Trump surging nationally.

Peter Mathew Courtis ‏@PeterMCourtis 38m38 minutes ago

TRUMP NOW AT 56% NATIONALLY - NBC News|SurveyMonkey Poll: Trump 56% (+6) Cruz 22% (-4) Kasich 14% (-3)

I guess 56% is his new ceiling.

This week LOLOLO!
Next week after he crushes Cruz today the number will be 70%.
Even the Never Trump REPs are now saying they really never meant never.
Fucking creeps!
President Trump has a very long Rolodex of those who have publicly attacked him. VERY LONG!
In any case, it is said that woman chasing is a weakness normally found in great men

So to answer the question---no limit to how many marriages and or affairs he can have!

In fact, the more the merrier!
It is brought up, as an attack against him personally, but it's perfectly fine if Clinton does it.
It was brought up to expose rightie hypocrisy .... but you said Liberals say that is a reason he shouldn't be president....

So? Which Liberals have said that...?
Just scroll through the forums, their are some saying that Trumps cheating is a character flaw for running for president.
Heck Esmeralda says he shouldn't become president for semi nude pictures his wife did years ago.
How many marriages would a candidate have to have gone thru for you to say forget about him?
The way liberal lowered the bar for presidents. As many as he wants. Your new presidential nominee could be indicted for treason, setting the bar as low it can go.
Yet you appear to be delusional. You think Liberals say things they don't actually say. You think Liberals say Trump should not be president because he cheated on his wife; yet you can't quote any who said that.
Teabagger started a forum on Trump and Cruz's cheating, right winger also brings it up. Just a couple of posters.
What absolute BS. Nobody preyed on Lewinsky.

You're either the biggest liar or the most ignorant person. Lewinsky endured torment and has said as much on many occasions in recent times.
Oh, seriously. Are you that misinformed? She went there with her 'kneepads' according to her own words. She went there to seek a sexual encounter with the president. She was not tormented at all. Not at all. It was she who instigated the sexual encounter, with a married man. She is a woman who had zero ethics.

Now she's whining about it? How ridiculous.
I don't disagree that Lewinsky was a willing partner. What I'm saying (which is fact) is that she endured hell from attacks by the media and the public - most of it orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. She's done that her entire life.

Now let me ask you this - what kind of normal/rational woman would endure endless infidelities by her husband and then spend a lot of time and energy attacking the women who her husband engaged in sexual acts with? Why wouldn't she simply divorce him? Answer: Hillary lives for power and money. She would rather live with her own husband cheating on her and humiliating her than surrender power and money. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of that woman.
Another time and place and Hillary would have been working at a fucking KFC. She's a nothing!
How many people do you know that have been serially, over the course of decades, been accused of repeated sexual misconduct?
I love the way liberals say when Clinton cheats it's none of our business, it's a private matter. But Trump does it and he shouldn't be president. Liberalism is a mental disease.
Oh? Which Liberals are saying Trump shouldn't be president because he cheated on his wife?
It is brought up, as an attack against him personally, but it's perfectly fine if Clinton does it.
It was brought up to expose rightie hypocrisy .... but you said Liberals say that is a reason he shouldn't be president....

So? Which Liberals have said that...?
Just scroll through the forums, their are some saying that Trumps cheating is a character flaw for running for president.
Heck Esmeralda says he shouldn't become president for semi nude pictures his wife did years ago.
Don't misquote me. I did not say that. Where did I say that?
What absolute BS. Nobody preyed on Lewinsky.

You're either the biggest liar or the most ignorant person. Lewinsky endured torment and has said as much on many occasions in recent times.
Oh, seriously. Are you that misinformed? She went there with her 'kneepads' according to her own words. She went there to seek a sexual encounter with the president. She was not tormented at all. Not at all. It was she who instigated the sexual encounter, with a married man. She is a woman who had zero ethics.

Now she's whining about it? How ridiculous.
I don't disagree that Lewinsky was a willing partner. What I'm saying (which is fact) is that she endured hell from attacks by the media and the public - most of it orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. She's done that her entire life.

