Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

The words of notorious characters are documented in a broad range of reliable sources.



The big picture: President Trump says he's an expert on a lot of things, including ISIS, taxes, technology, nuclear arms and even Sen. Cory Booker.

Campaign finance: "I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do, because I'm the biggest contributor." (1999.)
  • TV ratings: "I know more about people who get ratings than anyone." (October 2012.)
  • ISIS: "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." (November 2015.)
  • Social media: "I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" (November 2015.)
  • Courts: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." (November 2015.)
  • Lawsuits: "[W]ho knows more about lawsuits than I do? I'm the king." (January 2016.)
  • Politicians: "I understand politicians better than anybody."
  • The visa system: "[N]obody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. ... Nobody else on this dais knows how to change it like I do, believe me." (March 2016.)
  • Trade: "Nobody knows more about trade than me." (March 2016.)
  • The U.S. government system: "[N]obody knows the system better than I do." (April 2016.)
  • Renewable energy: "I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." (April 2016.)
  • Taxes: "I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." (May 2016.)
  • Debt: "I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)
  • Money: "I understand money better than anybody." (June 2016.)
  • Infrastructure: "[L]ook, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." (July 2016.)
  • Sen. Cory Booker: "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." (July 2016.)
  • Borders: Trump said in 2016 that Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was endorsing him for president because "you know more about this stuff than anybody."
  • Democrats: "I think I know more about the other side than almost anybody." (November 2016.)
  • Construction: "[N]obody knows more about construction than I do." (May 2018.)
  • The economy: "I think I know about it better than [the Federal Reserve]." (October 2018.)
  • Technology: "Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me." (December 2018.)
  • Drones: "I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have." (January 2019.)
  • Drone technology: "Having a drone fly overhead — and I think nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do." (January 2019.)
“I deal with architects all the time. They have zero talent. I can draw better than they can. And you know, drawing is an important part of being an architect, in my opinion.”
[Everything Trump says he knows "more about than anybody"]

What is he talking about? He doesn’t really know himself—when Birnbach asks him why the corners of Mar-a-Lago’s pool and tennis courts are cut off, Trump says these are chaffered corners, going as far as spelling the word for her. Trump was wrong about this—it’s actually chamfered, Birnbach clarifies. But the real point is to laugh and fantasize with this silly guy who is pouring ungodly amounts of money into making his club (memberships started at $25,000 but by November 1996 had jumped to $75,000) as “gorgeous” and “perfect” as possible. “There’s never been anything like it. There never will. You could never do it again,” he explains.

E. Jean Carroll’s Stunning Accusation Forced Me to Remember Who Trump Used to Be
You said that failure to stop the riots and taking no action are the same thing.

They‘re not the same thing. One is a criticizing him for an action and the other is criticizing him for his motive. Holy shit. How is this so complicated for you? Are you retarded? Can I make this any more clear for you?

So taking no action is not a failure to stop the riots?
So you were uncertain when you agreed with it and then you flip-flopped on your position.

Sounds like you’re the one struggling with this, not me. No wonder you were so desperate to pivot the conversation away from Trump.

Chalk that one up to an off-the-cuff response. If I had put more thought into it, that's not what I would have said.

In any case, "immoral" is not the word I would use.
No, I did NOT say Obama expressed support for rioters. I already explained this to you when I mentioned it the first time. I said the reporter asked the question because the riots had turned violent but that Obama answered it as if she had asked about the demonstrations and protests. In other words, Obama was telling protesters, in so many words, to keep exercising their 1st Amendment rights. I did not say that he was telling rioters to keep looting, burning and vandalizing.

It angered me because he avoided answering the question in the context in which it was asked - the context of the violence - and avoided the issue of the violence altogether, which everyone knew was going on and getting out of hand.

So he pivoted away from what was asked. That’s more believable, but also not so terrible. Interesting that you of all people have a problem with this.

I did a quick search and found that Obama did condemn the rioters.

I mean you’ve been working so hard to steer the conversation away from Trump and this is the best you can come up with? You claim that Obama didn’t answer a question yet you can’t even provide a link. We know that people were pleading with Trump to call the rioters off and all he refused to do so because he was enjoying it. This is the big comparison that you’re going for? It’s not even close.
I mean you’ve been working so hard to steer the conversation away from Trump...
Diversion is the best they can do.

The Cry Baby Loser pleasured himself for three hours watchin his goons that he had deployed to the Capitol "fight like hell" against outnumbered police defending democracy while his minions, family, media shills, and others pleaded with him to call them off. Finally, he told his goons that they were very special and that he loved them.
So he pivoted away from what was asked. That’s more believable, but also not so terrible. Interesting that you of all people have a problem with this.

It IS terrible when peoples' livelihoods are being destroyed.

Innocent people were being victimized by the violence and in spite of any censure by Democrat politicians, nothing was actually done to stop it.

