Trump Supporters: There Will Be No Change In LGBT Or Labor Agenda Under Trump. Vote Accordingly.

. All pejoratives aside, he's a text book narcissist. He says what he think people want to hear, is hyper sensitive to criticism, acts out when criticized, is bizarrely misogynistic, impulsive, and astonishingly vague in his policy positions.

For fuck's sake, he spent almost 10 minutes defending his hand size to the Washington Post editorial board. There's thin skinned, there's hysterically overreactive....and then there is Trump.

I'd rather pick someone out of a telephone book at random that elect that kind of person.

Exactly. Which is why if Trump is nominated, I'll be putting a clothespin on my nose and voting for Hillary. And so will a LOT of other middle people.

Basically this election will boil down to two groups of people voting in the left-center, center and right. 1. People who are smart enough to notice that Trump is a covertly dangerous and pathological person who shouldn't be within 100 miles of the Whitehouse and 2. People who are stupid enough to look beyond his glaring inconsistencies, misogyny, narcissism, arrogance, vindictiveness, childishness and self-glorification to actually believe that all those immutable qualities of Trump will somehow still translate into American leadership that won't destroy our country and lead us to gruesome wars and world conflict within the next 4 years.

And stupid enough to think that even though scores of Trump's products he outsources to China, he somehow will make good on the promise to kill his own sweet profit margin obtained by outsourcing labor overseas, all so he can "make good on a promise he made to his voters that he'd bring those jobs home.". I can guarantee if Trump has a choice between making your life easier or his, he's going to choose himself EVERY SINGLE TIME & at the same time laugh a good belly laugh that you would ever believe you were more important than he is.

Why not just vote third party? I refuse to put a bag over my head and just vote for a candidate.
Why am I not surprised that Trump not taking a hard right religious stance of LGBT hate causes Sil to vote for a criminal instead heh

On the rest of it, it's business decisions to have things made in China, cheaper labor = ability to have competitive pricing so you're not beat out by your competition. Not unexpected, nor "punishable" by most business owners. Most of us do not operate on the emotional top surface layer - we realize that /if/ labor was more affordable in America then those products would be made here.

Trump actually takes a "punishing" view of his /own/ practices and has loudly stated that he'd tax himself 35% for importing products of foreign labor. This is one tactic to return manufacture to the US. While I personally would prefer to make our labor more affordable, I realize that there is no way for a business to compete with slave labor, so import taxes are the most viable solution to the US's labor costs.
Why am I not surprised that Trump not taking a hard right religious stance of LGBT hate causes Sil to vote for a criminal instead heh

On the rest of it, it's business decisions to have things made in China, cheaper labor = ability to have competitive pricing so you're not beat out by your competition. Not unexpected, nor "punishable" by most business owners. Most of us do not operate on the emotional top surface layer - we realize that /if/ labor was more affordable in America then those products would be made here.

Trump actually takes a "punishing" view of his /own/ practices and has loudly stated that he'd tax himself 35% for importing products of foreign labor. This is one tactic to return manufacture to the US. While I personally would prefer to make our labor more affordable, I realize that there is no way for a business to compete with slave labor, so import taxes are the most viable solution to the US's labor costs.

We tax them.....they tax us.....and we lose more than we gain.
That's bad trade deals, as Trump noted, he doesn't hate China, merely our governments gross incompetence at making deals that are beneficial for the US in an effort to be "free market"

I was originally quite a bit put off by the whole not free trade thing, but I reluctantly agree (as in the case with import taxes) that the US simply cannot compete with slave wages, thus we have little choice but to employee some less desirable traits; like a less than free market. It's unfortunate, but our only other choice would be to become a third world ourselves thus equaling out the labor costs across the globe (an idea I often feel like the left wishes to see enacted.) Hard choices, but that is why Trump is a good choice for the country at this time - he will make the hard choices that must be made. Similar to when a small company has to fire folks, they do not want to, but there is no choice.
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly. the manufacturing jobs to make Trump brand clothing?

Oh, wait. He outsourced to China. But I'm sure he's looking out for you.

As a businessman... Who better to call the government on their BS than someone who's lived it form the other side?
This is typical of the sophomoric ignorance and stupidity common to most Trump supporters.

The Federal government is not a ‘business.’