Now let me ask you this - what kind of normal/rational woman would endure endless infidelities by her husband and then spend a lot of time and energy attacking the women who her husband engaged in sexual acts with? Why wouldn't she simply divorce him? Answer: Hillary lives for power and money. She would rather live with her own husband cheating on her and humiliating her than surrender power and money. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of that woman.
Another time and place and Hillary would have been working at a fucking KFC. She's a nothing!
Really ? Are you really that ignorant? She has a law degree. She worked as an attorney. She is a Yale Law School graduate. She graduated from Wellesley College. These are both high level institutions that most people cannot get into, especially if they don't have high level family connections. She comes from an ordinary family with no connections, so she got into and graduated from these institutions because of her abilities and work ethic. No, you fool, she would not be working at KFC. You clearly identify yourself as an idiot for making such a statement.
It was brought up to expose rightie hypocrisy .... but you said Liberals say that is a reason he shouldn't be president....

So? Which Liberals have said that...?
Just scroll through the forums, their are some saying that Trumps cheating is a character flaw for running for president.
Heck Esmeralda says he shouldn't become president for semi nude pictures his wife did years ago.
How many marriages would a candidate have to have gone thru for you to say forget about him?
The way liberal lowered the bar for presidents. As many as he wants. Your new presidential nominee could be indicted for treason, setting the bar as low it can go.
Yet you appear to be delusional. You think Liberals say things they don't actually say. You think Liberals say Trump should not be president because he cheated on his wife; yet you can't quote any who said that.
Teabagger started a forum on Trump and Cruz's cheating, right winger also brings it up. Just a couple of posters.
No quotes, just more delusions, huh?

You're either the biggest liar or the most ignorant person. Lewinsky endured torment and has said as much on many occasions in recent times.
Oh, seriously. Are you that misinformed? She went there with her 'kneepads' according to her own words. She went there to seek a sexual encounter with the president. She was not tormented at all. Not at all. It was she who instigated the sexual encounter, with a married man. She is a woman who had zero ethics.

Now she's whining about it? How ridiculous.
I don't disagree that Lewinsky was a willing partner. What I'm saying (which is fact) is that she endured hell from attacks by the media and the public - most of it orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. She's done that her entire life.

Now let me ask you this - what kind of normal/rational woman would endure endless infidelities by her husband and then spend a lot of time and energy attacking the women who her husband engaged in sexual acts with? Why wouldn't she simply divorce him? Answer: Hillary lives for power and money. She would rather live with her own husband cheating on her and humiliating her than surrender power and money. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of that woman.
This hell she endured from the media she created herself. None was 'orchestrated by Hillary Clinton.' And she has not done such 'her entire life.' This must be something one of your right wing propagandists dreamed up.

Oh please.. the Hildabeast has been managing bimbo eruptions since their days in Arkansas.
According to whom? How about citing a valid source here? You make claims of fact without any support. Where is the valid source for these claims of fact? Show me. Not right wing blogs, valid sources.

Ever heard of Google?
Rather than see a republican in the WH who will surely destroy any relationship we have with the rest of the world ,,,I'll take my chances

Hahahahaha! Um....Barack Obama already achieved that my friend. And that is an indisputable fact that even the liberal media acknowledges. He has infuriated and destroyed relationships with our closest allies like Israel and England. And then, in his pitiful pandering to make nice-nice with Iran, Russia, and Fidel Castro in Cuba, he's had dirt kicked in his face and he's been laughed out of their countries.

You cannot show one single relationship he built with a former enemy, but you can show a slew of former allies that he has alienated and turned into enemies. We need a Republican in the White House just to attempt to salvage some relationships.
My God! You people trade in nothing but lies.
Peter Mathew Courtis ‏@PeterMCourtis 38m38 minutes ago

TRUMP NOW AT 56% NATIONALLY - NBC News|SurveyMonkey Poll: Trump 56% (+6) Cruz 22% (-4) Kasich 14% (-3)
but what about VS the beast? is it 55/45 yet?

This is where you will see trump fail, and fail badly. He won't be able to hide from Hillary like he did all through the primary. That and normal people are so sick of Trump and the stupidity of his mind slaves that they will just stay home. Buy bullets and guns now if that's a big deal because it's going to be 8 more years of Bamma.
After Trump gets 1237 he will spend 3 BILLION of his own money an attack ads against Hillary. Most of them are already in the can.

