Trump tells North Korea to trust US Promises as He Breaks a Huge One

The idea of a Trump soon to be an ex-spouse for his cheating, lying ways his very apropos.
What promise did Trump break with Iran?

It's not about a promise that Trump broke, it's about a promise that the US broke. The USA is still the USA regardless of who's in charge.

Why would any other country in their right mind want to make a deal with the US when, come next election, everything they were promised could go up in smoke? No matter what you think of the Iran deal, moves like this hurt our credibility.
This moment perfectly illustrated the absurdity of Trump's decision to violate the Iran nuclear deal.

While announcing his decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, Trump claimed he was demonstrating the trustworthiness of the United States.

During his speech at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Trump also announced that his administration was imposing sanctions on Iran that had been waived as part of the agreement.

“Today’s action sends a critical message: The United States no longer makes empty threats,” he said after detailing those actions.

“When I make promises, I keep them,” he continued. “In fact, at this very moment, Secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo is on his way to North Korea in preparation for my upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un. Plans are being made, relationships are building.”

He added that “with the help of China, South Korea, and Japan, a future of great prosperity and security can be achieved for everyone.”

But those declarations ring hollow coming on the heels of the withdrawal announcement.

Trump’s violation of the Iran deal threatens the ability of the United States to be trusted when it seeks agreements from other countries.

As President Obama, who brokered the historic deal, noted immediately following Trump’s speech, “The consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America’s credibility.”

Yet while Trump was in the middle of breaking a multilateral nuclear agreement that the other parties were all complying with, he promised to bring “prosperity and security” to North and South Korea with a multilateral nuclear deal.

And the possibility of the U.S. pulling out of any potential North Korea deal must already be on Kim Jong Un’s mind. Newly appointed national security adviser John Bolton was instrumental in doing just that during the George W. Bush administration.

And Trump’s own North Korea policy was a reckless mess before all of this, thanks to his various Twitter threats.

But it was particularly strange for Trump to stake his claim to trustworthiness on the fact that he is violating exactly the sort of deal he expects North Korea to enter into.

Filthy Don makes all used-car salesmen look honest. And still no sanctions on Russia.:113:
How many terrorist did trump have to release to get 3 Americans released
Btw, basically bergdahl lives in my backyard
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This moment perfectly illustrated the absurdity of Trump's decision to violate the Iran nuclear deal.

While announcing his decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, Trump claimed he was demonstrating the trustworthiness of the United States.

During his speech at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Trump also announced that his administration was imposing sanctions on Iran that had been waived as part of the agreement.

“Today’s action sends a critical message: The United States no longer makes empty threats,” he said after detailing those actions.

“When I make promises, I keep them,” he continued. “In fact, at this very moment, Secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo is on his way to North Korea in preparation for my upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un. Plans are being made, relationships are building.”

He added that “with the help of China, South Korea, and Japan, a future of great prosperity and security can be achieved for everyone.”

But those declarations ring hollow coming on the heels of the withdrawal announcement.

Trump’s violation of the Iran deal threatens the ability of the United States to be trusted when it seeks agreements from other countries.

As President Obama, who brokered the historic deal, noted immediately following Trump’s speech, “The consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America’s credibility.”

Yet while Trump was in the middle of breaking a multilateral nuclear agreement that the other parties were all complying with, he promised to bring “prosperity and security” to North and South Korea with a multilateral nuclear deal.

And the possibility of the U.S. pulling out of any potential North Korea deal must already be on Kim Jong Un’s mind. Newly appointed national security adviser John Bolton was instrumental in doing just that during the George W. Bush administration.

And Trump’s own North Korea policy was a reckless mess before all of this, thanks to his various Twitter threats.

But it was particularly strange for Trump to stake his claim to trustworthiness on the fact that he is violating exactly the sort of deal he expects North Korea to enter into.

Filthy Don makes all used-car salesmen look honest. And still no sanctions on Russia.:113:
why didn't obammy take it to Congress and get the deal made into a treaty. with not doing that, allowed the ability for trump to end it. so how exactly did he violate anything?
The hate rage of Alt Right blinds them to the growing anti Trump resistance, now a majority in the country, a continually growing majority.
I would like to apologize for the above post
USU generally turns out alumni smarter than this
Thank you for admitting that you can't quantify Trump's economic impact for good on the recovery.

We certainly will and can condemn the GOP Congress that could not over come Obama's supposed policies that supposedly extended a bad agenda that extended the Recession.

The GOP from 1994 to the great electoral disaster of 2018 that sweeps them out of office for a long time will be paralleled in significance in the history books of the GOP electoral disasters from 1930 through 1936.

Just so sad be a far right Pub.
LOL...more shovel-ready shit from the Jakeoff.
Hey Trumptard, Filthy Don is the guy who tried out an University scam. Get with the program

You’re such a willing pupil, do you know how to rollover too? Its already clear you know how to beg...

Why don’t you have the guts to just tell me how much you want to take of my money? It’s the pussys of the world, such as yourself, that qualify as Liberals, you know you’re a lazy POS, but a reluctant thief, more along the line of a coward....

Filthy Don grabbed you by the puzzy....and you constantly let it happen while he whispers lies into your ear. Enough said, HuckleCvck..but thanks for playing. :113:
why do you come here if all you wish to be is an asshat? if debate isn't your thing, we get it. but dude, at some point in life you should learn how to be objective. I mean truly to resort to your tactics is stupid as shit.

