Trump Team Reaches Settlement in Nevada Lawsuit

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
I have no doubt that Biden won, but there needs to be a massive investigation into voter fraud and then Biden needs to make god damn sure these problems are fixed by the next election.

It's not really up to Biden to change anything.

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

Role of Congress in Regulating Federal Elections | Constitution Annotated | | Library of Congress.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
So if I rob a bank my sentence should be based on how much I robbed"

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
So if I rob a bank my sentence should be based on how much I robbed"

He isn't interested in counting anything.
The same way he keeps telling everyone to 'get over it' when he obviously cannot do that either ... :thup:


That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
So if I rob a bank my sentence should be based on how much I robbed"

You lost. Get over it. No matter what happens now, Rump is headed back to NY for prosecution. Well, unless he takes the free trip to Moscow I am sure that Putin will offer him. But, then again, I have a feeling that Putin has bailed on him at the late date as well. Make all the excuses you wish but, in the end, you have a big L tattooed on your Forehead and your Orange Deity is having United Van and Movers getting his crap out of the West Wing.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
So if I rob a bank my sentence should be based on how much I robbed"

You lost. Get over it. No matter what happens now, Rump is headed back to NY for prosecution. Well, unless he takes the free trip to Moscow I am sure that Putin will offer him. But, then again, I have a feeling that Putin has bailed on him at the late date as well. Make all the excuses you wish but, in the end, you have a big L tattooed on your Forehead and your Orange Deity is having United Van and Movers getting his crap out of the West Wing.

I don't see the election being called yet. Who has 270 electoral votes?

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
So if I rob a bank my sentence should be based on how much I robbed"

You lost. Get over it. No matter what happens now, Rump is headed back to NY for prosecution. Well, unless he takes the free trip to Moscow I am sure that Putin will offer him. But, then again, I have a feeling that Putin has bailed on him at the late date as well. Make all the excuses you wish but, in the end, you have a big L tattooed on your Forehead and your Orange Deity is having United Van and Movers getting his crap out of the West Wing.

If Biden wins, America has a big L tattooed on their foreheads. The only reason some other countries want Biden President is because it benefits them. You see, other countries actually do what is best for them. Novel concept to idiot Democrats. China LOVES Biden winning because he will do anything they want, particular with the money he will continue to make on the side. Hunter is drooling over the additional opportunities to be hired as a consultant and make millions. I am sure he will have to find time to consult between crack binges.
I don't see the election being called yet. Who has 270 electoral votes?

That's why you don't refer to anyone as President Elect until the Electoral College votes are cast.

I guess it would be okay to call a candidate the Presumed President Elect.
I mean I really don't mind someone willing to recognize they are just presuming the outcome.

It could have negative effects regarding people trying to construct or support a narrative.
But, those folks have been lying for long time, so it wouldn't really be any different in that case.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;
Glad they reached a settlement. Looks like a good deal was made.

Zero votes were changed, so the outcome is no different, but it's a good ruling.

I had to laugh at the response to the Mass Judge by the Rump Lawyer just before they bounced the law suit there.

"There were non zero republican observers on the floor. " What the devil is Non Zero? The Judge didn't think it was too cute as he bounced the suit to the nearest trash can. Especially when it was discovered that "Non Zero" meant 134 Republican Observers along with 134 Democratic and 134 various other observers were present.

The only change was from 10 feet clearance to 6 feet clearance and the ability for the election officials to have any observer removed for misconduct.

One of the things that was bounced was the paper covered windows. It seems the Republicans were lining the windows and taking pictures with flashes. I don't know about you, but when I am working to read something, some idiot with a flash sure does slow things down. Plus, it's against the election laws to have access to any recording device (both audio and visual) in the Counting Area. So they papered over the windows. But another thing happened. The disruptors started to bang on the windows and the Local Police had to clear that area out. But the Law Suit demanded the paper covering be taken down. What should have happened was the local LE should have gone in with full riot gear and arrested (after breaking a few head) the whole lot of them.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
Please be compassionate. Let them think this is some kind of victory. They're having a hard time coping with defeat.
That makes 2 that were accepted.;
Glad they reached a settlement. Looks like a good deal was made.

Zero votes were changed, so the outcome is no different, but it's a good ruling.

I had to laugh at the response to the Mass Judge by the Rump Lawyer just before they bounced the law suit there.

