Trump Supporters Slam Decision to Launch Strikes Against Syria!

Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954

Funny you are quoting Fox News as a reliable source of info when it suits you. The other 99.99% of the time you laugh them off as being a string puppet of the GOP!
He likely posted it because you inbreds declare anything that isn't from a rightwing propaganda piece to be fake news.
Interesting graphic. Why did you post a picture of a place where there was not anyhing even remotely close to a U.S. ground invasion?
Was just seeing if you remembered where on the map it was.
I'd ask why but it's probably for a retarded reason.

Now to add some content... :rolleyes:

Hmm.... let's toss this one out I guess:

We should have had nothing to do with Libya either
I'm sure you want a muligan on that one..........yep.
^ :cuckoo:

Now, fucking content: what you said makes no sense because it was never part of any conversation

What? You don't like when you get your hand slapped for trolling, no content posts? Then don't do it. Rump is doing his job, the same way Obambi did his. They've both been told to send money on munitions, that good old Military Industrial Complex needs more cash.
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Interesting graphic. Why did you post a picture of a place where there was not anything even remotely close to a U.S. ground invasion?

Nothing close to a ground strike in Syria last night either. You keep moving the goalposts, bottom line the Dems and the Republicans like war.

You nuts will lie your asses off to pretend to be better.
More fake news generated by MSN?. The link suggests that independent Fox political pundits expressed "skepticism" . That hardly constitutes "slamming Trump's decision" except in the small minds of small minded left wing haters.

All the statements are verified by the persons mentioned below!

Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

What part of the fact that Mike Savage said "We lost, war machine bombs syria, no evidence Assad did it" do you not comprehend????

Also the fact that Alex Jones broke down in tear while speaking against the Syrian attack!

Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Interesting graphic. Why did you post a picture of a place where there was not anything even remotely close to a U.S. ground invasion?

Nothing close to a ground strike in Syria last night either. You keep moving the goalposts, bottom line the Dems and the Republicans like war.

You nuts will lie your asses off to pretend to be better.
They are gonna keep playing these games until they start WWIII.................over freaking politics..................this isn't a game............
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Interesting graphic. Why did you post a picture of a place where there was not anything even remotely close to a U.S. ground invasion?

Nothing close to a ground strike in Syria last night either. You keep moving the goalposts, bottom line the Dems and the Republicans like war.

You nuts will lie your asses off to pretend to be better.
Why did you jump into a conversation that you obviously had no idea what it was about, to post something off topic?
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
Interesting graphic. Why did you post a picture of a place where there was not anything even remotely close to a U.S. ground invasion?

Nothing close to a ground strike in Syria last night either. You keep moving the goalposts, bottom line the Dems and the Republicans like war.

You nuts will lie your asses off to pretend to be better.
They are gonna keep playing these games until they start WWIII.................over freaking politics..................this isn't a game............

The Bankers and the MIC control what we do. When they say jump the politicians don't even bother to ask how high.
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war

The Left is great at constantly saying stupid stuff so easily proven false. As the great Ronald Reagan once said, it isn't that the Left doesn't know anything, it is just that so much they know is wrong! Turns out that the Democrats have started 16 wars to the GOP's 10 and one of those was in response to the biggest attack on US soil in American history which only got that far because of Clinton intransigence, so I would argue to make that Democrats 17, GOP 9.

Who has started the most wars ? Dermocrat or Republican Presidents ? Explain.?
The 1st and 2nd Barbary wars?! Wow. Yours is the stupidest post I've ever seen.

Do I need to add content, even to that mods? Okay, here goes: recalling wars from hundreds of years ago does not change the fact that its the GOP that is the party of interventionists and growing our already colossal military.

Yes, intervention much needed now while Obama stood by and did nothing when:

Russia took the Crimea.
China took over the most important international trade waters in the world with military expansion.
ISIS grew out of al-Quada as the former JV team to nearly usurp the Middle East at the expense of millions of lives lost and displaced into Europe to flee the holocaust that now lies at the core of the Syria conflict as well.
North Korea continued to rattle its sabers.

The one thing Obama DID do is help Iran reach a nuclear state sooner and bettor.

And yes, growing our military trying to just get it back up to where it was before Obama took it over and shrunk it down to pre WWI levels, to where today, we stand unprepared to deal with current global situations like Iran and North Korea (which Democrats had a major hand in creating).

Is America's Air Force Dying?

Much of US fighting gear stocked in S. Korea found in disrepair - The Boston Globe

Daddy, Why Is My School Falling Down?

