Trump surging nationally.

Face it kids.. there is zero excitement over Hillary. NONE. Trump is yuge.
Yet, the Queen of Corruption will probably win, not because she is worth a shit but because the Republicans are choosing to nominate such an outlandish demagogue. It should have been a fairly easy victory for the GOP in 2016, however as usual the party of stupid chose the one candidate out of a field of many that Hillary the Harpy has an advantage over.
How so? You haven't found any negatives on Hillary?
You're joking right? Everything about Hillary is negative, in fact she's one of the few human beings (and I use the term loosely when referring to her) that has absolutely NO redeeming qualities. Trump is a class A jackass demagogue but at least he has some successful business experience (all of it heavily weighted with influence buying and inherited money but at least he's done *some* things right as a business person).

That being said I wouldn't cast my vote for any of these miscreants, doing so would make me culpable in the evil which is sure to follow any one of them getting elected and if I can't stop the crime I damn sure ain't going to join in on it.

Who would be better? Kasich? More establishment bs? The left hasn't even started on Cruz, if he won his negatives would probably drop to more than Trump's.
There are probably at least 100 million U.S. Citizens that would be "better", unfortunately none of them are running for the Presidency. This whole circus is a race to the bottom wherein the candidate with the best bullshit & deception machine will likely win and as far as I can tell that looks to be Hillary, after all when it comes to bullshit and deception she and her unholy henchmen have the most experience.
That, we agree on. But yes, we are limited to those that actually want the job and most people don't. Hillary has a problem besides her history, she is essentially running on a third obama term and doesn't have the populous likability factor. Most don't think we are going in the right direction any candidate that can hammer that point home will do well. And Trump does seem like the type.
Yes, but we didn't see pictures of it did we? We don't have photos of it all over the internet. What two people did in private is one thing; exposing your all and all for everyone to see is something else.

Oh brother.... So, you're OK with a 50 year-old man sticking cigars in a 20 year-old's twat as long as there aren't pictures? That makes no sense at all. It's pretty vile.
OMG How stupid are you? That's not what I said. But, in truth, these were two adult people doing something in private by mutual consent. What is there to object to?

Women exposing their bodies for money, for all the world to see, and in salacious terms? No I don't approve of that. It demeans all women.

So, Melania Trump was forced to take those photos? You make no sense whatsoever.

Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

Holy shit its the intern's fault not the POTUS taking advantage of his power and position? The POTUS had no responsibility to his office, his wife, workplace laws? That's some koolaid drinking denial right there. Good luck selling that in this day and age. :laugh:
All the times Bill sexual assaulted women and Hillary destroyed their lives. That didn't demean women?
Allegations are not proven fact. Most, if not all, of those accusations were women looking for a cash payout and some notoriety and fame. You only believe it because you want to. All of those allegations and nothing ever taken to court, nothing ever proven. Ever hear of the American tradition 'innocent until proven guilty'? You are a complete fascist as long as it is someone you don't like, or any liberal, democrat or progressive.
You may have a point if it was just one or two women, but there are multiple women making those comments. All the way back to his college days when there was nothing to be gained. All those women are liars?
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
A CEO of a large corporation would have been let go and liberals would have marched the streets or boycotted until he was. Trying to spin it as just a private matter is stupid, no one buys it.
Oh brother.... So, you're OK with a 50 year-old man sticking cigars in a 20 year-old's twat as long as there aren't pictures? That makes no sense at all. It's pretty vile.
OMG How stupid are you? That's not what I said. But, in truth, these were two adult people doing something in private by mutual consent. What is there to object to?

Women exposing their bodies for money, for all the world to see, and in salacious terms? No I don't approve of that. It demeans all women.

So, Melania Trump was forced to take those photos? You make no sense whatsoever.

Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

Holy shit its the intern's fault not the POTUS taking advantage of his power and position? The POTUS had no responsibility to his office, his wife, workplace laws? That's some koolaid drinking denial right there. Good luck selling that in this day and age. :laugh:
He didn't take advantage of his position. She threw herself at him because of his position. You folks are trying to rewrite history and it's very pathetic.
All the times Bill sexual assaulted women and Hillary destroyed their lives. That didn't demean women?
Allegations are not proven fact. Most, if not all, of those accusations were women looking for a cash payout and some notoriety and fame. You only believe it because you want to. All of those allegations and nothing ever taken to court, nothing ever proven. Ever hear of the American tradition 'innocent until proven guilty'? You are a complete fascist as long as it is someone you don't like, or any liberal, democrat or progressive.
You may have a point if it was just one or two women, but there are multiple women making those comments. All the way back to his college days when there was nothing to be gained. All those women are liars?
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.

