Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

And then, moving beyond poster jc's mistake....let's go to poster Martian Marvin's suggestions about the Secret Service 'car-jack' that he alleges he or someone witnessed.

Anyway, this is what has been reported today. Which, to my eye, seems relevant:

"Top Secret Service agents who tried to undermine former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony to the Jan. 6 committee have hired private lawyers and are refusing to cooperate with the investigation, members of the panel said over the weekend."
They're trying to seize on the one (1) part of her testimony that they think is weak, and turn it into a mountain. They're also having to ignore/dismiss all the other first hand testimony she provided, as well as the first hand testimony of many OTHER Republicans.

They don't care about ANY of this. They're going to dismiss ALL of it. They're at war. They have been convinced that they're "saving America" from evil and Satan and the commies. This is what talk radio, then Fox, then the internet have done to them. America's Jihadis.

That's a big enchilada of objections, deflections, and goalpost dancing the good poster GhostR has offered up in post #892. I will respond to those that should have a response. But can only get to a handful this morning. Can get to the rest later.

Let's go:

You claim that I claimed to have an informed opinion about the hearings when I never said a word about them other than to say I wouldn’t watch them. So don’t lecture me about being better informed.
................................I never said a fucking thing about the hearings.

Indeed you did. You said that watching that "shit" would anger you.
I hate to put words in your mouth.....but dear poster Ghost, you weren't really talking about 'shit'.
You were talking about the hearings.
I'm more than mildly sure you know that.
And everybody else does too.

Okay. That still doesn’t mean it was necessary to notify anyone.
I demur.
Responsible Leadership ....recognizes the necessity of notification in that situation. I know you know that. Don Trump was specifically told that many of his supporters would not come into the fenced Ellipse area because 'the mags' would alert on their metal weapons. He acknowledged they may be armed but they weren't there to hurt him. So what followed is that he, and Rudy, and Fredo Trump, and Eastman, and Mo Brooks (in a bullet-proof vest, no less)....intentionally and predictably incited that crowd.

Then......then!.....he directed them to go directly at our legislators convening in a joint session over two miles away.
THAT ain't leadership. That ain't responsible leadership by the chief law enforcement officer in the United States of America.

I'm mildly sure you know that too.


We can criticize Trump for not warning anybody but, even knowing as much as Trump did, no one else warned them either.
We don't know that. That no one else made a call to the Capitol soon as they heard the march order.

Regardless, the directive to march to the Capitol came as a surprise to local law enforcement. Even to many of the Ellipse rally organizers, though not all. Revealed in the hearings:

"The committee displayed a text exchange from Jan. 4 between White House Ellipse rally organizer Kylie Kremer and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell in which the pair discussed secret plans to have Trump call for protesters to march to a second location, either the Supreme Court or Capitol on Jan. 6. Kremer urges Lindell to keep the plans secret, since they did not have permits for the march."

Regardless, the timing was too short. Trump surprised law enforcement by ordering a march....and then the march immediately began.
Fronted and we learned in the the tip-of-the-spear Proud Boys and Oathkeepers, who acted as shock-troops to breach the thin blue line of officers at the Capitol.

In short, Trump knew they were armed. He knew he could anger and incite them (years of rallies had well informed him on that. As testified to in the hearings). He then directed them to go at our legislators. There was not time to react by the local law enforcement. To erect vehicle and pedestrian guidance barriers; to call in extra staff.

Don Trump knew he was going to order a march. He failed to alert the officials of DC governance, the federal Parks police; the Capitol police force. He could have done so at any time in the two weeks that 'march' plan had been formulated.

The hearings would have informed poster GoR of that.

And lurking behind the secrecy is the question: Why?
Why did they want to keep it secret?
Was it their intention to have a an un-reinforced Capitol police contingent on hand?
To not have a reinforced contingent of Metropolitan police along the surprise march route?

What does Trump being a self centered Crybaby Loser have to do with the price of gasoline?
Gas went up because Biden shut down Keystone and blocked all new drilling permits. That is the only reason that gas prices are up. Under Trump we were energy independent and actually were a net exporter or oil and natural gas. Now the senile idiot Biden is sending our strategic reserves to China and begging Saudi and Venezuela to sell us their oil. Its liberal stupidity when we have enough oil within our states to provide our energy needs for the next 200 years.
Gas went up because Biden shut down Keystone and blocked all new drilling permits. That is the only reason that gas prices are up. Under Trump we were energy independent and actually were a net exporter or oil and natural gas. Now the senile idiot Biden is sending our strategic reserves to China and begging Saudi and Venezuela to sell us their oil. Its liberal stupidity when we have enough oil within our states to provide our energy needs for the next 200 years.
God are you ever stupid

