmed America for decades, so, Trump was their choice out of desperation. Imperfect, but willing to fight for them when before they didn't have a voice.

The same low performers won't go easily, they want their Romneys, McCains and Cheneys back (more oddly, the left who HATED them now want them back to), the problem is that the electorate have chose a far different course and they will stop at nothing to force a bad option on them.

Since no one is "an angel" your solution is to elect proven criminals to office??? And you call me "naive". Do you leave your house unlocked and your door open when you go out to make it easier for the criminals to steal everything you own as well???? Maybe put up a "help yourself" sign on the open door before you leave?
Over one million Americans died as a result of Donald Trump's mishandling and politicization of the pandemic, the economy was crashed by the costs of having to administer 100 million tests, and treat over 30 million sick people in the most expensive health care system in the world. Trump handled the pandemic in a manner to provide maximum economic benefit the Medical Industrial Complex, and deny the dangers the rapidly spreading disease, resulting in the large loss of life in the world.

And fool that you are, you'd vote for him again if you could.

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