Good Lord... could you be a bigger hypocrite?
OMG How stupid are you? That's not what I said. But, in truth, these were two adult people doing something in private by mutual consent. What is there to object to?

Women exposing their bodies for money, for all the world to see, and in salacious terms? No I don't approve of that. It demeans all women.

So, Melania Trump was forced to take those photos? You make no sense whatsoever.

Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

Holy shit its the intern's fault not the POTUS taking advantage of his power and position? The POTUS had no responsibility to his office, his wife, workplace laws? That's some koolaid drinking denial right there. Good luck selling that in this day and age. :laugh:
He didn't take advantage of his position. She threw herself at him because of his position. You folks are trying to rewrite history and it's very pathetic.

What about him maybe having the maturity to know that what he did was, well, just wrong?
All the times Bill sexual assaulted women and Hillary destroyed their lives. That didn't demean women?
Allegations are not proven fact. Most, if not all, of those accusations were women looking for a cash payout and some notoriety and fame. You only believe it because you want to. All of those allegations and nothing ever taken to court, nothing ever proven. Ever hear of the American tradition 'innocent until proven guilty'? You are a complete fascist as long as it is someone you don't like, or any liberal, democrat or progressive.
You may have a point if it was just one or two women, but there are multiple women making those comments. All the way back to his college days when there was nothing to be gained. All those women are liars?
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
It's still their body right? So you have no business talking about it, by your own words. You never answered about the college girls saying Bill sexually assaulted them. They had nothing to gain, were they lying also?
Let me preface this by saying I have absolutely no prediction on this. I don't have a guess. I'm not an "insider" with information provide to me that others don't have. But that being said, this is quite a bombshell. When self-admitted communist Van Jones is saying "Donald Trump will probably win the presidency", I think it warrants some attention. Especially when this black man says that "his ability to appeal to African-American voters".

Will Donald Trump be the next president? I have no idea and I'm not attempting to predict. But I find it pretty remarkable that this radical left-winger (who worked in the White House under Obama and certainly has some inside information) thinks that Donald will win it. Frankly, my guess is that if he does win it, it will be more about his ability to dominate Hillary in debates than anything else. Hillary simply can't keep her composure (a common trait with power-hungry people) whenever anyone challenges her or rattles her. She completely comes unglued and I have to think anyone who isn't a leftist ideologue (nothing is going to change their minds of course) is going to be unnerved over the thought of having a president who totally unravels under the slightest sign of pressure.

Van Jones’ Warning to Fellow Democrats, Black Voters: Trump ‘Probably Will Win the Presidency’
Yes, but we didn't see pictures of it did we? We don't have photos of it all over the internet. What two people did in private is one thing; exposing your all and all for everyone to see is something else.

Oh brother.... So, you're OK with a 50 year-old man sticking cigars in a 20 year-old's twat as long as there aren't pictures? That makes no sense at all. It's pretty vile.
OMG How stupid are you? That's not what I said. But, in truth, these were two adult people doing something in private by mutual consent. What is there to object to?

Women exposing their bodies for money, for all the world to see, and in sexual and salacious terms? No I don't approve of that. It demeans all women.
All the times Bill sexual assaulted women and Hillary destroyed their lives. That didn't demean women?
Allegations are not proven fact. Most, if not all, of those accusations were women looking for a cash payout and some notoriety and fame. You only believe it because you want to. All of those allegations and nothing ever taken to court, nothing ever proven. Ever hear of the American tradition 'innocent until proven guilty'? You are a complete fascist as long as it is someone you don't like, or any liberal, democrat or progressive.
You may have a point if it was just one or two women, but there are multiple women making those comments. All the way back to his college days when there was nothing to be gained. All those women are liars?
Well we know Juanita broaddrick was lying On different occasions she said either Bill Clinton raped her or that rumors that Bill Clinton raped her were unfounded. Obviously both cannot be true. And of course when she said that Bill Clinton never raped her, she swore that under oath facing the penalty of perjury.
OMG How stupid are you? That's not what I said. But, in truth, these were two adult people doing something in private by mutual consent. What is there to object to?

Women exposing their bodies for money, for all the world to see, and in salacious terms? No I don't approve of that. It demeans all women.

So, Melania Trump was forced to take those photos? You make no sense whatsoever.