Keystone has nothing to do with the price of gasoline
The worldwide price of gas is up

If Domestic gas is cheaper, the global market will drive up the price
God are you ever stupid

Keystone has nothing to do with the price of gasoline
The worldwide price of gas is up

If Domestic gas is cheaper, the global market will drive up the price
LOL, you have no idea how it works. Supply is down so price is up, simple economics. and supply is down because of the stupid actions of senile ole joe. When we were producing at maximum the world price was down, that hurt the Saudis, Russians, Venezuela and everyone else that hates us. Now Biden is making them rich again so they can continue to send bribe money to his family. Wake the fuck up, winger see what is really going on.
LOL, you have no idea how it works. Supply is down so price is up, simple economics. and supply is down because of the stupid actions of senile ole joe. When we were producing at maximum the world price was down, that hurt the Saudis, Russians, Venezuela and everyone else that hates us. Now Biden is making them rich again so they can continue to send bribe money to his family. Wake the fuck up, winger see what is really going on.
Guess, what?
We are still producing at maximum capacity

Oil companies here are making a fortune

Nothing Biden can do about it
Guess, what?
We are still producing at maximum capacity

Oil companies here are making a fortune

Nothing Biden can do about it
NO we are not at maximum, not even close. The gulf is idle, no new permits on any federal land, ANWR is idle. There is plenty of US oil and gas, but the climate morons control Biden and are trying to put everyone in electric cars-----------even though it takes fossil fuels to recharge them and you cannot use the ac or heater when driving them. climate change is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on human beings.
NO we are not at maximum, not even close. The gulf is idle, no new permits on any federal land, ANWR is idle. There is plenty of US oil and gas, but the climate morons control Biden and are trying to put everyone in electric cars-----------even though it takes fossil fuels to recharge them and you cannot use the ac or heater when driving them. climate change is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on human beings.

Does Biden decide how much to drill or the oil companies?

You are delusional
Does Biden decide how much to drill or the oil companies?

You are delusional
the federal government (Biden) issues drilling permits. and Biden has refused all requests for new permits. you really do not understand how any of this works.
1) I still didn’t say anything about a legal issue here. I haven’t said anything about Trump being legally guilty of committing a crime if that’s where you’re trying to pivot.

2) That Trump’s actions were despicable that day. People in Trump’s own administration resigned over his behavior on Jan 6. Why don’t you see anything morally (not legally) despicable regarding his behavior leading up to and on Jan 6?

3) Asking you if you support Trump is similar to asking you when you stopped beating your wife? LoL. It was just a simple question.

You: “Who said I support him?”

Also you: “Not that it is pertinent to this discussion but I supported Trump while he was in office.”

Why is this pertinent to the discussion? It isn’t. I was just countering your claim: “Every one of your posts here are obviously rooted in your loathing for Trump. Nothing more.” by showing that your posts are drenched in support for Trump.
you failed to answer his question...

This is strictly about whether or not Trump exhorted his supporters to break into the Capital and whether or not the break-in was an attempted insurrection.

And you avoided a response. This is strictly..... understand the meaning of that word? I guess not, because you reposted the same nonsense he responded to. You are a piece of work.
the federal government (Biden) issues drilling permits. and Biden has refused all requests for new permits. you really do not understand how any of this works.
There are thousands of permits sitting unused
you failed to answer his question...

This is strictly about whether or not Trump exhorted his supporters to break into the Capital and whether or not the break-in was an attempted insurrection.

And you avoided a response. This is strictly..... understand the meaning of that word? I guess not, because you reposted the same nonsense he responded to. You are a piece of work.
I addressed that.
and Biden has refused all requests for new permits.

Then why are they being sued for issuing 3500 drilling permits in New Mexico and Wyoming?

I assume this makes sense to someone?
The only weapon fired at this so called LMAO insurrection was a lone fire extinguisher.

Some take over of Democracy. LMAO at you lying delusional lunatics.

Jan 6th LOL was Nothing like the Billions of Dollars in Damage caused by your DemNazi Brownshirts who burned entire neighborhoods to the ground, attacked police stations, wiped out entire streets of storefronts in a smash and grab rampage night after night, assaulted police,, citizens and burned patrol cars at will.


That's your insurrection,.
The only weapon fired at this so called LMAO insurrection was a lone fire extinguisher.

Some take over of Democracy. LMAO at you lying delusional lunatics.

Jan 6th LOL was Nothing like the Billions of Dollars in Damage caused by your DemNazi Brownshirts who burned entire neighborhoods to the ground, attacked police stations, wiped out entire streets of storefronts in a smash and grab rampage night after night, assaulted police,, citizens and burned patrol cars at will.


That's your insurrection,.
I C the termites were talkative last night!

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