Trump surging nationally.

Yes, but we didn't see pictures of it did we? We don't have photos of it all over the internet. What two people did in private is one thing; exposing your all and all for everyone to see is something else.

Oh brother.... So, you're OK with a 50 year-old man sticking cigars in a 20 year-old's twat as long as there aren't pictures? That makes no sense at all. It's pretty vile.
OMG How stupid are you? That's not what I said. But, in truth, these were two adult people doing something in private by mutual consent. What is there to object to?

Women exposing their bodies for money, for all the world to see, and in salacious terms? No I don't approve of that. It demeans all women.

So, Melania Trump was forced to take those photos? You make no sense whatsoever.

Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

You responded to the wrong post. This one was about you libs being hypocrites and smearing Trump's wife for being a model.
What absolute BS. Nobody preyed on Lewinsky.

You're either the biggest liar or the most ignorant person. Lewinsky endured torment and has said as much on many occasions in recent times.
Oh, seriously. Are you that misinformed? She went there with her 'kneepads' according to her own words. She went there to seek a sexual encounter with the president. She was not tormented at all. Not at all. It was she who instigated the sexual encounter, with a married man. She is a woman who had zero ethics.

Now she's whining about it? How ridiculous.
I don't disagree that Lewinsky was a willing partner. What I'm saying (which is fact) is that she endured hell from attacks by the media and the public - most of it orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. She's done that her entire life.

Now let me ask you this - what kind of normal/rational woman would endure endless infidelities by her husband and then spend a lot of time and energy attacking the women who her husband engaged in sexual acts with? Why wouldn't she simply divorce him? Answer: Hillary lives for power and money. She would rather live with her own husband cheating on her and humiliating her than surrender power and money. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of that woman.
This hell she endured from the media she created herself. None was 'orchestrated by Hillary Clinton.' And she has not done such 'her entire life.' This must be something one of your right wing propagandists dreamed up.

Oh please.. the Hildabeast has been managing bimbo eruptions since their days in Arkansas.
According to whom? How about citing a valid source here? You make claims of fact without any support. Where is the valid source for these claims of fact? Show me. Not right wing blogs, valid sources.
All the times Bill sexual assaulted women and Hillary destroyed their lives. That didn't demean women?
Allegations are not proven fact. Most, if not all, of those accusations were women looking for a cash payout and some notoriety and fame. You only believe it because you want to. All of those allegations and nothing ever taken to court, nothing ever proven. Ever hear of the American tradition 'innocent until proven guilty'? You are a complete fascist as long as it is someone you don't like, or any liberal, democrat or progressive.
You may have a point if it was just one or two women, but there are multiple women making those comments. All the way back to his college days when there was nothing to be gained. All those women are liars?
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
So you people are just absolutely cool with having a first lady whose nude, sexually posed, pictures are all over the internet and will be publicized further if he actually becomes the president? Interesting.
How many people do you know that have been serially, over the course of decades, been accused of repeated sexual misconduct?
I love the way liberals say when Clinton cheats it's none of our business, it's a private matter. But Trump does it and he shouldn't be president. Liberalism is a mental disease.
No, that's not what we are saying. You people are incapable of understanding simple logic. What we say is that if you are going to vilify Clinton for cheating, then you cannot just overlook Trump's cheating. That's what we are saying. No one is saying he shouldn't be president because he cheated, but at least look the issue straight in the face and admit he is a cheater. If it is bad for a liberal to cheat, then it is just as bad for a conservative to cheat.

So, wait, now cheating matters?
Well it certainly mattered to the right when the cheater was a Democrat. Now that it's a Republican ... not so much.
After how liberals has supported it, it's not that big of a deal anymore. Another way liberals are destroying american values. I think Trump cheating on his wives is a character flaw and if it wasn't Hillary running I would stay home instead of voting for Trump. Anyone but Hillary, liberals should've picked a better nominee because if you did we would have another democrat president.
Seems like you agree with me again... if the cheater is a Democrat, folks like yourself believe they do not deserve a vote to be president. If they're Republican though......
Oh brother.... So, you're OK with a 50 year-old man sticking cigars in a 20 year-old's twat as long as there aren't pictures? That makes no sense at all. It's pretty vile.
OMG How stupid are you? That's not what I said. But, in truth, these were two adult people doing something in private by mutual consent. What is there to object to?

Women exposing their bodies for money, for all the world to see, and in salacious terms? No I don't approve of that. It demeans all women.

