Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

They directly asked members of trumps administration and they ALL had the opportunity to defend trump or challenge the questions but guess what Marvin

Everyone of them said what they saw and heard. You think everyone of them is a liar.

Simple question: Was anything you heard during the reality show for idiots questioned by anyone in the room?
Simple question: Was anything you heard during the reality show for idiots questioned by anyone in the room?
It's not a trial.
It's an investigation.
They present evidence.
They had every opportunity to tell their story.
You don't like their story.
They could have defended trump, they didn't.

When indictments are issued, they can be questioned.
Are you clear yet.

The SS won't show up, what does that tell ya?
, perhaps you've never heard the phrase "there's two sides to every story"?
Without cross-examination, and no one there to question their statements, it's all 100% propaganda.
Well, that 'cross-examination' thingy poster Martian suggests..... ain't unimportant.
Pray then, that America sees an indictment which leads to a trial where we can see that cross-examination thingy. By the defense.

And by the prosecution.

To be totally up front on that 'cross-examination' business....well, I would welcome it. Would love to see DonT on the stand. Or Mike Flynn. Or Roger Stone. Or Mark Meadows. Hell, even Bill Barr and the Trump kids.

Cross-examinations there could be really really good for America. IMHO.

I like that suggestion, Martian. Let's pay for those indictments. No?


I especially like the one about Trump carjacking the Secret Service.
Tell me about the "witnesses" who saw Trump carjack the Secret Service...

I'll be gobsmacked!
I had not read or listened to any description of a "car-jack".
After applauding poster Martian over his hints to get DonT and enablers on a stand for cross-examination.......well, I sincerely hope he is not falling victim to fabulism. Or sycophancy.

So, Martian....about this 'car-jacking' gig-----------tell us about it. Tell us your source for the story of the car-jack.
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Well, that 'cross-examination' thingy poster Martian suggests..... ain't unimportant.
Pray then, that America sees an indictment which leads to a trial where we can see that cross-examination thingy. By the defense
At least you admit it’s all propaganda
At least you admit it’s all propaganda

Well, no poster jc, I didn't admit that.

Rather, I applauded the suggestion ...the hint really.... that it would be a good thing if we could cross examine DonT and enablers, under oath, in a court of law.

I personally think that would be good for America.
And then, moving beyond poster jc's mistake....let's go to poster Martian Marvin's suggestions about the Secret Service 'car-jack' that he alleges he or someone witnessed.

Anyway, this is what has been reported today. Which, to my eye, seems relevant:

"Top Secret Service agents who tried to undermine former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony to the Jan. 6 committee have hired private lawyers and are refusing to cooperate with the investigation, members of the panel said over the weekend."
How about if every single violent insurrectionist that has been arrested says so?
Then I would say they’re just trying save their own asses.

Look, it doesn’t matter how these people interpreted his words, their actions were theirs and theirs alone.

I have no special attachment to Trump and I do not defend his actions. I don’t necessarily want him elected again. I figured the last election was the end of it and I didn’t care. I just don’t believe this was a planned insurrection and I don’t believe this was what he was aiming or hoping for.

Should he have done or said something to stop it? Probably. But I think he didn’t because because with his ego, he was simply enjoying it.

Well, no poster jc, I didn't admit that.

Rather, I applauded the suggestion ...the hint really.... that it would be a good thing if we could cross examine DonT and enablers, under oath, in a court of law.

I personally think that would be good for America.
Well you need to know what cross is. It’s obvious you don’t

Well, no poster jc, I didn't admit that.

Rather, I applauded the suggestion ...the hint really.... that it would be a good thing if we could cross examine DonT and enablers, under oath, in a court of law.

I personally think that would be good for America.
Hitlery would be nice to cross in court, pleading the fifth isn’t allowed!
This thread certainly has established what I expected: They don't care that a "President" refused to stop an attack on our Capitol and the peaceful transfer of power.
When or where did Trump do this other than in YOUR imagination? Where do you get off with your lies presuming that Trump could have stopped anything! Were they going to drive him down? No, they refused to even allow him there! Were they going to fly him overhead in a helicopter yelling down at the crowd outside with a megaphone? No, you make this utterly insane, tired and old claim that somehow had Trump sent out a tweet over the internet that everyone would have seen and gotten this in the midst of a riot with the police and just STOPPED.

