Trump Supporters: There Will Be No Change In LGBT Or Labor Agenda Under Trump. Vote Accordingly.

Sil writes, "In fact, Skylar's trolling of my posts has become something of legend here at USMB."

A legend? A necessity, yes, because Sil keeps talking about contracts of children to their married parents.

We are grateful to Skylar for taking on this boring yet necessary duty.

What does that ^^ have to do with this vv ?

If you'll vote for Hillary, you aren't a middle person.
Labels don't matter at this point. National security does. If given the choice between Hillary and the personality that is Trump, knowing what I know about what experts and common sense shows he suffers from, it will have to be the lesser of two evils: Hillary. I am first and foremost a patriot. I care about my country. If you had to choose between getting chickenpox or HIV, which would you choose?
If you bash Skylar, "What does that ^^ have to do with this vv ?" in this thread for keeping you in line, then expect to be corrected in this thread.

However, about Trump I agree with you 100%.
If you bash Skylar, "What does that ^^ have to do with this vv ?" in this thread for keeping you in line, then expect to be corrected in this thread.

However, about Trump I agree with you 100%.
Then shut up and stay with the subject and stop defending your sock puppet's trolling behaviors.
If you bash Skylar, "What does that ^^ have to do with this vv ?" in this thread for keeping you in line, then expect to be corrected in this thread.

However, about Trump I agree with you 100%.
Then shut up and stay with the subject and stop defending your sock puppet's trolling behaviors.
No, if you diverge into your lies, then you get your butt kicked up your throat so your eye is peeping out your ass. You don't get do it without expecting others to correct you. It is what it is.

Take a deep breath and focus on Trump.
OK, Trump will lose to Hillary. On that we can all agree. Do you think the RNC should take evasive actions? Or just admit defeat at the convention and read a concession speech then?

I mean, you've seen the thousands of Trump soundbites berating everyone from Hispanics, to women, to blacks, to veterans... You know the TV commercials looming on the horizon from Hillary's camp. You know how vulnerable narcissists are and how he cannot stop himself retaliating to give EVEN MORE and WORSE soundbites for Hillary's arsenal. And don't think she won't be baiting him to do exactly that. Hillbilly is going to insult him, hard. And every narcissist goes into reflex mode upon even the slightest criticism of their godlike perfection. She will play Trump like a fiddle until his political corpse is still and cold. Narcissists are so automatic and impulsive in this way that a five year old could accomplish with ease the same task from him. They literally can't not fire back tenfold, and blindly.

Like I said, the RNC should just 1. Nominate Trump and immediately after 2. Give a concession speech to Hillary's victory. Would at least save the country a lot of money. Imagine trying to convince donors to fund a three legged horse running against Secretariat?
If you'll vote for Hillary, you aren't a middle person.
Labels don't matter at this point. National security does. If given the choice between Hillary and the personality that is Trump, knowing what I know about what experts and common sense shows he suffers from, it will have to be the lesser of two evils: Hillary. I am first and foremost a patriot. I care about my country. If you had to choose between getting chickenpox or HIV, which would you choose?
Hillary is a traitor. I haven't seen any evidence that Trump is. I can't imagine ever voting for someone I know is a traitor.
Hillary is a traitor. I haven't seen any evidence that Trump is. I can't imagine ever voting for someone I know is a traitor.

Honey, you don't know narcissists like I do. You won't see it until it is too late.

One of the most stunning phenomenon I've seen surrounding people with NPD is not they themselves, but rather the people they manipulate around them. They have a mastery of drawing people in and garnering almost a worship of their persona. They alternately exude a powerful authority but also a seething vengeance just beneath the surface that they allow to explode in controlled pulses at certain targets for a certain effect on the crowd watching.

The cocktail serves to draw in sheep who are hungry for a leader, but who won't realize the wolf dressed in the fleece until its too late. I've seen regular people, non-leader types...followers, flock around a narcissist and begin doing and saying things they NEVER would've considered. It's incremental and it invades the follower's mind until they really aren't in possession of it anymore. The follower sees how the NPD beats up on their targets and consoles themselves "thank god I'm in with him, or I'd be next!". So that doubles their blind loyalty... "as long as I stay loyal to him no matter what, I won't get beaten up horribly like I see him doing to people who don't worship him!". This powerful psychological whip molds the follower into a mindless drone eventually, who apologizes for and does the bidding of the narcissist without thinking.