So, Melania Trump was forced to take those photos? You make no sense whatsoever.

Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

You responded to the wrong post. This one was about you libs being hypocrites and smearing Trump's wife for being a model.
Being a model? Being a model? Seriously? Posing nude in sexually explicit poses is 'being a model.' You insult all real models.
I find no reason to lie BUT never was put into a situation like he faced, I find no fault in him not being truthful then,,,,,,Guess you were ok with gwb lying thru his teeth getting us into war Now that was the biggest lie a president ever told

He faced? He put himself in that situation, and lied to the nation and in a court of law, under oath. And give the Bush shit a rest, Bush didn't lie about anything. Even a poorly worded Google search will give you the names of tons of Democrats and Republicans calling for action against Iraq, prior to the 2000 election; including the Clinton's.
Yeah bush and majority of republicans had nothing to do with it More repub bs
Republicans and democrats had everything to do with it.
Did you at least see the vote that gave the moron the ability to attack a 3rd world country?? I posted it here a while ago and it was overly onesided by republicans

What does Iraq have to do with Clinton being a lying, cheating, perjuring scumbag?
only that he didn't kill anyone with his lie And if you think so little of bill surely you must feel more bitterly towards the repub ah that got so many of ours killed and left america in a cesspool for the next president
Trey Gowdy hasn’t been seen since Hillary took him to the woodshed.

You mean the Hillary Clinton who was so composed she stated that they were having the hearings to determine what happened and how to prevent it, and when Trey bent her over and took it to her, she screamed into the mic "what difference does it make at this point whether it was a spontaneous protest or a planned attack"?!? :lmao:

Well my makes all the difference if you're holding the hearing to determine what happened and how to prevent it. :lol:

And she has since won the nomination for President and Trey Gowdy is a laughing stock.

Hillary wins; yet again.

Yes, and you are nominating a person who is under investigation by the FBI for possible treason. Shows your intelligence.

She’s still under investigation? I haven’t heard anything about that in a few months. I guess when it’s your only hope of winning, you cling to anything:
The FBI is still investigating, your candidate could be tried for treason. That actually show's your true colors about america.
It shows no such thing. Just how deranged are you?
Allegations are not proven fact. Most, if not all, of those accusations were women looking for a cash payout and some notoriety and fame. You only believe it because you want to. All of those allegations and nothing ever taken to court, nothing ever proven. Ever hear of the American tradition 'innocent until proven guilty'? You are a complete fascist as long as it is someone you don't like, or any liberal, democrat or progressive.
You may have a point if it was just one or two women, but there are multiple women making those comments. All the way back to his college days when there was nothing to be gained. All those women are liars?
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
So you people are just absolutely cool with having a first lady whose nude, sexually posed, pictures are all over the internet and will be publicized further if he actually becomes the president? Interesting.
If a democrat first lady was attractive enough for someone to want to see them naked. And if they did pose practically nude. You are a liberal and you would support her. Between Clinton and Obama liberals has set the bar low for future presidents. The amusing thing is your complaining about something you created.
I find no reason to lie BUT never was put into a situation like he faced, I find no fault in him not being truthful then,,,,,,Guess you were ok with gwb lying thru his teeth getting us into war Now that was the biggest lie a president ever told

He faced? He put himself in that situation, and lied to the nation and in a court of law, under oath. And give the Bush shit a rest, Bush didn't lie about anything. Even a poorly worded Google search will give you the names of tons of Democrats and Republicans calling for action against Iraq, prior to the 2000 election; including the Clinton's.
Yeah bush and majority of republicans had nothing to do with it More repub bs
Republicans and democrats had everything to do with it.
Did you at least see the vote that gave the moron the ability to attack a 3rd world country?? I posted it here a while ago and it was overly onesided by republicans

What does Iraq have to do with Clinton being a lying, cheating, perjuring scumbag?
I dunno,, but then, what does Bill Clinton's sex life have to to with Trump surging in the polls (the thread topic)? Righties see the word, surge, and the first thing that pops into their mind is Bill Clinton's pants. :ack-1:
OMG How stupid are you? That's not what I said. But, in truth, these were two adult people doing something in private by mutual consent. What is there to object to?

Women exposing their bodies for money, for all the world to see, and in salacious terms? No I don't approve of that. It demeans all women.

So, Melania Trump was forced to take those photos? You make no sense whatsoever.

Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

You responded to the wrong post. This one was about you libs being hypocrites and smearing Trump's wife for being a model.
Being a model? Being a model? Seriously? Posing nude in sexually explicit poses is 'being a model.' You insult all real models.
This is the most nude picture I could find. I would support this, before I would support lying under oath any day.
He didn't take advantage of his position. She threw herself at him because of his position. You folks are trying to rewrite history and it's very pathetic.
It's still their body right? So you have no business talking about it, by your own words. You never answered about the college girls saying Bill sexually assaulted them. They had nothing to gain, were they lying also?
Nothing to gain? How many years later did they bring up these assaults?

How many people do you know that have been serially, over the course of decades, been accused of repeated sexual misconduct?
I love the way liberals say when Clinton cheats it's none of our business, it's a private matter. But Trump does it and he shouldn't be president. Liberalism is a mental disease.
Oh? Which Liberals are saying Trump shouldn't be president because he cheated on his wife?
It is brought up, as an attack against him personally, but it's perfectly fine if Clinton does it.
It was brought up to expose rightie hypocrisy .... but you said Liberals say that is a reason he shouldn't be president....

So? Which Liberals have said that...?
I love the way liberals say when Clinton cheats it's none of our business, it's a private matter. But Trump does it and he shouldn't be president. Liberalism is a mental disease.
No, that's not what we are saying. You people are incapable of understanding simple logic. What we say is that if you are going to vilify Clinton for cheating, then you cannot just overlook Trump's cheating. That's what we are saying. No one is saying he shouldn't be president because he cheated, but at least look the issue straight in the face and admit he is a cheater. If it is bad for a liberal to cheat, then it is just as bad for a conservative to cheat.

So, wait, now cheating matters?
Well it certainly mattered to the right when the cheater was a Democrat. Now that it's a Republican ... not so much.
After how liberals has supported it, it's not that big of a deal anymore. Another way liberals are destroying american values. I think Trump cheating on his wives is a character flaw and if it wasn't Hillary running I would stay home instead of voting for Trump. Anyone but Hillary, liberals should've picked a better nominee because if you did we would have another democrat president.
Seems like you agree with me again... if the cheater is a Democrat, folks like yourself believe they do not deserve a vote to be president. If they're Republican though......
Actually lying under oath is what most people really disliked. Hell we knew he was a sexual predator when you elected him.
You mean the Hillary Clinton who was so composed she stated that they were having the hearings to determine what happened and how to prevent it, and when Trey bent her over and took it to her, she screamed into the mic "what difference does it make at this point whether it was a spontaneous protest or a planned attack"?!? :lmao:

Well my makes all the difference if you're holding the hearing to determine what happened and how to prevent it. :lol:

And she has since won the nomination for President and Trey Gowdy is a laughing stock.

Hillary wins; yet again.

Yes, and you are nominating a person who is under investigation by the FBI for possible treason. Shows your intelligence.

She’s still under investigation? I haven’t heard anything about that in a few months. I guess when it’s your only hope of winning, you cling to anything:
The FBI is still investigating, your candidate could be tried for treason. That actually show's your true colors about america.
It shows no such thing. Just how deranged are you?
Supporting a presidential candidate that could possibly be tried for treason is a good thing?
No, that's not what we are saying. You people are incapable of understanding simple logic. What we say is that if you are going to vilify Clinton for cheating, then you cannot just overlook Trump's cheating. That's what we are saying. No one is saying he shouldn't be president because he cheated, but at least look the issue straight in the face and admit he is a cheater. If it is bad for a liberal to cheat, then it is just as bad for a conservative to cheat.

So, wait, now cheating matters?

Well it certainly mattered to the right when the cheater was a Democrat. Now that it's a Republican ... not so much.

After how liberals has supported it, it's not that big of a deal anymore. Another way liberals are destroying american values. I think Trump cheating on his wives is a character flaw and if it wasn't Hillary running I would stay home instead of voting for Trump. Anyone but Hillary, liberals should've picked a better nominee because if you did we would have another democrat president.

Seems like you agree with me again... if the cheater is a Democrat, folks like yourself believe they do not deserve a vote to be president. If they're Republican though......

Actually lying under oath is what most people really disliked. Hell we knew he was a sexual predator when you elected him.

And when we elected him, many on the right said we were wrong for voting for a cheater.

Now some of those same folks will vote for Trump.

