Trump Tax Cuts vs Dems Overspending


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Which is more fiscally irresponsible?

At the heart of the liberal disregard for fiscal restraint is the idea that because Republicans passed the Trump tax cuts in 2017, passing a raft of new social-welfare programs now is perfectly responsible. While it is undeniable that Trump-era Republicans were profligate, it’s worth noting that at the time of passage, the CBO estimated that the Trump tax cuts would increase deficits by $1.5 trillion over a decade. In March, Democrats passed a $1.9 trillion package billed as “COVID relief” and didn’t bother finding a way to pay for it. So even before setting out on their current spending push, Democrats already passed legislation that exceeded the Trump tax cuts.

[I think it is also worth noting that the GOP's profligate spending under Trump was due in part to the Dems' demand to spend more money on their agenda.]

This week, CBO further undermined the attempt by Democrats to blame tax cuts for our fiscal woes by revealing that in the 2021 fiscal year that just ended in September, federal tax collections soared. Specifically, this past year, the government collected $4.047 trillion in tax revenue, with corporate tax collections jumping 75 percent as the economy reopened. What’s amazing about that number is that in June 2017, the CBO projected that the government would collect $4.011 trillion in revenue in 2021. In other words, in the most recent fiscal year, the government raised $36 billion more than was expected before the Trump tax cuts were passed.

The Manhattan Institute’s Brian Riedl, taking into account CBO’s most recent economic projections, calculates that in 2021, revenue rose to 18.1 percent of GDP. That is the highest level since 2001 and well above the post–World War II average of 17.2 percent. In other words, we are experiencing high deficits right now not because taxes came up short, but because the government spent a lot more than anticipated.

If you look at the CBO projections from before Trump's tax cuts were passed and the actual results from the years 2019-2021 .... the three full fiscal years during which the Trump tax cuts have been in effect. Over this time period, deficits were an incredible $4.5 trillion above what had been projected by the CBO. However, 86 percent of these additional deficits were attributable to spending coming in above expectations, while just 14 percent were due to a shortfall in projected revenue.

Since the 2017 Tax Cuts Went into Effect, Federal Spending Has Exceeded CBO Projections By Far More Than Revenue Has Fallen Short.

From 2019-2021, Deficits Were $4.5 Trillion Higher Than Projected -- 86% of This Was Due to Increased Spending

In 2021, the Federal Government Collected More Taxes Than Projected, But Spent $1.9 Trillion More Than Anticipated, Triggering a Massive Deficit

.... Spending went up during the Trump era because of bipartisan agreements to abandon entitlement reform, blow past the budget caps negotiated during the Tea Party era, and throw trillions of dollars at the pandemic and economic-relief efforts. So both sides are to blame for Washington’s spending problem, no doubt. But the numbers make it clear that the underlying driver of deficits is abnormally high spending rather than abnormally low levels of taxation.

And when you look at the spending the Dems want to do now, it boggles the mind. Imagine if you will what would have happened if Manchin and Sinema had gone along with the Far Left agenda and they had passed all the profligate spending through reconciliation. Still might if M&S capitulate.
trump cut taxes for the rich. A man making a million dollars a year saw $69,900 in tax cuts and that's every year, forever.

Then trump gutted the IRS so that it couldn't collect taxes from the rich.

Then trump, instead of handling the COVID19 epidemic like the South Koreans, did nothing.

Except that trump signed the first trillion dollar stimulus bill.

So trump both cut taxes for the rich like Republican and spent like a Democrat.
Most people don't understand Trump's strategy. These morons in Washington have sunk us so deep into debt that we can no longer dig ourselves out via spending cuts and tax increases. That ship has sailed. Our only hope is to supercharge the economy and grow our way out, hence Trump's tax cuts to pour gas on this.
Which is more fiscally irresponsible?

At the heart of the liberal disregard for fiscal restraint is the idea that because Republicans passed the Trump tax cuts in 2017, passing a raft of new social-welfare programs now is perfectly responsible. While it is undeniable that Trump-era Republicans were profligate, it’s worth noting that at the time of passage, the CBO estimated that the Trump tax cuts would increase deficits by $1.5 trillion over a decade. In March, Democrats passed a $1.9 trillion package billed as “COVID relief” and didn’t bother finding a way to pay for it. So even before setting out on their current spending push, Democrats already passed legislation that exceeded the Trump tax cuts.

