Trump tells North Korea to trust US Promises as He Breaks a Huge One

How amazing is it the half-kenyan muslim was so much better as a president than Trump.

Because he was half black, Jakey? Is that what made him "better" in your eyes than Trump? Too bad he was awful with the economy...didn't have a clue how to create real jobs...and was a total disaster when it came to foreign policy! But I guess that's what you get when you let someone without an iota of executive experience try to run the most important country on the planet!
But boy...Barry sure did sound good when he was reading from the teleprompter...didn't he! (eye roll)
I don't get how anyone figures Daffy Don broke a promise, he promised to exit the JCPOA if the signatories didn't modify it to terms that he found acceptable and the modifications weren't forthcoming so he did what he promised to do. The JCPOA wasn't a "promise" made by the American Government or the American People, it was a "promise" made by the Obama Administration which is now gone, President Nimrod should have taken it to Congress for ratification but in his usual Imperial arrogance he decided that it was his decision alone to make, how very "democratic" of him.

Seems to me that sends a clear message to the DPRK that Trump follows through on his promises and that any agreement(s) made with this Administration need to be sent up to the Hill for ratification or they aren't binding beyond the term of this Administration.
This moment perfectly illustrated the absurdity of Trump's decision to violate the Iran nuclear deal.

While announcing his decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, Trump claimed he was demonstrating the trustworthiness of the United States.

During his speech at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Trump also announced that his administration was imposing sanctions on Iran that had been waived as part of the agreement.

“Today’s action sends a critical message: The United States no longer makes empty threats,” he said after detailing those actions.

“When I make promises, I keep them,” he continued. “In fact, at this very moment, Secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo is on his way to North Korea in preparation for my upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un. Plans are being made, relationships are building.”

He added that “with the help of China, South Korea, and Japan, a future of great prosperity and security can be achieved for everyone.”

But those declarations ring hollow coming on the heels of the withdrawal announcement.

Trump’s violation of the Iran deal threatens the ability of the United States to be trusted when it seeks agreements from other countries.

As President Obama, who brokered the historic deal, noted immediately following Trump’s speech, “The consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America’s credibility.”

Yet while Trump was in the middle of breaking a multilateral nuclear agreement that the other parties were all complying with, he promised to bring “prosperity and security” to North and South Korea with a multilateral nuclear deal.

And the possibility of the U.S. pulling out of any potential North Korea deal must already be on Kim Jong Un’s mind. Newly appointed national security adviser John Bolton was instrumental in doing just that during the George W. Bush administration.

And Trump’s own North Korea policy was a reckless mess before all of this, thanks to his various Twitter threats.

But it was particularly strange for Trump to stake his claim to trustworthiness on the fact that he is violating exactly the sort of deal he expects North Korea to enter into.

Filthy Don makes all used-car salesmen look honest. And still no sanctions on Russia.:113:
lol...2016 was the greatest election ever :abgg2q.jpg::1peleas:
How amazing is it the half-kenyan muslim was so much better as a president than Trump.

Because he was half black, Jakey? Is that what made him "better" in your eyes than Trump? Too bad he was awful with the economy...didn't have a clue how to create real jobs...and was a total disaster when it came to foreign policy! But I guess that's what you get when you let someone without an iota of executive experience try to run the most important country on the planet!
I said nothing of that spewed drivel, Oldstyle. The alt right puts Obama down because of his supposed religion and birth place, yet Obama just kicks Trump's ass as President. The GDP in each of Obama's last two years will be better than Trump's in each of his first two years. And character? Trump's is all negative. Just no contest.

Trump's minders, when they need him focused, keep him on the teleprompter.
Trump did not break any of his promises. He broke promises that the evil obama made. The only reason why obama made them is because they were not in our best interests. Trump was right to break them.
The hate rage of Alt Right blinds them to the growing anti Trump resistance, now a majority in the country, a continually growing majority.
What you're saying is Trump should be required to stay in a deal (with which he had nothing to do), even though that deal is helping a terrorist nation acquire nuclear weapons. Just how stupid can you be?

Did FauxNoose feed you this line because I swear their propoganda froths these same bullchit lies.

Well your boy did do the Saudis a favor by this move. Remember the War Sword Dance..or are you too stupid to figure what is going on here.


