Trump surging nationally.

but what about VS the beast? is it 55/45 yet?

This is where you will see trump fail, and fail badly. He won't be able to hide from Hillary like he did all through the primary. That and normal people are so sick of Trump and the stupidity of his mind slaves that they will just stay home. Buy bullets and guns now if that's a big deal because it's going to be 8 more years of Bamma.
After Trump gets 1237 he will spend 3 BILLION of his own money an attack ads against Hillary. Most of them are already in the can.
What's Hillary going to do on the debate stage when he accuses her of being an 'enabler' for Bills sexual assaults.
Trump has at least six of Bill's victims who are going to tell the world when Hillary found out instead of kicking Bill's ass out the door she personally went to these victims and threatened them for 100% political reasons.
That's just the tip of the iceberg folks.
Trump's son has said their are some things which which be exposed about Hillary that the world hasn't known yet which will destroy her.

So? What will he say? She looks like her clothes used to be curtains? Pantsuit wise cracks? What can he possibly point out that has not been point Ted out before and why will it stick this time when it hasn't the whole time HRC has been in the biblical eye? He gonna Cale her a vagina or something? Hillary ain't Ted Cruz. She will get in the mud with him and drown him in it.

The issue is not that Trump has increased the level of "mud".

This issue is that, for the first time, a Republican will get down in the "mud" with the vile dems and drown THEM in it.

Unfortunately we live in a time where the civility of past Republican Candidates was seen by too many people as weakness.

Hillary and you leftists have not before faced someone who is prepared to be as mean as you are.

Oh, Hillery has gone that low before, lowe as trump. She just does it better. She also has all the cable "news" networks on her side that includes FOX. All Trumps "devastating" ads are likely a spin on every controversy that has involved the Clintons, just repackaged with a trump label.

She does not do it better, she just has the fix in with a biased media.

When the campaign comes down to just the two of them, Trump will have plenty of chances to speak directly to the people, with less and less of media "filter".

Hillary will have less opportunity to avoid tough questions.

Trump is better at this. He has been using the media despite them being hostile.

Hillary is not prepared for someone who refuses to be intimidated.
This is where you will see trump fail, and fail badly. He won't be able to hide from Hillary like he did all through the primary. That and normal people are so sick of Trump and the stupidity of his mind slaves that they will just stay home. Buy bullets and guns now if that's a big deal because it's going to be 8 more years of Bamma.
After Trump gets 1237 he will spend 3 BILLION of his own money an attack ads against Hillary. Most of them are already in the can.
What's Hillary going to do on the debate stage when he accuses her of being an 'enabler' for Bills sexual assaults.
Trump has at least six of Bill's victims who are going to tell the world when Hillary found out instead of kicking Bill's ass out the door she personally went to these victims and threatened them for 100% political reasons.
That's just the tip of the iceberg folks.
Trump's son has said their are some things which which be exposed about Hillary that the world hasn't known yet which will destroy her.

So? What will he say? She looks like her clothes used to be curtains? Pantsuit wise cracks? What can he possibly point out that has not been point Ted out before and why will it stick this time when it hasn't the whole time HRC has been in the biblical eye? He gonna Cale her a vagina or something? Hillary ain't Ted Cruz. She will get in the mud with him and drown him in it.

The issue is not that Trump has increased the level of "mud".

This issue is that, for the first time, a Republican will get down in the "mud" with the vile dems and drown THEM in it.

Unfortunately we live in a time where the civility of past Republican Candidates was seen by too many people as weakness.

Hillary and you leftists have not before faced someone who is prepared to be as mean as you are.

Oh, Hillery has gone that low before, lowe as trump. She just does it better. She also has all the cable "news" networks on her side that includes FOX. All Trumps "devastating" ads are likely a spin on every controversy that has involved the Clintons, just repackaged with a trump label.
Thanks right.
And millions of Independents are going to be watching the attack ads.

Not to mention millions of working class white dems who have been completely shit on by the dems for decades.
Trump is leading Hillary now in the polls. Trump 41%, Clinton 39% - Rasmussen Reports™

Same polls with narrow margins that everyone says are wrong when they don't look good for their guy. None matter until election day.
and the other 40 polls say what?? lol
That's funny, many say Trumps ascension reminds them of Hitler. Way cool. So um, what will he do when she asks what a 45% tariff on goods from China means for us normal folks, and why has he not explained it so far?
After Trump gets 1237 he will spend 3 BILLION of his own money an attack ads against Hillary. Most of them are already in the can.
What's Hillary going to do on the debate stage when he accuses her of being an 'enabler' for Bills sexual assaults.
Trump has at least six of Bill's victims who are going to tell the world when Hillary found out instead of kicking Bill's ass out the door she personally went to these victims and threatened them for 100% political reasons.
That's just the tip of the iceberg folks.
Trump's son has said their are some things which which be exposed about Hillary that the world hasn't known yet which will destroy her.