Nope. So far Trump has committed a grand total of 25 million. Much of that a loan which he will repay himself from campaign funds. With interest. He's investing as little as possible in his own campaign.

What's Hillary going to do on the debate stage when he accuses her of being an 'enabler' for Bills sexual assaults.
Trump has at least six of Bill's victims who are going to tell the world when Hillary found out instead of kicking Bill's ass out the door she personally went to these victims and threatened them for 100% political reasons.
That's just the tip of the iceberg folks.
Trump's son has said their are some things which which be exposed about Hillary that the world hasn't known yet which will destroy her.

Trump's crass, policy adverse manner won't play with the general electorate. Trump is going to have his ass handed to him, barring any epic fuck up by Hillary. The election is hers to lose.
That's because the media is giving him free air time. He doesn't have to spend his money. Brilliant on his part.

So true and it comes off as brilliant, but it's not because he is so smart, nope. It's because if he gets a question he don't like he will say the lady asking it is on the rag. Or that wen he walks into an ambush interview he will grt tripped up by a reallystupid couple questions then go on Hannityand cry. it's because of ratings and that's all. come the campaignfor president there will be no mercy. The press will turn on him and rip him to shreads. Then Hillery'smachine will fire up and finish him. it will be such a shit show the networks ratings will go through the roof and voters will stay home. Get ready for Bama/Clinton 2.0.
What absolute BS. Nobody preyed on Lewinsky.

You're either the biggest liar or the most ignorant person. Lewinsky endured torment and has said as much on many occasions in recent times.
Oh, seriously. Are you that misinformed? She went there with her 'kneepads' according to her own words. She went there to seek a sexual encounter with the president. She was not tormented at all. Not at all. It was she who instigated the sexual encounter, with a married man. She is a woman who had zero ethics.

Now she's whining about it? How ridiculous.
I don't disagree that Lewinsky was a willing partner. What I'm saying (which is fact) is that she endured hell from attacks by the media and the public - most of it orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. She's done that her entire life.

Now let me ask you this - what kind of normal/rational woman would endure endless infidelities by her husband and then spend a lot of time and energy attacking the women who her husband engaged in sexual acts with? Why wouldn't she simply divorce him? Answer: Hillary lives for power and money. She would rather live with her own husband cheating on her and humiliating her than surrender power and money. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of that woman.
Another time and place and Hillary would have been working at a fucking KFC. She's a nothing!
Really ? Are you really that ignorant? She has a law degree. She worked as an attorney. She is a Yale Law School graduate. She graduated from Wellesley College. These are both high level institutions that most people cannot get into, especially if they don't have high level family connections. She comes from an ordinary family with no connections, so she got into and graduated from these institutions because of her abilities and work ethic. No, you fool, she would not be working at KFC. You clearly identify yourself as an idiot for making such a statement.

Lets be honest - she latched on to Bill (who has charisma) and rode his coattails to a whole bunch of jobs she would have never landed. Barack Obama can't stand her (the two families have been at war for several years now and it's been well documented) but like most liberals - he's willing to shake hands with the devil because of his "ends justifies the means" mentality. She's not Secretary of State material and would have never landed that job on her abilities alone. She's also not President material. I could easily see her as slimy ambulance chasing attorney in Arkansas though. That's really who she is at her core.
Oh, seriously. Are you that misinformed? She went there with her 'kneepads' according to her own words. She went there to seek a sexual encounter with the president. She was not tormented at all. Not at all. It was she who instigated the sexual encounter, with a married man. She is a woman who had zero ethics.

Now she's whining about it? How ridiculous.
I don't disagree that Lewinsky was a willing partner. What I'm saying (which is fact) is that she endured hell from attacks by the media and the public - most of it orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. She's done that her entire life.

Now let me ask you this - what kind of normal/rational woman would endure endless infidelities by her husband and then spend a lot of time and energy attacking the women who her husband engaged in sexual acts with? Why wouldn't she simply divorce him? Answer: Hillary lives for power and money. She would rather live with her own husband cheating on her and humiliating her than surrender power and money. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of that woman.
This hell she endured from the media she created herself. None was 'orchestrated by Hillary Clinton.' And she has not done such 'her entire life.' This must be something one of your right wing propagandists dreamed up.

