Trump surging nationally.

What absolute BS. Nobody preyed on Lewinsky.

You're either the biggest liar or the most ignorant person. Lewinsky endured torment and has said as much on many occasions in recent times.
Oh, seriously. Are you that misinformed? She went there with her 'kneepads' according to her own words. She went there to seek a sexual encounter with the president. She was not tormented at all. Not at all. It was she who instigated the sexual encounter, with a married man. She is a woman who had zero ethics.

Now she's whining about it? How ridiculous.
I don't disagree that Lewinsky was a willing partner. What I'm saying (which is fact) is that she endured hell from attacks by the media and the public - most of it orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. She's done that her entire life.

Now let me ask you this - what kind of normal/rational woman would endure endless infidelities by her husband and then spend a lot of time and energy attacking the women who her husband engaged in sexual acts with? Why wouldn't she simply divorce him? Answer: Hillary lives for power and money. She would rather live with her own husband cheating on her and humiliating her than surrender power and money. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of that woman.
This is something I have never heard about in any mainstream media. This must be something your right wing propagandists have dreamed up. Why are you so easily manipulated by them?
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.

You liberals are really something. You people celebrate the most repulsive forms of sexual deviance 99% of the time. In that rare 1% where you think that denouncing nudity, sexual deviance, etc., will be to your advantage, you suddenly and magically become filled with conservative, christian values. Your hypocrisy is really repulsive. You have no integrity. You'll sell your soul for the cause. You have no backbone to stand your ground and be consistent in your values and beliefs, even when it doesn't benefit you.

This is how much liberals believe "exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, is the next thing to prostitution"...

I love the way liberals say when Clinton cheats it's none of our business, it's a private matter. But Trump does it and he shouldn't be president. Liberalism is a mental disease.
No, that's not what we are saying. You people are incapable of understanding simple logic. What we say is that if you are going to vilify Clinton for cheating, then you cannot just overlook Trump's cheating. That's what we are saying. No one is saying he shouldn't be president because he cheated, but at least look the issue straight in the face and admit he is a cheater. If it is bad for a liberal to cheat, then it is just as bad for a conservative to cheat.

So, wait, now cheating maters?
Sure it does matter,,but not enough to remove a president from office and if drumph cheated lets put it out there for months like repubs did to Clinton Try and screw up his life get him to admit hes a cheat
Clinton lied under oath about it, that was the main problem about it.
Yes, exactly. And I think most people would lie about a thing like that. Very understandable.
Except not under oath, your so blind after Clinton got caught about him and Lewinsky. In your eyes all his other victims are lying after Clinton proved he would lie about it. Why do you support the Clinton's demeaning women?
I love the way liberals say when Clinton cheats it's none of our business, it's a private matter. But Trump does it and he shouldn't be president. Liberalism is a mental disease.
No, that's not what we are saying. You people are incapable of understanding simple logic. What we say is that if you are going to vilify Clinton for cheating, then you cannot just overlook Trump's cheating. That's what we are saying. No one is saying he shouldn't be president because he cheated, but at least look the issue straight in the face and admit he is a cheater. If it is bad for a liberal to cheat, then it is just as bad for a conservative to cheat.

So, wait, now cheating maters?
It didn't matter in the 90's, it was even okay for a president to lie under oath.

Well of course, who wouldn't lie under oath about a blowjob?

I would ,,,,,would you admit it in front of your children ,,the world??

First off, it will never be an issue in my life. But I can assure you I would not perjure myself in front of my children and the world.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.

You liberals are really something. You people celebrate the most repulsive forms of sexual deviance 99% of the time. In that rare 1% where you think that denouncing nudity, sexual deviance, etc., will be to your advantage, you suddenly and magically become filled with conservative, christian values. Your hypocrisy is really repulsive. You have no integrity. You'll sell your soul for the cause. You have no backbone to stand your ground and be consistent in your values and beliefs, even when it doesn't benefit you.

This is how much liberals believe "exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, is the next thing to prostitution"...

View attachment 73675 View attachment 73676
Wow, I'm waiting for her response.
What absolute BS. Nobody preyed on Lewinsky.

You're either the biggest liar or the most ignorant person. Lewinsky endured torment and has said as much on many occasions in recent times.
Oh, seriously. Are you that misinformed? She went there with her 'kneepads' according to her own words. She went there to seek a sexual encounter with the president. She was not tormented at all. Not at all. It was she who instigated the sexual encounter, with a married man. She is a woman who had zero ethics.

Now she's whining about it? How ridiculous.
I don't disagree that Lewinsky was a willing partner. What I'm saying (which is fact) is that she endured hell from attacks by the media and the public - most of it orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. She's done that her entire life.

