Trump supporters try to doxx jurors and post violent threats after his conviction

So how many Americans have actually posted threats? Does anyone know for sure they are Americans, and not Russian or Chinese bots, because I can assure you both would love to exploit this situation?

The article cites a few posts. How many were actually posted? Millions? Thousands? Hundreds? Dozens?
You don’t want better judges. You want compliant judges that give you whatever you want.

The rules don’t matter. You just want political power.
I want better judges who adhere to the plain language and original intent of the Constitution

Not liberal wackos who babble about a “living Constitution”
I want better judges who adhere to the plain language and original intent of the Constitution

Not liberal wackos who babble about a “living Constitution”
No you don’t. You want judges who make up rules to stop Dems from enacting their policies and allow Republicans to do whatever they want.

The constitution is meaningless to people like you.
No you don’t. You want judges who make up rules to stop Dems from enacting their policies and allow Republicans to do whatever they want.

The constitution is meaningless to people like you.
I’m sure thats what you have convinced yourself of

But you are wrong as usual
You’re okay with it when the judges rule in your favor. But again, it’s not about the process for you guys, it’s about the outcome. You want political power by any means necessary.

Which means breaking the law and disenfranchising millions of Americans simply because they didn’t vote right.

There's a certain comedy gold in reading leftist hacks lecturing others on rules.

It was the Soros lackey Bragg who changed the rules by changing the law allowing him to file charges against one specific individual.

Dems / Socialists used the tactic, ''if you don't have the law you need to target a political opponent, change the law as needed so you can do so''.
I’m sure thats what you have convinced yourself of

But you are wrong as usual
I believe my eyes.

I saw what you guys tried last election. We saw your outrage when the judges wouldn’t allow you to illegally disenfranchise millions of Americans to overturn the election.
I believe my eyes.

I saw what you guys tried last election. We saw your outrage when the judges wouldn’t allow you to illegally disenfranchise millions of Americans to overturn the election.
No one tried to disenfranchise any legal vote or voter

But those absentee mail-in ballots have to go

We need in-person voting with picture ID and traceable paper ballots
It was the Soros lackey Bragg who changed the rules by changing the law allowing him to file charges against one specific individual.
Bragg cannot change any laws. He’s a prosecutor.

No laws needed to be changed to prosecute Trump. The law he was found guilty of has existed for many years and used to prosecute many felonies before Trump.
No one tried to disenfranchise any legal vote or voter

But those absentee mail-in ballots have to go

We need in-person voting with picture ID and traceable paper ballots
Trump and his loyalists did. Those mail in ballots were perfectly legal. Trying to get rid of them showed you were willing to disenfranchise voters. The judges wouldn’t let you, which caused outrage.
Yes, and the constitution means whatever an unelected judge or panel of judges say it means

Having unaccountable demigods making the rules is ripe for abuse and the washington

i believe my own eyes
Not the judges. Not the Lawyers. Not the juries. Not the people counting the votes. Not the people recounting the votes. Not the people auditing the votes.

Your own eyes that just happen to agree with DJT's whining.

“The 34 felony guilty verdicts returned Thursday against former President Donald Trump spurred a wave of violent rhetoric aimed at the prosecutors who secured his conviction, the judge who oversaw the case and the ordinary jurors who unanimously agreed there was no reasonable doubt that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee falsified business records related to hush money payments to a porn star to benefit his 2016 campaign.”

The judge, prosecution, and jurors all have great courage – brave American heroes who defended the rule of law and reaffirmed that no one is above the law.

The Incident​

In a recent tweet, NBC falsely claimed that Republicans are doxxing jurors, judges, and prosecutors and calling for them to be killed. This misinformation has sparked outrage among conservatives who are vehemently denying the accusations. The tweet, posted by @amuse, has since gone viral, with many people expressing their disbelief and anger at NBC for spreading such false information.

Clarification and Denial​

It is important to clarify that there is no evidence to support the claims made by NBC. Republicans are not engaging in any form of doxxing, nor are they calling for violence against anyone involved in the legal proceedings. The notion that conservatives would resort to such extreme measures is simply unfounded and irresponsible.

Consequences of Misinformation​

The spread of misinformation can have serious consequences, especially in today’s digital age where news travels at lightning speed. False claims can incite fear, anger, and division among communities, leading to further polarization and distrust. It is crucial for media outlets to verify their sources and fact-check information before disseminating it to the public.

Importance of Responsible Journalism​

Journalism plays a vital role in society by informing the public and holding those in power accountable. It is imperative that journalists adhere to ethical standards and strive for accuracy in their reporting. Spreading false information not only damages the credibility of the media outlet but also undermines the trust of the audience.

Trump and his loyalists did. Those mail in ballots were perfectly legal. Trying to get rid of them showed you were willing to disenfranchise voters. The judges wouldn’t let you, which caused outrage.
It makes sense if you adhere to the first premise of the cult:

Everyone on the planet EXCEPT the orange pile of felonies is corrupt.
I’m not impressed by that

Everything hitler did was legal according to the german high courts
Because you don’t care about the law. You only care about winning.

Trump even went so far as to try to take away absentee votes in Democratic counties and not touch the absentee votes of Republican counties in the same state operating under the same rules.

It doesn’t matter to you because you don’t care about the truth. The ends justified the means.
Because you don’t care about the law. You only care about winning.
Sorry that I blew up your pat answer

But the fact is that courts can be corrupted

The example of nazi germany or communist china today for instance

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