Trump Tanks US Image Abroad.

Oh, those were rhetorical questions, I know you comment where you know nothing but what Trump has told you.

As demonstrated by your answer. Again.
Oh, those were rhetorical questions, I know you comment where you know nothing but what Trump has told you.

As demonstrated by your answer.
------------------------------------------ maybe YOU and some of your 'Mongrel Mob' could come over and plant some Trees CNM .
Trump is not confused like that worthless Obama asshole was.

Obama though he was elected to represent the world's Muslims and Communists.

Trump knows he was elected to represent the US.

Big difference.
maybe YOU and some of your 'Mongrel Mob' could come over and plant some Trees CNM .
But you need nothing, no? Not even the fire fighters who've been recently assisting with your bush fires.
------------------------------------------ No big deal , forest fires happen every year . Mostly in 'california' i think , maybe southern 'ory gun' . And in the rainy season the fires go out if the fires are not put out by people . And if the USA borders were sealed and if imported people fighting 'lihad' with fire were excluded we'd have less forest fires CNM .
The snowflakes have been triggered.

Yes, triggered by your idiocy. You don’t even have to try and how about acknowledging our arguments to try and prove us wrong about you?

ONE POLL PROVES NOTHING. The fact people are bombarded by biased left-wing news in other countries just like they are here is not surprising to anyone.
Send some over to plant trees , ok with me CNM
Ffs. You've just said you don't need anything. Can't you keep your story straight for a minute?
--------------------------------------- Hey , this is straight , feck foreigners CNM .
-------------------------- and just a question but when will you white devils give 'new zealand' back to the 'maoris' CNM ??
I find it hilarious when people believe polls when they do not have any evidence whatsoever that the poll was ever taken in the first place.
Global image of US is historically bad under Trump, says poll

Which Trombie defense will win out? Fake news? Who cares what people in other countries think?

It’s a shit show and the world knows it.

Yes....when you call out free loaders and tell them they are going to actually have to pay their bills, and when you tell them they can't cheat the United States anymore on trade deals....yes, the free loaders get mad.....

When you are like obama and the rest of the squish Presidents and let them skip payments, and cheat us on are their best buddy...

you moron.
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

I just love it when the pseudocons' own benchmarks come back and bitch slaps them in the face, especially when they hire a two-faced retard apprentice as their boss.
It won't work looking at it from that perspective.

Well, see ... you say that ...

The business of America should be to remain King of the Hill by keeping friends around the globe. We are more than a giant Walmart. We represent the oldest and most long standing democracy in history and we have always fought for individual freedom and rights. People around the world look to us as a role model and a place of sanctuary. Or at least they used to.

Not when those "friends" are screwing us.

We all have our rights here in the US. If people in other countries don't to damned bad.
I have nothing against European countries in NATO paying their way. I am really worried about all the cutting of foreign aid, though, to countries that need assistance. The reality is that if WE don't help them, an adversary will. Then those countries will be obliged to our adversary.
It's not a sound decision.
-------------------------------------------------- foreign aid , yeah thats it , lets PAY the third worlders to like the USA eh ??
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and puts our nation and people first over other countries.

We are truly blessed to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
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