And now the Saudis (at least the current leadership) is trying to liberalize (in the old sense) their country.

But that is somehow horrible as well, right?
They liked them better when they were cutting off women's clits.
This moment perfectly illustrated the absurdity of Trump's decision to violate the Iran nuclear deal.

While announcing his decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, Trump claimed he was demonstrating the trustworthiness of the United States.

During his speech at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Trump also announced that his administration was imposing sanctions on Iran that had been waived as part of the agreement.

“Today’s action sends a critical message: The United States no longer makes empty threats,” he said after detailing those actions.

“When I make promises, I keep them,” he continued. “In fact, at this very moment, Secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo is on his way to North Korea in preparation for my upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un. Plans are being made, relationships are building.”

He added that “with the help of China, South Korea, and Japan, a future of great prosperity and security can be achieved for everyone.”

But those declarations ring hollow coming on the heels of the withdrawal announcement.

Trump’s violation of the Iran deal threatens the ability of the United States to be trusted when it seeks agreements from other countries.

As President Obama, who brokered the historic deal, noted immediately following Trump’s speech, “The consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America’s credibility.”

Yet while Trump was in the middle of breaking a multilateral nuclear agreement that the other parties were all complying with, he promised to bring “prosperity and security” to North and South Korea with a multilateral nuclear deal.

And the possibility of the U.S. pulling out of any potential North Korea deal must already be on Kim Jong Un’s mind. Newly appointed national security adviser John Bolton was instrumental in doing just that during the George W. Bush administration.

And Trump’s own North Korea policy was a reckless mess before all of this, thanks to his various Twitter threats.

But it was particularly strange for Trump to stake his claim to trustworthiness on the fact that he is violating exactly the sort of deal he expects North Korea to enter into.

Filthy Don makes all used-car salesmen look honest. And still no sanctions on Russia.:113:

Did you forget about Iranians chanting death to America

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
even though that deal is helping a terrorist nation acquire nuclear weapons.

Another Trump cult member "thinks" that Obama's deal actually helped Iran's acquisition of nukes......

What the fuck is WRONG with these morons??
Just because YOU'RE stupid enough to think a terrorist country like Iran would not cheat on an agreement doesn't mean our President is. This is really basic stuff here, murderers seeking nuclear weapons cannot be trusted.
What you're saying is Trump should be required to stay in a deal (with which he had nothing to do), even though that deal is helping a terrorist nation acquire nuclear weapons. Just how stupid can you be?

Did FauxNoose feed you this line because I swear their propoganda froths these same bullchit lies.

Well your boy did do the Saudis a favor by this move. Remember the War Sword Dance..or are you too stupid to figure what is going on here.


And now the Saudis (at least the current leadership) is trying to liberalize (in the old sense) their country.

But that is somehow horrible as well, right?
They liked them better when they were cutting off women's clits.

I have not heard about them stopping that yet, but baby steps for these guys, baby steps.
This moment perfectly illustrated the absurdity of Trump's decision to violate the Iran nuclear deal.

While announcing his decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, Trump claimed he was demonstrating the trustworthiness of the United States.

During his speech at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Trump also announced that his administration was imposing sanctions on Iran that had been waived as part of the agreement.

“Today’s action sends a critical message: The United States no longer makes empty threats,” he said after detailing those actions.

“When I make promises, I keep them,” he continued. “In fact, at this very moment, Secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo is on his way to North Korea in preparation for my upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un. Plans are being made, relationships are building.”

He added that “with the help of China, South Korea, and Japan, a future of great prosperity and security can be achieved for everyone.”

But those declarations ring hollow coming on the heels of the withdrawal announcement.

Trump’s violation of the Iran deal threatens the ability of the United States to be trusted when it seeks agreements from other countries.

As President Obama, who brokered the historic deal, noted immediately following Trump’s speech, “The consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America’s credibility.”

Yet while Trump was in the middle of breaking a multilateral nuclear agreement that the other parties were all complying with, he promised to bring “prosperity and security” to North and South Korea with a multilateral nuclear deal.

