Trump/Taliban Peace Agreement For Troop Withdrawal

I think the Fucktard screwed the pooch since he left Americans stranded in Kabul, and allowed the Taliban to free thousands of Al Qaeda and ISIS fighters that were being held at Bagram Air Base, instead of ensuring that the Taliban went by the agreement....

Then to top it off, the Pervert-in-Chief let the Taliban have our military equipment!!!

But you can't say the Magical Muslim Faggot didn't warn us about Biden!!!!

Well Biden screwed the pooch anyway. He stated a couple weeks ago. It would go over great. So he owns it.
Yes, he owns it.
""The fact of the matter is we've seen that that force has been unable to defend the country," Secretary of State Antony Blinken told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union," referring to Afghanistan's national security forces. "And that has happened more quickly than we anticipated.""

Yeah, 180k Afghan troops couldn't hold the line.

And why is this not surprising to you, that 180k Afghan troops can't manage to hold their own country.

And exactly why is that the U.S. problem?
There was no holding the line. On July 8th, Biden announced to the Taliban that we were leaving by the end of August.

The Taliban simply made arrangements to take control.

Like the border crisis, what we have been witnessing has been caused by deliberate planning by the Biden Admin. It's going exactly as planned, as Biden confirmed in his address to the nation tonight.
The problem is not that we left Afghanistan - the problem is HOW we left Afghanistan!
So Biden pulls the trigger on the "art of the deal" Cheeto Jeezus made with the Afghans, and it's all his fault?

I may not have voted for Uncle Joe, nor did I or do I agree with all his policy moves over the years, but parts this recent speech nails the problem with Afghanistan (Afghanistan was NEVER a terrorist base prior to our unnecessary military efforts...and they offered the Shrub Bin Ladin on a platter, to which he refused):


Biden Has Undone Many Trump Policies But Couldn’t Alter Afghanistan, Security Aide Says​

Trying to renegotiate the Taliban peace agreement Trump made in early 2020 would have led to an “onslaught,” national security adviser Jake Sullivan said.

WASHINGTON ― President Joe Biden has enthusiastically undone policy after policy undertaken by his predecessor, some on his first day in office, but he had little leeway with the peace agreement signed with the Taliban in February 2020, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Tuesday.

“Walking away from that was not just kind of a cost-free proposition for the United States,” Sullivan said of the peace deal struck by former President Donald Trump’s administration with the group that has retaken control of Afghanistan after a 20-year war against its U.S.-backed government.

Trump had set a May 1, 2021, deadline for the departure of U.S. forces, and Sullivan said the Taliban would have started attacking American troops despite the extremist group’s own failure to meet that deal’s obligations, such as no longer harboring terrorists and entering peace negotiations with the Afghan government.

“On May 2, the Taliban offensive was going to start. The Taliban onslaught was going to happen,” Sullivan said. “And the question facing the president was, would increasing numbers of American troops be in the teeth of that offensive or would we draw it down and try and give all the capabilities necessary for the Afghan government and the Afghan army to step up to that?”

Some of Trump’s advisers have said the 2020 agreement should not have been honored. “The Taliban are butchers. We demanded a set of conditions and made clear the costs we would impose if they failed to deliver. They haven’t. The deterrence we achieved held during our time. This administration has failed,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrote in a Twitter post Saturday.

Regardless of Trump's peace agreement with the Taliban - that's no excuse for leaving Afghanistan in such a mess with many Americans and thousands of our Afghan allies stranded in hostile territory.

"No matter your feelings on the war, the undeniable truth is that we had both the means and the time to save those in danger, and yet, we neglected to act in any meaningful way."
~Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, president of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

Biden Has Undone Many Trump Policies But Couldn’t Alter Afghanistan, Security Aide Says​

Trying to renegotiate the Taliban peace agreement Trump made in early 2020 would have led to an “onslaught,” national security adviser Jake Sullivan said.

WASHINGTON ― President Joe Biden has enthusiastically undone policy after policy undertaken by his predecessor, some on his first day in office, but he had little leeway with the peace agreement signed with the Taliban in February 2020, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Tuesday.

“Walking away from that was not just kind of a cost-free proposition for the United States,” Sullivan said of the peace deal struck by former President Donald Trump’s administration with the group that has retaken control of Afghanistan after a 20-year war against its U.S.-backed government.

Trump had set a May 1, 2021, deadline for the departure of U.S. forces, and Sullivan said the Taliban would have started attacking American troops despite the extremist group’s own failure to meet that deal’s obligations, such as no longer harboring terrorists and entering peace negotiations with the Afghan government.

“On May 2, the Taliban offensive was going to start. The Taliban onslaught was going to happen,” Sullivan said. “And the question facing the president was, would increasing numbers of American troops be in the teeth of that offensive or would we draw it down and try and give all the capabilities necessary for the Afghan government and the Afghan army to step up to that?”

Some of Trump’s advisers have said the 2020 agreement should not have been honored. “The Taliban are butchers. We demanded a set of conditions and made clear the costs we would impose if they failed to deliver. They haven’t. The deterrence we achieved held during our time. This administration has failed,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrote in a Twitter post Saturday.

Regardless of Trump's peace agreement with the Taliban - that's no excuse for leaving Afghanistan in such a mess with many Americans and thousands of our Afghan allies stranded in hostile territory.
More truth to fall on deaf neocon/teabagger/maga/alt right ears.
So you just ignore what you don"t like?
OI! Trump left that office in January. His and Pompeo's plan was based on conditions on the ground and the plan was for the withdrawal to be finished before the spring/summer fighting season. Your boy, cap'n RUTABEGA, CHOSE to wait until the peak of the Taliban readiness. He also seems to have ignored his military planners and his intel weenies. Who knows if that's true, but that's the word that the people around him have put out.

Trump wanted to get the troops out in 2018 but his generals literally LIED to him about the total numbers on the ground. He never got the respect due to that office and the scum around him were always waiting to slip the blade in. ONE MORE TIME... Biden owns this cluster f**k. This was never about withdrawing. Everyone except the defense contractors agreed on that. It was about the monumental EF UP that Biden caused.
OI! Trump left that office in January. His and Pompeo's plan was based on conditions on the ground and the plan was for the withdrawal to be finished before the spring/summer fighting season. Your boy, cap'n RUTABEGA, CHOSE to wait until the peak of the Taliban readiness. He also seems to have ignored his military planners and his intel weenies. Who knows if that's true, but that's the word that the people around him have put out.

Trump wanted to get the troops out in 2018 but his generals literally LIED to him about the total numbers on the ground. He never got the respect due to that office and the scum around him were always waiting to slip the blade in. ONE MORE TIME... Biden owns this cluster f**k. This was never about withdrawing. Everyone except the defense contractors agreed on that. It was about the monumental EF UP that Biden caused.
your little screed here reeks of serious right wing wonk revisionism. Here's a reality check;

Timeline of U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan​

The fact is, President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, were both eager to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan and end what Biden referred to in his Aug. 16 speech as “America’s longest war.”

The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.

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