Trump surging nationally.

Do I need to document Pearl Harbor? I guess you never heard of Kathleen Willey, Genifer Flowers, Juanita Broderick, etc., etc., etc. either.


The sad part is - you know at some point that liberals will absolutely deny Pearl Harbor if there is some reason to do so for their agenda. For instance, if they want to shut down the base for "Global Warming" and to "protect" the ocean and beaches, I can easily see them claiming that we don't need these naval bases and that we've never been attacked on our shores. And then they will deny Pearl Harbor.
Do I need to document Pearl Harbor? I guess you never heard of Kathleen Willey, Genifer Flowers, Juanita Broderick, etc., etc., etc. either.


The sad part is - you know at some point that liberals will absolutely deny Pearl Harbor if there is some reason to do so for their agenda. For instance, if they want to shut down the base for "Global Warming" and to "protect" the ocean and beaches, I can easily see them claiming that we don't need these naval bases and that we've never been attacked on our shores. And then they will deny Pearl Harbor.
Put down the crack pipe. You clearly have a brain injury and really shouldn't exacerbate it.
Do I need to document Pearl Harbor? I guess you never heard of Kathleen Willey, Genifer Flowers, Juanita Broderick, etc., etc., etc. either.


The sad part is - you know at some point that liberals will absolutely deny Pearl Harbor if there is some reason to do so for their agenda. For instance, if they want to shut down the base for "Global Warming" and to "protect" the ocean and beaches, I can easily see them claiming that we don't need these naval bases and that we've never been attacked on our shores. And then they will deny Pearl Harbor.

Yeppers. They're nuts. I read today there is a push for "pawternity" leave. Yep, paid leave for pet owners. The UK is already doing it.
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but what about VS the beast? is it 55/45 yet?

This is where you will see trump fail, and fail badly. He won't be able to hide from Hillary like he did all through the primary. That and normal people are so sick of Trump and the stupidity of his mind slaves that they will just stay home. Buy bullets and guns now if that's a big deal because it's going to be 8 more years of Bamma.

Trump sucks, but wow, Hillary is unbeatable? You're delusional
but what about VS the beast? is it 55/45 yet?

This is where you will see trump fail, and fail badly. He won't be able to hide from Hillary like he did all through the primary. That and normal people are so sick of Trump and the stupidity of his mind slaves that they will just stay home. Buy bullets and guns now if that's a big deal because it's going to be 8 more years of Bamma.

Trump sucks, but wow, Hillary is unbeatable? You're delusional

Hillary is actually a more flawed candidate than Trump.
Trump sucks, but wow, Hillary is unbeatable? You're delusional

Trump supporters are like a dog chasing a car, what are they going to do if they catch the damned thing? We will have to LIVE with him as president for 4 years, which will not be pleasant.

I predict that Trump will defeat Hillary, but I am not sure that is all that great.
Now that trump has explained to us that Cruz's father was Oswald's buddy and was on the grassy knoll, then he has picked up yet another demographic, the conspiracy nuts. with inside info like that Trump simply must be elected in order to show the world that Crazy is the new normal for the GOP!
Trump sucks, but wow, Hillary is unbeatable? You're delusional

Trump supporters are like a dog chasing a car, what are they going to do if they catch the damned thing? We will have to LIVE with him as president for 4 years, which will not be pleasant.

I predict that Trump will defeat Hillary, but I am not sure that is all that great.

Unfortunately, it is Trump or Hillary. We know what we get with Hildabeast... and it is more of the last 8 years.
Trump sucks, but wow, Hillary is unbeatable? You're delusional

Trump supporters are like a dog chasing a car, what are they going to do if they catch the damned thing? We will have to LIVE with him as president for 4 years, which will not be pleasant.

I predict that Trump will defeat Hillary, but I am not sure that is all that great.

Great analogy, love it
Now that trump has explained to us that Cruz's father was Oswald's buddy and was on the grassy knoll, then he has picked up yet another demographic, the conspiracy nuts. with inside info like that Trump simply must be elected in order to show the world that Crazy is the new normal for the GOP!

He has always had those weirdos. to a T no trump supporter can name one policy question of Trump's. No one can show ware trump has not taken MO ey from the evil Goldman Sachs. honestly, your predominanttrump supporter is the white equivalentof your average Obama hood rat except instead of screaming racisem, they scream canadian,Goldman sachs. I'm tempted to vote Hillery just to watch the mouth breathers scream.
Trump and Christie vs Clinton after tonight?

I wouldn't be surprised....

I would be surprised. I think Trump will either go out of politics to someone like himself or to someone who resonates with conservatives like Rubio or Gingrich. Christie adds zero to his campaign

Maybe his son Eric?

That's be awesome.. is that even legal?

That's an interesting idea. I could definitely see Trump doing it. And it's legal as long as he's 35
It's an easy decision. Trump wants to be president because he wants to make America great again. Hillary wants to be president because she has a vagina and deserves it.
Trump sucks, but wow, Hillary is unbeatable? You're delusional

Trump supporters are like a dog chasing a car, what are they going to do if they catch the damned thing? We will have to LIVE with him as president for 4 years, which will not be pleasant.

I predict that Trump will defeat Hillary, but I am not sure that is all that great.

Unfortunately, it is Trump or Hillary. We know what we get with Hildabeast... and it is more of the last 8 years.

Trump Funded Hillery and Bama for the last eight years.
OMG How stupid are you? That's not what I said. But, in truth, these were two adult people doing something in private by mutual consent. What is there to object to?

Women exposing their bodies for money, for all the world to see, and in salacious terms? No I don't approve of that. It demeans all women.

So, Melania Trump was forced to take those photos? You make no sense whatsoever.

Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

You responded to the wrong post. This one was about you libs being hypocrites and smearing Trump's wife for being a model.
Being a model? Being a model? Seriously? Posing nude in sexually explicit poses is 'being a model.' You insult all real models.

It is her choice to pose "nude in sexually explicit poses". You are acting like there is something wrong with that.

Is she supposed to be ashamed of her body?

I thought you libs were all about being Pro-sex and Republicans were supposed to be "anti-sex".

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