Trump tells Dems he would be a "big loser" under GOP tax plan because it is just so bad for the rich

Trump is so humble, it's striking how HUMBLE & GENEROUS he is.

Trump tells Democrats he's a 'big loser' under GOP tax plan - CNNPolitics

I'm never sure if you are sarcastic, but if you are not, it may help to remember that Trump is very comfortable with BIG LEAGUE LYING.

There is nothing in the bill that increases high end taxes and EVERYTHING that reduces it.

The single year tax-return page Trump released (via Maddow) made it clear that without alternate-tax rule his Federal income tax for that year would go from 35 million to just 5 million!

And inheritance tax is good for another BILLION or so in tax-liability.
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trump is such a fucking liar.

How can anyone take this chump seriously?

It's not even funny anymore, just embarrassing. He's just a stupid twat.
Trump is so humble, it's striking how HUMBLE & GENEROUS he is.

Trump tells Democrats he's a 'big loser' under GOP tax plan - CNNPolitics

I'm never sure if you are sarcastic, but if you are not, it may help to remember that Trump is very comfortable with BIG LEAGUE LYING.

There is nothing in the bill that increases high end taxes and EVERYTHING that reduces it.

The single year tax-return page Trump released (via Maddow) made it clear that without alternate-tax rule his Federal income tax for that year would go from 35 million to just 5 million!

And inheritance tax is good for another BILLION or so in tax-liability.

Increases causes stifling growth.
You reduce taxes all across the board and you get growth.
It did well under Kennedy and Regan.
This is not a left or right thing.
I would be very surprised if he knew much about this plan. He'll just keep tossing out vague, hyperbolic platitudes, which is how he drains the swamp, or something, who knows.

Just so you know, most conservatives like myself, are NOT supporting this plan Mac. They gave with one hand, and took with another, not to mention they put in a new tax bracket of 46%. That means that REPUBLICANS are supporting that tax rates rise over 50% after you factor in SALT taxes that you can't deduct.

Unless the Republicans come up with something better than this, they are going to get so much flak, they won't pass this either.

According to CONSERVATIVE study, there is 1.3 trillion worth of tax breaks over 10 years. Only 360 to 380 billion go to taxpayers, the rest to corporations and business.

Now that is fine and dandy, since corporations/business are only tax COLLECTORS, so the bigger break they get, the less they have to raise prices to collect...........BUT.......the idea was to give TAXPAYERS a CUT, not NON-TAXPAYERS a cut, so the value is watered down. The logic SHOULD be that unless you actually PAY taxes, it is not POSSIBLE to get a cut. Under this plan they will, which is fine, but 380 billion ain't enough of the pie for those who DO pay taxes. The Republicans must either fix it, remove the 46% rate, or they will be thrown out in their primary, and if not, they will lose to the Democrat in the general. Democrats might not mind being lied to right to our face, but we aren't going to put up with it.
I would be very surprised if he knew much about this plan. He'll just keep tossing out vague, hyperbolic platitudes, which is how he drains the swamp, or something, who knows.

Just so you know, most conservatives like myself, are NOT supporting this plan Mac. They gave with one hand, and took with another, not to mention they put in a new tax bracket of 46%. That means that REPUBLICANS are supporting that tax rates rise over 50% after you factor in SALT taxes that you can't deduct.

Unless the Republicans come up with something better than this, they are going to get so much flak, they won't pass this either.

According to CONSERVATIVE study, there is 1.3 trillion worth of tax breaks over 10 years. Only 360 to 380 billion go to taxpayers, the rest to corporations and business.

Now that is fine and dandy, since corporations/business are only tax COLLECTORS, so the bigger break they get, the less they have to raise prices to collect...........BUT.......the idea was to give TAXPAYERS a CUT, not NON-TAXPAYERS a cut, so the value is watered down. The logic SHOULD be that unless you actually PAY taxes, it is not POSSIBLE to get a cut. Under this plan they will, which is fine, but 380 billion ain't enough of the pie for those who DO pay taxes. The Republicans must either fix it, remove the 46% rate, or they will be thrown out in their primary, and if not, they will lose to the Democrat in the general. Democrats might not mind being lied to right to our face, but we aren't going to put up with it.
It was said a while back that this bill will be at LEAST as difficult to pass as a (real) repeal of the ACA.