And the possibility of the U.S. pulling out of any potential North Korea deal must already be on Kim Jong Un’s mind. Newly appointed national security adviser John Bolton was instrumental in doing just that during the George W. Bush administration.

And Trump’s own North Korea policy was a reckless mess before all of this, thanks to his various Twitter threats.

But it was particularly strange for Trump to stake his claim to trustworthiness on the fact that he is violating exactly the sort of deal he expects North Korea to enter into.

Filthy Don makes all used-car salesmen look honest. And still no sanctions on Russia.:113:

Obviously you need to know more, it’s sad how little you do...

Hey Trumptard, Filthy Don is the guy who tried out an University scam. Get with the program, Missy.:113:
An university? Did you complete grade school english?
This moment perfectly illustrated the absurdity of Trump's decision to violate the Iran nuclear deal.

While announcing his decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, Trump claimed he was demonstrating the trustworthiness of the United States.

During his speech at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Trump also announced that his administration was imposing sanctions on Iran that had been waived as part of the agreement.

“Today’s action sends a critical message: The United States no longer makes empty threats,” he said after detailing those actions.

“When I make promises, I keep them,” he continued. “In fact, at this very moment, Secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo is on his way to North Korea in preparation for my upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un. Plans are being made, relationships are building.”

He added that “with the help of China, South Korea, and Japan, a future of great prosperity and security can be achieved for everyone.”

But those declarations ring hollow coming on the heels of the withdrawal announcement.

Trump’s violation of the Iran deal threatens the ability of the United States to be trusted when it seeks agreements from other countries.

As President Obama, who brokered the historic deal, noted immediately following Trump’s speech, “The consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America’s credibility.”

Yet while Trump was in the middle of breaking a multilateral nuclear agreement that the other parties were all complying with, he promised to bring “prosperity and security” to North and South Korea with a multilateral nuclear deal.

And the possibility of the U.S. pulling out of any potential North Korea deal must already be on Kim Jong Un’s mind. Newly appointed national security adviser John Bolton was instrumental in doing just that during the George W. Bush administration.

And Trump’s own North Korea policy was a reckless mess before all of this, thanks to his various Twitter threats.

But it was particularly strange for Trump to stake his claim to trustworthiness on the fact that he is violating exactly the sort of deal he expects North Korea to enter into.

Filthy Don makes all used-car salesmen look honest. And still no sanctions on Russia.:113:
Uh, its not that the US can't be trusted, it's that Obummy and Muppet face can't be trusted.
That deal was not done by OR sanctioned by the US.
Go edeucate yourself.
Uh, its not that the US can't be trusted, it's that Obummy and Muppet face can't be trusted.
That deal was not done by OR sanctioned by the US.
Go edeucate yourself.

Speaking of getting "educated"...Did you know of the almost 100 policies signed by Trump, ONLY 7 went through a REPUBLICAN congress??
Speaking of getting "educated"...Did you know of the almost 100 policies signed by Trump, ONLY 7 went through a REPUBLICAN congress??
Speaking of getting "educated"...did you know "policies" don't get "signed"?
Speaking of getting "educated"...did you know "policies" don't get "signed"?

Yes.....yes, but you know fucking well what I meant.......but since you're a Trump ass-licking, moron, you"concentrated" on the term.

Go take a nap.......(but your screen name fits you rather
Uh, its not that the US can't be trusted, it's that Obummy and Muppet face can't be trusted.
That deal was not done by OR sanctioned by the US.
Go edeucate yourself.

Speaking of getting "educated"...Did you know of the almost 100 policies signed by Trump, ONLY 7 went through a REPUBLICAN congress??
What in the hell are you talking about?
Trump has been in office a little over a year. EVERYTHING he has signed has been under a Republican congress!
If we are talking EO's then count the EO's that the beg eared skinny legged coward signed WITHOUT congress.
You lefties are idiots.
Hope some pharmaceutical company comes up with a cure for your obvious fatal case of PTSD.
Speaking of getting "educated"...did you know "policies" don't get "signed"?

Yes.....yes, but you know fucking well what I meant.......but since you're a Trump ass-licking, moron, you"concentrated" on the term.

Go take a nap.......(but your screen name fits you rather
I was simply noting the irony. WTF signs policies? I hate the dumbing down of Americans.

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