Trump Team Reaches Settlement in Nevada Lawsuit

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.

How are you so fucking stupid.

This is the step that will give Biden Nevada and nobody can argue with.

So nobody else will contest it.

What the fuck do you mean it accomplishes nothing.

Hope you have a good time starting your own party. You can call it the Dumbshits.

We are growing. And we have a party. We are Republicans. You are the party of the Rump and the John Birch Society. We threw your buts out twice. It looks like we need to do it again.

You are nothing.

We are already making sure the Lincoln Project people in my area have no say in anything regarding the party future.

Fuck off.

You can do another rousing refrain of you Battle Song.

Crow all you want, motherfucker.

Candidates in this area know that any association with you assholes will pretty much doom them.

You shitforbrains being traitors have consequences.

Suck on it.

You certainly say a lot. But none of it seems to be fact. Do your worst. Oh, that's right, you already have.

We didn't you the ran there.

You can stay under Pelosi's skirt for the remaineder of time.

I want Rump gone and you Traitors and John Birch Society types back under the rocks you came from. Simple as that. The Republicans ran you off in 1957 and then again in 1664. We need to do it again. And please don't deny that is what you are.

Fuck you Daryl.

Who really cares what you want.

We own the show.

You are not welcome back.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
You do realize that just saying something does not make it so? The courts will have their say despite your feelings & you're not going to like the outcome. Ya'll went way too far this time & got caught.
Deny it all you want but we both know it's true
So mush WUNNING!!!!

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