So? What will he say? She looks like her clothes used to be curtains? Pantsuit wise cracks? What can he possibly point out that has not been point Ted out before and why will it stick this time when it hasn't the whole time HRC has been in the biblical eye? He gonna Cale her a vagina or something? Hillary ain't Ted Cruz. She will get in the mud with him and drown him in it.

The issue is not that Trump has increased the level of "mud".

This issue is that, for the first time, a Republican will get down in the "mud" with the vile dems and drown THEM in it.

Unfortunately we live in a time where the civility of past Republican Candidates was seen by too many people as weakness.

Hillary and you leftists have not before faced someone who is prepared to be as mean as you are.

Oh, Hillery has gone that low before, lowe as trump. She just does it better. She also has all the cable "news" networks on her side that includes FOX. All Trumps "devastating" ads are likely a spin on every controversy that has involved the Clintons, just repackaged with a trump label.
Thanks right.
And millions of Independents are going to be watching the attack ads.

Not to mention millions of working class white dems who have been completely shit on by the dems for decades.

many of them if they cant have bernie

they are going Trump
Oh yeah, Trump discussing the size of his dick so impressed the independents. His specialty of wallowing in mud and idiocy will equally impress the independents.
Trump is leading Hillary now in the polls. Trump 41%, Clinton 39% - Rasmussen Reports™

Same polls with narrow margins that everyone says are wrong when they don't look good for their guy. None matter until election day.

Funny, libs have been happy to cite polls showing Hillary winning. Over and over again.

Now suddenly they don't matter?


I think the difference is that they have had a consensus of multiple polls they have used to support their point. Whereas this one poll, from a firm that has a reputation for bias and unreliability and is making claims that are opposite to every other source.
Oh yeah, Trump discussing the size of his dick so impressed the independents. His specialty of wallowing in mud and idiocy will equally impress the independents.
He stood up for his manhood once since it was an attack, should have ignored it but that's all that occupies your mind? Hmmm.
I spent quite a bit of time going over some of Trump's speeches. Never found any racist statements by him. Here's one link below showing how Mexico treats illegals. The same country that condemns us when we try to control our borders. Why is it racist to want to control who comes into our country? Are all the thousands of border patrol agents wrong who endorse Trump? Link below. Back to the old argument, how many people can fit in a lifeboat before the boat capsizes. Trump - the only one to keep USA from sinking into the status of a third world country. And especially considering that Trump is the only one who takes a stand against the trade pacts like Nafta and MFN, that have eliminated so many decent paying jobs in this country.

Mexico Deports More Immigrants Back to Central America than the U.S. Does - Breitbart

Border Patrol union endorses Donald Trump -
Face it kids.. there is zero excitement over Hillary. NONE. Trump is yuge.
Yet, the Queen of Corruption will probably win, not because she is worth a shit but because the Republicans are choosing to nominate such an outlandish demagogue. It should have been a fairly easy victory for the GOP in 2016, however as usual the party of stupid chose the one candidate out of a field of many that Hillary the Harpy has an advantage over.
but what about VS the beast? is it 55/45 yet?

This is where you will see trump fail, and fail badly. He won't be able to hide from Hillary like he did all through the primary. That and normal people are so sick of Trump and the stupidity of his mind slaves that they will just stay home. Buy bullets and guns now if that's a big deal because it's going to be 8 more years of Bamma.
After Trump gets 1237 he will spend 3 BILLION of his own money an attack ads against Hillary. Most of them are already in the can.
What's Hillary going to do on the debate stage when he accuses her of being an 'enabler' for Bills sexual assaults.
Trump has at least six of Bill's victims who are going to tell the world when Hillary found out instead of kicking Bill's ass out the door she personally went to these victims and threatened them for 100% political reasons.
That's just the tip of the iceberg folks.
Trump's son has said their are some things which which be exposed about Hillary that the world hasn't known yet which will destroy her.

So? What will he say? She looks like her clothes used to be curtains? Pantsuit wise cracks? What can he possibly point out that has not been point Ted out before and why will it stick this time when it hasn't the whole time HRC has been in the biblical eye? He gonna Cale her a vagina or something? Hillary ain't Ted Cruz. She will get in the mud with him and drown him in it.

The issue is not that Trump has increased the level of "mud".

This issue is that, for the first time, a Republican will get down in the "mud" with the vile dems and drown THEM in it.

Unfortunately we live in a time where the civility of past Republican Candidates was seen by too many people as weakness.

Hillary and you leftists have not before faced someone who is prepared to be as mean as you are.

Oh, Hillery has gone that low before, lowe as trump. She just does it better. She also has all the cable "news" networks on her side that includes FOX. All Trumps "devastating" ads are likely a spin on every controversy that has involved the Clintons, just repackaged with a trump label.
She can dish it out, we know that but we are fixing to find out how she can take it coming back at her. I think she won't be able to take it.

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