What you shitheads are REALLY mad at is had Trump done that, the argument could then be made that because he called them off that obviously he must have commanded them there in the first place! All you really want is an airtight case to claim Trump tried to overthrow the US government with a handful of unarmed people to try to exclude him from being reelected---- ain't gonna happen pootie.

Why should Trump have even tried to stop the riot when he had EVERY REASON to believe the election had been stolen from him by a criminal coup, which apparently it had. And you can't hang a man for his opinions, as much as little commie fuckwits like you would LIKE to.

They've been had by a flamboyant, gaudy, fast-talking, hair sprayed, manicured, spray tanned, hypersensitive, vulgar New York City billionaire.
Beats the crap out of being had like you by a deadbeat, pasty, senile stuttering fuck with no hair, no balance, a career criminal who has made a lifetime career out of bilking taxpayers getting rich off of backroom deals with foreign enemies while selling out his own country.

And we're all paying the price for it.
Yep. Idiots like you railroaded the best president of our lives out of town for the useless stuttering fuck who has brought us $5.00 gasoline, empty food shelves, looming recession and escalating war with Russia over nothing as just the tip of the iceberg over his horrid policies while his administration LAUGHS when told how hard it has made life for millions in America.
Check your 'understanding'.
There are a ton of caveats.
For example, it is illegal if you have not been issued a carry permit by the Metropolitan Police of DC.
And open carry is not allowed regardless......unless you are a local LEO.

Okay. That still doesn’t mean it was necessary to notify anyone.
And yes, there was not only a necessity, there was a duty to notify the Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police and the Parks police that you were going to be directing an armed and intentionally angered mob directly at our legislators. A duty. A responsibility.
THAT is what is required of responsible leadership.
I am mildly confident you already knew that.

It seems like everybody knew that some of these people were armed so why didn’t anyone other than Trump warn the Capital police?

We can criticize Trump for not warning anybody but, even knowing as much as Trump did, no one else warned them either.
I would conjecture there are many who are pissed off with the revelations within the testimony.
But they watch it to be better informed citizens.
But yet poster GoR won't watch it but still believes he has an informed opinion of the hearings.
No disrespect, but that is an empty suit talking.

I never said a fucking thing about the hearings.
If you know nothing about a subject it is best to remain silent.
Am also mildly sure you should know that.

You should watch the hearings, poster GoR. I believe you can scroll 'em up from YouTube or C-Span.
Listen and watch carefully, read the presented documents.....then.......then come back to the forum with a better informed opinion.
Life works that way. Gravitas is a thing. Trust me.

You claim that I claimed to have an informed opinion about the hearings when I never said a word about them other than to say I wouldn’t watch them. So don’t lecture me about being better informed.
This trope about "Democrats" stood back or approved of the vandalism occurring in some demonstrations? Ummm, who were these Democrats for which allowed the vandalisms? How often did that happen in the thousands of demonstrations? Which cities? How would you know it was Democrats? Was there a sign-up sheet at any of these protests or riots or demonstrations?

All or most of the riots took place in Democrat-run cities: Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Kenosha, Minnespolis and New York City.

The CHAZ in Portland is the most egregious example of Democrat leadership refusing to act. The mob was allowed to run amok with impunity for almost a month and the police even abandoned their precinct there.
The protesters were allowed to vandalize, loot, burn and destroy without consequence.
Many were armed with AR-15 type weapons and patrolled the area like Brown Shirts. They harassed and assaulted people who had every right to be there.

Another prime example of Democrat hypocrisy was labeling Trump rallies as “Superspreader events” but had nothing to say about protesters and rioters massing in the streets.
It's a trope by the grievance-ridden TDS'rs who want to blame someone for the vandalism that occurred in a handful of the thousands of demonstrations against police brutality as witnessed in the publicized George Floyd murder.

