Trump Supporters Slam Decision to Launch Strikes Against Syria!

Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Interesting graphic. Why did you post a picture of a place where there was not anything even remotely close to a U.S. ground invasion?
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Interesting graphic. Why did you post a picture of a place where there was not anyhing even remotely close to a U.S. ground invasion?
Was just seeing if you remembered where on the map it was.
I am disappointed. I am sick of foreign intervention by the US and that was the primary reason I voted for Trump over the cankled C#nt. He promised he wasn't going to this kind of shit.

This is a huge step backwards as far as I am concerned.

There are indications that this may be a one-shot deal but I am skeptical. We will just have to see where it all leads.

I share your concerns, but this does seem to be a surgical strike that has highlighted the duplicity of Russia, Syria and Iran. The greatest risk is that the next President may go on a worldwide apology tour and deliver $ billions in reparations to these countries.
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Thanks for reminding me that Niger has a border with Libya.
Trump's response to four U.S. soldiers killed in Niger is already being compared to Benghazi
Old school................someone said everything was peachy on this you remember this place on the map as well.

Obama's only legacy is endless war. He's a mass murderer.

By the time Obama hit the dais at Oslo to accept the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, our 44th president had already launched more drone strikes than “43” carried out during two full terms. Since then, he’s launched two undeclared wars, and—as Obama bragged in a speech last year defending the Iran deal—bombed no fewer than seven countries.

In 2011, what officials called “kinetic military action” in Libya completed the evisceration of the War Powers Resolution by successfully advancing the theory that if the U.S. bombs a country that can’t hit back, we’re not engaged in “hostilities” against them. In the drone campaign and the current war with ISIS, Obama has turned a 14-year-old congressional resolution targeting al-Qaeda and the Taliban into a blank check for endless war, anywhere in the world. Last year, the army chief of staff affirmed that finishing the fight against ISIS will take another “10 to 20 years.”

President Obama's Legacy Is Endless War
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Thanks for reminding me that Niger has a border with Libya.
Trump's response to four U.S. soldiers killed in Niger is already being compared to Benghazi
How so..................our forces were working to remove Radical Islam and even Radical christianity in Africa before Trump got into office.............

Tell me about Mali.........................and why the Radicals went there...............and who's fighting them.
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Interesting graphic. Why did you post a picture of a place where there was not anyhing even remotely close to a U.S. ground invasion?
Was just seeing if you remembered where on the map it was.
I'd ask why but it's probably for a retarded reason.

Now to add some content... :rolleyes:

Hmm.... let's toss this one out I guess:

We should have had nothing to do with Libya either
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Interesting graphic. Why did you post a picture of a place where there was not anyhing even remotely close to a U.S. ground invasion?
Was just seeing if you remembered where on the map it was.
I'd ask why but it's probably for a retarded reason.

Now to add some content... :rolleyes:

Hmm.... let's toss this one out I guess:

We should have had nothing to do with Libya either
I'm sure you want a muligan on that one..........yep.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Interesting graphic. Why did you post a picture of a place where there was not anyhing even remotely close to a U.S. ground invasion?
Was just seeing if you remembered where on the map it was.
I'd ask why but it's probably for a retarded reason.

Now to add some content... :rolleyes:

Hmm.... let's toss this one out I guess:

We should have had nothing to do with Libya either
I'm sure you want a muligan on that one..........yep.
^ :cuckoo:

Now, fucking content: what you said makes no sense because it was never part of any conversation
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Interesting graphic. Why did you post a picture of a place where there was not anything even remotely close to a U.S. ground invasion?

LOL, mental gymnastics at best. Damn liar at worst. You know damn well we are in Syria because of Bitchlary and your Magic Negro. We both know that Libya is in chaos because of Bitchlary and your Magic Negro. They started wars.
More fake news generated by MSN?. The link suggests that independent Fox political pundits expressed "skepticism" . That hardly constitutes "slamming Trump's decision" except in the small minds of small minded left wing haters.
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
That is the stupidest thing anyone has posted here in a long time.

Watch Alex Jones say "Trump is crapping all over us." while crying!

Infowars's Alex Jones blasts Trump over airstrikes: 'He's crapping all over us'
The libs laugh at Jones until he says a negative remark over a Trump action....LMFAO

Assad is laughing; unfazed by airstrikes! Trump did exactly what Assad and Putin wanted!

Airstrikes hit Syria, but Assad unfazed
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war

The Left is great at constantly saying stupid stuff so easily proven false. As the great Ronald Reagan once said, it isn't that the Left doesn't know anything, it is just that so much they know is wrong! Turns out that the Democrats have started 16 wars to the GOP's 10 and one of those was in response to the biggest attack on US soil in American history which only got that far because of Clinton intransigence, so I would argue to make that Democrats 17, GOP 9.

Who has started the most wars ? Dermocrat or Republican Presidents ? Explain.?
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
That is the stupidest thing anyone has posted here in a long time.

Watch Alex Jones say "Trump is crapping all over us." while crying!

Infowars's Alex Jones blasts Trump over airstrikes: 'He's crapping all over us'
The libs laugh at Jones until he says a negative remark over a Trump action....LMFAO

Trump did exactly what Assad and Putin wanted!

Another bleating moron joins the crowd of leftist losers:

Russia fails in U.N. bid to condemn U.S.-led strikes on Syria
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war

The Left is great at constantly saying stupid stuff so easily proven false. As the great Ronald Reagan once said, it isn't that the Left doesn't know anything, it is just that so much they know is wrong! Turns out that the Democrats have started 16 wars to the GOP's 10 and one of those was in response to the biggest attack on US soil in American history which only got that far because of Clinton intransigence, so I would argue to make that Democrats 17, GOP 9.

Who has started the most wars ? Dermocrat or Republican Presidents ? Explain.?
The 1st and 2nd Barbary wars?! Wow. Yours is the stupidest post I've ever seen.

Do I need to add content, even to that mods? Okay, here goes: recalling wars from hundreds of years ago does not change the fact that its the GOP that is the party of interventionists and growing our already colossal military.

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