[I think it is also worth noting that the GOP's profligate spending under Trump was due in part to the Dems' demand to spend more money on their agenda.]

This week, CBO further undermined the attempt by Democrats to blame tax cuts for our fiscal woes by revealing that in the 2021 fiscal year that just ended in September, federal tax collections soared. Specifically, this past year, the government collected $4.047 trillion in tax revenue, with corporate tax collections jumping 75 percent as the economy reopened. What’s amazing about that number is that in June 2017, the CBO projected that the government would collect $4.011 trillion in revenue in 2021. In other words, in the most recent fiscal year, the government raised $36 billion more than was expected before the Trump tax cuts were passed.

The Manhattan Institute’s Brian Riedl, taking into account CBO’s most recent economic projections, calculates that in 2021, revenue rose to 18.1 percent of GDP. That is the highest level since 2001 and well above the post–World War II average of 17.2 percent. In other words, we are experiencing high deficits right now not because taxes came up short, but because the government spent a lot more than anticipated.

If you look at the CBO projections from before Trump's tax cuts were passed and the actual results from the years 2019-2021 .... the three full fiscal years during which the Trump tax cuts have been in effect. Over this time period, deficits were an incredible $4.5 trillion above what had been projected by the CBO. However, 86 percent of these additional deficits were attributable to spending coming in above expectations, while just 14 percent were due to a shortfall in projected revenue.

Since the 2017 Tax Cuts Went into Effect, Federal Spending Has Exceeded CBO Projections By Far More Than Revenue Has Fallen Short.

From 2019-2021, Deficits Were $4.5 Trillion Higher Than Projected -- 86% of This Was Due to Increased Spending

In 2021, the Federal Government Collected More Taxes Than Projected, But Spent $1.9 Trillion More Than Anticipated, Triggering a Massive Deficit

.... Spending went up during the Trump era because of bipartisan agreements to abandon entitlement reform, blow past the budget caps negotiated during the Tea Party era, and throw trillions of dollars at the pandemic and economic-relief efforts. So both sides are to blame for Washington’s spending problem, no doubt. But the numbers make it clear that the underlying driver of deficits is abnormally high spending rather than abnormally low levels of taxation.

And when you look at the spending the Dems want to do now, it boggles the mind. Imagine if you will what would have happened if Manchin and Sinema had gone along with the Far Left agenda and they had passed all the profligate spending through reconciliation. Still might if M&S capitulate.
Depends. If the Dem spending will be covered by tax increases then the Trump tax cuts were and are more fiscally irresponsible. And the bulk of those tax cuts went to having corporations bringing their money home and using it for stock buy backs.
Depends. If the Dem spending will be covered by tax increases then the Trump tax cuts were and are more fiscally irresponsible. And the bulk of those tax cuts went to having corporations bringing their money home and using it for stock buy backs.
Do you know what happens when you increase taxes? Moron Dems and their belief that they can pass massive tax increases and it won't have any negative impact.
trump cut taxes for the rich. A man making a million dollars a year saw $69,900 in tax cuts and that's every year, forever.

Then trump gutted the IRS so that it couldn't collect taxes from the rich.

Then trump, instead of handling the COVID19 epidemic like the South Koreans, did nothing.

Except that trump signed the first trillion dollar stimulus bill.

So trump both cut taxes for the rich like Republican and spent like a Democrat.
LOL the partisan rhetoric has dumb, poor people like you calling it "tax cuts for the rich" when he cut taxes across the board.
Guess that doesnt mean much to you, poor person.
Which is more fiscally irresponsible?

At the heart of the liberal disregard for fiscal restraint is the idea that because Republicans passed the Trump tax cuts in 2017, passing a raft of new social-welfare programs now is perfectly responsible.
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. I predicted it, but to actually see it is still amazing.

The tard herd has already forgotten Trump's massive overspending.

"Liberal disregard for fiscal restraint." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump doubled the federal deficit in his first two years, with a GOP Congress. He submitted the largest budget in American history. $4.7 trillion.

He added almost as much to the federal debt in four years that took Obama EIGHT years to accomplish.

