Trump tells North Korea to trust US Promises as He Breaks a Huge One

What promise did Trump break with Iran?

It's not about a promise that Trump broke, it's about a promise that the US broke. The USA is still the USA regardless of who's in charge.

Why would any other country in their right mind want to make a deal with the US when, come next election, everything they were promised could go up in smoke? No matter what you think of the Iran deal, moves like this hurt our credibility.

That was a deal that Obama made...not the US Congress. It's why it's an agreement and not a treaty. As such Trump has zero obligation to honor a deal that was awful for our interests and should have never been signed.

Doesn't matter that it was Obama. Obama was representing the US when the deal was made. Therefore, backing out of the deal makes the US look bad.

We can try to renegotiate, but straight backing out of the deal ruins our credibility.

Obama was representing himself when the deal was made. Backing out of the deal makes Barry look bad because the deal was bad...not the US. To be blunt...the US looked bad when Barack Obama signed such an awful agreement in the first place! What Donald Trump has done is to restore some semblance of credibility to the US.

The BBC, NPR, Middle East Eye & USA Today? Of course the liberal media thinks backing out of the Iranian deal is AWFUL! They still think that appeasing the mullahs will make them like us and not sponsor terrorism to destroy us. That kind of naive thinking is what led Barry to sign that joke of an agreement in the first place.
What promise did Trump break with Iran?

It's not about a promise that Trump broke, it's about a promise that the US broke. The USA is still the USA regardless of who's in charge.

Why would any other country in their right mind want to make a deal with the US when, come next election, everything they were promised could go up in smoke? No matter what you think of the Iran deal, moves like this hurt our credibility.

That was a deal that Obama made...not the US Congress. It's why it's an agreement and not a treaty. As such Trump has zero obligation to honor a deal that was awful for our interests and should have never been signed.

Doesn't matter that it was Obama. Obama was representing the US when the deal was made. Therefore, backing out of the deal makes the US look bad.

We can try to renegotiate, but straight backing out of the deal ruins our credibility.

No, you think it makes the US look bad. The fact is, times and circumstances change, Trump campaigned to end the agreement and Americans voted for him. Again, Trump gave Europe 15 months to work this out and not one made a move to make this a better deal for the US.
What promise did Trump break with Iran?

It's not about a promise that Trump broke, it's about a promise that the US broke. The USA is still the USA regardless of who's in charge.

Why would any other country in their right mind want to make a deal with the US when, come next election, everything they were promised could go up in smoke? No matter what you think of the Iran deal, moves like this hurt our credibility.

That was a deal that Obama made...not the US Congress. It's why it's an agreement and not a treaty. As such Trump has zero obligation to honor a deal that was awful for our interests and should have never been signed.

Doesn't matter that it was Obama. Obama was representing the US when the deal was made. Therefore, backing out of the deal makes the US look bad.

We can try to renegotiate, but straight backing out of the deal ruins our credibility.

Obama was representing himself when the deal was made. Backing out of the deal makes Barry look bad because the deal was bad...not the US. To be blunt...the US looked bad when Barack Obama signed such an awful agreement in the first place! What Donald Trump has done is to restore some semblance of credibility to the US.

Obama was the president. As president, anything he did that was diplomatic or political directly represented the US, regardless of how you felt about it.

Even if you were against it, Obama's policies become US policy by virtue of his position.

Even if it was bad policy, Obama's policies become US policy by virtue of his position.
What promise did Trump break with Iran?

It's not about a promise that Trump broke, it's about a promise that the US broke. The USA is still the USA regardless of who's in charge.

Why would any other country in their right mind want to make a deal with the US when, come next election, everything they were promised could go up in smoke? No matter what you think of the Iran deal, moves like this hurt our credibility.

That was a deal that Obama made...not the US Congress. It's why it's an agreement and not a treaty. As such Trump has zero obligation to honor a deal that was awful for our interests and should have never been signed.

Doesn't matter that it was Obama. Obama was representing the US when the deal was made. Therefore, backing out of the deal makes the US look bad.

We can try to renegotiate, but straight backing out of the deal ruins our credibility.

Obama was representing himself when the deal was made. Backing out of the deal makes Barry look bad because the deal was bad...not the US. To be blunt...the US looked bad when Barack Obama signed such an awful agreement in the first place! What Donald Trump has done is to restore some semblance of credibility to the US.

Obama was the president. As president, anything he did that was diplomatic or political directly represented the US, regardless of how you felt about it.

Even if you were against it, Obama's policies become US policy by virtue of his position.

Even if it was bad policy, Obama's policies become US policy by virtue of his position.