A “handful of the thousands” of demonstrations? The riots caused billions in damage and nineteen people were killed.with thousands of civilians and officers being injured.

Are you seriously going to run with that argument?
The vandalism was shameful and deplorable. It sadly besmirched a movement that was rightly and justly intended to bring attention to the police brutality often visited upon the black population. Most particularly on unarmed black males.

Yes, it was deplorable. But beyond arresting protesters, Democrat leaders did virtually nothing to stop it.
*as a point of interest, in my own city the protest that morning and afternoon was orderly and respectful, but.....but as the warm summer evening began to descend an element of the crowd began to throw water bottles, rocks, and broke windows, burned a police car. They were extensively filmed and video'd by law-abiding demonstrators, and by police cameraman positioned on top of buildings. Those who were filmed and identified were arrested.

And know what? Most were white teenagers or white low-enders from the surrounding small towns and far suburbs. White losers in their teens and twenties.

I’m not sure I understand the point of this.
This is wrong. Trump and Trump' enablers took pains to warn others in their circle to NOT publicize a march. (watch the hearings, GoR) Further, and importantly, the Administration and the enablers refused, failed, didn't.....apply for a permit for a march which would have alerted the Metropolitan Police, the Parks police, and the Capitol police that the angered mob formed....... two friggin' miles away....would be intentionally directed at our legislators. Failure to properly notify as is required by DC law then allowed this formed mob to overwhelm the thin blue line of Capitol officers who had not been increased in staffing levels in expectation of a march.

Almost none of the protests and riots in 2020 were legally permitted. Unless you’re prepared to tell me that Portland authorities issued a permit for a mob to take over a section of the city for a month, you really don’t have a leg to stand on here.
As has been said on this venue previously by a perceptive poster, Schmidlap, I believe......the Capitol police force is long experienced in managing and meeting demonstrations.....for decades and decades. It is part of their job. But with the Trump Ellipse rally two miles away and no plans announced by Trump to send the formed mob to the Capitol they were - unsurprisingly -- prepared for a violent armed mob hellbent on stopping the Electoral ballot count.

What I find ironic is the fact that, even after they broke in to the Capital building, no one actually tried to stop the ballot count.
Once again, I didn’t say this was a legal issue.

I know you didn’t. Problem is, it IS a legal issue.
. I think Trump’s actions are despicable. People in his own administration believe the same and even resigned over his behavior that day. Why can’t you say the same?

Say the same what?
Do you not support Trump?

This is along the same lines as “When did you stop beating your wife?”

This is not about me or whether I support Trump or not so don’t play that game with me.

This is strictly about whether or not Trump exhorted his supporters to break into the Capital and whether or not the break-in was an attempted insurrection.

Not that it is pertinent to this discussion but I supported Trump while he was in office. I was both amused and disgusted during that time. Amused at the way Democrat heads exploded every time he opened his mouth and disgusted by the way Democrats stopped at nothing to get him out of office. Up to and including their own ridiculous conspiracy theories and two impeachment attempts that failed miserably.

Having said that, I’ve had my fill of Trump controversy and am ready to move on.
I know you didn’t. Problem is, it IS a legal issue.

Say the same what?

This is along the same lines as “When did you stop beating your wife?”

This is not about me or whether I support Trump or not so don’t play that game with me.

This is strictly about whether or not Trump exhorted his supporters to break into the Capital and whether or not the break-in was an attempted insurrection.

Not that it is pertinent to this discussion but I supported Trump while he was in office. I was both amused and disgusted during that time. Amused at the way Democrat heads exploded every time he opened his mouth and disgusted by the way Democrats stopped at nothing to get him out of office. Up to and including their own ridiculous conspiracy theories and two impeachment attempts that failed miserably.

Having said that, I’ve had my fill of Trump controversy and am ready to move on.
1) I still didn’t say anything about a legal issue here. I haven’t said anything about Trump being legally guilty of committing a crime if that’s where you’re trying to pivot.