Can you have an honest discussion objectively? what is with you leftists? Trump was allowed per the constitution cause obammy didn't take it to the congress. You should be pissed at obammy since he allowed trump to end it. Not trump. It's not trump's nor is it Americas cause obammy failed to include congress. Dictators isn't what our country was built on.

Now got anything objective to say?
when did obama make it an official deal from the entire US?

oh - he didn't.

now if you push this, then you're saying you're good with trump making solo deals with any country he chooses, correct? cut out senate/congress and processes cause he finds them to be getting in his way?

careful what you bitch about.
What promise did Trump break with Iran?

It's not about a promise that Trump broke, it's about a promise that the US broke. The USA is still the USA regardless of who's in charge.

Why would any other country in their right mind want to make a deal with the US when, come next election, everything they were promised could go up in smoke? No matter what you think of the Iran deal, moves like this hurt our credibility.
what deal did the congress make here? this is obammy's deal and only his. There is no one that must honor it. This isn't the US's. Why didn't obammy take it to congress? that would have ensured it stayed. you know why, cause Schumer wouldn't vote for it. yep that's right. did you know this? it's a bad deal for the US made by a dictator named obammy.
Actually Trump fulfilled a (campaign) promise to withdraw from the worst treaty in history with Iran. The puzzling thing is why the hell the crazy angry left is defending the freaking extortion scheme. Hatred will do strange things to you.
Explain to me how the crazy right think economic sanctions work when we are the only ones applying them. They can do buisness with the rest of the world. All we have manged to do is send gas prices thru the roof and we get nothing in return. Wait till you see waht happens at the pump!

Gas prices have gone thru the roof? When did that happen? The US is producing enough oil at the moment that the mullahs in Iran CAN'T hurt our economy by withholding their oil. That's due to fracking by the way...something that you liberals fought tooth and nail to prevent!
What promise did Trump break with Iran?

It's not about a promise that Trump broke, it's about a promise that the US broke. The USA is still the USA regardless of who's in charge.

Why would any other country in their right mind want to make a deal with the US when, come next election, everything they were promised could go up in smoke? No matter what you think of the Iran deal, moves like this hurt our credibility.

That was a deal that Obama made...not the US Congress. It's why it's an agreement and not a treaty. As such Trump has zero obligation to honor a deal that was awful for our interests and should have never been signed.
Actually Trump fulfilled a (campaign) promise to withdraw from the worst treaty in history with Iran. The puzzling thing is why the hell the crazy angry left is defending the freaking extortion scheme. Hatred will do strange things to you.
Explain to me how the crazy right think economic sanctions work when we are the only ones applying them. They can do buisness with the rest of the world. All we have manged to do is send gas prices thru the roof and we get nothing in return. Wait till you see waht happens at the pump!

Gas prices have gone thru the roof? When did that happen? The US is producing enough oil at the moment that the mullahs in Iran CAN'T hurt our economy by withholding their oil. That's due to fracking by the way...something that you liberals fought tooth and nail to prevent!
It is coming worse than it already has. By the way it takes time for policy to hit the street. It wil get worse than it already is. That being said average gas price Jan 4th 2016 was $1.99 today $2.81. Yes gas is almost to where it was in the bush days.
when did obama make it an official deal from the entire US?

oh - he didn't.

now if you push this, then you're saying you're good with trump making solo deals with any country he chooses, correct? cut out senate/congress and processes cause he finds them to be getting in his way?

careful what you bitch about.
So Kim cannot trust any deal Trump makes. Fair enough. I'm sure he knew that anyway but it's useful to have it publicly confirmed.
Actually Trump fulfilled a (campaign) promise to withdraw from the worst treaty in history with Iran. The puzzling thing is why the hell the crazy angry left is defending the freaking extortion scheme. Hatred will do strange things to you.
Explain to me how the crazy right think economic sanctions work when we are the only ones applying them. They can do buisness with the rest of the world. All we have manged to do is send gas prices thru the roof and we get nothing in return. Wait till you see waht happens at the pump!

Gas prices have gone thru the roof? When did that happen? The US is producing enough oil at the moment that the mullahs in Iran CAN'T hurt our economy by withholding their oil. That's due to fracking by the way...something that you liberals fought tooth and nail to prevent!
It is coming worse than it already has. By the way it takes time for policy to hit the street. It wil get worse than it already is. That being said average gas price Jan 4th 2016 was $1.99 today $2.81. Yes gas is almost to where it was in the bush days.

It's coming? I thought you claimed it was already "thru the roof"? For you to posit that $2.81 is a price that's thru the roof is laughable! When it was over $4 a gallon it was through the roof! And price increases at the pump take place much quicker than price need to get another talking look like an idiot with this one!
when did obama make it an official deal from the entire US?

oh - he didn't.

now if you push this, then you're saying you're good with trump making solo deals with any country he chooses, correct? cut out senate/congress and processes cause he finds them to be getting in his way?

careful what you bitch about.
So Kim cannot trust any deal Trump makes. Fair enough.
We can not trust Kim either. They make strange bed fellows. What ever agreement comes out of there is going to be worth less than the peice of toilet paper that I used this morning.

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