Oh please.. the Hildabeast has been managing bimbo eruptions since their days in Arkansas.
According to whom? How about citing a valid source here? You make claims of fact without any support. Where is the valid source for these claims of fact? Show me. Not right wing blogs, valid sources.

Ever heard of Google?
If you are going to make a claim of fact, you prove it, not me. That is something educated people know. You don't make claims of knowledge then expect others to chase down whether they are true or not or what evidence supports them. Anyone who graduated from high school, and did fairly well, knows it is up to the person making claims of fact to support them with evidence.

Don't expect me to chase down your absurd claims of fact. PROVE THEM. That is what your are obliged to do. Otherwise it is just you flapping your mouth.
Anyone that thinks Hillary is accomplished at anything other than managing bimbo eruptions has rocks in their head.
Rather than see a republican in the WH who will surely destroy any relationship we have with the rest of the world ,,,I'll take my chances

Hahahahaha! Um....Barack Obama already achieved that my friend. And that is an indisputable fact that even the liberal media acknowledges. He has infuriated and destroyed relationships with our closest allies like Israel and England. And then, in his pitiful pandering to make nice-nice with Iran, Russia, and Fidel Castro in Cuba, he's had dirt kicked in his face and he's been laughed out of their countries.

You cannot show one single relationship he built with a former enemy, but you can show a slew of former allies that he has alienated and turned into enemies. We need a Republican in the White House just to attempt to salvage some relationships.
My God! You people trade in nothing but lies.
What part of what I said was a "lie"? Do you ever turn into the news or do you strictly stick to liberal propaganda?
You're either the biggest liar or the most ignorant person. Lewinsky endured torment and has said as much on many occasions in recent times.
Oh, seriously. Are you that misinformed? She went there with her 'kneepads' according to her own words. She went there to seek a sexual encounter with the president. She was not tormented at all. Not at all. It was she who instigated the sexual encounter, with a married man. She is a woman who had zero ethics.

Now she's whining about it? How ridiculous.
I don't disagree that Lewinsky was a willing partner. What I'm saying (which is fact) is that she endured hell from attacks by the media and the public - most of it orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. She's done that her entire life.

Now let me ask you this - what kind of normal/rational woman would endure endless infidelities by her husband and then spend a lot of time and energy attacking the women who her husband engaged in sexual acts with? Why wouldn't she simply divorce him? Answer: Hillary lives for power and money. She would rather live with her own husband cheating on her and humiliating her than surrender power and money. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of that woman.
Another time and place and Hillary would have been working at a fucking KFC. She's a nothing!
Really ? Are you really that ignorant? She has a law degree. She worked as an attorney. She is a Yale Law School graduate. She graduated from Wellesley College. These are both high level institutions that most people cannot get into, especially if they don't have high level family connections. She comes from an ordinary family with no connections, so she got into and graduated from these institutions because of her abilities and work ethic. No, you fool, she would not be working at KFC. You clearly identify yourself as an idiot for making such a statement.

Lets be honest - she latched on to Bill (who has charisma) and rode his coattails to a whole bunch of jobs she would have never landed. Barack Obama can't stand her (the two families have been at war for several years now and it's been well documented) but like most liberals - he's willing to shake hands with the devil because of his "ends justifies the means" mentality. She's not Secretary of State material and would have never landed that job on her abilities alone. She's also not President material. I could easily see her as slimy ambulance chasing attorney in Arkansas though. That's really who she is at her core.
Oh please. Do you actually think your imagination about these things is some kind of fact, truth, reality or reason? It's all just you having a little fantasy fit. Has nothing to do with reality.
Trey Gowdy hasn’t been seen since Hillary took him to the woodshed.

You mean the Hillary Clinton who was so composed she stated that they were having the hearings to determine what happened and how to prevent it, and when Trey bent her over and took it to her, she screamed into the mic "what difference does it make at this point whether it was a spontaneous protest or a planned attack"?!? :lmao:

Well my makes all the difference if you're holding the hearing to determine what happened and how to prevent it. :lol:

And she has since won the nomination for President and Trey Gowdy is a laughing stock.