Workplace laws? Is there a law about having a sexual encounter with a intern? Please provide it for me here. I'd love to see it.
Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

Holy shit its the intern's fault not the POTUS taking advantage of his power and position? The POTUS had no responsibility to his office, his wife, workplace laws? That's some koolaid drinking denial right there. Good luck selling that in this day and age. :laugh:
He didn't take advantage of his position. She threw herself at him because of his position. You folks are trying to rewrite history and it's very pathetic.
Allegations are not proven fact. Most, if not all, of those accusations were women looking for a cash payout and some notoriety and fame. You only believe it because you want to. All of those allegations and nothing ever taken to court, nothing ever proven. Ever hear of the American tradition 'innocent until proven guilty'? You are a complete fascist as long as it is someone you don't like, or any liberal, democrat or progressive.
You may have a point if it was just one or two women, but there are multiple women making those comments. All the way back to his college days when there was nothing to be gained. All those women are liars?
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
It's still their body right? So you have no business talking about it, by your own words. You never answered about the college girls saying Bill sexually assaulted them. They had nothing to gain, were they lying also?
Nothing to gain? How many years later did they bring up these assaults?
Face it kids.. there is zero excitement over Hillary. NONE. Trump is yuge.
Yet, the Queen of Corruption will probably win, not because she is worth a shit but because the Republicans are choosing to nominate such an outlandish demagogue. It should have been a fairly easy victory for the GOP in 2016, however as usual the party of stupid chose the one candidate out of a field of many that Hillary the Harpy has an advantage over.
How so? You haven't found any negatives on Hillary?
You're joking right? Everything about Hillary is negative, in fact she's one of the few human beings (and I use the term loosely when referring to her) that has absolutely NO redeeming qualities. Trump is a class A jackass demagogue but at least he has some successful business experience (all of it heavily weighted with influence buying and inherited money but at least he's done *some* things right as a business person).

That being said I wouldn't cast my vote for any of these miscreants, doing so would make me culpable in the evil which is sure to follow any one of them getting elected and if I can't stop the crime I damn sure ain't going to join in on it.

Who would be better? Kasich? More establishment bs? The left hasn't even started on Cruz, if he won his negatives would probably drop to more than Trump's.
There are probably at least 100 million U.S. Citizens that would be "better", unfortunately none of them are running for the Presidency. This whole circus is a race to the bottom wherein the candidate with the best bullshit & deception machine will likely win and as far as I can tell that looks to be Hillary, after all when it comes to bullshit and deception she and her unholy henchmen have the most experience.
That, we agree on. But yes, we are limited to those that actually want the job and most people don't. Hillary has a problem besides her history, she is essentially running on a third obama term and doesn't have the populous likability factor. Most don't think we are going in the right direction any candidate that can hammer that point home will do well. And Trump does seem like the type.

Personally I don't think it's a matter of people with integrity, competence and principles wanting the job, I believe it's a matter of those people not being willing to go through the cesspool (that the citizenry has allowed to be created) that is required to actually get the job. The mindless electorate has allowed the political process to become so poisonous and demonic that nobody that actually deserves the job will run for it , thus we are left with a contest of "EVIL versus EVIL may the most unqualified asshole win". ;)
So, Melania Trump was forced to take those photos? You make no sense whatsoever.

Workplace laws? Is there a law about having a sexual encounter with a intern? Please provide it for me here. I'd love to see it.
Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

Holy shit its the intern's fault not the POTUS taking advantage of his power and position? The POTUS had no responsibility to his office, his wife, workplace laws? That's some koolaid drinking denial right there. Good luck selling that in this day and age. :laugh:
He didn't take advantage of his position. She threw herself at him because of his position. You folks are trying to rewrite history and it's very pathetic.
You may have a point if it was just one or two women, but there are multiple women making those comments. All the way back to his college days when there was nothing to be gained. All those women are liars?
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
It's still their body right? So you have no business talking about it, by your own words. You never answered about the college girls saying Bill sexually assaulted them. They had nothing to gain, were they lying also?
Nothing to gain? How many years later did they bring up these assaults?

How many people do you know that have been serially, over the course of decades, been accused of repeated sexual misconduct?
So, Melania Trump was forced to take those photos? You make no sense whatsoever.

Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

Holy shit its the intern's fault not the POTUS taking advantage of his power and position? The POTUS had no responsibility to his office, his wife, workplace laws? That's some koolaid drinking denial right there. Good luck selling that in this day and age. :laugh:
He didn't take advantage of his position. She threw herself at him because of his position. You folks are trying to rewrite history and it's very pathetic.