Narcissists know better than any other person on earth how to manipulate a herd. But I'd be embarrassed to be considered a herd animal. I like to think for myself and notice what's actually going on around me at all times. To each their own.
Hillary is a traitor. I haven't seen any evidence that Trump is. I can't imagine ever voting for someone I know is a traitor.

Honey, you don't know narcissists like I do. You won't see it until it is too late.

One of the most stunning phenomenon I've seen surrounding people with NPD is not they themselves, but rather the people they manipulate around them. They have a mastery of drawing people in and garnering almost a worship of their persona. They alternately exude a powerful authority but also a seething vengeance just beneath the surface that they allow to explode in controlled pulses at certain targets for a certain effect on the crowd watching.

The cocktail serves to draw in sheep who are hungry for a leader, but who won't realize the wolf dressed in the fleece until its too late. I've seen regular people, non-leader types...followers, flock around a narcissist and begin doing and saying things they NEVER would've considered. It's incremental and it invades the follower's mind until they really aren't in possession of it anymore. The follower sees how the NPD beats up on their targets and consoles themselves "thank god I'm in with him, or I'd be next!". So that doubles their blind loyalty... "as long as I stay loyal to him no matter what, I won't get beaten up horribly like I see him doing to people who don't worship him!". This powerful psychological whip molds the follower into a mindless drone eventually, who apologizes for and does the bidding of the narcissist without thinking.

Narcissists know better than any other person on earth how to manipulate a herd. But I'd be embarrassed to be considered a herd animal. I like to think for myself and notice what's actually going on around me at all times. To each their own.

I know narcissists pretty well.
I vote for people based on what they've done. Not what I think they think.
I know narcissists pretty well.
I vote for people based on what they've done. Not what I think they think.

OK, well what Trump has "done" is outsource many of his products to Chinese labor, leaving American jobs in the lurch in the process. Go back and visit the OP's second youtube video.
I know narcissists pretty well.
I vote for people based on what they've done. Not what I think they think.

OK, well what Trump has "done" is outsource many of his products to Chinese labor, leaving American jobs in the lurch in the process. Go back and visit the OP's second youtube video.
I don't care about that. It's not treason.

But that's HIS PLATFORM! "I'm gonna bring back jobs to this country! We're going to make this country great again!" It doesn't bother you that he is one of the offenders of siphoning jobs out of here to China? That's like you saying "I know he raped little girls, but I still want him to run a daycare center". Jesus Christ!

If we were talking about Ted Cruz denying he was born in Canada, you'd be pointing to his birth certificate and telling me how I need to take a hard look at his past to see if he's a liar. But when Trump's past shows he is a liar, it's "hands off".
That's like you saying "I know he raped little girls, but I still want him to run a daycare center". Jesus Christ!

This is consumerism, not the "worth of labor" though. As an aside though: Do you believe that consumers in the US should be limited from purchasing foreign products? Do you understand that pursuing such a rule will necessarily remove a lot of the products we use on a daily basis in the US - as we don't really make much of anything here frankly - in addition to driving up the costs of products that /are/ made here as it will remove competitive pricing limits? I think this is a very dangerous idea personally..

As do I.

Trump provides a very simplistic answer that appeals to people who are(correctly) concerned about their own job security and income.

The problem is that his policies might protect a few jobs, but it would end up costing all Consumers vast amounts of dollars- consumers could end up subsidizing every job created or saved in America.

Is it fair for every poor American to have to pay 30% more for consumer goods- so that a factory worker in North Carolina gets a job at minimum wage?
After Trump promote Soros, people think "Trump will improve economy, will create jobs"...

Of course he will improve economy, for himself :D

For the ignorant people supporting him tho, not so much...

Ignorance is a bliss however; these stupid people can just listen to Trump promoting Soros and his ideas, without having a slightest idea who Soros is and wanting to accomplish... and expect good paying jobs for themselves out of this deal... :)

Trump is by far the best "entertainer" in the presidential race, thats a fact... :lmao:
OK, Trump will lose to Hillary. On that we can all agree. Do you think the RNC should take evasive actions? Or just admit defeat at the convention and read a concession speech then?