"There were non zero republican observers on the floor. " What the devil is Non Zero? The Judge didn't think it was too cute as he bounced the suit to the nearest trash can. Especially when it was discovered that "Non Zero" meant 134 Republican Observers along with 134 Democratic and 134 various other observers were present.

The only change was from 10 feet clearance to 6 feet clearance and the ability for the election officials to have any observer removed for misconduct.

One of the things that was bounced was the paper covered windows. It seems the Republicans were lining the windows and taking pictures with flashes. I don't know about you, but when I am working to read something, some idiot with a flash sure does slow things down. Plus, it's against the election laws to have access to any recording device (both audio and visual) in the Counting Area. So they papered over the windows. But another thing happened. The disruptors started to bang on the windows and the Local Police had to clear that area out. But the Law Suit demanded the paper covering be taken down. What should have happened was the local LE should have gone in with full riot gear and arrested (after breaking a few head) the whole lot of them.
When you’re Trump, equal treatment is not fair enough for you.

An Republican observer included an affidavit alleging he had been denied his right to observe because they kicked him out. Turns out he was taking video and photos which he is not allowed to do and refused to stop. He left that detail out of his affidavit. Also why the windows were papered over. People are not allowed to record the vote counting. They were told to stop. They did not. Sometimes Republicans think the rules need to be followed to the letter. Sometimes they don’t.
I don't see the election being called yet. Who has 270 electoral votes?

That's why you don't refer to anyone as President Elect until the Electoral College votes are cast.

I guess it would be okay to call a candidate the Presumed President Elect.
I mean I really don't mind someone willing to recognize they are just presuming the outcome.

It could have negative effects regarding people trying to construct or support a narrative.
But, those folks have been lying for long time, so it wouldn't really be any different in that case.

You're not going to call him president elect when the electoral votes are cast.
Don't pretend that's the key to you
I have no doubt that Biden won, but there needs to be a massive investigation into voter fraud and then Biden needs to make god damn sure these problems are fixed by the next election.
I don't see the election being called yet. Who has 270 electoral votes?

That's why you don't refer to anyone as President Elect until the Electoral College votes are cast.

I guess it would be okay to call a candidate the Presumed President Elect.
I mean I really don't mind someone willing to recognize they are just presuming the outcome.

It could have negative effects regarding people trying to construct or support a narrative.
But, those folks have been lying for long time, so it wouldn't really be any different in that case.

You're not going to call him president elect when the electoral votes are cast.
Don't pretend that's the key to you

You don't have the slightest clue what I am going to call him.
To even suggest you would in the first place, is just another shining example of your obvious character flaws.


That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
Please be compassionate. Let them think this is some kind of victory. They're having a hard time coping with defeat.

That might work for you Dumbocrats but it really hasn't worked. Rump has run circles around you losers. We are NOT Democrats. We are Republicans that have had enough of Rump and his Cult followers. Without us, you would be doing another 4 years of crying to the wind. They are extremely poor winners as well as extremely poor losers and need to be put back under that rock form whence they came from. They have always been there and, historically, we have to put them back under that rock every so many years or so.

It's not you Dumbocrats that caused this, it's been us. We caused it to happen when we let our guards down in 1988 (about) and let these animals into our party. They were bounced in 1957 and again in 1964 and Bush Sr allowed them in and the Republican Party was slowly taken over by the Virus. This virus doesn't respond to "Being Nice and Compassionate". They are well financed and have the patience of Job. What they understand is being forceably removed and barred for participation. What they fear the most is having the light shown on them for what they are.

You think that Rump used them? It's the other way around. They have used Rump to get their own people into power using Rump as the instrument to get that job done. In a sane world, Rump would have long since been standing in front of the State of NY on fraud charges (just to name one) and he would be a short paragraph on page 5.

I am not here to promote Biden and Harris. I look at them as place holders for the next 4 years,nothing more. They are also the results of the Party of the Rump where you think you can present this type of candidate and actually win just like you did with Hillary. Says that the Democrap party is pretty sick as well. And you should be ashamed of yourself.

But I am not angry with you Democraps. I am highly disappointed, but not angry with you. It's not my intention to clean up your back yard. It's my intention to clean up my own back yard. And the way we've done it in the past was to send a clear and present message that this one group needs to get back under that rock and go back to spreading their message of "Get us Out of the UN".

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
I have no doubt that Biden won, but there needs to be a massive investigation into voter fraud and then Biden needs to make god damn sure these problems are fixed by the next election.
Biden can't fix a state problem.
Yes he can.

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