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for you to quote some Liberals who say Trump should not be president because he cheated on his wife....
And she has since won the nomination for President and Trey Gowdy is a laughing stock.

Hillary wins; yet again.

Yes, and you are nominating a person who is under investigation by the FBI for possible treason. Shows your intelligence.

She’s still under investigation? I haven’t heard anything about that in a few months. I guess when it’s your only hope of winning, you cling to anything:
The FBI is still investigating, your candidate could be tried for treason. That actually show's your true colors about america.
It shows no such thing. Just how deranged are you?
Supporting a presidential candidate that could possibly be tried for treason is a good thing?
It's neither here nor there until the investigation is completed. Yet you think that already exposes our "true colors." :cuckoo:
And she has since won the nomination for President and Trey Gowdy is a laughing stock.

Hillary wins; yet again.

Yes, and you are nominating a person who is under investigation by the FBI for possible treason. Shows your intelligence.

She’s still under investigation? I haven’t heard anything about that in a few months. I guess when it’s your only hope of winning, you cling to anything:
The FBI is still investigating, your candidate could be tried for treason. That actually show's your true colors about america.
It shows no such thing. Just how deranged are you?
Supporting a presidential candidate that could possibly be tried for treason is a good thing?
Rather than see a republican in the WH who will surely destroy any relationship we have with the rest of the world ,,,I'll take my chances
Nothing to gain? How many years later did they bring up these assaults?

How many people do you know that have been serially, over the course of decades, been accused of repeated sexual misconduct?
I love the way liberals say when Clinton cheats it's none of our business, it's a private matter. But Trump does it and he shouldn't be president. Liberalism is a mental disease.
Oh? Which Liberals are saying Trump shouldn't be president because he cheated on his wife?
It is brought up, as an attack against him personally, but it's perfectly fine if Clinton does it.
It was brought up to expose rightie hypocrisy .... but you said Liberals say that is a reason he shouldn't be president....

So? Which Liberals have said that...?
Just scroll through the forums, their are some saying that Trumps cheating is a character flaw for running for president.
Heck Esmeralda says he shouldn't become president for semi nude pictures his wife did years ago.
Yes, and you are nominating a person who is under investigation by the FBI for possible treason. Shows your intelligence.

She’s still under investigation? I haven’t heard anything about that in a few months. I guess when it’s your only hope of winning, you cling to anything:
The FBI is still investigating, your candidate could be tried for treason. That actually show's your true colors about america.
It shows no such thing. Just how deranged are you?
Supporting a presidential candidate that could possibly be tried for treason is a good thing?
Rather than see a republican in the WH who will surely destroy any relationship we have with the rest of the world ,,,I'll take my chances
No worse than Obama has. What that comedian the other night called the president of the united States a ni*ger the other night. Yeah Obama is really respected. Lol
How many people do you know that have been serially, over the course of decades, been accused of repeated sexual misconduct?
I love the way liberals say when Clinton cheats it's none of our business, it's a private matter. But Trump does it and he shouldn't be president. Liberalism is a mental disease.
Oh? Which Liberals are saying Trump shouldn't be president because he cheated on his wife?
It is brought up, as an attack against him personally, but it's perfectly fine if Clinton does it.
It was brought up to expose rightie hypocrisy .... but you said Liberals say that is a reason he shouldn't be president....

So? Which Liberals have said that...?
Just scroll through the forums, their are some saying that Trumps cheating is a character flaw for running for president.
Heck Esmeralda says he shouldn't become president for semi nude pictures his wife did years ago.
Why would I search for anything? You made the claim.

Seems you were hallucinating.

Unless of course, you can quote some Liberals saying Trump should not be president because he cheated on his wife.....
Yes, and you are nominating a person who is under investigation by the FBI for possible treason. Shows your intelligence.

She’s still under investigation? I haven’t heard anything about that in a few months. I guess when it’s your only hope of winning, you cling to anything:
The FBI is still investigating, your candidate could be tried for treason. That actually show's your true colors about america.
It shows no such thing. Just how deranged are you?
Supporting a presidential candidate that could possibly be tried for treason is a good thing?
It's neither here nor there until the investigation is completed. Yet you think that already exposes our "true colors." :cuckoo:
Supporting for someone who is being investigated for treason? Really? We know she had an unsecured email account that had classified information sent to it. That in itself to a normal person would disqualify her from being president. I mean what would you do if she gets indicted in august? I guess give the presidency to Trump?

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