Trump Tanks US Image Abroad.

I find it hilarious when people believe polls when they do not have any evidence whatsoever that the poll was ever taken in the first place.
Trump praises polls sometimes.
Just batting their BS straight back in their face.

Trump only believes polls that his own campaign takes. And those are never reported to the media, so you will never know the results.
Good, maybe that will cut down on the # of people who want to come here.

The truth is, America is the #1 destination of immigrants, it was that way before Trump, it's that way during Trump, and it will be that way after Trump.
Global image of US is historically bad under Trump, says poll

Which Trombie defense will win out? Fake news? Who cares what people in other countries think?

It’s a shit show and the world knows it.

Yes....when you call out free loaders and tell them they are going to actually have to pay their bills, and when you tell them they can't cheat the United States anymore on trade deals....yes, the free loaders get mad.....

When you are like obama and the rest of the squish Presidents and let them skip payments, and cheat us on are their best buddy...

you moron.
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

I just love it when the pseudocons' own benchmarks come back and bitch slaps them in the face, especially when they hire a two-faced retard apprentice as their boss.

You can post that all day long....but Trump is now making the decisions and he is doing all the Right things....Canada and Mexico are no on board, Europe is finally starting to pay their bills......and we might have peace of some sort on the Korean peninsula that doesn't include the nut sending missiles over Japan every other day....that is all Trump's moron....he has a record now.....and he is showing us that you and your buddies are idiots....
Only an idiot would believe his image has been tanked. Gawd you leftist are fkn retarded.
Running the country with the world's largest economy and that is ideologically and militarily the leader of the Free World, IS NOT A BUSINESS. It won't work looking at it from that perspective.
America was built on business, thrives on business, and its domestic and foreign policies are based on business.

And that's what makes businessman Pres. Trump such an effective leader for our country. ..... :thup:

Coolidge would certainly give you an 'attaboy'!
Often misquoted as ‘The business of America is business,” he really said:
“... After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of opinion that the great majority of people will always find these are moving impulses of our life. …

Wealth is the product of industry, ambition, character and untiring effort. In all experience, the accumulation of wealth means the multiplication of schools, the increase of knowledge, the dissemination of intelligence, the encouragement of science, the broadening of outlook, the expansion of liberties, the widening of culture.

Of course, the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence. But we are compelled to recognize it as a means to well-nigh every desirable achievement. So long as wealth is made the means and not the end, we need not greatly fear it.” January 17, 1925 Given before the American Society of Newspaper Editors
The truth is, America is the #1 destination of immigrants, it was that way before Trump, it's that way during Trump, and it will be that way after Trump.
USA! USA! USA! Reality is a little different.

If you think the United States is every immigrant's dream, reconsider. Sure, in absolute numbers, the U.S. is home to the most foreign-born people — 45.7 million in 2013.

But relatively, it's upper-midpack as an immigrant nation. It ranks 65th worldwide in terms of percentage of population that is foreign-born, according to the U.N. report "Trends in International Migrant Stock."

Whether tax havens and worker-hungry Gulf states, refugee sanctuaries or diverse, thriving economies, a host of nations are more immigrant-dense than the famed American melting pot.

The Settler Nations

Immigrants make up more than a fourth (27.7 percent) of the land Down Under; two other settler nations, New Zealand and Canada, weigh in with 25.1 and 20.7 percent foreign-born, respectively. That's compared with 14.3 percent in the United States.
The truth is, America is the #1 destination of immigrants, it was that way before Trump, it's that way during Trump, and it will be that way after Trump.
USA! USA! USA! Reality is a little different.

If you think the United States is every immigrant's dream, reconsider. Sure, in absolute numbers, the U.S. is home to the most foreign-born people — 45.7 million in 2013.

But relatively, it's upper-midpack as an immigrant nation. It ranks 65th worldwide in terms of percentage of population that is foreign-born, according to the U.N. report "Trends in International Migrant Stock."

Whether tax havens and worker-hungry Gulf states, refugee sanctuaries or diverse, thriving economies, a host of nations are more immigrant-dense than the famed American melting pot.

The Settler Nations

Immigrants make up more than a fourth (27.7 percent) of the land Down Under; two other settler nations, New Zealand and Canada, weigh in with 25.1 and 20.7 percent foreign-born, respectively. That's compared with 14.3 percent in the United States.
How dare you? You are the guy who pops balloons at a child's birthday party. SAD.
The truth is, America is the #1 destination of immigrants, it was that way before Trump, it's that way during Trump, and it will be that way after Trump.
USA! USA! USA! Reality is a little different.

If you think the United States is every immigrant's dream, reconsider. Sure, in absolute numbers, the U.S. is home to the most foreign-born people — 45.7 million in 2013.

But relatively, it's upper-midpack as an immigrant nation. It ranks 65th worldwide in terms of percentage of population that is foreign-born, according to the U.N. report "Trends in International Migrant Stock."

Whether tax havens and worker-hungry Gulf states, refugee sanctuaries or diverse, thriving economies, a host of nations are more immigrant-dense than the famed American melting pot.

The Settler Nations

Immigrants make up more than a fourth (27.7 percent) of the land Down Under; two other settler nations, New Zealand and Canada, weigh in with 25.1 and 20.7 percent foreign-born, respectively. That's compared with 14.3 percent in the United States.

America is the #1 destination for immigrants. I wish it were not, however facts don't lie.
Global image of US is historically bad under Trump, says poll

Which Trombie defense will win out? Fake news? Who cares what people in other countries think?

It’s a shit show and the world knows it.

Yes....when you call out free loaders and tell them they are going to actually have to pay their bills, and when you tell them they can't cheat the United States anymore on trade deals....yes, the free loaders get mad.....

When you are like obama and the rest of the squish Presidents and let them skip payments, and cheat us on are their best buddy...

you moron.
Running the country with the world's largest economy and that is ideologically and militarily the leader of the Free World, IS NOT A BUSINESS. It won't work looking at it from that perspective.

Yours is one of the dumbest statements I have ever heard....

I guess you think a RACIST like obongo that never held

a real job and didn’t have experience at anything other

than stirring up shit with a bull horn was a better choice…

Community Organizer, what a flucking joke………..

You libtards have shit for brains.

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