What would you have to say about Trump's actions on Jan 6 if he had condemned the violence but still did nothing about it? I'm betting you would still condemn him as immoral, depraved and psychotic. Am I wrong? In fact, I'm also betting that you thought these things about Trump even before Jan 6. Am I wrong on this one too?
I did a quick search and found that Obama did condemn the rioters.

I mean you’ve been working so hard to steer the conversation away from Trump and this is the best you can come up with?

Again, for the hundredth time, it would be rather pointless of me to enter a discussion about Trump's actions just to pivot away from the topic of Trump's actions, wouldn't it? Why go to all that trouble when I could have just sat it out?

I made it very clear early on that I entered the discussion specifically to point out Democrat hypocrisy between their reaction to and condemning rhetoric of Jan 6 and their reaction to the riots and CHAZ.
You claim that Obama didn’t answer a question yet you can’t even provide a link.

Which means what, exactly?
We know that people were pleading with Trump to call the rioters off and all he refused to do so because he was enjoying it. This is the big comparison that you’re going for? It’s not even close.

You don't think people were pleading for them to do something about the riots? You don't think that the residents and business owners in these cities were begging leadership and authorities to put a stop to it before they lost everything?

Republican leaders and conservatives were calling for a concerted and decisive effort to end the violence in 2020, so what? Do you think Trump is the only one guilty of refusing to act to end violence? Shit, Democrats have the market cornered on that score.
Diversion is the best they can do.

The Cry Baby Loser pleasured himself for three hours watchin his goons that he had deployed to the Capitol "fight like hell" against outnumbered police defending democracy while his minions, family, media shills, and others pleaded with him to call them off. Finally, he told his goons that they were very special and that he loved them.

Trump desperately wants everyone to love him and praise him.
Correct. They’re different.

Someone can take action and still fail to stop a riot. An outcome and a motive are not the same.

I asked you twice what you meant by "outcome" - because you seem to be misapplying it here - and you've failed to answer (see how I did that?).

For me, the outcome was the riot and break-in. This happened and would have happened no matter his reasons for choosing not to take action to stop it. This is not in dispute and is not the issue. The reason he chose not to act is the issue and the problem you have, correct? That would be motive.

So you did flip-flop on your position.

You know, like I fucking explained the first time.
Not exactly.
It IS terrible when peoples' livelihoods are being destroyed.

Innocent people were being victimized by the violence and in spite of any censure by Democrat politicians, nothing was actually done to stop it.
Seems to me that many of those people were arrested. I’d say that’s doing something about it. Whether it was enough is debatable, but it isn’t nothing.
Which means what, exactly?

You don't think people were pleading for them to do something about the riots? You don't think that the residents and business owners in these cities were begging leadership and authorities to put a stop to it before they lost everything?

Republican leaders and conservatives were calling for a concerted and decisive effort to end the violence in 2020, so what? Do you think Trump is the only one guilty of refusing to act to end violence? Shit, Democrats have the market cornered on that score.
You don’t know what “you can’t even provide a link” means? It means I asked you for a link to support your claim and you couldn’t supply me with one. You know, as in I asked you to provide evidence for what you claim and you were unable to do so.

Democrats wanted an end to the violence in 2020 as well. You can’t point at a single mayor who enjoyed the violence happening in their city. Yet you and I agree in our belief that Trump was enjoying the Jan 6 riot. The comparison that you’ve desperately been pushing is a complete failure when we both recognize that Trump‘s motive was horrible.
I asked you twice what you meant by "outcome" - because you seem to be misapplying it here - and you've failed to answer (see how I did that?).

For me, the outcome was the riot and break-in. This happened and would have happened no matter his reasons for choosing not to take action to stop it. This is not in dispute and is not the issue. The reason he chose not to act is the issue and the problem you have, correct? That would be motive.


a final product or end result; consequence; issue.

I don’t know why you need me to define simple words for you. What I mean by outcome is the end result of the riot. Putting an end to a riot is an outcome. The break-in was an outcome. Police getting injured is an outcome.

Yes, my issue with Trump is more so with his motive. He chose not to act. He enjoyed the riot. He had a reason not to try to stop it. Had this violence happened despite his efforts to call them off, I would see Trump in a different light, but that’s not the case.
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You don’t know what “you can’t even provide a link” means? It means I asked you for a link to support your claim and you couldn’t supply me with one. You know, as in I asked you to provide evidence for what you claim and you were unable to do so.

Democrats wanted an end to the violence in 2020 as well. You can’t point at a single mayor who enjoyed the violence happening in their city. Yet you and I agree in our belief that Trump was enjoying the Jan 6 riot. The comparison that you’ve desperately been pushing is a complete failure when we both recognize that Trump‘s motive was horrible.
I posted obammy encouraging violence. Did you ignore that?

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