You fucking goldfish are incredible.
Do you know what happens when you increase taxes? Moron Dems and their belief that they can pass massive tax increases and it won't have any negative impact.
Yeah, money coming in usually equals money going out. Or at least an approximate.
Contrary to popular belief, tax cuts...DO NOT increase revenues. :)
trump cut taxes for the rich. A man making a million dollars a year saw $69,900 in tax cuts and that's every year, forever.

Then trump gutted the IRS so that it couldn't collect taxes from the rich.

Then trump, instead of handling the COVID19 epidemic like the South Koreans, did nothing.

Except that trump signed the first trillion dollar stimulus bill.

So trump both cut taxes for the rich like Republican and spent like a Democrat.
Every fucking year the progressives raise taxes on everyone, then the progressives spend more than they take in by creating more pork spending on pet projects that they use for their reelections. At one time, our tax revenue income for the US was under 1 trillion dollars, but then the progressives spent 2 trillion dollars on welfare bullshit. It has been this way since i can remember.

The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not ...

Most people don't understand Trump's strategy. These morons in Washington have sunk us so deep into debt that we can no longer dig ourselves out via spending cuts and tax increases. That ship has sailed. Our only hope is to supercharge the economy and grow our way out, hence Trump's tax cuts to pour gas on this.
we could get out of this debt in under 20 years, just cut off all welfare. You wouldnt need the welfare admin that would save almost 1 trillion dollars a year, while putting most people would have to work, thus creating a new tax base, thus increasing the tax revenues to the government instead of being holes that take the taxes others have paid...
Depends. If the Dem spending will be covered by tax increases then the Trump tax cuts were and are more fiscally irresponsible

Do you really think that will happen? You do realize how they do it, right? They tell you the bill is paid for, but what they actually did was raises taxes for 10 years but only offer the benefits for 5 years, just like they did for the ACA. IOW, they lied about the cost and also the tax revenue. Let me clue you in to a little secret: you never get the advertised amount of increased revenue from a tax rate increase. NEVER. That's because when you raise the tax rates on somebody, their behavior changes with regard to where they invest their money. It doesn't go into taxable enterprises that creates more jobs and improves economic growth. NO, instead it goes into other investments that appreciate in value but that appreciation is not taxed until it is realized. And of course, some of the rich folk just park their money overseas somewhere.

Long story short, when Biden tells you his big spending bill won't cost anything, he's flat out lying.

the bulk of those tax cuts went to having corporations bringing their money home and using it for stock buy backs.

You got a link that says that? Cuz I think it's not true.
If Trumps cuts were such a bad thing, explain the INCREDIBLE ECONOMY we had before Covid. You can't, and you won't.

All intellectually dishonest dems ever want to. talk about is his economy AFTER the Chines sabotaged him.

Do you really think that will happen? You do realize how they do it, right? They tell you the bill is paid for, but what they actually did was raises taxes for 10 years but only offer the benefits for 5 years, just like they did for the ACA. IOW, they lied about the cost and also the tax revenue. Let me clue you in to a little secret: you never get the advertised amount of increased revenue from a tax rate increase. NEVER. That's because when you raise the tax rates on somebody, their behavior changes with regard to where they invest their money. It doesn't go into taxable enterprises that creates more jobs and improves economic growth. NO, instead it goes into other investments that appreciate in value but that appreciation is not taxed until it is realized. And of course, some of the rich folk just park their money overseas somewhere.

Long story short, when Biden tells you his big spending bill won't cost anything, he's flat out lying.

You got a link that says that? Cuz I think it's not true.
Sure. Lots written on this subject.

trump cut taxes for the rich. A man making a million dollars a year saw $69,900 in tax cuts and that's every year, forever.

Then trump gutted the IRS so that it couldn't collect taxes from the rich.

Then trump, instead of handling the COVID19 epidemic like the South Koreans, did nothing.

Except that trump signed the first trillion dollar stimulus bill.

So trump both cut taxes for the rich like Republican and spent like a Democrat.
Otis knows very little about a lot of things, this is just one more example. Bless his heart.
A word about the Trump Tax Cuts:

The Democrats’ chief charge has always been that it was a huge giveaway to the rich. “All of it went to folks at the top and corporations,” Biden said in 2019. Tax experts have been less hyperbolic but made a similar point. The Tax Policy Center, for example, estimated that more than 20% of the bill’s tax cuts went to the highest-earning 1% of Americans.