I mean, you've seen the thousands of Trump soundbites berating everyone from Hispanics, to women, to blacks, to veterans... You know the TV commercials looming on the horizon from Hillary's camp. You know how vulnerable narcissists are and how he cannot stop himself retaliating to give EVEN MORE and WORSE soundbites for Hillary's arsenal. And don't think she won't be baiting him to do exactly that. Hillbilly is going to insult him, hard. And every narcissist goes into reflex mode upon even the slightest criticism of their godlike perfection. She will play Trump like a fiddle until his political corpse is still and cold. Narcissists are so automatic and impulsive in this way that a five year old could accomplish with ease the same task from him. They literally can't not fire back tenfold, and blindly.

Like I said, the RNC should just 1. Nominate Trump and immediately after 2. Give a concession speech to Hillary's victory. Would at least save the country a lot of money. Imagine trying to convince donors to fund a three legged horse running against Secretariat?
I don't know what we do until after the election. If Trump wins, block the programs he suggests that are not good for America. Do the same if Hillary wins.

At that point we need to begin to develop third parties, one center left and one center right, and start forcing elections into the House. When that happens, those third parties will grow in great importance and may gain significant defections of leaders and personalities from the main two parties.

Yes, Trump is NPD, super big.
I know narcissists pretty well.
I vote for people based on what they've done. Not what I think they think.

OK, well what Trump has "done" is outsource many of his products to Chinese labor, leaving American jobs in the lurch in the process. Go back and visit the OP's second youtube video.
I don't care about that. It's not treason.

But that's HIS PLATFORM! "I'm gonna bring back jobs to this country! We're going to make this country great again!" It doesn't bother you that he is one of the offenders of siphoning jobs out of here to China? That's like you saying "I know he raped little girls, but I still want him to run a daycare center". Jesus Christ!

If we were talking about Ted Cruz denying he was born in Canada, you'd be pointing to his birth certificate and telling me how I need to take a hard look at his past to see if he's a liar. But when Trump's past shows he is a liar, it's "hands off".

The way you bring back jobs is to eliminate min wage, neuter the unions and boot the feds out of land management. Pretty simple. Let people work, and they will.
I know narcissists pretty well.
I vote for people based on what they've done. Not what I think they think.

OK, well what Trump has "done" is outsource many of his products to Chinese labor, leaving American jobs in the lurch in the process. Go back and visit the OP's second youtube video.
I don't care about that. It's not treason.

But that's HIS PLATFORM! "I'm gonna bring back jobs to this country! We're going to make this country great again!" It doesn't bother you that he is one of the offenders of siphoning jobs out of here to China? That's like you saying "I know he raped little girls, but I still want him to run a daycare center". Jesus Christ!

If we were talking about Ted Cruz denying he was born in Canada, you'd be pointing to his birth certificate and telling me how I need to take a hard look at his past to see if he's a liar. But when Trump's past shows he is a liar, it's "hands off".

The way you bring back jobs is to eliminate min wage, neuter the unions and boot the feds out of land management. Pretty simple. Let people work, and they will.
As economic slaves to the wealthy.
The way you bring back jobs is to eliminate min wage, neuter the unions and boot the feds out of land management. Pretty simple. Let people work, and they will.

Unless you took basic economics and understand that a populace without a living wage can't even pay their basic expenses; let alone make it into your shop where you just cut everyone's salary to produce the things those other folks who got treated the same by their employers can't afford to buy from you.

The dragon is eating the end of its tail. You can't save the economy by taking another pound of flesh from the consuming class. Disney just cut wages by hiring a bunch of import scabs. Next year Disney will report record lows in profits and park attendance. The reason is simple: the ripple effect.

China and our other enemies are just sitting back watching what fools we are. They are watching our brainless ideologies tighten the noose around our own necks. If we weren't so slavish to the "right" or "left" ideologies as sports teams instead of just a basic mooring from which to strike out from, we could come to a very quick analysis of how to solve the problem by taking a 1/2 pound of flesh from either side. The rich don't want to reinvest in the US they raped to get filthy wealthy off of. Their solution: keep taking from the extinct middle class and send their jobs elsewhere. Pray tell, how do you pay your way in life if you can't find a job because they're all gone overseas?
China, who pays the slave wages that entice our businesses over there, are laughing because the US doesn't pay living wages? Yep all the way to the fucking bank they are hahahaha Then you get idiots who try to make shit better for /consumers/ by giving shit like 0% import tax on iPhones (all tech) - look China be laughing again.
Edit - though in fairness it don't matter Consumers in America are stupid fucks, even if that iPhone goes up 30% they'll buy it, then wonder why they can't pay their rent.

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