What about him maybe having the maturity to know that what he did was, well, just wrong?
I'm sure he knew it was wrong. All married men who cheat on their wives know it is wrong, and guess what? Something like 60% plus of all married men cheat. He is not out there alone doing wrong. But she is wrong too. Any woman who knowingly engages in sexual activity with a married man is wrong; and Lewinsky left for Washington with the intention of doing just that. She was not some innocent who was wronged. She participated in it fully, and she was an adult.
Workplace laws? Is there a law about having a sexual encounter with a intern? Please provide it for me here. I'd love to see it.
Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

Holy shit its the intern's fault not the POTUS taking advantage of his power and position? The POTUS had no responsibility to his office, his wife, workplace laws? That's some koolaid drinking denial right there. Good luck selling that in this day and age. :laugh:
He didn't take advantage of his position. She threw herself at him because of his position. You folks are trying to rewrite history and it's very pathetic.
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
It's still their body right? So you have no business talking about it, by your own words. You never answered about the college girls saying Bill sexually assaulted them. They had nothing to gain, were they lying also?
Nothing to gain? How many years later did they bring up these assaults?

How many people do you know that have been serially, over the course of decades, been accused of repeated sexual misconduct?
For most people that may have that happen to them, it is not in the media.. so we don't hear about it. But, in fact, I have a family member who was accused of just that, by other family members among others. And he tried to do it with me too. Never got anywhere, but tried.
Workplace laws? Is there a law about having a sexual encounter with a intern? Please provide it for me here. I'd love to see it.
Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

Holy shit its the intern's fault not the POTUS taking advantage of his power and position? The POTUS had no responsibility to his office, his wife, workplace laws? That's some koolaid drinking denial right there. Good luck selling that in this day and age. :laugh:
He didn't take advantage of his position. She threw herself at him because of his position. You folks are trying to rewrite history and it's very pathetic.
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
It's still their body right? So you have no business talking about it, by your own words. You never answered about the college girls saying Bill sexually assaulted them. They had nothing to gain, were they lying also?
Nothing to gain? How many years later did they bring up these assaults?

How many people do you know that have been serially, over the course of decades, been accused of repeated sexual misconduct?
I love the way liberals say when Clinton cheats it's none of our business, it's a private matter. But Trump does it and he shouldn't be president. Liberalism is a mental disease.
Face it kids.. there is zero excitement over Hillary. NONE. Trump is yuge.
Yet, the Queen of Corruption will probably win, not because she is worth a shit but because the Republicans are choosing to nominate such an outlandish demagogue. It should have been a fairly easy victory for the GOP in 2016, however as usual the party of stupid chose the one candidate out of a field of many that Hillary the Harpy has an advantage over.
How so? You haven't found any negatives on Hillary?
You're joking right? Everything about Hillary is negative, in fact she's one of the few human beings (and I use the term loosely when referring to her) that has absolutely NO redeeming qualities. Trump is a class A jackass demagogue but at least he has some successful business experience (all of it heavily weighted with influence buying and inherited money but at least he's done *some* things right as a business person).

That being said I wouldn't cast my vote for any of these miscreants, doing so would make me culpable in the evil which is sure to follow any one of them getting elected and if I can't stop the crime I damn sure ain't going to join in on it.

Who would be better? Kasich? More establishment bs? The left hasn't even started on Cruz, if he won his negatives would probably drop to more than Trump's.
There are probably at least 100 million U.S. Citizens that would be "better", unfortunately none of them are running for the Presidency. This whole circus is a race to the bottom wherein the candidate with the best bullshit & deception machine will likely win and as far as I can tell that looks to be Hillary, after all when it comes to bullshit and deception she and her unholy henchmen have the most experience.
That, we agree on. But yes, we are limited to those that actually want the job and most people don't. Hillary has a problem besides her history, she is essentially running on a third obama term and doesn't have the populous likability factor. Most don't think we are going in the right direction any candidate that can hammer that point home will do well. And Trump does seem like the type.

Personally I don't think it's a matter of people with integrity, competence and principles wanting the job, I believe it's a matter of those people not being willing to go through the cesspool (that the citizenry has allowed to be created) that is required to actually get the job. The mindless electorate has allowed the political process to become so poisonous and demonic that nobody that actually deserves the job will run for it , thus we are left with a contest of "EVIL versus EVIL may the most unqualified asshole win". ;)
Then after going through the cesspool to get the job you find yourself in the garbage dump of congress bad smell and all
Libs like to celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality.