Now let me ask you this - what kind of normal/rational woman would endure endless infidelities by her husband and then spend a lot of time and energy attacking the women who her husband engaged in sexual acts with? Why wouldn't she simply divorce him? Answer: Hillary lives for power and money. She would rather live with her own husband cheating on her and humiliating her than surrender power and money. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of that woman.
This hell she endured from the media she created herself. None was 'orchestrated by Hillary Clinton.' And she has not done such 'her entire life.' This must be something one of your right wing propagandists dreamed up.

Oh please.. the Hildabeast has been managing bimbo eruptions since their days in Arkansas.
What absolute BS. Nobody preyed on Lewinsky.

You're either the biggest liar or the most ignorant person. Lewinsky endured torment and has said as much on many occasions in recent times.
Oh, seriously. Are you that misinformed? She went there with her 'kneepads' according to her own words. She went there to seek a sexual encounter with the president. She was not tormented at all. Not at all. It was she who instigated the sexual encounter, with a married man. She is a woman who had zero ethics.

Now she's whining about it? How ridiculous.
I don't disagree that Lewinsky was a willing partner. What I'm saying (which is fact) is that she endured hell from attacks by the media and the public - most of it orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. She's done that her entire life.

Now let me ask you this - what kind of normal/rational woman would endure endless infidelities by her husband and then spend a lot of time and energy attacking the women who her husband engaged in sexual acts with? Why wouldn't she simply divorce him? Answer: Hillary lives for power and money. She would rather live with her own husband cheating on her and humiliating her than surrender power and money. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of that woman.
This is something I have never heard about in any mainstream media. This must be something your right wing propagandists have dreamed up. Why are you so easily manipulated by them?

You should really pay more attention.
Or maybe try a news source other than The HuffingPaintPost.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.

You liberals are really something. You people celebrate the most repulsive forms of sexual deviance 99% of the time. In that rare 1% where you think that denouncing nudity, sexual deviance, etc., will be to your advantage, you suddenly and magically become filled with conservative, christian values. Your hypocrisy is really repulsive. You have no integrity. You'll sell your soul for the cause. You have no backbone to stand your ground and be consistent in your values and beliefs, even when it doesn't benefit you.

This is how much liberals believe "exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, is the next thing to prostitution"...

View attachment 73675 View attachment 73676
Wow, I'm waiting for her response.
It will be the same b.s. nonsense. She'll backpedal, deny, change the subject, and when all else fails, scream "racist homophobic bigot jerk". You know, the basic liberal playbook. Yawn.
No, that's not what we are saying. You people are incapable of understanding simple logic. What we say is that if you are going to vilify Clinton for cheating, then you cannot just overlook Trump's cheating. That's what we are saying. No one is saying he shouldn't be president because he cheated, but at least look the issue straight in the face and admit he is a cheater. If it is bad for a liberal to cheat, then it is just as bad for a conservative to cheat.

So, wait, now cheating maters?
It didn't matter in the 90's, it was even okay for a president to lie under oath.

Well of course, who wouldn't lie under oath about a blowjob?

I would ,,,,,would you admit it in front of your children ,,the world??

First off, it will never be an issue in my life. But I can assure you I would not perjure myself in front of my children and the world.
Well I'd have a problem admitting I was a slimebag cheater in front of my family and the world Guess that's just me?
but what about VS the beast? is it 55/45 yet?

This is where you will see trump fail, and fail badly. He won't be able to hide from Hillary like he did all through the primary. That and normal people are so sick of Trump and the stupidity of his mind slaves that they will just stay home. Buy bullets and guns now if that's a big deal because it's going to be 8 more years of Bamma.
After Trump gets 1237 he will spend 3 BILLION of his own money an attack ads against Hillary. Most of them are already in the can.
What's Hillary going to do on the debate stage when he accuses her of being an 'enabler' for Bills sexual assaults.
Trump has at least six of Bill's victims who are going to tell the world when Hillary found out instead of kicking Bill's ass out the door she personally went to these victims and threatened them for 100% political reasons.
That's just the tip of the iceberg folks.
Trump's son has said their are some things which which be exposed about Hillary that the world hasn't known yet which will destroy her.

The same son who couldn’t figure out how to register to vote for Drumpf?

Hillary is never more comfortable than when she is being attacked. Bring it on.
So, wait, now cheating maters?
It didn't matter in the 90's, it was even okay for a president to lie under oath.

Well of course, who wouldn't lie under oath about a blowjob?

I would ,,,,,would you admit it in front of your children ,,the world??

First off, it will never be an issue in my life. But I can assure you I would not perjure myself in front of my children and the world.
Well I'd have a problem admitting I was a slimebag cheater in front of my family and the world Guess that's just me?
No it isn't just you. Most people would. These right wing idiots are lying through their teeth.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.