2) That Trump’s actions were despicable that day. People in Trump’s own administration resigned over his behavior on Jan 6. Why don’t you see anything morally (not legally) despicable regarding his behavior leading up to and on Jan 6?

3) Asking you if you support Trump is similar to asking you when you stopped beating your wife? LoL. It was just a simple question.

You: “Who said I support him?”

Also you: “Not that it is pertinent to this discussion but I supported Trump while he was in office.”

Why is this pertinent to the discussion? It isn’t. I was just countering your claim: “Every one of your posts here are obviously rooted in your loathing for Trump. Nothing more.” by showing that your posts are drenched in support for Trump.
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'Nuff Said
1) I still didn’t say anything about a legal issue here. I haven’t said anything about Trump being legally guilty of committing a crime if that’s where you’re trying to pivot.

Again, I KNOW you didn’t. The problem is you’re condemning him (and I assume the rioters to an extent) based on your moral convictions and I’m looking at this from a legal standpoint.

And as I’ve said, my main issue is Democrat hypocrisy. People want Trump hung by his balls for failing to act on one day (Jan 6) while Democrat leadership failed to act for months. As a result, multiple people were killed and injured and mobs caused billions in damage.

Call me what you will but I just can’t get that worked up over Trump’s actions or inaction on that day when I had to sit there and watch Democrats do nothing for months.

2) That Trump’s actions were despicable that day. People in Trump’s own administration resigned over his behavior on Jan 6. Why don’t you see anything morally (not legally) despicable regarding his behavior leading up to and on Jan 6?

Let’s say I do. Does this render Democrat actions and inaction during the riots any less despicable? No.

People were murdered in the Chaz and it happened because Democrat leadership chose not to move in and shut that shit down on the first day before it got out of hand.
3) Asking you if you support Trump is similar to asking you when you stopped beating your wife? LoL. It’s a simple question. Just answer it.

The question was meant to put me on the defensive so it was totally irrelevant to the discussion.

I know exactly what would have happened next if I had said I did. I know this because you’ve been asking me throughout the discussion (in so many words): HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE TRUMP IS DESPICABLE??!!
Again, I KNOW you didn’t. The problem is you’re condemning him (and I assume the rioters to an extent) based on your moral convictions and I’m looking at this from a legal standpoint.

And as I’ve said, my main issue is Democrat hypocrisy. People want Trump hung by his balls for failing to act on one day (Jan 6) while Democrat leadership failed to act for months. As a result, multiple people were killed and injured and mobs caused billions in damage.

Call me what you will but I just can’t get that worked up over Trump’s actions or inaction on that day when I had to sit there and watch Democrats do nothing for months.

Let’s say I do. Does this render Democrat actions and inaction during the riots any less despicable? No.

People were murdered in the Chaz and it happened because Democrat leadership chose not to move in and shut that shit down on the first day before it got out of hand.

The question was meant to put me on the defensive so it was totally irrelevant to the discussion.

I know exactly what would have happened next if I had said I did. I know this because you’ve been asking me throughout the discussion (in so many words): HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE TRUMP IS DESPICABLE??!!
1) I’m not sure why you insist on discussing the legal implications here when I have repeatedly explicitly stated that I’m not stating that. Once again, I’m specifically only discussing the moral aspect of this. If you can’t address that then simply say you can’t. Not sure why you insist on changing the subject.

2) Your pivot to Chaz is noted. This isn’t about Chaz. It’s about Trump’s behavior. I don’t see how you guys can defend his actions on Jan 6.

3) Asking you if you support Trump was in response to you saying the following: “Every one of your posts here are obviously rooted in your loathing for Trump. Nothing more.”

I can now say that you are biased in your view of defending Trump since you have now admitted that you support Trump just as you can say that I loathe Trump.
If it’s a strawman then it is no more so than asking if I support Trump.

Whether I do or not is a moot point.
It is a strawman. It’s a claim that I have not made.

Your statement that I loathe Trump is on equal footing as me showing that you support Trump. Your goal was to show that I am biased in my view of Trump because I dislike him. I can respond to that with the same reasoning of you - that you are biased in your view of Trump because you support him.

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