Why the U.S. Navy Could Be in Big Trouble: China Plans 351 Ships by 2020

Isn't it amazing that everytime some ignorant, leftist loudmouth takes a stance, it is ALWAYS against his own country!
Last edited:
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war

The Left is great at constantly saying stupid stuff so easily proven false. As the great Ronald Reagan once said, it isn't that the Left doesn't know anything, it is just that so much they know is wrong! Turns out that the Democrats have started 16 wars to the GOP's 10 and one of those was in response to the biggest attack on US soil in American history which only got that far because of Clinton intransigence, so I would argue to make that Democrats 17, GOP 9.

Who has started the most wars ? Dermocrat or Republican Presidents ? Explain.?
The 1st and 2nd Barbary wars?! Wow. Yours is the stupidest post I've ever seen.

Do I need to add content, even to that mods? Okay, here goes: recalling wars from hundreds of years ago does not change the fact that its the GOP that is the party of interventionists and growing our already colossal military.

Yes, intervention much needed now while Obama stood by and did nothing when:

Russia took the Crimea.
China took over the most important international trade waters in the world with military expansion.
ISIS grew out of al-Quada as the former JV team to nearly usurp the Middle East at the most of millions of lives lost and displaced into Europe to flee the holocaust that now lies at the core of the Syria conflict as well.

And yes, growing our military trying to just get it back up to where it was before Obama took it over and shrunk it down to pre WWI levels, to where today, we stand unprepared to deal with current global situations like Iran and North Korea (which Democrats had a major hand in creating).

Is America's Air Force Dying?

Much of US fighting gear stocked in S. Korea found in disrepair - The Boston Globe

Daddy, Why Is My School Falling Down?

Why the U.S. Navy Could Be in Big Trouble: China Plans 351 Ships by 2020

Isn't it amazing that everytime some ignorant, leftist loudmouth takes a stance, it is ALWAYS against his own country!
Russia took Crimea and the right defended them. China has taken over nothing. ISIS never came close to usurping anything. And our military outspends the entire 1st world combined. Your crippling fear of countries that have never invaded anybody is curious, you pussy.
Funny how everyone is outraged about using chemical weapons including the left, and the left love loss of life to M13 gangs. You fks can never be consistent
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954

Funny you are quoting Fox News as a reliable source of info when it suits you. The other 99.99% of the time you laugh them off as being a string puppet of the GOP!

The fact that your favorite news source told the truth for once, bothers you a great deal evidently!
FOX News LIES.png
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954

Funny you are quoting Fox News as a reliable source of info when it suits you. The other 99.99% of the time you laugh them off as being a string puppet of the GOP!

The fact that your favorite news source told the truth for once, bothers you a great deal evidently!View attachment 187993
They always tell the truth, it’s you that can’t always accept it
Russia took Crimea and the right defended them.

Really? Proof? It was the Democrats that did the Russian Reset that enabled Russia to invade there, as Obama said in 2012 he'd be more flexible to after being reelected.

China has taken over nothing.

These images might just be the clearest signs of China's expansion in the disputed South China Sea

South China Sea Buildup Brings Beijing Closer to Realizing Control

ISIS never came close to usurping anything.

MAPPED: Terrifying growth of ISIS in just ONE year...and how Asia & Russia is next target

And our military outspends the entire 1st world combined.

Yes, it does, but that is the cost of keeping the biggest military, which keep other hostile countries in check. Of the many global problems in the world now, most of them expanded in the 8 short years that Obama was in office shrinking our military and shrinking from being a threat on the world stage. If these other countries have never invaded anyone, it is only due thanks to us. Er, people like me, not sissy apologists like you. But do keep up the great posts! I love continuously proving you wrong!
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954

Funny you are quoting Fox News as a reliable source of info when it suits you. The other 99.99% of the time you laugh them off as being a string puppet of the GOP!

The fact that your favorite news source told the truth for once, bothers you a great deal evidently!View attachment 187993

How do YOU know my favorite news source, asshole? I have none. You've been a member here exactly ONE DAY and I don't even get Fox. No cable or satellite period. What an ass.
Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Alex Jones of Info Wars broke down in tears while speaking of the military action!

View attachment 187954
Idiots forgot that the GOP loves war
Just as does the D Party...but you somehow failed to post this.

It is the politicians and ruling class that love war. The people never do.
Not even close to the level of the GOP. There are no John Boltons and Dick Cheneys in the Democrat party. The DNC is not platforming to pump up even more our already colossal military and its contractors. Obama was a fool to cave to pressure and keep us involved in the Middle East, but at least he didn’t start any ground invasions and declare anyone that opposed his bombings and invasions as soldier hating traitors
You being a partisan D, clearly are not informed. Partisanship makes you dumb. Stop it now.

APRIL 6, 2017 / 9:19 PM / A YEAR AGO
Hillary Clinton calls for U.S. to bomb Syrian air fields
Hillary Clinton calls for U.S. to bomb Syrian air fields

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