Trump Supporters: There Will Be No Change In LGBT Or Labor Agenda Under Trump. Vote Accordingly.

The way you bring back jobs is to eliminate min wage, neuter the unions and boot the feds out of land management. Pretty simple. Let people work, and they will.

Unless you took basic economics and understand that a populace without a living wage can't even pay their basic expenses; let alone make it into your shop where you just cut everyone's salary to produce the things those other folks who got treated the same by their employers can't afford to buy from you.

The dragon is eating the end of its tail. You can't save the economy by taking another pound of flesh from the consuming class. Disney just cut wages by hiring a bunch of import scabs. Next year Disney will report record lows in profits and park attendance. The reason is simple: the ripple effect.

China and our other enemies are just sitting back watching what fools we are. They are watching our brainless ideologies tighten the noose around our own necks. If we weren't so slavish to the "right" or "left" ideologies as sports teams instead of just a basic mooring from which to strike out from, we could come to a very quick analysis of how to solve the problem by taking a 1/2 pound of flesh from either side. The rich don't want to reinvest in the US they raped to get filthy wealthy off of. Their solution: keep taking from the extinct middle class and send their jobs elsewhere. Pray tell, how do you pay your way in life if you can't find a job because they're all gone overseas?

I have never in my life experienced that. I have experienced federal closure of forests, mill shutdowns, the crippling of the fishing industry....and when the feds tell people they can no longer log, run cattle, fish...we buy those things from canada, japan, china.....
The way you bring back jobs is to eliminate min wage, neuter the unions and boot the feds out of land management. Pretty simple. Let people work, and they will.

Unless you took basic economics and understand that a populace without a living wage can't even pay their basic expenses; let alone make it into your shop where you just cut everyone's salary to produce the things those other folks who got treated the same by their employers can't afford to buy from you.

I have never in my life experienced that. I have experienced federal closure of forests, mill shutdowns, the crippling of the fishing industry....and when the feds tell people they can no longer log, run cattle, fish...we buy those things from canada, japan, china.....

We are on the same page with that one. But we're having some difficulty coming to a consensus that Trump sending textile work to China is bad for his campaign. Textile mills and other factories are different from raw natural resources.
Why not just vote third party? I refuse to put a bag over my head and just vote for a candidate.

Third party? You mean split the vote for the GOP? Like I said, they should at the convention just 1. Nominate Trump and 2. Immediately thereafter give a concession speech for the general to Hillary. Save all that money for 2020 and then pay a little closer attention to dem-hired RINOs out to split up the conservatives so 4 years can go to the dems...providing there's still a republican party by then and the Supreme Court isn't stacked 7-2 Liberals.
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly.
Apparently you didn't see this video from the OP. So I'll repost it for you again:

Apparently you don't understand that Trump's function as a business owner is different than Trump as a politician. Do you not understand as a business owner his job is to make his company money using the system available to him? As a politician he now understands the system better than anyone.
Apparently you don't understand that Trump's function as a business owner is different than Trump as a politician. Do you not understand as a business owner his job is to make his company money using the system available to him? As a politician he now understands the system better than anyone.

I understand that once a business owner decides to run for office he absolutely must also understand that his past will come back to haunt him. However, this isn't Trump's past merely. This is HIS PRESENT STANCE, as a politician, which he is now by virtue of the fact that he is running for president of the United States of America. This is now. He believes that a man should use the women's restroom in the Trump Towers and, he was reiterating (not berating) the fiscal threats against North Carolina for standing their ground that men should not be in the women's restroom, showers etc. with an apparent "watch out any other state, you're next!" attitude in his spiel.

Oh do watch the video, all of it. You need to know who you are electing and what he stands for TODAY AS A POLITICIAN.

And, if his goods are still being manufactured in China TODAY, AS HE RUNS FOR OFFICE, AS A POLITICAN, how do you think his policy will be once elected? You think magic fairy dust will fall from the sky and convert this lifelong ruthless business reptile and his penchant for making backroom deals with establishment types, be they the mafia or career politicians and lobbiests? There's a very thin line between the two outfits, as all of us instinctively know..
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When will Trump stop his products from being produced in China? And how long will it take his followers to understand that if he's doing that now, while he's running for Office, he'll still be doing it after?
I know narcissists pretty well.
I vote for people based on what they've done. Not what I think they think.

OK, well what Trump has "done" is outsource many of his products to Chinese labor, leaving American jobs in the lurch in the process. Go back and visit the OP's second youtube video.
I don't care about that. It's not treason.

But that's HIS PLATFORM! "I'm gonna bring back jobs to this country! We're going to make this country great again!" It doesn't bother you that he is one of the offenders of siphoning jobs out of here to China? That's like you saying "I know he raped little girls, but I still want him to run a daycare center". Jesus Christ!

If we were talking about Ted Cruz denying he was born in Canada, you'd be pointing to his birth certificate and telling me how I need to take a hard look at his past to see if he's a liar. But when Trump's past shows he is a liar, it's "hands off".
boot the feds out of land management. Pretty simple. Let people work, and they will.

Ah yes- nothing like letting a few ranchers profit from public land for free- away from any of those pesky regulations regarding water or erosion or polution.
LOL....what makes you think this is a shock to anyone?

But I appreciate your support for Hillary.

I wouldn't call it "support". More like a duty to humanity to choose the lesser of two evils to be sure what's left of this train isn't steered off the rails in 4 years by Conductor "I Am God" Trump...

Hillary I know deep down and Bill too have always supported traditional marriage. They've said so numerous times until the pressure was really brought on. I know this tranny crap invading on women's privacy is not in their bag either. They DO work across the aisle. And, let's face it, Bill will be the de facto president for a lot of the time. Just like Hillary played an active role when she was with Bill. That's why I call her "HillBilly".. My only worry is their ages. I'll be keeping a close eye on who Hillary chooses as Veep. It should be a younger man; like that Martin O'Malley. Cripes, he's only 53 this year. Perfect!

O'Malley signed gay marriage in but because his state's majority approved it. I guess that would be their legislature. Ostensibly he would support any future modifications if the majority also approved.
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