Hillary wins; yet again.

Yes, and you are nominating a person who is under investigation by the FBI for possible treason. Shows your intelligence.

She’s still under investigation? I haven’t heard anything about that in a few months. I guess when it’s your only hope of winning, you cling to anything:
The FBI is still investigating, your candidate could be tried for treason. That actually show's your true colors about america.

would be nice, but the Clinton syndicate has made it through much worse and gotten away with it since the 90's. I can't see them going down for emails when she let four guys die.
I don't disagree that Lewinsky was a willing partner. What I'm saying (which is fact) is that she endured hell from attacks by the media and the public - most of it orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. She's done that her entire life.

Now let me ask you this - what kind of normal/rational woman would endure endless infidelities by her husband and then spend a lot of time and energy attacking the women who her husband engaged in sexual acts with? Why wouldn't she simply divorce him? Answer: Hillary lives for power and money. She would rather live with her own husband cheating on her and humiliating her than surrender power and money. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of that woman.
This hell she endured from the media she created herself. None was 'orchestrated by Hillary Clinton.' And she has not done such 'her entire life.' This must be something one of your right wing propagandists dreamed up.

Oh please.. the Hildabeast has been managing bimbo eruptions since their days in Arkansas.
According to whom? How about citing a valid source here? You make claims of fact without any support. Where is the valid source for these claims of fact? Show me. Not right wing blogs, valid sources.

Ever heard of Google?
If you are going to make a claim of fact, you prove it, not me. That is something educated people know. You don't make claims of knowledge then expect others to chase down whether they are true or not or what evidence supports them. Anyone who graduated from high school, and did fairly well, knows it is up to the person making claims of fact to support them with evidence.

Don't expect me to chase down your absurd claims of fact. PROVE THEM. That is what your are obliged to do. Otherwise it is just you flapping your mouth.

Do I need to document Pearl Harbor? I guess you never heard of Kathleen Willey, Genifer Flowers, Juanita Broderick, etc., etc., etc. either.
Oh, seriously. Are you that misinformed? She went there with her 'kneepads' according to her own words. She went there to seek a sexual encounter with the president. She was not tormented at all. Not at all. It was she who instigated the sexual encounter, with a married man. She is a woman who had zero ethics.

Now she's whining about it? How ridiculous.
I don't disagree that Lewinsky was a willing partner. What I'm saying (which is fact) is that she endured hell from attacks by the media and the public - most of it orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. She's done that her entire life.

Now let me ask you this - what kind of normal/rational woman would endure endless infidelities by her husband and then spend a lot of time and energy attacking the women who her husband engaged in sexual acts with? Why wouldn't she simply divorce him? Answer: Hillary lives for power and money. She would rather live with her own husband cheating on her and humiliating her than surrender power and money. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of that woman.
Another time and place and Hillary would have been working at a fucking KFC. She's a nothing!
Really ? Are you really that ignorant? She has a law degree. She worked as an attorney. She is a Yale Law School graduate. She graduated from Wellesley College. These are both high level institutions that most people cannot get into, especially if they don't have high level family connections. She comes from an ordinary family with no connections, so she got into and graduated from these institutions because of her abilities and work ethic. No, you fool, she would not be working at KFC. You clearly identify yourself as an idiot for making such a statement.

Lets be honest - she latched on to Bill (who has charisma) and rode his coattails to a whole bunch of jobs she would have never landed. Barack Obama can't stand her (the two families have been at war for several years now and it's been well documented) but like most liberals - he's willing to shake hands with the devil because of his "ends justifies the means" mentality. She's not Secretary of State material and would have never landed that job on her abilities alone. She's also not President material. I could easily see her as slimy ambulance chasing attorney in Arkansas though. That's really who she is at her core.
Oh please. Do you actually think your imagination about these things is some kind of fact, truth, reality or reason? It's all just you having a little fantasy fit. Has nothing to do with reality.
She say very weird things, you know that? We have been filling this thread with facts, dates, incidents, etc. And you can't dispute any of them. You just come back with strange little responses like "what a fantasy". What does that even mean? And why do you even waste your time to add something that useless?

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