Until it benefits them to NOT like that, then they turn back into prudes without a hint of concern for the fact they are being completely hypocrites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

Holy shit its the intern's fault not the POTUS taking advantage of his power and position? The POTUS had no responsibility to his office, his wife, workplace laws? That's some koolaid drinking denial right there. Good luck selling that in this day and age. :laugh:
He didn't take advantage of his position. She threw herself at him because of his position. You folks are trying to rewrite history and it's very pathetic.

What about him maybe having the maturity to know that what he did was, well, just wrong?
I'm sure he knew it was wrong. All married men who cheat on their wives know it is wrong, and guess what? Something like 60% plus of all married men cheat. He is not out there alone doing wrong. But she is wrong too. Any woman who knowingly engages in sexual activity with a married man is wrong; and Lewinsky left for Washington with the intention of doing just that. She was not some innocent who was wronged. She participated in it fully, and she was an adult.

Sure cheating is wrong. But, what is worse is a 50 yo man taking advantage of a young, impressionable girl. Was she an adult, sure.. agreed. But she was incredibly immature, and he took advantage of her.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

Holy shit its the intern's fault not the POTUS taking advantage of his power and position? The POTUS had no responsibility to his office, his wife, workplace laws? That's some koolaid drinking denial right there. Good luck selling that in this day and age. :laugh:
He didn't take advantage of his position. She threw herself at him because of his position. You folks are trying to rewrite history and it's very pathetic.
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
It's still their body right? So you have no business talking about it, by your own words. You never answered about the college girls saying Bill sexually assaulted them. They had nothing to gain, were they lying also?
Nothing to gain? How many years later did they bring up these assaults?

How many people do you know that have been serially, over the course of decades, been accused of repeated sexual misconduct?
I love the way liberals say when Clinton cheats it's none of our business, it's a private matter. But Trump does it and he shouldn't be president. Liberalism is a mental disease.
No, that's not what we are saying. You people are incapable of understanding simple logic. What we say is that if you are going to vilify Clinton for cheating, then you cannot just overlook Trump's cheating. That's what we are saying. No one is saying he shouldn't be president because he cheated, but at least look the issue straight in the face and admit he is a cheater. If it is bad for a liberal to cheat, then it is just as bad for a conservative to cheat.
You people twist everything. It was Monica Lewinsky who went to Washington carrying her 'knee pads' according to her own description. She went there with the intention of seducing the President. When she did, you say he took advantage of her. Yet she was the one to "celebrate a woman's independence and her right to be proud and open about her sexuality." She was not taken advantage of, and I doubt any of others were either. You are the hypocrites.

Holy shit its the intern's fault not the POTUS taking advantage of his power and position? The POTUS had no responsibility to his office, his wife, workplace laws? That's some koolaid drinking denial right there. Good luck selling that in this day and age. :laugh:
He didn't take advantage of his position. She threw herself at him because of his position. You folks are trying to rewrite history and it's very pathetic.

What about him maybe having the maturity to know that what he did was, well, just wrong?
I'm sure he knew it was wrong. All married men who cheat on their wives know it is wrong, and guess what? Something like 60% plus of all married men cheat. He is not out there alone doing wrong. But she is wrong too. Any woman who knowingly engages in sexual activity with a married man is wrong; and Lewinsky left for Washington with the intention of doing just that. She was not some innocent who was wronged. She participated in it fully, and she was an adult.

Sure cheating is wrong. But, what is worse is a 50 yo man taking advantage of a young, impressionable girl. Was she an adult, sure.. agreed. But she was incredibly immature, and he took advantage of her.
An impressionable girl? Give me a break. LOL
And obviously you have no defense for Clinton's utter insanity. Seriously, barking like a dog?

Hillary Clinton barks like a dog at a campaign rally in Nevada – video

Why would I defend something I never objected to? You're the one who was looking for maturity. So I guess you're done with asking for others to do what your canidate wont huh?

So, let me be clear, you think barking like a dog is normal? That is your choice for president, a barking woman?


Now you want to flip it into something about barking. You lose

So, you think barking like a dog is a good example of maturity? We are talking about maturity, right?
OMG Get over it. Her voice was hoarse because of all the campaign speeches. Grow up. You are like a second grader, for God's sake.

Are you actually blaming the barking incident on her being hoarse?:lmao:
Yeah...and Bill just wanted to moisten a dry cigar.

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