This could get interesting.
I would be very surprised if he knew much about this plan. He'll just keep tossing out vague, hyperbolic platitudes, which is how he drains the swamp, or something, who knows.

Just so you know, most conservatives like myself, are NOT supporting this plan Mac. They gave with one hand, and took with another, not to mention they put in a new tax bracket of 46%. That means that REPUBLICANS are supporting that tax rates rise over 50% after you factor in SALT taxes that you can't deduct.

Unless the Republicans come up with something better than this, they are going to get so much flak, they won't pass this either.

According to CONSERVATIVE study, there is 1.3 trillion worth of tax breaks over 10 years. Only 360 to 380 billion go to taxpayers, the rest to corporations and business.

Now that is fine and dandy, since corporations/business are only tax COLLECTORS, so the bigger break they get, the less they have to raise prices to collect...........BUT.......the idea was to give TAXPAYERS a CUT, not NON-TAXPAYERS a cut, so the value is watered down. The logic SHOULD be that unless you actually PAY taxes, it is not POSSIBLE to get a cut. Under this plan they will, which is fine, but 380 billion ain't enough of the pie for those who DO pay taxes. The Republicans must either fix it, remove the 46% rate, or they will be thrown out in their primary, and if not, they will lose to the Democrat in the general. Democrats might not mind being lied to right to our face, but we aren't going to put up with it.
It was said a while back that this bill will be at LEAST as difficult to pass as a (real) repeal of the ACA.

This could get interesting.

The Republicans better start thinking real hard. They are about to do, what Obama did NOT do, and push some peoples taxes over 50%. That isn't going to fly! If they want to act like leftists, then change party's. I promise you that 60% of the people who support this will be REMOVED from office, either by primary, or general. They aren't supporting the President, they aren't keeping their promises, and as a congress...............they aren't doing anything but trying to pass a bill that HURTS many of their constituents, including those they insist they want to join the party.

Now I know that the bottomline amount they can cut is due to having to do it under reconciliation, I got that. But, if this is the best they can do cutting up that 1.3 Trillion, than try deeper cuts, and let the Democrats stand against it, then have a country wide discussion. This is a fantasy they are trying to sell, and unlike leftists, we do NOT believe in utopia, no matter which party is trying to sell it!
Trump is so humble, it's striking how HUMBLE & GENEROUS he is.

Trump tells Democrats he's a 'big loser' under GOP tax plan - CNNPolitics

I'm never sure if you are sarcastic, but if you are not, it may help to remember that Trump is very comfortable with BIG LEAGUE LYING.

There is nothing in the bill that increases high end taxes and EVERYTHING that reduces it.

The single year tax-return page Trump released (via Maddow) made it clear that without alternate-tax rule his Federal income tax for that year would go from 35 million to just 5 million!

And inheritance tax is good for another BILLION or so in tax-liability.

Increases causes stifling growth.
You reduce taxes all across the board and you get growth.
It did well under Kennedy and Regan.
This is not a left or right thing.

Well then we should reduce them them to 0% - what could go wrong? :rolleyes: You seriously have no idea what you are talking about.

But all that aside, Trump is not making an argument that him paying less taxes is good for America, he is saying with a straight face that all the huge tax-cuts and almost-zero-tax-raises in the bill somehow add up to him paying more tax.
I would be very surprised if he knew much about this plan. He'll just keep tossing out vague, hyperbolic platitudes, which is how he drains the swamp, or something, who knows.

Just so you know, most conservatives like myself, are NOT supporting this plan Mac. They gave with one hand, and took with another, not to mention they put in a new tax bracket of 46%. That means that REPUBLICANS are supporting that tax rates rise over 50% after you factor in SALT taxes that you can't deduct.

Unless the Republicans come up with something better than this, they are going to get so much flak, they won't pass this either.

According to CONSERVATIVE study, there is 1.3 trillion worth of tax breaks over 10 years. Only 360 to 380 billion go to taxpayers, the rest to corporations and business.