It cannot be ‘run like a business,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And the idea that a ‘businessman’ would make a ‘good president’ is baseless and devoid of merit.
That's bad trade deals, as Trump noted, he doesn't hate China, merely our governments gross incompetence at making deals that are beneficial for the US in an effort to be "free market"

I was originally quite a bit put off by the whole not free trade thing, but I reluctantly agree (as in the case with import taxes) that the US simply cannot compete with slave wages, thus we have little choice but to employee some less desirable traits; like a less than free market. It's unfortunate, but our only other choice would be to become a third world ourselves thus equaling out the labor costs across the globe (an idea I often feel like the left wishes to see enacted.) Hard choices, but that is why Trump is a good choice for the country at this time - he will make the hard choices that must be made. Similar to when a small company has to fire folks, they do not want to, but there is no choice.

How much more are you willing to pay for what you buy?

In order to promote jobs here in the United States?


For instance- a pair of pants as Walmart- say they are $20.00- are you willing to pay $40.00 for the same pants made in North Carolina by legal immigrant Americans working at minimum wage?
As a businessman....why would he give a fiddler's fuck about you? Looking to a billionaire who has hired illegals and outsourced labor to China to bring you good jobs is like Oliver's proverbial 'hiring a dingo as a babysitter'.

Its just layers of stupid.

But as I said....Trump supporters follow a cult of personality. Not any particular track record or policy position.

Skylar and I almost never agree. In fact, Skylar's trolling of my posts has become something of legend here at USMB.

Nah. You occasionally make up pseudo-legal nonsense. And I occasionally correct you with the actual law. Its rather unremarkable, all things considered. The simple difference between make believe and real life.

But what Skylar just said (this time) is absolutely the stark, cold facts. Trump is loyal only to Trump. And this is a fact the Trumpsters and the rest of us are going to become intimately familiar with. But all the warning signs are there for those with even half a brain more advanced than a garden slug.

This seems obvious. All pejoratives aside, he's a text book narcissist. He says what he think people want to hear, is hyper sensitive to criticism, acts out when criticized, is bizarrely misogynistic, impulsive, and astonishingly vague in his policy positions.

For fuck's sake, he spent almost 10 minutes defending his hand size to the Washington Post editorial board. There's thin skinned, there's hysterically overreactive....and then there is Trump.

I'd rather pick someone out of a telephone book at random that elect that kind of person.

And he loves him wierd Conspiracy shit
I hate Wal-mart, that's the worst example you could pick for me... Actually this isn't a good question to me at all... I'm a classic "brand" shopper... While I do not /always/ buy American (because I choose quality over price), I do attempt to buy American - all of my pots and pans are manufactured in America, my silverware is hand forged in America, even my kitchen cabinets are Thomasville, etc. I try, but some things I'm afraid I demand the best, which means I have to buy foreign; technology stuff, my appliances are German, etc. I do a lot of "local" shopping, local craftsmen up here are pretty tight, they stand behind their work and I support that ie yeah I'll pay more for it for various reasons (like being able to completely customize it, or being able to tweak it on site.)

This is consumerism, not the "worth of labor" though. As an aside though: Do you believe that consumers in the US should be limited from purchasing foreign products? Do you understand that pursuing such a rule will necessarily remove a lot of the products we use on a daily basis in the US - as we don't really make much of anything here frankly - in addition to driving up the costs of products that /are/ made here as it will remove competitive pricing limits? I think this is a very dangerous idea personally.

Still the concepts of consumerism can hold true for business to a point; if a worker is exceptional, a business will of course pay more for them - see CEO pay. If a worker is "average" in a "low skill" position, then they are easily replaced and thus are not "worth" as much to the business - and even in some cases, an exceptional burger flipper is still just a burger flipper, lacking any evidence of upward motivation or ability, a business simply doesn't see a "long-term" worth in the position. In general, folks that buy FF burgers are not going to buy more because of an exceptional burger flipper, nor will they quit going there because of an "average" burger flipper, so in that sense, it's not worth it for the company to pay more for an exceptional burger flipper. And in the case of foreign labor, specifically say Japan; it could be argued that Japanese workers excel at tech (it's exactly why I buy Japanese tech) - so a tech business choosing Japanese labor is likely choosing the better of the workers.
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly. the manufacturing jobs to make Trump brand clothing?

Oh, wait. He outsourced to China. But I'm sure he's looking out for you.