You liberals are really something. You people celebrate the most repulsive forms of sexual deviance 99% of the time. In that rare 1% where you think that denouncing nudity, sexual deviance, etc., will be to your advantage, you suddenly and magically become filled with conservative, christian values. Your hypocrisy is really repulsive. You have no integrity. You'll sell your soul for the cause. You have no backbone to stand your ground and be consistent in your values and beliefs, even when it doesn't benefit you.

This is how much liberals believe "exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, is the next thing to prostitution"...

View attachment 73675 View attachment 73676
Wow, I'm waiting for her response.
It will be the same b.s. nonsense. She'll backpedal, deny, change the subject, and when all else fails, scream "racist homophobic bigot jerk". You know, the basic liberal playbook. Yawn.
Think she'll just concentrate on what will be good for America Let drumph rant and rage BECAUSE that's all he can do
So, wait, now cheating maters?
It didn't matter in the 90's, it was even okay for a president to lie under oath.

Well of course, who wouldn't lie under oath about a blowjob?

I would ,,,,,would you admit it in front of your children ,,the world??

First off, it will never be an issue in my life. But I can assure you I would not perjure myself in front of my children and the world.
Well I'd have a problem admitting I was a slimebag cheater in front of my family and the world Guess that's just me?

Here's a thought.. don't put yourself and your family in that predicament.
You mean the media is producing polls to try to end this primary in favor of the candidate they think they can best? Shocking!

Or....the media is simply relaying the sentiment of the public they poll on the matter.
It didn't matter in the 90's, it was even okay for a president to lie under oath.

Well of course, who wouldn't lie under oath about a blowjob?

I would ,,,,,would you admit it in front of your children ,,the world??

First off, it will never be an issue in my life. But I can assure you I would not perjure myself in front of my children and the world.
Well I'd have a problem admitting I was a slimebag cheater in front of my family and the world Guess that's just me?
No it isn't just you. Most people would. These right wing idiots are lying through their teeth.

So, you'd perjure yourself to save face?

Nice. Guess we know what kind of person you are.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.

You liberals are really something. You people celebrate the most repulsive forms of sexual deviance 99% of the time. In that rare 1% where you think that denouncing nudity, sexual deviance, etc., will be to your advantage, you suddenly and magically become filled with conservative, christian values. Your hypocrisy is really repulsive. You have no integrity. You'll sell your soul for the cause. You have no backbone to stand your ground and be consistent in your values and beliefs, even when it doesn't benefit you.

This is how much liberals believe "exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, is the next thing to prostitution"...

View attachment 73675 View attachment 73676
I celebrate this kind of thing? Really?

However, you are missing the point of what I said. I would not want one of these people leading our country; if anyone of them is the spouse of someone who aspires to lead our country, I would not want that. It would bring shame and humiliation on the White House and the country; it would create a deep lack of respect for our president.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.

You liberals are really something. You people celebrate the most repulsive forms of sexual deviance 99% of the time. In that rare 1% where you think that denouncing nudity, sexual deviance, etc., will be to your advantage, you suddenly and magically become filled with conservative, christian values. Your hypocrisy is really repulsive. You have no integrity. You'll sell your soul for the cause. You have no backbone to stand your ground and be consistent in your values and beliefs, even when it doesn't benefit you.

This is how much liberals believe "exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, is the next thing to prostitution"...

View attachment 73675 View attachment 73676
Wow, I'm waiting for her response.
It will be the same b.s. nonsense. She'll backpedal, deny, change the subject, and when all else fails, scream "racist homophobic bigot jerk". You know, the basic liberal playbook. Yawn.
Think she'll just concentrate on what will be good for America Let drumph rant and rage BECAUSE that's all he can do
Perhaps you should read the posts before commenting. We weren't talking about Hillary here genius. We were talking about Esmeralda. Good grief you liberals have zero reading comprehension. You're all so angry and eager to pop off at the mouth that you can't even take the time to understand what the conversation is about.
Nothing to gain? How many years later did they bring up these assaults?

How many people do you know that have been serially, over the course of decades, been accused of repeated sexual misconduct?
I love the way liberals say when Clinton cheats it's none of our business, it's a private matter. But Trump does it and he shouldn't be president. Liberalism is a mental disease.
No, that's not what we are saying. You people are incapable of understanding simple logic. What we say is that if you are going to vilify Clinton for cheating, then you cannot just overlook Trump's cheating. That's what we are saying. No one is saying he shouldn't be president because he cheated, but at least look the issue straight in the face and admit he is a cheater. If it is bad for a liberal to cheat, then it is just as bad for a conservative to cheat.

So, wait, now cheating matters?
Well it certainly mattered to the right when the cheater was a Democrat. Now that it's a Republican ... not so much.
After how liberals has supported it, it's not that big of a deal anymore. Another way liberals are destroying american values. I think Trump cheating on his wives is a character flaw and if it wasn't Hillary running I would stay home instead of voting for Trump. Anyone but Hillary, liberals should've picked a better nominee because if you did we would have another democrat president.

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