Now that is fine and dandy, since corporations/business are only tax COLLECTORS, so the bigger break they get, the less they have to raise prices to collect...........BUT.......the idea was to give TAXPAYERS a CUT, not NON-TAXPAYERS a cut, so the value is watered down. The logic SHOULD be that unless you actually PAY taxes, it is not POSSIBLE to get a cut. Under this plan they will, which is fine, but 380 billion ain't enough of the pie for those who DO pay taxes. The Republicans must either fix it, remove the 46% rate, or they will be thrown out in their primary, and if not, they will lose to the Democrat in the general. Democrats might not mind being lied to right to our face, but we aren't going to put up with it.
It was said a while back that this bill will be at LEAST as difficult to pass as a (real) repeal of the ACA.

This could get interesting.

The Republicans better start thinking real hard. They are about to do, what Obama did NOT do, and push some peoples taxes over 50%. That isn't going to fly! If they want to act like leftists, then change party's. I promise you that 60% of the people who support this will be REMOVED from office, either by primary, or general. They aren't supporting the President, they aren't keeping their promises, and as a congress...............they aren't doing anything but trying to pass a bill that HURTS many of their constituents, including those they insist they want to join the party.

Now I know that the bottomline amount they can cut is due to having to do it under reconciliation, I got that. But, if this is the best they can do cutting up that 1.3 Trillion, than try deeper cuts, and let the Democrats stand against it, then have a country wide discussion. This is a fantasy they are trying to sell, and unlike leftists, we do NOT believe in utopia, no matter which party is trying to sell it!
Their sell on tax cuts - that it would stimulate the economy and more than make up for itself in increased tax revenue - is not only difficult to explain to a populace that is more interested in the current color of Kim Kardashian's hair, but it may not really hold water. They may be trying to play games at the top end, and fighting that is another hard sell. Fighting for "the rich"?

I dunno. Whether the strategy is viable or not, it's politically risky as hell.
Trump is so humble, it's striking how HUMBLE & GENEROUS he is.

Trump tells Democrats he's a 'big loser' under GOP tax plan - CNNPolitics

I'm never sure if you are sarcastic, but if you are not, it may help to remember that Trump is very comfortable with BIG LEAGUE LYING.

There is nothing in the bill that increases high end taxes and EVERYTHING that reduces it.

The single year tax-return page Trump released (via Maddow) made it clear that without alternate-tax rule his Federal income tax for that year would go from 35 million to just 5 million!

And inheritance tax is good for another BILLION or so in tax-liability.

Increases causes stifling growth.
You reduce taxes all across the board and you get growth.
It did well under Kennedy and Regan.
This is not a left or right thing.

Well then we should reduce them them to 0% - what could go wrong? :rolleyes: You seriously have no idea what you are talking about.

But all that aside, Trump is not making an argument that him paying less taxes is good for America, he is saying with a straight face that all the huge tax-cuts and almost-zero-tax-raises in the bill somehow add up to him paying more tax.

What an absurd thing to say.
Trump is so humble, it's striking how HUMBLE & GENEROUS he is.

Trump tells Democrats he's a 'big loser' under GOP tax plan - CNNPolitics

I'm never sure if you are sarcastic, but if you are not, it may help to remember that Trump is very comfortable with BIG LEAGUE LYING.

There is nothing in the bill that increases high end taxes and EVERYTHING that reduces it.

The single year tax-return page Trump released (via Maddow) made it clear that without alternate-tax rule his Federal income tax for that year would go from 35 million to just 5 million!

And inheritance tax is good for another BILLION or so in tax-liability.

Increases causes stifling growth.
You reduce taxes all across the board and you get growth.
It did well under Kennedy and Regan.
This is not a left or right thing.

Well then we should reduce them them to 0% - what could go wrong? :rolleyes: You seriously have no idea what you are talking about.

But all that aside, Trump is not making an argument that him paying less taxes is good for America, he is saying with a straight face that all the huge tax-cuts and almost-zero-tax-raises in the bill somehow add up to him paying more tax.