As a businessman... Who better to call the government on their BS than someone who's lived it form the other side?
Or use the government for self enrichment. Most likely outcome.
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly. the manufacturing jobs to make Trump brand clothing?

Oh, wait. He outsourced to China. But I'm sure he's looking out for you.

As a businessman... Who better to call the government on their BS than someone who's lived it form the other side?
This is typical of the sophomoric ignorance and stupidity common to most Trump supporters.

The Federal government is not a ‘business.’

It cannot be ‘run like a business,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And the idea that a ‘businessman’ would make a ‘good president’ is baseless and devoid of merit.
Totally true.
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly. the manufacturing jobs to make Trump brand clothing?

Oh, wait. He outsourced to China. But I'm sure he's looking out for you.

As a businessman... Who better to call the government on their BS than someone who's lived it form the other side?
This is typical of the sophomoric ignorance and stupidity common to most Trump supporters.

The Federal government is not a ‘business.’

It cannot be ‘run like a business,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And the idea that a ‘businessman’ would make a ‘good president’ is baseless and devoid of merit.

Then why do we have 19 trillion in debt? 9 trillion added by Obama himself? First rule of business, more money needs to be coming in then going out. Seems like such a simple concept, yet so foreign to liberals like yourself. Unlike you Liberals who give away all kinds of free sh|t we can't pay for, a businessman would not give something for nothing. So I can see why you think the government cannot be run like a business.
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly. the manufacturing jobs to make Trump brand clothing?

Oh, wait. He outsourced to China. But I'm sure he's looking out for you.

As a businessman... Who better to call the government on their BS than someone who's lived it form the other side?
This is typical of the sophomoric ignorance and stupidity common to most Trump supporters.

The Federal government is not a ‘business.’

It cannot be ‘run like a business,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And the idea that a ‘businessman’ would make a ‘good president’ is baseless and devoid of merit.

Then why do we have 19 trillion in debt? 9 trillion added by Obama himself? First rule of business, more money needs to be coming in then going out. Seems like such a simple concept, yet so foreign to liberals like yourself. Unlike you Liberals who give away all kinds of free sh|t we can't pay for, a businessman would not give something for nothing. So I can see why you think the government cannot be run like a business.

Then why are republicans so intent on reducing revenue? Wouldn't that be the stupidest fucking thing you could do as a business?
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly. the manufacturing jobs to make Trump brand clothing?

Oh, wait. He outsourced to China. But I'm sure he's looking out for you.

As a businessman... Who better to call the government on their BS than someone who's lived it form the other side?
This is typical of the sophomoric ignorance and stupidity common to most Trump supporters.

The Federal government is not a ‘business.’

It cannot be ‘run like a business,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And the idea that a ‘businessman’ would make a ‘good president’ is baseless and devoid of merit.

Then why do we have 19 trillion in debt? 9 trillion added by Obama himself? First rule of business, more money needs to be coming in then going out. Seems like such a simple concept, yet so foreign to liberals like yourself. Unlike you Liberals who give away all kinds of free sh|t we can't pay for, a businessman would not give something for nothing. So I can see why you think the government cannot be run like a business.

Then why are republicans so intent on reducing revenue? Wouldn't that be the stupidest fucking thing you could do as a business?

Revenue as in raising taxes even higher? Because at some point people who worked hard for their money don't want it given to some lazy, fat liberal. If liberals didn't give away the farm there would be no reason to raise revenue.
Do any of you believe that outsourcing labor overseas translates into a doomed economy in any country so engaged? You can't complain about fat lazy liberals if your company sent their jobs to China. Just ask Trump. He likes to have his goodies made in China because it's cheaper. Then he wonders why his casinos are in a slump. Hard to have spare money to gamble with stateside if you don't have a job stateside..
If you'll vote for Hillary, you aren't a middle person.
Labels don't matter at this point. National security does. If given the choice between Hillary and the personality that is Trump, knowing what I know about what experts and common sense shows he suffers from, it will have to be the lesser of two evils: Hillary. I am first and foremost a patriot. I care about my country. If you had to choose between getting chickenpox or HIV, which would you choose?
Sil writes, "In fact, Skylar's trolling of my posts has become something of legend here at USMB."

A legend? A necessity, yes, because Sil keeps talking about contracts of children to their married parents.

We are grateful to Skylar for taking on this boring yet necessary duty.

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