That statistic looks less shocking, however, when you consider that these top earners pay a large share of federal taxes, both because they make a large share of the nation’s income and because federal taxes are progressive. The law left them paying roughly the same share of all federal taxes as before. The Joint Committee on Taxation concluded that households making more than $1 million in 2021 would have paid 19.2% of all federal taxes if the law hadn’t passed, but will pay 19.6% since it did. Some taxpayers in each income category got hit with net tax increases — there’s that complexity again — but overall, each group got roughly a proportional cut in average tax rates.

The effect of the tax law on the deficit is easier to determine: It increased it. Republican politicians often say that tax cuts can increase economic growth so much that they cause revenue to rise. But even the most optimistic projections of the economic effects of the tax law found that it would bring revenues down. The Congressional Budget Office calculated that between lower revenue and higher interest payments, the law would increase deficits by $1.85 trillion over 11 years. Federal revenue actually fell in its first year, after adjusting for inflation.


Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign website says, “Tax experts estimate that over the long run, 83% of Trump’s tax giveaway will flow to the top 1% of earners in this country.”

The 83% claim comes from a study by the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center and refers to rates in 2027, which is after almost all of the TCJA cuts of individual income taxes are slated to expire. A fairer benchmark is what would happen to taxes while the Trump cuts are still in place. In 2025, according to the Tax Policy Center, the top 1% would get 25% of the cut. That’s still a lot, but keep in mind that the top 1% also pay a lot.

After-tax incomes of people in the top 1% are estimated by the Tax Policy Center to rise 2.9% in 2025 vs. a scenario of no change in the tax law. Here are the estimated increases for everyone else: the bottom fifth of households, up 0.4%; second fifth, up 0.9%; middle fifth, up 1.3%; fourth fifth, up 1.4%; and top fifth (which includes the top 1%), up 2.3%. So it’s fair to say that based on the TPC analysis, the tax cut is skewed to the rich, but it’s not as skewed as the Biden campaign one-liner implies.

The Tax Foundation, whose analyses tend to find better results from tax cuts than those of the Tax Policy Center, estimates the following changes in after-tax incomes in 2025: the bottom fifth of households, up 0.7%; second fifth, up 1%; middle fifth, up 1.3%; fourth fifth, up 1.4%; top fifth, up 1.8%, and top 1%, up 2.1%.

While it’s hard to separate out the impact of the tax cuts from other forces acting on the economy, a study last year by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (PDF) estimated that the TCJA “likely boosted GDP growth by 0.8 percentage point and job growth by roughly 0.24 percentage point in 2018.”

And finally:

Let’s look at the TCJA’s impact on the top one percent of taxpayers. In 2018, 1.6 million taxpayers reported earning $500,000 or more. While the amount all taxpayers owed the IRS in 2018 declined by $64 billion, the amount these high earners owed increased by $16 billion.

Their share of the tax burden also increased. They accounted for 22 percent of total income in 2018 (a 0.5 percentage point increase over 2017) but their share of total income taxes rose to 40 percent (a 2.3 percentage point increase).

By the way, you read that right. About 1.6 million, or one percent of all taxpayers, bore 40 percent of the income tax burden due to the federal government.

So, as a result of the TCJA, high earners paid more taxes to the government, while everyone else paid less. They also paid a larger percentage of all taxes, while everyone else paid a smaller percentage.

As a result of the TCJA, high earners paid more taxes to the government, while everyone else paid less. They also paid a larger percentage of all taxes, while everyone else paid a smaller percentage.

If Trumps cuts were such a bad thing, explain the INCREDIBLE ECONOMY we had before Covid. You can't, and you won't.

All intellectually dishonest dems ever want to. talk about is his economy AFTER the Chines sabotaged him.

Trump promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth. He campaigned on it. He promised it. Instead, it was weak.

We are currently at a real GDP growth of 6.7%. Now THAT is an incredible economy.

Trump promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth. He campaigned on it. He promised it. Instead, it was weak.

We are currently at a real GDP growth of 6.7%. Now THAT is an incredible economy.

Well when you take into account all the free shit the government been giving, it really isn't that shocking. :rolleyes-41:

oh, moron
Trump promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth. He campaigned on it. He promised it. Instead, it was weak.

We are currently at a real GDP growth of 6.7%. Now THAT is an incredible economy.

when a virus and democrats shut everything down to NOTHING its easy to show growth.

dick head.

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