What an absurd thing to say.

Ok comeback when you have something constructive to say, right now there is nothing to respond to.
Did Media Matters monitor the President's call to U.S. Senators or did democrats have CNN on the line? It's getting pathetic out there in crazy angry leftie land.
Trump is so humble, it's striking how HUMBLE & GENEROUS he is.

Trump tells Democrats he's a 'big loser' under GOP tax plan - CNNPolitics

I'm never sure if you are sarcastic, but if you are not, it may help to remember that Trump is very comfortable with BIG LEAGUE LYING.

There is nothing in the bill that increases high end taxes and EVERYTHING that reduces it.

The single year tax-return page Trump released (via Maddow) made it clear that without alternate-tax rule his Federal income tax for that year would go from 35 million to just 5 million!

And inheritance tax is good for another BILLION or so in tax-liability.

Increases causes stifling growth.
You reduce taxes all across the board and you get growth.
It did well under Kennedy and Regan.
This is not a left or right thing.

Well then we should reduce them them to 0% - what could go wrong? :rolleyes: You seriously have no idea what you are talking about.

But all that aside, Trump is not making an argument that him paying less taxes is good for America, he is saying with a straight face that all the huge tax-cuts and almost-zero-tax-raises in the bill somehow add up to him paying more tax.

What an absurd thing to say.

Ok comeback when you have something constructive to say, right now there is nothing to respond to.

The idea is not to raise taxes on everyone which allows growth.
You have growth when you have more disposable income.
He will pay more without all of the itemized deductions as will all of the rich.
Details and Analysis of the 2016 House GOP Tax Reform Blueprint

This will help the middle class and the elitists in both parties are against it as usual.
Did Media Matters monitor the President's call to U.S. Senators or did democrats have CNN on the line? It's getting pathetic out there in crazy angry leftie land.

Oh yeah it is.
CNN just recently edited Trumps quote while in Japan about manufacturing more cars here in America in order to make him sound stupid.
The fact is that Trump lied. The pass-through rate would give several of his businesses big tax cuts. That would all go into his pocket. I see nothing wrong with taking away tax breaks for businesses and using that to lower business rates. However they need to separate the individual tax reform from businesses because they are relying on repealing personal tax breaks to pay for the business tax cuts.
The fact is that Trump lied. The pass-through rate would give several of his businesses big tax cuts. That would all go into his pocket. I see nothing wrong with taking away tax breaks for businesses and using that to lower business rates. However they need to separate the individual tax reform from businesses because they are relying on repealing personal tax breaks to pay for the business tax cuts.

That's it right there in a nutshell!
I'm never sure if you are sarcastic, but if you are not, it may help to remember that Trump is very comfortable with BIG LEAGUE LYING.

There is nothing in the bill that increases high end taxes and EVERYTHING that reduces it.

The single year tax-return page Trump released (via Maddow) made it clear that without alternate-tax rule his Federal income tax for that year would go from 35 million to just 5 million!

And inheritance tax is good for another BILLION or so in tax-liability.

Increases causes stifling growth.
You reduce taxes all across the board and you get growth.
It did well under Kennedy and Regan.
This is not a left or right thing.

Well then we should reduce them them to 0% - what could go wrong? :rolleyes: You seriously have no idea what you are talking about.

But all that aside, Trump is not making an argument that him paying less taxes is good for America, he is saying with a straight face that all the huge tax-cuts and almost-zero-tax-raises in the bill somehow add up to him paying more tax.

What an absurd thing to say.

Ok comeback when you have something constructive to say, right now there is nothing to respond to.

The idea is not to raise taxes on everyone which allows growth.
You have growth when you have more disposable income.
He will pay more without all of the itemized deductions as will all of the rich.
Details and Analysis of the 2016 House GOP Tax Reform Blueprint

This will help the middle class and the elitists in both parties are against it as usual.

July 5th???That the most recent take you could find?

Here, I got one for you:

Opinion | We don’t know what’s in Trump’s tax returns. But the GOP tax plan offers clues.

The bill is full of deductions that seem TAILOR MADE for Real Estate tycoons....know anyone like that?
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