So if a President uses his position to skirt Congress (the people's representatives!) and signs an agreement that's absolutely awful for the country...his successor is locked into that agreement even though one of the reasons he was elected by the people was that he promised to renegotiate the awful agreement or void it?

The truth...which you on the left studiously that the American people chose to take away power from the progressive wing of the Democratic Party in the 2010 mid term elections because they didn't like what Barry, Harry and Nancy were doing with that power! At that point Barack Obama decided that he would push his agenda with Executive Orders...ignoring the will of the voters. There is no 'virtue" in that position! It shows a level of arrogance that's unprecedented.
This was not a treaty, but an agreement Obama made without Congress. Now Iran can come back to the table, and make a binding agreement if they want. However, they are just liars, so we don't need to have an agreement anyway.
What promise did Trump break with Iran?

It's not about a promise that Trump broke, it's about a promise that the US broke. The USA is still the USA regardless of who's in charge.

Why would any other country in their right mind want to make a deal with the US when, come next election, everything they were promised could go up in smoke? No matter what you think of the Iran deal, moves like this hurt our credibility.

That was a deal that Obama made...not the US Congress. It's why it's an agreement and not a treaty. As such Trump has zero obligation to honor a deal that was awful for our interests and should have never been signed.

Doesn't matter that it was Obama. Obama was representing the US when the deal was made. Therefore, backing out of the deal makes the US look bad.

We can try to renegotiate, but straight backing out of the deal ruins our credibility.

Obama was representing himself when the deal was made. Backing out of the deal makes Barry look bad because the deal was bad...not the US. To be blunt...the US looked bad when Barack Obama signed such an awful agreement in the first place! What Donald Trump has done is to restore some semblance of credibility to the US.

Obama was the president. As president, anything he did that was diplomatic or political directly represented the US, regardless of how you felt about it.

Even if you were against it, Obama's policies become US policy by virtue of his position.

Even if it was bad policy, Obama's policies become US policy by virtue of his position.

And Obama’s changed Bush polices, Bush changed Clinton policies, Clinton changed Bush policies and on and on. So, by virtue of Trump being the leader,mathematics we can change policies. The US isn’t bound to a President’s policies, they have always changed from year to year.
Now Filthy Don is not to sure he wants to meet Kim Jung because he knows there is a higher probability he's getting played. Sweden is handling 90% so far anyways!:113:
What you're saying is Trump should be required to stay in a deal (with which he had nothing to do), even though that deal is helping a terrorist nation acquire nuclear weapons. Just how stupid can you be?

Did FauxNoose feed you this line because I swear their propoganda froths these same bullchit lies.

Well your boy did do the Saudis a favor by this move. Remember the War Sword Dance..or are you too stupid to figure what is going on here.

He's not afraid to make a fool of himself. :iyfyus.jpg:
This moment perfectly illustrated the absurdity of Trump's decision to violate the Iran nuclear deal.

While announcing his decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, Trump claimed he was demonstrating the trustworthiness of the United States.

During his speech at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Trump also announced that his administration was imposing sanctions on Iran that had been waived as part of the agreement.

“Today’s action sends a critical message: The United States no longer makes empty threats,” he said after detailing those actions.

“When I make promises, I keep them,” he continued. “In fact, at this very moment, Secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo is on his way to North Korea in preparation for my upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un. Plans are being made, relationships are building.”

He added that “with the help of China, South Korea, and Japan, a future of great prosperity and security can be achieved for everyone.”

But those declarations ring hollow coming on the heels of the withdrawal announcement.

Trump’s violation of the Iran deal threatens the ability of the United States to be trusted when it seeks agreements from other countries.

As President Obama, who brokered the historic deal, noted immediately following Trump’s speech, “The consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America’s credibility.”

Yet while Trump was in the middle of breaking a multilateral nuclear agreement that the other parties were all complying with, he promised to bring “prosperity and security” to North and South Korea with a multilateral nuclear deal.

And the possibility of the U.S. pulling out of any potential North Korea deal must already be on Kim Jong Un’s mind. Newly appointed national security adviser John Bolton was instrumental in doing just that during the George W. Bush administration.

And Trump’s own North Korea policy was a reckless mess before all of this, thanks to his various Twitter threats.

But it was particularly strange for Trump to stake his claim to trustworthiness on the fact that he is violating exactly the sort of deal he expects North Korea to enter into.

Filthy Don makes all used-car salesmen look honest. And still no sanctions on Russia.:113:


I still find this funny. The President just broke Obama's Un-Constitutional 'Treaty' between Barry Hussein Obama and the nation of Iran.

Obama did not have the power or authority to engaged in negotiations with Iran on behalf of the U.S.

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